13; Superwoman Aisha.

Did someone say Friday Update?

HER EYES flickered open, lips parting slightly in the process. She then blew out a small breath, extending her sore hand to touch her forehead, massaging her temples in the process. Her eyes then closed again, blinking repeatedly—albeit slowly, to get accustomed to being awake at that moment. Luckily, the blinds weren't drawn open, and neither were the lights turned on.

However, from the small opening between the blinds, she could tell the sun was up.

How long have I been asleep for? She wondered, before letting out a soft groan as she pushed herself to a sitting position.

For a couple of seconds, she made no move to get off the bed and instead, pulled her feet to her chest, fingers buried in her stubborn locks as she rested her elbow on the raised knees. Her head was downcast, as she tried to remember bits of the dream she just had.

This is what she hates about dreams. Everything looks and feels so real when you're living it. However, a few minutes after regaining your consciousness, you barely remember much.

She didn't want to remember it all. All she wanted to remember, was the face she saw and the name.

It seemed so close to her memory yet so far away.

A memory. That's what it seems like. And yet, she couldn't help but wonder if it really was just a dream or a memory of hers.

She hadn't had a dream like that before. And now suddenly, she's having it. She could swear after waking up that she had lived through that very dream she had—maybe not accurately, but in a way or another.

It was all so confusing.

But if it really is a memory, then it must have had something to do with what happened the day before. The thought had her releasing her poor strands from the torture her fingers inflicted, dropping her arms limp on her knees as she rose her head up. Her gaze remained fixated on the wall she's facing, albeit her mind seemed far from there.

Considering it's been a while since she regained consciousness, the room isn't as dark as it was to her when she woke up. She could see things around the room, due to the brightness that still managed to make its way into the room despite the dark blinds.

Aisha sighed, choosing to not dwell in her thoughts again as she pushed herself off the bed and sauntered to the bathroom. Her head throbbed, and her whole body felt exhausted. She knew there's no one to blame but herself.

Despite being aware she clearly needed rest after what happened the day before—the roses, the card, dropping by the VIP suite and taking Jannah's shift since the woman didn't show up---she still took another shift.

Well, technically, she didn't take the shift. She simply exchanged it with another resident whom had urgent matters to attend to. The resident had a night shift, but something came up so she asked if Aisha could cover for her. She spent the night on her behalf and the woman will take her shift that day.

So basically, she had Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off.

After doing her business, she stepped out of the bathroom just in time the door opened, and then, in stepped her mother. She stopped in her tracks, seeing the salver that Hajiya Asiya held. She hadn't noticed that Aisha was watching her from where she stood, till she reached the bed and realized the girl isn't on it.

Her brows furrowed, as she dropped the salver on the bedside cabinet, and then turned around. She visibly let out a sigh of relief when she saw Aisha. "Alhamdullilah," She muttered. "I thought you went back to work"

Aisha's lips stretched into a small smile as she made her way towards the woman.

Hajiya Asiya parted her lips to speak, a line of worry and frustration forming in between her brows. "You only came back home around seven in the morning, and you had bad fever too. For Allah's sake, Aisha. How many times have I told you to stop working yourself out like that? Ke fa mutum ce. You are only human. I don't care that you are a doctor and you have responsibilities, how can you take care of patients when you are sick too? Huh? Fisabillah so kikeyi kiga ina cikin damuwa akanki? I was so worried when I saw you passed out on the living room couch burning up--"

Aisha cut her off when she leaned down slowly and wrapped her arms around her mother, her head resting on her mother's shoulder. She barely has any strength in her, and she could still feel the fever her mother spoke about in her system. However, even with everything going on, she couldn't help the weak smile that adorned her face. "Mommy na" She called out softly, fully aware that the woman hadn't embraced her back—obviously because she's still upset. "Aisha then swayed to the side slightly, tightening her hold around the old woman but not enough to suffocate her or anything. "What will I do without you?" She asked lowly, her words so low her mother barely caught it.

Luckily though, she did. Her head tilted to the side slightly, but her actions were restricted considering Aisha still has her head on her shoulder. "Did something happen to you?" Hajiya Asiya asked, her voice low soft and clouded with worry. Her relationship with Aisha has always been a good one, despite her not being her birth mother. Truth be told, their relationship is simply a beautiful one that not even some blood mother and daughters have.

She knows the girl well enough to detect something there's something behind the words.

Aisha shook her head, at least, the best she could without raising her head. "Don't worry, I'm not going to work today—or during the weekends for that matter" She said, pulling back to show her mother the smile on her face. She intentionally evaded not answering her mother's questions vocally, not wanting to lie to her.

Her words seemed to have done their work, because it made Hajiya Asiya forget what she just asked. "That's good" She held the girl's hand, leading her to the bed to sit down. "I brought breakfast for you. Idan kin ci sai kisha magana and rest, kinji?" She said, taking the spot beside her on the bed.

"Once I take the food, I'll regain my strength" Aisha said, casting a quick glance at the food before moving her gaze back to her mother, her brows slightly drawn in. "Yau Abba zai dawo, right? I'll help you in the kitchen" Alhaji Nasir had travelled to Kaduna a week ago, and he will be returning that day so she wanted to help her mother, despite knowing the housemaid will be there too.

Hajiya Asiya parted her lips to say something, before she closed it and shook her head. "Toh naji, eat first and then we'll go downstairs together. It's better if I keep you within my sight, kafin in tafi ki koma aiki online"

Aisha chuckled slightly, her mother knew her so well.

Her mother's lips stretched into a smile too, mirroring hers. She then stood up, making her way to the blinds. "Since you're awake, let me open this so light can seep into the room. Haba, daki da duhu ai ba abun so bane"

Aisha's eyes followed her mother's actions, before a sigh of content left her parted lips. She decided to push all her worries aside, it's not worth it. Seeing her mother reminded her of the new life she has—the beautiful life she had been blessed with.

She wouldn't let her past ruin it.

No way.


"Are you at work?" Aisha asked, immediately Jannah answered her Facetime.

Jannah rolled her eyes, "Wa alaikissalam" She answered, the sarcasm thick.

Aisha hissed lightly, before saying the Salam this time around. She is usually the one that scolds Jannah for not saying it, but it seems as though the roles have been reversed at the moment. "You know what, forget the question seff. It's obvious you're at home" She said, taking note of the background in Jannah's video that looks like her bedroom.

Jannah then chuckled lightly, even though Aisha couldn't exactly whether it's a real one or if it's fake. "I'm taking the day off"

Her best friend hummed, "And yesterday nko?"

Jannah shrugged, "I had things to take care of. I explained it to them when I went there today"

Aisha's eyes narrowed slightly, lips slanting into a frown. "You, went there to explain why you were absent" She was finding it believe it.

"Technically, I didn't go there to explain—"

"Thought so" Her father must've done that for her, since he knew Chief Wali and he's pretty influential. If there's one thing Aisha is certain of more than anything when it comes to Jannah, it's the immense love her father has for her. Aisha could understand why, since it's just the two of them. The girl knows her father would get her out of trouble, as he always does, which is why she does what she wants, when she wants.

Aisha wonders if the girl had told her father what Sadiq did to her. She tells him everything.

"—I went there for this" Jannah rose what she held in her hand up, so her best friend could see her sole reason of going to the hospital. She then wiggled her brows—or more like attempted to do so, before taking a spoonful of the ice cream Abdallah brought for her the day before.

Aisha's head tilted to the side slightly, wondering how the girl knew about it before deciding against it. Abdallah probably told her, and the thought had her wondering how the two really are getting along.

But it's Jannah involved here. It's obviously because of the free food.

"You know, that brother of yours can be nice when he wants to be" Jannah said, swallowing the cold delicacy in her mouth.

Aisha scoffed lightly. "You get free food, dole kice haka ai" She then released a small sigh, her smile disappearing. "But really, are you okay? I know the whole Sadiq thing affected you" Her voice came out soft when she said this.

Jannah sighed, all the larking expression she had disappearing. Her lips slanted downwards into a frown, as she dropped her spoon back in the tub. "It does affect me" She didn't bother to deny it. Why bother? She knows it will keep bothering her for a long time because she truly did love him.

Heck she still does.

Five years of love is not just something you can get over in a day or two.

Would it be love if it disappears that quickly?

"--But it's okay" She nodded slowly, lips slowly stretching into a small smile. "I'll get back at him. Lokaci ne" She does regret not slapping at the very least that day, but like she said, it's okay. She will sit back and patiently wait for things to be in her favor.

She has faith it will.

Aisha nodded, satisfied by her friend's answer. "Well, if that's the case I'm glad you're okay" She extended her hand out and picked a veil to cover her hair with. "Abba is coming back today so I'm heading downstairs to help Mommy. Let's talk later okay?"

"Okay. If you need me, I'll be here listening to my sad songs playlist" Before Aisha could reply, Jannah had ended the call just so she could resume what she was doing before the call came.

Aisha placed the phone on her bed, getting off to head downstairs. Hajiya Asiya had left earlier after Aisha said she'll take a shower before joining her. She wanted to do just that, but she had to check on her best friend first.

As she made a move to head over to the door, her phone suddenly started ringing. Her brows furrowed, as she turned around again and picked it up, her lips curling into a frown when she saw the number. She barely has people that call her—except it's for work anyway and as for that, she has everyone's number.

So, who could this person be.

She thought of ignoring. However, she felt bad for doing that so just as it was about to end, she tapped the answer button and brought the phone to her ear.

"Assalamu alaiki" Came a voice from the other end.

If possible, her brows drew in even closer as she thought of who the voice belonged to. "Wa alaika saalam" She answered nonetheless, still racking her brain to remember where she heard the voice before.

"Dr. Aisha?"


"It's Dr. Aslam"

"Oh" Her lips parted slightly, eyes slightly widening as she mentally scolded herself for not recognizing his voice earlier. Now that he said his name, she realized it was his voice.

How did she not recognize it though?

"-Dr. Aslam" She decided mentally scolding herself won't be of help. "How can I help you? Is it about our patient? Wait, is there something wrong? Do you need me to do something? I mean, if yes, then I'll head to the hospital right now" She rambled, only stopping short when she heard him chuckle on the other end.

"It's nothing of that sort, don't worry" He waved it off. "I just wanted to check up on you. I saw you weren't at work today"

"Oh that..." Technically, she didn't know what to say about it. She hadn't seen him since he dismissed her from the VIP suite the day before. She tried to look for him, but she was told he had gotten off work so there was nothing she could do about it.

"I heard you took double shifts yesterday"

"You did?" Her mind instantly went to think of who could've told him that. Chris. He's the only one that came to mind.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

She didn't want to lie to him either. She felt as though he will see right through her. Technically, in this case he'll hear right through her but whatever. "I'm better now"

His sigh came from the other end, "You know you can't do stuff like that, right? I know you've handled much more while you're in school. But, remember, you're not superman"

Her head tilted to the side slightly, her lips slowly stretching into a small smile. "Well, technically, I would be superwoman" She didn't even know why she said that to him. If it were any of her Professors—not that they will bother to check up on any of the residents anyway—she wouldn't have spoken to them like that. However, with Aslam, it just felt...normal.

He didn't make her feel like he's her superior or anything. It feels like talking to an old friend of some sort. She was sure he wouldn't act weird to her small joke too.

Her thought was proven to be right when she heard his chuckle, which instantly made her smile widen. "Well, Superwoman Aisha," He called out, making her laugh lightly, "You can't work like that. I'm sure you must've fallen sick or something" His voice morphed from the larking one to a serious one.

She sighed, "I'm fine now. That's what matters, right?"

He hummed, not really believing her but he'll let her have that. "I've rescheduled the surgery to Tuesday" It was originally supposed to take place on Monday.


"Because one of the doctors wants to make herself fall sick before then too"

She shook her head, "I told you, I'm fine wallahi. Besides, I have the weekend off too so I'll make a full recovery before Monday"

"I hear you" Technically, he knows she would make full recovery too, but him agreeing to what she said wasn't part of the plan. Knowing her, she would use that in any bicker they would have in the future.

She bit her lower lip to stop herself from chuckling. "Alright, fine. Allah kaimu Tuesday din"

"Ameen" He paused for a while. "I'll see you on Monday, okay? I have something to do right now"


"Take care"

She nodded, despite knowing he can't see her before ending the call. Turning around with her phone in hand and a small smile masking her features, she saved his number as 'Dr. Aslam'.

"Do I have a potential son-in-law?"

She shrieked, nearly dropping the phone on the floor as she looked up to see the person that asked the question.



Okay...so I don't know why but this whole Aisha and Aslam thing is hard for me to write. Probably because this is the first time in a while that the MC of my book hasn't been hitched at this point. Everything flows better when the characters are married sha.

Ladies and gentlemen stay single. Lol.

Anyways, do we have a wedding in the future? I say make I ask since Abba dey ask too. Kodai zamuce Aslam yazo tambaya ne? Kodake we're running faster than our shadows.

But Aisha seff and this smiling smiling. Har wani nickname ake da yanxu. Su Superwoman...okay...

Toh, nidai I have nothing else to say.

Make I carry my Mirinda and go. (I'm not betraying Pepsi! We're sorting some issues now so don't poke your nose in our matter)

Alrice. Guznit.

I'll see you next year. Yes, next year.

Love, Jannah. 

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