23; Underlying Condition.
STEPPING OUT of the en-suite, Aisha tilted her head to the side as she used her right hand to massage the back of her neck. Her whole body felt weak, but she knew it's because she had just woken up from sleep or more like her three hours' nap. Her eye lids felt heavy, for even after washing it with water, it didn't get rid of the sleep. But it didn't matter she was still sleepy, she wouldn't be able to go back to sleep-she didn't even want to.
Not after her dream that day was so vivid. No, the words dream wouldn't fit in the context. Nightmare would be more appropriate. A vivid memory from her past that out to hunt her probably for the rest of her life.
Letting out a small sigh, she dragged herself over to the bed and settled on it. The light was dimmed, and when she flickered her eyes to her phone to check the time, she wasn't surprised to see reading 4:07am. She hadn't slept early; she could clearly remember sleeping around one so she didn't get much sleep. But it was pretty much normal for her so she was good with it.
She thought she was finally getting used to the nightmares, but not when it's so vivid like that. She could never get used to that. Sure, she chose to keep her past behind but it was always on her shoulders, weighing her down and rightfully so as she thinks.
Dragging herself back on the bed, she pulled her legs to her chest and buried her face in between it; her arms going around her legs to keep them close. She slightly cradled herself back and forth, hoping the time will just go back quick.
She didn't know long she sat there, but she suddenly heard her phone ring from her side. At first she ignored it, but when it kept on ringing, she lifted her head up and extended her hand to pick it up. The corner of her lips tilted up slightly, seeing who the caller is. Without thinking twice, she tapped on the answer button and waited for the voice that came only a second later.
"Why are you awake at this time, Spongebob?"
"Well, I'm waiting for Squidward to come so I'll annoy him"
"Oh really now?"
"Yup" She found herself nodding, though she knew he couldn't see her. "Now that you're here though, I can finally do what I have in mind"
"And what is that exactly?"
She shrugged, placing the phone beside her as she stretched her legs out. Talking to him always helps her clear her mind for all it took was a couple of words from him and that's it. As always. "Oho, you called so you tell me" She heard his chuckle from the other side, making a smile take over her features. Leaning back on the bed, she waited for him to speak but he said nothing at all. Even with no words coming from him, she knew he's still on the call, "Why did you call, Abdallah? I know you didn't call just to keep me company"
Sure, he calls most of the time to do just that. But because he wasn't saying anything, she knew there must be something else. Normally, he would speak about anything and everything, till it's time for Subh prayers and then they will part ways. She hadn't said this to him before, but she truly appreciates him being there for her like the brother she never had.
It doesn't matter that they aren't related by blood, and that his mother hates her very existence, Abdallah will always be a brother to her. That, she's sure of.
And because of that, she knows him well to tell when there's something wrong.
"Why would you think that?" He asked, feigning being offended. "I always call to keep you company"
"Yes, and you always rant about everything and nothing" Dude literally turned her to his ranting budding, but it goes both ways now. Today though, she has a feeling he would be the one ranting and not the other way round. "You being quiet means there's something. Tell me, is it Jannah again?"
Abdallah released a small sigh on the other hand, earning a small smile from her. She knew it has to be that. "What did I do to that girl please? She hates my guts"
"Technically, she doesn't"
"She's being so cold to me and wallahi Aisha I apologized. I don't even get what I did to her again at this point"
Aisha chuckled lightly, shaking her head in the process. Normally, Abdallah can't stand someone being mad at him. If you are angry with him, he tries his possible best to make sure you're no longer angry. And it works all the time-except this time. It wasn't working with Jannah. "Well, let me see..." She tried to rack her brain to gather everything. "I don't know what you said to her back then, but I thought you guys already worked it out before you left"
"We did"
"And then you had a one-year course abroad"
He hummed in agreement. "We didn't really talk much since we aren't that close"
She nodded, though she doesn't agree with him. She doesn't even get the two anymore. Who are they trying to fool? They deny being close and yet, Abdallah is here acting like a partner that is missing his other half, while Jannah is there pretending he doesn't exist. "Yes, I get that but you two were still on good terms, right?"
"Well, not as much as before" He realized after thinking about this all this time that there's something about what he said to her then that really struck a nerve, for she though she forgave him before the whole Pepsi event thing that took place a month after he got her the spot, their relationship wasn't back to the way it was before.
She was more closed off to him. And at first, he thought she would eventually get over it but then it's been two years, and she is still acting the same way.
If Aisha knew what he told her back then, she would've understood where the girl came from and then Abdallah would've been sent to an early grave. But she didn't, and as such doesn't fully understand the case.
"Still, you were on good terms and then you returned last year. But of course, you left yet again for the new restaurant you opened in Kaduna-which by the way reminds me, ya Kadunan? Hope you're all fine"
"Alhamdullah everything's going well, I'm returning soon in shaa Allah" Since he has someone that will manage it for him, he will return to Abuja and continue managing the restaurant that he currently left in his mother's care. Given, the woman doesn't have the best attitude out there, she knows her way around the kitchen and is managing the restaurant well in his absence. "We barely talked since I left for Kaduna, and every time I tried to reach out to her, she either doesn't pick my calls or when she does pick up, she makes the conversation short"
"Well, I don't see the problem with that" Aisha shrugged. "You said it too, you two aren't close so it's understandable" She intentionally used his words against him, knowing it will frustrate him. And it did.
He groaned slightly, not liking the direction Aisha is taking the conversation. "I'm not asking for us to be close or to have long one hour conversations. All I'm saying is, I'm sure she's still mad at me. Else, why can't we be just like before?" He honestly doesn't know how to explain it to her so she can get it.
He wasn't asking for much. All he wants is for the girl to be free around him like before. She's now treating him like a stranger and he has apologized so many times that he had lost count of.
"Abdallah, accept it. You two are like Patrick and Squidward. She is Patrick, the jovial, and most times the one that has little brain cells and you, are Squidward, the grumpy dude who has no ounce of happiness in his life. You can't get along, you just can't!" Was she irritating him more intentionally, yes. She's doing the same to Jannah. She wants to see if they will break when she finally pushes hard enough.
Jannah wanted to play Cupid with her two years ago, right? She'll now do the same thing.
"Oh My God" Abdallah muttered, and she could imagine hi shaking his head in frustration as he said this. "Aisha that reference made no sense"
"Yes it did"
"No it didn't, and you know what? Just forget about it" He didn't want to have the conversation anymore. It wouldn't help since Aisha is determine to give him a headache at four in the morning. "Tell me about you, what have you been up to and how is that doctor of yours"
She instantly found herself hissing slightly as she rolled her eyes. "Abdallah I told you to stop asking, there's nothing for you to know" She doesn't plan on having that conversation so early in the morning. But knowing Abdallah, he would push it.
And he did. "Why would I stop asking? I might have a potential brother-in-law"
Aisha fought the urge to hiss again. Why did she even tell him about it? Oh yes, she told him because the frustration regarding the whole thing was eating her up and she needed to rant about it. She couldn't rant to Jannah since the girl is team Aslam all the way-though the girl knew everything going on-except her frustration, which she does know but pretends she doesn't. Luckily, Abdallah, her ranting buddy was there. "There's no brother-in-law for you, at least not him" She scoffed, "Who claims they like someone and then not contact them for two years? Two years Abdallah! Mutuwa zan yi ina jiran sa? He probably just used me to catch cruise"
Abdallah had the audacity to chuckle at her misery for the tables have turned. "Why are you acting like it affects you. I thought you said you don't care about him that way"
"I don't"
"Well, in that case, my friend, Hamza has been asking me to hook him up with you. You know he has been interested in you for a while"
"Don't care. Don't like him"
"See you with your head like don't-like-him. You haven't even given the dude a chance"
"I don't need to. I already know I don't like him" She met the guy once at Abdallah's restaurant about a year ago, and since then, he had been disturbing Abdallah about her. Aisha didn't like him. He seemed like a decent guy, but the way he was flirting with her made her skin crawl. His pickup lines were lame, and she simply wasn't interested in him one bit.
But to be honest, she wasn't one to be interested in anyone since what happened in her past. Well, that was until she met this man who was straightforward in everything he does and well...
"Aisha, at this rate, Mummy and Abba will marry you off to a man of their choice" He felt like he should tell her the truth, since it's obvious no one would tell her.
She shrugged, folding her arms over her torso. "I don't mind"
"Subhan Allah" She could imagine him shaking his head when he said that. "See, don't let yourselves be deceived by those novels you read. They make you think arranged marriages are good and all, but that's far from reality"
"At least they give us hope. And trust me, in this sad world, we need a bit of hope"
A deep sigh came from the other end. "Na haqura. Kinfi qarfi na" There was no point arguing with her over this. "Keep waiting for your Aslam, kinji?"
Her anger spiked up. "Who is Aslam?" Aslam who? He's dead to her.
It was truly a sad day for the Abd Al-Rasheed family.
The past two years, hasn't exactly been the best for them. Anyone close to them could testify. And that includes the girl that recently joined the family about a year and a half ago-Humaira Al-Sayed, whom albeit is reckless, has grown to understand the difficulty of the years for them.
After two long years of trying, with every possible means, they finally said goodbye to the oldest Abd Al-Rasheed-the grandfather and Chairman of the HGH-in the early hours of the day before Subh prayers.
By morning, the news has spread round the place, for the family had a lot of friends and allies that knew of what their current predicament was. The news didn't stop in Cairo though. It has also reached Nigeria, where it was first spread round in HGH as soon as they heard it that the Chairman of the hospital has passed away.
Since they weren't a big family, they had a funeral prayer for him with the friends and business partner that attended before he was laid to rest. Unlike how it is in a typical Nigerian household, there weren't guests that filled up the Abd Al-Rasheed residence with food passed around and whatnot. Sure, they were a few that came but they left as soon as they offered their duas.
It was a request from the late old man. He always told his wife and children that when the day comes for him to leave the world, no guest should stay in the house for more than ten minutes because any meeting that exceeds that always ends up in one gossip or another.
It wasn't that they sent away people that came, but the people were smart enough to leave since they knew what they were really there for.
Later in the day, around eleven, all the members of the family were gathered in the late man's study room-and that includes Humaira who they also consider a part of the family. Since everyone, including Hajiya Babba, the twins, Taslim, and her family all took a flight back to Egypt the day before.
They were already informed that his condition worsened during the week, so they came as soon as they can.
The study room was silent, except for the silent sobs from the women as they waited for the last person to arrive. And he did, just a couple of minutes later. He came in with a salaam and shook hands with the men before offering his condolences to the family in genera. When he was done, he took a sofa beside the men, keeping his briefcase beside him. "I'm sorry to call you all during a time like this but this is important"
A light scoff came from a sofa on the corner, where only one person sat, eyes narrowed at the lawyer. "Did we have to do this now?" He asked, his voice low, deep, and his eyes bloodshot.
The Lawyer nodded, "Of course, Aslam. This is important"
"What could possibly be more important in this situation?" His voice rose slightly, filling the otherwise quiet room, "Do I need to remind you that someone died, today? Do I need to point out the fact that his wife has locked herself up in her room and none of us could get to her?"
"Aslam..." Mami called out, after wiping the tears that streamed down her face. Apart from the death, she was also down seeing Aslam act that way. It's obvious the affected him a lot, or if she dares says, more than anyone else. Just like Taslim who saw beside Yasmine on another couch, eyes fixated on the carpet as she remained unmoving. Silent tears streamed down her face, and she made no move to wipe them away.
What's the point? More would come anyway.
Aslam was like that too. He kept his anger, and pain aside even though it's obvious it's eating him up. It just so happens that the ridiculous meeting he sees no point of pushed him to the maximum. "No Mami" He cut her off, his unwavering glare never moving from the lawyer, "What are we all doing here? Can't this wait? Whatever it is, we are mourning someone's death and I doubt there's anything that would surpass that"
The Lawyer blew out a low breath. He didn't want to do this too, but it has to be done. He glanced at the older men, who sat quietly mourning the death of their father. "Aslam, it's about the inheritance"
"Of course it is" Aslam looked away, letting out a humorless chuckle. Hissing slightly, he got up from the sofa, "I don't have time for this" He made a move to head to the door, for like he said, he doesn't have time for that.
He didn't try to hide it. They could see that he was barely hanging on there. And the stupid lawyer just had to bring up the inheritance issue.
"Everything will be split according to the teaching of Islam, except his share in HGH"
Those words, had Aslam, who had just reached the door stop. He turned around to stare at the lawyer, who had his eyes fixated on him for he knew that would pique his interest. "And what the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"Your grandfather, may his soul rest in peace, before he died, had his transferred to someone" The lawyer's eyes moved around the room, gaining everyone's intention, before finally resting it on Aslam. "He had his shares transferred to you, Aslam"
Aslam tilted his head to the side slightly.
"--But with an underlying condition--"
Of course. Aslam scoffed in his head.
"-You will have to marry Taslim for it to happen"
"You've got to be fucking kidding me right now" Aslam muttered, staring at him in disbelief. The actual hell?
Now when I said I wasn't feeling the vibe, I meant it. But then, somehow, SOMEHOW FA! about thirty minutes after updating (and after finding something to eat) I suddenly got motivated to write! (Your comments on the last chapter helped too sha)😂😭
But seriously, I didn't even plan on writing one chapter today, more less, two. Kai, I'm sure someone added me in their prayers so who sent the writing spirits to attack me iye?! You should thank God I'm not watching any kdrama currently sha🙄😒
Allah Sarki Aslam, I shed a few tears while writing his part sha. Yes, I'm a crybaby, sue me😒
But wait, what is this marrying Taslim issue? 🎉
Ahir!🎉🎉 My Aslim ship is sailing! Wayyo dadi. #AsLim hehe, since yall won't give me ship name, I've made my own. Amma, kai munda biki aradu.
Barin je kasuwa fast fast mu ciro anko. Biki yayi biki ashe da dangi muka (I don't know what's here but anyway is it kuri or something) MATAN GARIN MU BAA NUNA MUSU KOMAI! BAA NUNA MA TASLIM DIN NA KOMAI ARADU! Urgh we need to dance to this song sha💃🕺
Ah, e sweet me well well. AA shippers haffa?😂😂
Toh ku Jannah da Abdallah haffa now? Ban gane muku fa😒🙄
I don try for yall so goodnight. And no one, I repeat, no one should mention me in prayers again. I've done more than enough. Bye bye(bruh I be feeling like one kid now)😭🤣
Love, Jannah.
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