22; Say Yes.
"GIRL I DONT know about you but I'm so celebrating this. I mean, how many times do you get to this point in life? Just say yes, come on!"
Aisha sighed, shaking her head slightly as she threw a glance at the hyper active woman pacing in her office. She doesn't get how it happened, but yet again they get to share an office. She doesn't mind to be honest, because she would much rather share one with her than anyone else-no offence to the others.
She then moved her gaze back to the patient chart in front of her. It belongs to the patient she had performed surgery on earlier. He is an emergency patient who came in for being in a hit and run accident. Obviously, he was on the receiving end and although she had her best, all she could do is wait now.
His vitals are looking good though, so hopefully he would wake up soon. She just checked up on him before she came back to the office where her best friend was waiting for her. And since then, there hasn't been a moment of silence in the room considering the girl kept rambling on and about.
"Jannah," She called out, her eyes skimming through the chart again. She doesn't want to miss anything out. "It's not a big deal" She tried to wave it off.
Jannah's lips hung open, staring at her as if she had grown two heads. "Aisha lafiyanki kuwa?" She asked, letting out a small scoff. "This is a big deal. Keh, how many times--" She was cut off but the knock that came on the door. "Come in" She called in, a bit annoyed that she was interrupted.
The door opened as per her instruction, and an intern walked in. The younger girl fixated her gaze on Jannah first, whom due to her being irritated had this don't-mess-with-me look that scared the girl off slightly. Swallowing, she turned around to look at Aisha instead, for she looked friendlier and she would much rather deal with her than the other woman. "Um...Dr. Aisha?"
"Yeah?" Aisha looked up from the chart, offering her a small smile. "Is everything alright?"
The girl nodded, the dark bags under her eyes visible. Clearly, she had little sleep. "Yes, everything is alright" She blinked, fingers caressing her knuckles behind her back-an act of nervousness. She felt intimidated being in the same room with the two, especially with the woman tapping her foot impatiently by the side, waiting for the girl to say whatever she came for so she could continue trying to convince her best friend. "It's just, uhm, the emergency patient you had earlier. He's awake and he wants to...uhm...well, speak to you"
Aisha's brows drew in slightly. He regained consciousness quicker than she expected and even with that, she doubts he will be able to speak in that condition. Nonetheless, she nodded though a small frown adorned her features. "Okay, I'll be right there"
The girl nodded, throwing a glance at Jannah before she hastily turned around and left. And what did Jannah do? Well, she rolled her eyes slightly before focusing her gaze back on Aisha who was already throwing her a small glare. "What?" She asked innocently.
"You were scaring the poor girl" Aisha stated the obvious, pushing her chair back as she tried to get up.
Jannah scoffed, "When I was an intern, I couldn't even look at Fellows in the eye"
Aisha eyes narrow even more if that was possible. "That was a lie!" She exclaimed, "When we were interns you weren't scared of anyone" And that was a fact.
"I was scared. I just didn't show it" She shrugged slightly. "But sha I have to enjoy being this mean Senior slightly now" She left out the fact that she just doesn't like the girl that came in. The poor girl did nothing to her, it was simply Jannah being, well, Jannah. She has this thing where she randomly dislikes people that she doesn't even know well. "That aside though, we have to celebrate becoming Fellows. We're no longer residents. Four years of residency is no joke"
Aisha hummed, "How would I know that kuwa?"
"Don't get smart with me" Jannah threw her a small glare. "I don't need your sarcasm. Nidai what I'm saying is, we have to go out and celebrate this achievement" She wasn't asking for a big party or anything. Just some girls' day out, or as she likes to call it, Fellows day out. Yes, she's taking it that seriously.
But she has every right to do so. How could she not celebrate concluding her four years' residency and finally becoming a Fellow. She could now act as the mean Senior, and the residents can't say a thing about it.
The thought had her letting out a small evil laugh in her head. She has to payback for all the suffering she was made to go through as a resident.
The circle must continue-for it won't end on her.
Aisha on the other saw no reason for it. Sure, she was glad and she knows it really is an achievement on their part. But over the past two years, she has grown to be more mature while her dearest best friend must've lost a couple of brain cells on the way.
Nevertheless, she is a good doctor and that's good enough.
"Fine let's go out later today" Aisha finally relented, knowing the girl won't let her off the hook otherwise. If Jannah has to drag her to wherever it is she wants to go, then she would do just that.
"-The girls invited us out today anyway"
"WHAT? No! I'm not going" Jannah was quick to shake her head. She should've known Aisha agreeing came with some stupid term like that. "There's no way I am staying in the same room as those brats"
She wouldn't say she hates them per se, but she does-with so much passion. She doesn't need Aisha to elaborate for her to know whom exactly she meant. They had this group of friends they made in their early university days-you know those fresher days when you are friends with everyone. They weren't in the same in the same faculty, so their friendship wasn't exactly that solid. They still get along and talk every now and then-well, Aisha being the nice person she is still talks to them.
Jannah doesn't. Her reason is simple. All they do is talk about how great their lives are and whatnot. She still wonders why Aisha still bothers to keep contact with them.
"It won't be that bad" Aisha reached her hand out to pick her white coat so she could shrug it on.
Jannah rolled her eyes. "Whenever you say that, it always turns out to be way worse so don't jinx it abeg" But deep down she knew it has already been jinxed. Heck, Aisha didn't need to say anything and it's certified to be bad. With those ladies, it's always bad.
"Well, you're coming"
"I'm not"
"Then I'm not going anywhere with you"
"Fine, I'll go alone on my own" She honestly didn't care what Aisha would say at the moment. If she won't celebrate with her, then she would go on her own. All is well. "But, you'll regret going to meet them. That I assure you" She wasn't trying to threaten her, just stating facts.
Aisha shook her head, "Whatever" She muttered, before she headed out of the office leaving the girl alone. She sometimes doesn't understand Jannah despite knowing the girl for years already. What's so bad in meeting your old friends? At that point, she's her only friend considering what happened with Nabila two years ago-the girl is still not married to Sadiq by the way.
They haven't been seeing much of her either, and they do not care to know whether she's still with the man or not-though they doubt he'll keep her for that long.
Nonetheless, what Aisha knew is that she would meet their old friends later, and she still stands by what she told Jannah, it won't be that bad.
For then nth time since she met Jannah in nearly a decade, she found herself admitting that she's wrong. Well, technically she didn't admit to the girl but she admitted it to herself. Why did she have to be the nice and considerate one?
"Aisha! I was thinking that by now you'd be married, you know" One of her so called friends exclaimed, offering her a wide grin that Aisha could tell it's fake from a mile away.
Once again, Aisha found herself taking a sip of the mocktail she had ordered earlier. She had to do that to stop herself from snapping at the woman, because as much as she hates to admit it, she knew she is to blame. If only she didn't insist on going to the stupid dinner and instead celebrated with Jannah instead.
At least, she wouldn't be this pissed.
But here she is, stuck with women who are more interested in her personal life than catching up as they originally said.
Keeping the mocktail aside, her lips stretched into a small smile that is undoubtedly fake too. Honestly, she doesn't even have the strength to feign a wider smile. "Well, marriage has its time, you know"
The woman that asked her the question hummed, "You're right but you aren't getting any younger" She chuckled slightly, as did the other women to lessen up the fact that she was discreetly throwing shade at her.
Well thank you Sherlock. Aisha wanted to say, but she held herself back by folding her lips in. Do not snap please, do not snap. She repeated in her head.
"By the way, where's Firdausi? I can't spot her anywhere" Another asked, looking around as if that will magically make the said women appear out of nowhere.
"Yeah," The third woman, and the last of the group agreed. "Where is she? I heard she isn't married either" It wasn't a question technically, and unlike the others, she didn't try to mask the fact that she was intent on poking her nose where it didn't belong. It also didn't hold that she had her hand on the huge bump she has, caressing it. Aisha couldn't help but wonder why she even bothered to attend the so called dinner.
"You heard? I didn't know I was that popular" Came a voice they all knew very well, accompanied by the sound of the heels she just had to wear. She has this obsession with heels, and she isn't even short. Nonetheless, she reached the table just in time, before taking the empty seat beside Aisha and then crossing her legs. Thankfully, she had on a jumpsuit-the same one she wore to work earlier. She didn't bother to change. All she did was apply little makeup, and change into a pair of heels simply because she took it as a confidence boost.
"Jannah" The third women, who just spoke to Aisha shifted her gaze to the girl, the corners of her tilting up slightly. "I thought you weren't coming"
"I was only late because I had work to do, though I doubt you know what that means but..." She shrugged lightly, casually picking up the menu and going through it.
Aisha folded her lips in again to hold back her grin. God knows she was happy the girl decided to show up because she didn't know how she would handle the rest of the right without slapping someone's child. Her hormones were all over the place.
But more than anything, she was glad because she knew they were in for a ride. She at least tries to be mindful of the things she says. Jannah on the other hand doesn't. She retorts with the same energy, if not, more.
The woman scoffed, though she didn't say a word more and simply looked away. She never likes the girl's guts right from the beginning. The other two exchanged looks, before the first one spoke, and of course, after offering her a 'warm' smile. "We're glad you're here, Jannah"
"I'm sure you are" Jannah closed the menu, not finding anything she wants to eat. It's not that there isn't any good food on the menu, it's just that she won't have the appetite to eat when these women are around.
"Since we're all here, why don't we catch up, huh?" The woman either ignored Jannah's sarcastic remark, or didn't get it. She threw glances at her two other friends, before staring at the duo they were more like interrogating under the wraps. "We just think it's time another person in our group gets married, right? I mean we've been married for a while you two are..."
"Growing old in your parents' house" Yet again, it was the third woman that spoke. She truly doesn't have filter.
Jannah hummed, "Yeah I know, right? I'm old enough to even marry your father" She chuckled lightly, as the table went quiet instantly. The only person that chuckled along with her was Aisha, who obviously loved the turn of event. Jannah didn't stop there though, she placed her hands on the table, leaning in the direction of the fuming, and very pregnant woman, "How would you feel about having me as your step mother? Don't worry, I'll try to be nice. You know how I am"
The woman addressed fisted her hand by her side, her anger already flaring. She was even more upset because her friends didn't cut in to help her. How could they though? They all know Jannah wouldn't hesitate to say something that would get on their nerves too. And besides, they started it and they knew that.
If she talks back, they can't do anything to her. It's not like they can beat her up or something.
So, all they can do is get upset and that's all. They could try to talk back, but it's obvious they would end up in tears and not her.
Aisha is easier to deal with in that case, for she had more patience even though it reaches a certain extent too but still. She is patient nonetheless.
The woman then scoffed lightly, her narrowed gaze fixated on Jannah who didn't look away. "You still have that nasty attitude I see"
"Thank you for stating the obvious. Now tell me what I don't know"
Aisha moved her gaze from Jannah to the woman opposite her. She could tell from how she looks that Jannah was about to get one fuming pregnant woman at her, and that obviously won't be a good sight so she placed her hand on Jannah's shoulder as she stood up. "Well, we have to get going now" This time around, she didn't bother to fake a smile. It doesn't matter anymore; the hostility is thick in the air.
Jannah held the woman's gaze for a few moments more, before she stood up only because she would rather leave that place as soon as possible. They were getting on her nerves a lot faster than she expected.
"I know you called for the meetup but don't worry, the dinner is on me" Aisha said, after handing her card over to the waiter she summoned. When he handed it back to her, signaling that the transaction was complete, she then turned to the ladies. "We wouldn't want you spending your husbands' money anyhow, right?"
Jannah scoffed, picking up her bag again as she headed out first, leaving Aisha to flash them a small glare before going after her best friend. She could tell from the way Jannah walking hastily that she was upset not just with them but with her too-and rightfully so too.
Aisha sighed, knowing it will be a long night of trying to get on the girl's good side again. At least, not much in that aspect has changed in two years though a lot has.
Does this chapter make sense to me? Well, it would've if I was actually feeling the vibe. I just wrote because I have people asking and cuz the reads are getting higher! Hayya hayya hayya (If you know the song toh, if you don't then ignore this abeg)😂😂
Two years later! 🤣 Hehe. Who thought it would take that long? Trust me I did some calculations and it works better. I wanted to write something before that happened but I figured it would bore yall. I don't know if it's just me, but I hate it when we don't like, get straight to the point I mean why😭
Anyways, there was supposed to be another part of this chapter but guy, this typing thing is stressful😢
No, but seriously, this week I'm not promising any Friday update. If the writing spirits come then fine, if not sha we'll meet any day😕.
I know the question in your mind (Well, anyone except Yasmin sha but all is well. Yasmin if you spoil this book me and you!🙄). WHAT HAPPENED BETWEEN AISHA AND ASLAM IN THESE TWO YEARS? 😂
Worry not, you'll find out in the next chapter in shaa Allah😏
Love, Jannah.
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