19; Moment of Bliss.
Friday update came in early❤️
"HUMAIRA'S WEDDING date will be set soon in shaa Allah" Abba announced, flipping the Newspaper he's reading to the next page. Most times, Aisha wonders why he bothers to read them when he can either watch the News or read it online.
Mommy whom had walked into the living room just in time he said that, found a spot beside him on the couch. "That soon?" She asked, a crease forming on her forehead slightly. "I thought you said General Abd Al-Rasheed just had surgery. Shouldn't we wait until he has fully recovered?"
"Oh toh ai antabo inda bakya so!" Hajiya exclaimed from where she was sitting, opposite the couple. She had her legs spread slightly, her arms resting on it as she fixated her gaze on her daughter-in-law. "Wai dan Allah Hasiya won't you allow this wedding to proceed in peace? Haba! You and this..." She pointed a finger at Aisha who sat quietly on the carpet, head hung low. "...girl have been blabbering rubbish since this wedding talk started. Shikenan baza ayi abun farin ciki ba a gidannan?"
Mommy blew out a low breath, before shaking her head. She parted her lips to say something, but someone beat her to it.
"Hajiya kiyi haquri, that's not what she meant" Abba spoke up, keeping the Newspaper aside. He loves and appreciates his aunt for everything she had done to him. That to say doesn't mean it blinded him from seeing the way she treats his family. He tries to talk her out of it as much as he can, but it's not like he can make her change. She had always been like that, and the old age only added to it. "She's just trying to be rational"
"Oh ai ni kuma I'm not being rational, ko?"
She cut him off, intertwining her fingers in front of her as a scowl took over her features. "Aa Nasiru! Ka fito ka gaya min mana. Your wife is the rational one while me, your mother, is irrational"
Abba looked down for a brief moment, shaking his head as a small smile graced his features. Hajiya could be upset and he still find her amusing in a way. Reason is, he and her had always have this relationship where sometimes he treats her more like a grandmother than a mother. She can't really stay mad at him for long. "Haba Hajiya ta" He started once he met her gaze again, the small endearment having her features softening only slightly. "You know it's not like that. You have nothing to worry about, the wedding will take place in shaa Allah. And just like she said..." He gestured to his wife that was quietly watching the exchange, just like her daughter. "...we will wait till he gets better, although he was the one that brought it up yanxun ma"
"He did?" Hajiya asked, eyes narrowed slightly. Humaira had told her that when she went to visit him a couple of days ago—the very day he had his surgery she wasn't able to see him since he was in the ICU—so only his family could see him.
Abba nodded, "Yes" His gaze moved to Aisha, his smile widening. "Actually, he wanted to thank me because Aisha assisted his surgery"
Aisha looked up, she had chosen to stay out whatever was being said and has been waiting for the perfect opportunity to slip away from them. At that point, she Hajiya practically lives in their house since the woman is always there. She should just get a room and move her belongings there, it would be better.
About the surgery, she didn't think her parents would know about it since it was supposed to be a secret. Thinking about it at the moment though, she realized how stupid it sounds. Of course they would know—considering what's going on between the two family.
"I-uhm--Oh.." She didn't know what to say exactly to be honest.
Mommy stared at her husband, since that was news to her too before shifting her gaze to her daughter. "Why didn't you tell us about it?"
"He's a VIP so they aren't supposed to disclose the information" Abba explained. He had visited the man the day before, and that was when he expressed his gratitude. Abba was a bit shocked that she assisted the surgery, but he was proud nonetheless. But that was all he knew, the General didn't tell him anything about his son being the surgeon.
They will get to that later because if Aslam is serious about his intentions towards Aisha—which he is from what he could tell—then it will only take a while for them to meet again on the basis on seeking for another marriage in the Al-Sayed family.
It wasn't hard to know which family she belongs to, considering she uses her full name at work and knowing her family already, he has little doubts about the girl being part of his family.
It was only a matter of time.
"Oh" Realization dawned on Mommy, whose eyes widened slightly. "Wait, is he that patient you were talking about the other day? The one you assisted our son-in-law?"
Son-in-what? Aisha stared at her mother with wide eyes, earning a chuckle from both parents. Aisha thought they were already past that stage, apparently not. Leave it to her parents to remember that and use it in the future. She stared at her parents, before throwing a glance at Hajiya who was watching her intensely. The last thing she wanted was for the old woman to know because she of all people definitely won't let it go till the day she sees her married. "Mommy, wallahi that's not the case--"
"Okay okay. Idan tayi tsami zamuji ai" Mommy cut her off, waving it off. Her words didn't make Aisha feel any better, she could still feel her cheeks heating.
As if that wans't enough, she heard the last person she wanted on the matter but even she knew she would speak. "Aisha, daman you have a suitor?" Hajiya asked, her unwavering gaze on the girl.
Aisha wanted to groan in frustration. Seriously? Why would Hajiya ask her that? "No Hajiya"
"You should tell him to send his elders after Humaira's wedding"
"You say what?" Aisha wanted to say, but she was able to hold herself back before she could do so. So, she chuckled nervously and looked down for a brief second, before looking up again. "Hajiya, I don't have a suitor"
"Then you should find one soon" Hajiya stated, her voice firm. "Your parents will not feed you and provide you a shelter forever. Do you want to grow old in this house? You are done with university, har kin fara aiki. What else do you want, iye Aisha? Tell me. You don't have any excuse, or do you?"
"Hajiya aure fa lokaci ne" Mommy piqued in, her mood turning sour. Honestly, she could handle whatever insult is thrown at her but she hates it when they attack Aisha like that. What did the girl ever do to them?
Hajiya shifted her glare from Aisha to her mother—glaring seems to be her permanent expression whenever she is in that house. Unless she is alone with Abba, she doesn't smile and instead hold up her famous glare and scowls.
"She is right, Hajiya" Abba jumped in, knowing if he allowed them to keep going only God knows how it will end. "Aure da mutuwa duk lokaci ne. If the time comes, Aisha would get married in shaa Allah"
Hajiya rolled her eyes, as she leaned back on her chair, looking away. "Allah sa toh" She stated, signifying the end of that conversation.
Aisha placed the clipboard that was in her hand aside, giving the nurse behind the counter a small nod before she turned around with the intention of going to check on her other patients. She left home earlier since the time for her shift neared, and besides, she really couldn't wait to get away from Hajiya and her bitterness.
It's like she constantly have something to say about one thing or another. Aisha couldn't handle it, and was in desperate need of fresh, Non-Hajiya-ish air. It doesn't matter if the air reeked of disinfectants and whatnot, she would much rather go through that.
She left the ER, and made a beeline to the elevator. She intended to stop by her office, but she changed her mind and instead pressed the button that would take her to the VIP floor. It has only been a few days since the surgery, and he had been moved from the ICU after the second day.
The doors slid open, allowing her to immediately get off and make her way towards the room. She was honestly glad that there were no guards anymore. She no longer feels uneasy about the whole thing, considering she gets along with the patient too.
There was no awkwardness whatsoever. He was always nice to her.
She raised her hand up, and knocked on the door. She waited for confirmation from the other side before she walked in with a salaam. She was immediately met with the sight of the small family. The father, the woman she came to know is his wife and the twins—Yasmine and Yazid or Yazi boo as his 'wife' likes to calls him.
For a moment, Aisha thought Humaira would speak to her the other day. But she didn't. In fact, the girl pretended as if she wasn't there and honestly, she was glad for that. She felt second hand embarrassment for the way the girl was acting the other day so she didn't mind people not knowing they are related.
If anything, she is grateful.
But there was someone else there—whom she really wasn't expecting at the moment. But then again, it's not like there's particular time for him to be there.
Nonetheless, she masked her features with a smile and exchanged pleasantries with them all, before turning to him. "Good day Doctor" She offered him a small smile, although the sight of him reminded her of what happened earlier at home.
"Good day partner" Aslam greeted back. He honestly intended to call her superwoman as he had been doing for the past couple of days, but his family were there and he didn't want to subject her to that yet. And besides, the BBC and Al Jazeera of his family were there, aka Yasmine and Yazid Abd Al-Rasheed.
Partner. Aisha felt her cheeks heat up slightly, knowing the others heard him well. She wouldn't have given much thought to it, if not that he thought of her family being there.
With the way her parents have been acting, if they hear him say that, they will no doubt start planning a wedding with no second thoughts.
Baba and Hajiya Babba exchange a look, before shaking their heads slightly although they both had smiles masking their features. Hajiya Babba meant it when she said Aisha seems like a nice woman, and from what her husband told her about Aslam's intentions, she has no problem with it. However, knowing Aslam, her input means nothing to him.
Yasmine and Yazid's eyes met, and they silently passed a message to each other. As Aslam suspected, they would do their jobs as the News casters and ensure that the news spread round the family—not that it's a big family anyway but there's Huda, their partner in crime.
It was the first time they were seeing Aslam interested in someone so obviously, it's a moment they won't let go of easily.
Aisha looked away, feeling the others' gaze on her—or more like them. She cleared her throat, her eyes falling on Yasmine who wiggled her brows. She shook her head, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. Over the days, she and Yasmine have gotten along quite well, so as with Yazid too who she had come to learn isn't as quiet and calm as he seems. "I just wanted to check up on you" She said, her statement directed towards Baba, wanting to get the attention off her. "But he's here already so there's no need for me to be here"
"So I should do all the work" Aslam teased, eyes narrowed at her playfully.
She held back a smile, looking back at him. "You've already started, so might as well go all the way"
He hummed, in a way that shows he doesn't agree with what she said even though deep down he really doesn't care.
This time around, she didn't hold back the small grin. "Ka qarasa ladan ka kawai"
Aslam chuckled, shaking his head slightly. He parted his lips to say something, but before he could, the door opened and another person came in interrupting their short moment of bliss.
Aisha's brows furrowed, as her smile fell since she doesn't know who the new person is. Judging from the other's expression though, she could tell they know her, so she managed to hold up a small smile instead.
The new person approached them, exchanging greetings with the others before looking at Aslam. "I was just at your office, and you weren't there so I thought you'd be here, and I was right" She then shifted her gaze to the woman beside him, her lips stretching into a warm smile as she extended her hands. "My apologies, I don't think we've met before"
Aisha's smile widened slightly, as she took her hand. "Yeah..."
"I'm Taslim"
I would be totally honest; I wasn't feeling any vibes while writing it but I knew I had to so...🤷
Taslim ta iso. Sannu da zuwa Taslim tawa ta kaina. Yes, I love Taslim and I'm SO shipping her with Aslam. Nidai ku fara shirin biki. Tam, I've said my own😂😎
Team Aisha and Aslam, stop glaring at him. I cannot leave my Taslim alone like that now. I'm sure Aisha won't mind sharing him like that😏.
I honestly have nothing more to say so lemme carry my legs back to my kdrama. Have a good night💗.
Oh and just to clarify, this is your Friday update o. Don't ask me for anything tomorrow.
Love, Jannah.
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