21; Behind The Mask.

THE SECOND the elevator opened, Aslam stormed out of it making a beeline to the Deputy Director's office. His strides were fast, and his shoulders tense. His eyes were cold narrowed at nothing in particular, his hand that held his resignation letter shaking slightly as he held back the urge to flex it like he's doing with the other.

This time around, unlike the first time he was there, he didn't bother to knock or whatever of that sort. He simply held the handle and push it open with a slight bang, without a care of the consequence of his action.

The three men in the office looked up, one of which Aslam knew all too well and the other two, he had never seen before. The Deputy Director's eyes narrowed in slits when his eyes met Aslam's. He held back the urge to scoff when Aslam's never left his, not bothering to spare the other men any glance.

"Excuse me gentlemen, I would like to speak to this man for a moment" The Deputy director said, breaking his glaring contest with Aslam to stare at the men.

They exchanged glances, before they nodded and stood up without a word. It was only then that Aslam flickered his gaze to look at them, his eyes narrowing even more if that was possible on the second man that was the last one to leave.

Before he left though. He held Aslam's look and there was something about him, his appearance, and the vibes he gave off that didn't sit right with him. Aslam couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling as the two men left, closing the door behind them.

He didn't dwell on that though, instead he took a couple of steps forward and roughly dropped the paper on the table in front of the man.

The man glanced at it, before he took it and pulled the paper out of the envelope. He truly hates it when people fold papers like that, and he's sure Aslam did it intentionally to get on his nerves. He didn't read the letter entirely, for he could tell what it's about after the first sentence. He then sighed, dropping it on the table as he leaned back on the chair. "So you're finally resigning..." He hummed, the corner of his lips tilting up into a small smirk. "...that's good to know. I thought you wouldn't hold up your end of the bargain"

Aslam held back the urge to scoff, as his lips flattened. "As of this moment, I am no longer under you, right?"

His cousin shrugged, "Well, you've never been before..."

Aslam nodded slowly, his nails biting into his palm as he clenched it. "You know, you look too calm for my liking" He spat, shaking his head slightly as he held himself back from screaming in frustration.

"And why shouldn't I be calm?" The Deputy Director asked, his brows drawing in slightly as he feigned innocence. "I am finally getting rid of the problem in my life"

This time Aslam didn't hold back his scoff. He took a step closer to the man who made no move to leave the spot he is. When he spoke, he made sure to drop his voice so the threat would ring loud and clear. "By Allah, Hisham, if I find out that you have something to do with what happened to our grandfather..." He paused, taking in a deep breath as if that will help ease his anger.

He doubts anything would though.

He could still hear Huda's shaky voice, and what she told him in his head. "Ya Aslam, it's grandpa" She paused, taking in deep, shaky breath. "He was talking to someone about Ya Hisham when he had a heart attack. I—I don't know what it was about, but he seemed furious and now, we've rushed him to the hospital. Grandma is here with me, Mami is too but Ya Aslam, the doctor said he might not make it"

Aslam had no words to explain how he felt at that moment. Huda told him she didn't call anyone else but him. She didn't know how to break the news to their father whom recently had surgery. She didn't know how to break it to Taslim who had spent her whole life living with her grandparents. She didn't know how to break it to the twins. After all, they were all close to their grandparents.

Aslam was the only person she could think of because to begin with, he is the eldest and he always knew how to handle stuff like that. But what she didn't realize is the fact that he is having the one having a hard time amongst them all.

First it was Mami, then Baba, and now their grandfather?

He didn't know how to handle it all, but he knew he had to. That's one of the responsibilities that came with being the eldest. First things first though, he will need to handle Hisham. God knows he had enough of the man already.

The man's eyes widened slightly because of what Aslam said, "Something happened to grandpa?" He asked, feigning innocence though Aslam is sure he pretty much knows whatever is going on.

The man even has the audacity to pretend as if he knows nothing, when it happened because of him.

"Is it serious?" He asked Aslam, infuriating him even more. He leaned forward slightly, resting his forearm on his thigh, his lips slanted into a frown. "Subhan Allah. If that's the case then I guess we all have to fly to Egypt, right? Else we might miss our last moment with him"

Aslam stared at him for a couple of seconds, before he let shook his head and let out a laughter that held an edge. The minute the laughter died down, his expression hardened, his eyes, as cold as ever. "Mark my words if something does happen to him, and I find out that it's because of you" He gritted his teeth, his voice deepening. "I would do whatever it takes to bring you down. You wouldn't want me as an enemy, Hisham. But you are asking for it and you will get it"

Up until a while ago, he wouldn't take the hospital even if it was given to him on a silver platter. But if something happens to their grandfather because of Hisham's obsession with the hospital, then he would do just about anything to take it.

That is the promise he made himself, and Hisham at the moment.

The man seemed to have realized Aslam was dead serious too. Because he dropped the expression he was feigning, his eyes holding a certain ball of fury, and dread. He kept his lips shut though, as Aslam turned around and left, slamming the door close.

He may or may not have called war upon himself.


Aslam took cautious steps towards his father's hospital room. He had just sign of all the papers needed before he will be discharged, though he is sure the man is already ready to go home. Besides, the twins have been there with him too to help him. He is the only one they are waiting for.

He stopped in his tracks, unable to keep walking down the hallway that will take him to the room. Honestly, he couldn't find it him to go back and tell them the news, especially not his father. He was conflicted, and torn in between two options.

As a doctor, he knew he shouldn't tell the man that since he just had surgery a couple of days ago. As a son, he knew he shouldn't keep it away from the man since it's his father's life on the line. He has every right to know.

But it's not like he can travel with them back to Egypt, and it's not like he can't worry. It wouldn't be good for him to strain his heart like that.

Aslam released a loud sigh, running his fingers over his neatly trimmed hair as he hung his head low, eyes flickered close. His head was a mess. He had taken a few minutes to calm himself after meeting his cousin because he didn't want to show up to his family like that. Now that he had managed to reign the anger in though, his head was a mess.

He didn't know why, but he honestly felt as though whenever something is going right in his life, something bad always happens.

Sometimes, he does think of giving up. But he had too many people looking up to him, depending him on, that he always discards the thought whenever it crosses his mind.

He then looked up, throwing a glance at the door leading to his father's room before he turned around and headed back to the elevator. He couldn't bring himself to go there, at least not at that moment. He needed to talk to someone about it, else he'll lose his mind.

He tapped the button that would take him to the floor he hasn't been before. At least, not since he came back. But he knew his way around it, and knew exactly where he's heading to. The minute he reached the floor, he found himself walking towards the place he hoped the person he wants to at the moment is.

He paused by the door, raising his hand up to knock. Her voice came almost immediately, telling him to come in despite not knowing who was on the other side. He held the handle and pushed the door open, popping his head in first just in time she looked up from behind her desk, "Hello, partner" The corner of his lips tilted up into the smallest smiles.

He honestly didn't think he would finish himself mustering even the smallest of smiles after finding out about his grandfather, but he couldn't help it. The sight of her lifted his mood in the slightest bit, and to him, that was better than nothing.

Aisha's eyes widened slightly, not expecting to see him. "Dr. Aslam..." She called out, pushing her chair back, "I thought you left" After visiting his father earlier, she immediately thought he had left since he wasn't there. And besides, she knew he was only there for the man, so it would make sense that he left since the patient is being discharged already.

"Without a goodbye?" He asked, stepping into the office after uttering the salaam. "I can't do that you" He stated, closing the door behind him as he made his way to stand in front of her table while she stood up.

Unconsciously, her smile widened slightly. Truth be told, she did feel bad thinking he left without at least, bidding her farewell. She knew at the end of the day, they were only tied by the hospital but still, she felt bad.

"And besides" He added, "I owe you something"

Her brows drew in, lips curling downwards into a frown. "Owe me what?" She can't remember owing him anything. She hasn't done anything that will require him to say something like that.

Instead of replying, much to her astonishment, he reached his hand up. Hooking a finger around the string of the black face mask tucked behind his ears and pulled them both off. Once it was off, he extended his hand up again and took off the spectacles that he always wore along with the face mask, revealing his face to her.

Aisha was stunned. No, she was flabbergasted. For a whole minute she did nothing other than stand there, eyes and mouth agape as her eyes remained fixated on him. The small action he made of tilting his head to the side, and his lips curling upwards in amusement snapped her out of whatever trance she was in.

She then took a shaky step back, blinking rapidly. She had forgotten to close her mouth. How could she? When he didn't look like what she expected at all.

She had always known he was tall, much taller than her and well, over six feet. Though he was tall, he wouldn't be considered bulky for he wasn't. Now seeing his face, he had this beautiful warm, and golden skin tone that will be labelled as caramel. Honestly, for a man, she envies whatever skin care product he uses, because he surely managed to keep it looking good. His almond shaped eyes were accompanied by thick lashes and a brown eyes that seemed darker from afar. An aquiline nose sat perched up right above his lips that were stretched into a small grin, surrounded by a subtle stubble.

But all of that wasn't what stunned her the most. It was that he looked exactly like the man they both performed surgery on—only much younger.

She wasn't dumb. She could tell they were related; heck he has to be his son!

Almost immediately, she remembered the conversation they had after the surgery. She can't believe she asked him why he wasn't nervous. If she was right—which she is sure she is—that man is his father. Of course he's nervous.

"You...You..." What was she supposed to say at that moment? 'Oh hey, so you're our patient's son? That's nice to know'

He chuckled lightly, and Aisha found herself in between wanting to swoon seeing him like that for the first time, or feel embarrassed regarding how she had been acting around him all this while.

Jannah's words came to mind the day she told her she heard he was handsome. Aisha wish she was there to see for herself, because honestly she would no justice to him.

Sure, she wasn't one for relationships and whatnot. But she is a woman, and she has eyes like Jannah said. She wouldn't deny what she's clearly seeing with her eyes.

Aslam must've noticed that she couldn't find anything to say, and truth be told, he was actually expecting it so it's nice to see she didn't let down in that aspect. For that brief moment, he had forgotten about the chaos that's his life. It's still in his mind, but Aisha's expression was priceless.

"Well, I guess it's time for a proper introduction, right?" He decided to speak, breaking the silence.

Aisha could only blink, rapidly as if that will make his appearance change.

"My name is Aslam Muhammad Abd Al-Rasheed. And I wanted to thank you personally, for assisting my father's surgery. You have no idea what that mean to that means to me, so thank you so much, Dr. Aisha Nasir Al-Sayed"

Did he always speak so eloquently like that, and was his voice always that deep or was he faking it at that moment? She wondered, clenching her fist by her side as she held back the urge to scream.

She is sure her brain wasn't working well. That's pretty much obvious.

"Uhm...Aisha? You going to say something?" He asked after a while, when she simply stood there, watching him with eyes still wide open. He still found her situation amusing, but at the same time, he was starting to become worried.

She closed her mouth shut, taking in a deep breath before flickering her eyes close. She counted to three in her eyes, before she opened her eyes to meet his again. "What am I supposed to say?" She asked, her voice low.

Her mind was all jumbled up.

If Aslam truly is Lt. Gen. Abd Al-Rasheed's son, he looks older than Yazid. Then does that make him the man's eldest child? If that's the case, Humaira is marrying the eldest child, is she marrying him?

But she saw her with Yazid the other day?

What the hell is going on?

She clasped her hands together in front of her, "Are you marrying Humaira?" He knew her last name, they all did, so they obviously knew she and Humaira are related. They didn't bother to point it out though when the two pretended to not know each other.

Aslam smiled slightly, "That's the first thing you wanted to ask me?" He thought she would ask something else, but that works too. "Well, since we're on that note. Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Excuse me, what?" Her eyes widened slightly, lips parting yet again. "I asked you a question first" Screw the fact that he's her senior, she's sure that isn't important at the moment. She would keep all formalities aside, because it looks like Aslam sure loves messing with her brain.

He nodded, folding his lips in to hold back his grin. "Okay, I'm not marrying your cousin, Humaira. My brother is. Happy?"


"But you heard she's marrying babban dan General Abd Al-Rasheed, right?" He still couldn't forget the words he heard her say the day he saw her in the elevator. He thought his family were marrying him off, how could he forget it?

Her lips curled downwards, eyes narrowed slightly. "How do you know that?" She was sure she only told Jannah about it. He could've heard elsewhere, but judging from the look on his face, she's sure that's not the case.

"I heard it from you" he shrugged, like it's not a big deal.

"Me?" She pointed a finger at herself, eyes widened. She has been doing a lot of that since he came. It couldn't be her. She never spoke of that to anyone other than Jannah. She's sure the girl didn't tell him either since he said he heard it from her.

He nodded, "Yes, you"

"Me?" She repeated, not believing him.

"The day at the elevator" He explained, "When you were telling Jannah about it. I was in the elevator with you, but you didn't see me because you were too caught up with your call"

"I...I..." She tried to claim otherwise, but it's obvious he was telling the truth. That meant he noticed her first. She always thought she was the one that noticed him first at that CS meeting. Apparently not.

"Now that we're past that. You owe me an answer. Are you in a relationship?"

Why the hell is he asking me that? She asked, staring at him as if he's an alien. "No..." She answered, as if unsure.

That was good enough for him though because he nodded, satisfied. He folded his hands over his torso, lips stretching into a wide smile. "Then, do you want to get married?"

Aisha didn't know when she sat back on her chair, for her legs were unable to hold her up anymore. Has Aslam always been that straightforward? Besides, where did that marriage talk from? What happened to courtship and whatnot? "Marriage?" She repeated, as if she couldn't believe it, "Marry you?"

He nodded, "Yes, marry me. I like you, and I want to marry you"

Aisha was sure if she wasn't seated she would've fallen on the floor. Seriously, who throws stuff like that around? She found herself still staring at him like he had grown two heads. She honestly didn't know what to say to him.

"You don't have to answer now" he spoke up, as if knowing what's on her mind. "I'll ask again the next time I see, and again, and again"

She extended her hand to grip the edge of her table, "And what if I don't say yes?" She managed to ask, her voice steady.

His eyes didn't leave hers when he answered, "Then I'll keep asking till the day you say yes to me, or another man" He meant every word he said, and he will make sure she knew it too. "Actually no...I'll keep going till the winner is announced in the masjid"

Perhaps Aslam hit his head somewhere. She thought. But he seemed perfectly fine, and he didn't have a bump on his head that will show he had done such. She honestly had no words to say to Aslam. Nothing at all.

He offered her a warm smile, "Don't think about it too much now, I'm leaving anyway so I won't bother you for an answer now"

"You really are leaving?" She didn't hide her down she felt regarding it, why bother?

He pursued his lips slightly, before he nodded. He then blew out a shaky breath, his expression turning gloomy again. "I have a family issue I need to take care of back in Egypt, so I'm going back tomorrow in shaa Allah" He already asked someone to look whether he could find a flight the next day, and thankfully, he found none.

She nodded, her lips slanted downwards into a frown. "When..." She paused, biting her lower lip before she decided to just ask. "When will you be back?"

"What? Are you already missing me?" He teased lightly.

She shrugged.

His smile fell again as he thought of how to answer her. "To be honest with you, I don't know. I don't think this is something I can handle any time soon..." If his grandfather doesn't make it, then there will be a huge mess.

"I hope everything works out" She stated honestly. She could whatever was bothering him truly is getting to him for she had never seen him like that. "And I hope you do return someday" She offered him a small smile.

He returned it, "Don't worry, my superwoman. I'll make sure to return so I can get my answer"

She blushed, looking away for a brief second before looking at him again. "Take care, partner" Her smile widened slightly, and so did his.

It was the first time she wasn't addressing him as doctor, and he liked it a lot. "You too, partner. Take care of yourself for me" When she nodded, he offered her a small wave before he turned around and walked out.

This time around he didn't bother to don the mask again. He didn't care if anyone else see him. The one person he wants to find about his identity already know. And that's what matters.

Now, he looks forward to the next time he'll see her. Hopefully, in a couple of days, weeks, months, or maybe even years?


Omo, I don tireee. I've been writing sinceeeeeeee😭

Ah, so how did you enjoy the AA couple moment like that. Aslam should take it easy like this because dudeee, you're just going all out like this😂😭❤️❤️

Will his grandfather survive? Toh dai who knows?😏

Kai amma I like angry Aslam like this o, because na small war I think will take place🌚

When will he and Aisha meet again? In years? Hehe, my own is eyes. You know that Kdrama moment when the MCs meet in years' time with flowers falling and all🎉😂💗

Toh when will we meet again? Na so I'll update next year because this is your tenth update this month fa. I'm so nice abeg😎😁

Drop comments, because come on, I deserve it🙂

Goodnight toh.

Love, Jannah.

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