16; Scrubs and Hermes On.
Yall should thank 1mss_black for this because her comments on the last chapter brought back my motivation😭❤️
Oh and this is unedited so..
THE ELEVATOR doors slid open, allowing Aisha to step out. She has both hands tucked in the pocket of her white coat, which she reached one out to fix a side of her veil that nearly fell of her shoulder as she exchanged pleasantries with some interns that got in the elevator.
It was about eight in the morning on Tuesday, the same day she and Aslam would perform surgery on his father—whom she is still unaware of their relation. The surgery is set to take place by nine considering the expected time the surgery is supposed to take is between three to six hours. They wanted to start early, so they would not miss any prayer.
Aisha came to the hospital around seven looking more determined than the day before. The surgeon in charge did help her as he said he would the day before. So, after going through everything with him, she was more confident in herself. If she was being honest, then it has something to do with the fact that he seems to have this unwavering confidence in her that made her determined to give it her best.
She wouldn't let her doubts ruin it for her. No way.
So, she came to the hospital early to check on her patients and have enough time to prepare for the upcoming. Considering the time, it is, she still has about thirty minutes to finish up everything, and scrub in.
She was already done with her patients though-so she wasn't worried about that anymore which is why she decided to drop by her office for the meantime.
She stopped in her tracks, hearing a familiar voice. She turned around, coming face-to-face with the woman she hasn't seen since the week before. Her lips instantly curled upwards into a small smile, "Nabila" She called out as the woman approached her. "Ina kika shiga? I haven't seen you since last week"
Nabila blinked, taken aback for a brief moment with the way Aisha is acting towards her.
Aisha noticed the slightly taken aback expression, making her lips slant down slightly. "Lafiya?" She inquired, her brows drawn in slightly. "Why do you look that way? Is something wrong?"
Nabila stared at her for a moment, before she scoffed slightly—it was barely audible though Aisha caught it. The woman then folded her lips in for a brief moment, before releasing it with a small smack sound that only made her oxblood lipstick coated lips pop out. "Judging from the way you're treating me..." She released a small sigh, her eyes sizing Aisha up. "...I guess that friend of yours hasn't told you yet"
If possible, Aisha's frown deepened; head tilted to the side slightly. "Which friend?" She tried to rack her brain to figure out who Nabila could address like that, but no one came to mind. As far as she knows, she doesn't have a friend they both know and do not like.
Nabila resisted the urge to hiss. Aisha sure is smart but at the same time she can be dumb when it comes to stuff like this. She didn't say a word though, and simply waited for it to sink in.
"Wait...are you talking about Jannah?" Aisha asked, for that was one person that came to her mind. "What hasn't she told me?"
"She tells you everything, doesn't she?" Nabila asked, ignoring the question. She then rolled her eyes, as if having to explain is getting on nerves. "Well, she told you about Sadiq, didn't she?"
Aisha nodded.
Nabila bobbed her head slowly, before clasping her hands in front of her. "Sadiq and I are seeing each other" She dropped the bomb—or so she thought.
Aisha's eyes widened slightly, before her eyes slightly narrowed. "Don't tell me..." She muttered under her breath, annoyance masking her tone instantly.
Nabila's lips slowly stretched into a smirk, satisfied by the reaction she got out of Aisha. "Yes" She confirmed, "Sadiq is my boyfriend too...well, I guess he's no longer with her so he's just my boyfriend"
Aisha stared at her as if she has grown two heads. "You know he has a wife, right?" She wasn't trying to change her mind or anything, she just wanted to see how her last brain cells work. "A pregnant wife" She emphasized.
Nabila rolled her eyes, scoffing lightly. "So what?"
Aisha's brow quirked up slightly.
"—He and I plan on getting married, so I just want to clarify things with your friend. But..." She glanced behind Aisha, to the direction where her shared office is. "...From what I could tell, she isn't here yet so I guess you can pass the information" She then took a step towards Aisha, who didn't move away. "Tell her to stay away from my husband"
"Your husband?"
Nabila lifted her chin up, "Yes" She answered, her tone smug. "My husband"
Aisha couldn't help but snort slightly, which she was quick to cover with her hand earning a slight glare from Nabila. She didn't care though, nor did she try to stop herself when the laughter came yet again. This time around, she allowed herself to laugh freely, to the point that she hunched over before throwing her head back. Her laughter filled the empty hallway. Her laughter, and the intentions behind it got on Nabila's nerves, making a scowl grace her appearance.
Did Aisha care though?
She simply laughed for about a minute, as if she just heard the funniest thing over. "Wait wait wait..." She said after a while, trying to catch her breath. She held her hand up slightly, raising her head up to look at Nabila before she burst into another fits of laughter. "Sannu Mrs. Sadiq" She said when her laughter died down at long last, her face still held the grin that annoyed the imaginary Mrs. Sadiq though.
Nabila gritted her teeth.
"You should've told me earlier ai. I would've rolled a red carpet for you a matsayin ki na Stupidest person of the year-"
"What did you just say?"
Aisha held a finger up, ignoring the fact that she had just been interrupted. "—No, scratch that" She tsked, "Stupidest person of the whole damn decade"
Nabila felt utterly insulted, because not only did Aisha make fun of her, she also insulted her to her face. Out of instinct, she rose a hand up to slap the her, but was stopped midway when Aisha held her wrist.
Aisha tsked yet again, throwing a small glare at the hand that almost made contact with her chin, then to the owner of the hand, "Koda wasa" She stated, and although her lips were still stretched into a small smirk, her tone held no place for such nonsense. "Don't you dare think of laying your hand on me. As you can see, I have a hand too"
Nabila snatched her hand out of Aisha's grip, though she made no further move to slap her. Her eyes were narrowed in slits, and lips stretched into a snarl. "The audacity you have"
Aisha couldn't help but chuckle, as she shook her head. "Says the most shameless person on earth" It was too early for her to deal with this nonsense, she didn't want to stay there for any longer. "You know what, Nabila. Do whatever you want, I'm sure Jannah doesn't care and neither do I. Just stay away from us, okay?" She didn't wait for her answer as she turned around, and continued to make her way her office.
Nabila's scoff came. "You know I pity that friend of yours. The man she has loved for five years left her without a second thought" Aisha fully intended to ignore whatever the woman would say, however, her next words spiked her anger. "Just like her mother"
Aisha stopped in her tracks again, gritting her teeth.
"You know it too, don't you? Her own birth mother left her without hesitation" Nabila cackled, as if finding the situation humorous. "You do know no one will ever love her right? I mean, for your mother to leave you without looking back, ha! How pitiful"
Aisha didn't know what got into her at that moment, but she certainly did not regret what she did. For before she could comprehend what she was doing, she had marched back to the woman and landed a resonating slap right across her face.
Aisha gets along with everyone, and as such, is a patient person. She wasn't one to get in fights and stuff. However, when she does lose her calm...well, shit happens.
And at the moment, Nabila unfortunately ended up being on the receiving end of her anger. She was the one that started it anyway.
Nabila hastily placed a hand where Aisha's hand collided, leaving a stinging pain there. She cradled the place, whipping her head to look at Aisha with a horrified look. She knew Aisha as a patient person, so she thought she could irk her and go away with it.
She certainly didn't expect the slap.
Aisha pointed a finger at Nabila. "Wallahi Nabila if I hear one more word from you, I wouldn't hesitate to land another slap on your face"
"Do you want to find out?" Aisha asked, taking a step closer while Nabila instantly took one back. "Go ahead, I dare you" Her eyes never left Nabila's, as she waited for another insult that will earn her a slap. "Well, won't you say anything? Spew another rubbish mana? Dan Allah Nabila I am pleading with you, kimin maganan banxa yanxunnan"
Nabila swallowed thickly, "This is not over" She spat, before storming to the elevator that opened at that moment. Much to her annoyance, the person that stepped out this time was none other than Jannah. Filled with annoyance, she tried to bump her shoulder but the girl stepped away just in time, making Nabila stumble into the elevator.
When she turned around and her eyes met Jannah's who stood outside staring at her, she offered her a small mocking smile. "Next time, look at where you're going, okay?" Jannah didn't wait for her response before she walked towards her friend.
Aisha's anger instantly simmered down at the sight of her best friend who was bouncing towards her. Jannah added a little effect to her strides as she strolled towards Aisha with her held up high.
Aisha's brows furrowed, wondering what was up with the change in stride. Her eyes raked Jannah's outfit from the veil she had on covering her hair, to the scrubs she had on, the white coat on top of it and finally...
Aisha couldn't help but snort at the sight of what was making Jannah bounce her way towards her like a cartoon antagonist. "Sannu Jannah" Aisha said, amusement lacing her tone as the girl reached where she stood.
Jannah flickered her white coat back to give in a little dramatic flair, before tucking her hands in the pocket of her scrub and her shoulders, squared. She then extended one of her foot out, to make it more obvious.
Aisha could tell what it was despite only seeing it for a couple of seconds when Jannah was ordering it last week.
Instead of clogs, she had on the Hermes shoe she had bought for her boyfriend last week.
The girl paired of the show with her scrubs and was walking around in it confidently. It made Aisha laugh even more. "You're wearing your money?"
"I'm wearing my money" Jannah confirmed. Since she can't get a refund and send it back, she decided to wear it around confidently. Her seniors can say whatever they want, she would consider it as them being jealous of not being able to wear something that expensive. "Bazan yi asaran banza ba"
Aisha nodded in agreement, "Da gaskiyan ki"
Jannah threw a glance over her shoulder. "Now will you mind telling me what that bish was doing here"
Aisha's lips curled downwards into a frown, as her mood turned sour again. "Don't remind me" She now understood why Jannah didn't tell her. The girl knew she would only get annoyed and end up reacting the way she did.
"Now I definitely want to know"
Aisha rolled her eyes, "Keh I have surgery in about twenty minutes" She said, before turning around and deciding to head to the locker room instead to change.
Jannah jogged to catch up with her. "You can tell me on the way. I have time"
And that was what they ended up doing.
After Aisha donned her scrubs, she bid Jannah—who promised to be there to watch--farewell and then headed to the VIP suite to help the others roll the patient to the OR. Aslam wasn't there, so she did that with the help of the nurses and Chris who turned up to help.
When they reached the OR, she wasn't surprised to see the Abd Al-Rasheed family standing there. It was the same woman she saw the other day, and the one that introduced herself as Yasmine—and the other man that now thinking about it might just be Humaira's husband; whatever his name is.
She allowed the others to wheel the bed in while she stopped to talk to them. The older woman was the first to approach her. Hajiya Babba extended her hands out and Aisha's, "Please save my husband, okay?" She pleaded, her voice softer than the last time Aisha met her.
Aisha was awkward with the way the woman held her hand—though there was nothing wrong with it, offered her a small smile. "We'll try our best"
Yasmine stood beside her mother, her lips stretched into a small smile. "We have no doubts that you'll both do a good job"
Aisha didn't know what to say to that. She was confident, for she trusted Aslam in that aspect. However, with them saying things like that—though she knows is normal, only made her feel a weight on shoulder. The weight got heavier when her eyes met the young man who offered her a nod.
"Instead of saying stuff like that, pray for the best" Luckily for her, Aslam came to her rescue as he stood beside her, giving his sister a pointed look. He warned her and Yazid to not say a thing that will make Aisha feel more pressured than she already does, even though he knew they only meant well.
Yasmine wanted to say something, but she knew it would seem weird since Aisha doesn't know they are related. So, she nodded instead, offering him a smile. "In shaa Allah it will all work out well"
Aslam nodded, turning to look at Aisha. "Let's go?"
She nodded, taking her hands away slowly from Hajiya Babba.
"Good luck" Said the woman, her eyes fixated on Aslam who was hoping she wouldn't say a word to him. But of course, she just had to say something.
He wanted to say something in return, but since Aisha doesn't know of their relation, she would think he is being rude to a patient's family so he simply offered her a curt nod, and without another word, he and Aisha walked into the door leading to the OR.
The two stopped to wash their hands with PVP-I; an antiseptic used for surgical scrubbing--skin disinfection, before surgery. In the process, Aslam decided to ask her something before they entered the main OR. "Do you trust me?"
"As a doctor?" She asked without looking up. "Yes"
The corner of his lips stretched into a small smile as he finished washing his hands. "That's good enough for me" He said, holding both hands up above the waist, and below the neckline—because scrubbed hands and arms are considered contaminated once they fall below waist level.
Aisha did the same thing after washing her hands up. She followed his head as he extended his leg to tap on the button that would open the door opened for them. They walked in together and went through the surgical gowning and gloving process.
"Are you ready, partner?" He asked, stretching his fingers slightly to get rid of any soreness that will hinder the surgery.
She nodded, "Ready as I'll ever be"
He nodded slightly, before looking up. "Patient is a 57-year-old male, diagnosed with Coronary Artery Disease. We'll conduct a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft to restore blood flow to areas of the heart" He announced, so they could all take note—including the ones watching the surgery.
They nodded.
"We'll begin now" He announced. A general anesthesia has already been done, which is basically a breathing tube inserted through the mouth. The tube is attached to a ventilator which breathes for the patient during and immediately after surgery.
Since an off pump surgery isn't an ideal option, they would go with on pump coronary bypass surgery; which means a heart-lung machine will keep blood and oxygen circulating through the patient's body.
"Scalpel" He extended his hand, and once the instrument has been placed, he muttered a bismillah and then made the long incision on the chest, to begin with.
Took so much for me to leave my kdrama and write this wlh. I started a new kdrama and I am loving it! Don't look for me any time soon abeg😭
Toh mun higa surgery🥼😷. I originally intended to write the surgery scene but hehe...make I no screw up and the doctors will come after me. Besides, not everyone will understand sha so let's skip it.
Omo...guy this thing is heavy o! Abeg someone should come and help me roll this red carpet for Hajiya Nabila Sadiq. Her madness is pro max but sha sha all is well😂.
Amma Aisha that slap like this...take it easy now😂
Hajiya Jannah me Hermes. Omo I no blame her. Ko ni I'll do that in in real life. Yes, I'm that kind of person🙃🌚.
Toh, I've given you your Friday update. I don japa.
Love, Jannah and her new Kdrama.
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