''Ugh, what a whore.''

Hannah Baker pushed herself off of the set of lockers she was leaning against to find the voices to match the judgemental stares followed by a group of girls from a few lockers down from Devin's.

They looked at Devin with a smirk, a cocky one for that matter. As if they were better than her, spite all the rumors that went around, not thanks to Amanda Kenderson, Montgomery de la Cruz and Ryan Shaver.

Devin let's out a sigh and turns her head to the side to look at the group of girls as well. Once she had made eye contact with them, they bursted into a roar of laughter.

''Are you mad, hun? Knowing Justin Foley would rather go for girls like me than girls like you?''

The one in the middle of the trio scoffed. ''And what type of girl are you? Trash?''

''The girl you wish to be.''

And just like that, she slammed her locker shut and turns. She forced an arm around Hannah, who appeared to be awestruck of the situation before being pulled out of her trance when Devin made her walk alongside her.

''How can you handle that?'' She blurts out with furrowed brows. The girls looked at each other but with polar features. Devin was more calm and relaxed while Hannah was all around confused. ''And not just them, everyone?''

She pursed her lips and shrugs her shoulders. ''You can't let people get to you if you know the truth.''

''But,'' She stammers. ''What if people have heard of the truth but they don't want to believe in it?''

''There's always someone who does,'' She nods her head. ''Until then, you have to keep your head up and ride solo.''

''Riding solo sounds pretty lonely,'' Hannah counters as they turned a corner.

''It can be, but not when you have friends who believe in you,'' Hannah turned to the brunette beside her who had squeezed their link arms reassuringly and smiled.

Just as they were about to approach Kat at her locker, the blonde slammed her locker shut and linked an arm with Devin's other arm, the girls proceeding down the rest of the hallway as she asked, ''What's up?''

''Other than the fact that I'm Liberty's biggest slut,'' She grins. ''I had an amazing birthday yesterday.''

''I bet,'' Kat drawled with a grin. ''He really went all out.''

''Ugh,'' Hannah groans. ''I wish to have a relationship like yours. Something cute and iconic.''

''Sweetheart, you always can,'' Kat assured. ''You just have to find your potential ding a ling.''

''Ew,'' Devin and Hannah spewed in unison, a cringe conquering both their features.


''Yeah,'' Devin nods in agreement. ''Come on, Kat.''

''You guys are such virgins,'' She remarked, a smirk hinting a corner of her lips.

''As sickly as Kat put it,'' Devin looks back at Hannah. ''She's got a point. There's gotta be somebody that caught your eye.''

Hannah shakes her head.

Devin and Kat looked at each other with pursed lips, the bullshit Hannah Baker threw was very vibrant.

Kat cocks a brow at her. ''Do you believe her?''

She shakes her head. ''Not a chance. You?''

''Of course not.''

''It's been two weeks since I moved here,'' She prompts to the girls. ''Give it time.''

''Give what time?'' Jeff intervened as the girls rounded another corner and down the hall Jeff Atkins and Clay Jensen was walking up from, easily approaching the girls and becoming one group striding down the hall.

''That pimple on your forehead, jesus christ babe,'' Devin counters when cringing at the red zit with a junk of creamy white puss oozing out of it with two deep lines indented around it. ''I can see the nail marks from when you tried to pop it.''

He pouts. ''But it's so ugly.''

Hannah lifts a finger with narrowed eyes. ''She's dating you, not the pimple.''

''The pimple is apart of me,'' Jeff shrugs his shoulders. ''If we're going to be technical here.''

''But did she fall for your looks or personality?'' Kat chimes in, peering over from Devin's side to look at Jeff with a pointed look.


''Er,'' Devin groans. ''Try again, hun. I don't go for dickwads.''

''Ooh,'' Kat, Hannah, Clay chanted.

× × ×

''We're all in this together, once we know, that we are, we are stars and we see that,'' Jeff sang as he bounced around the small corners of the area Devin, Clay and him sat in the library.

Devin's laughter was on mute as she leaned over her seat practically breathless while Clay was grinning from ear to ear.

''And this is why, not just anyone is on Glee,'' Skye remarked when pulling a book off of the shelve from behind Clay. She smiled softly down at him. ''Hi, Clay.''

He turns to her mirror her smile. ''Hey, Skye.''

''If there's such thing as a try not to sing along Disney edition, you'll be hearing me off of mountaintops,'' Jeff intervened, going back to the topic that originally occurred before the short greetings between her and Jensen.

''You do know the whole point of the challenge is to try and not sing,'' She cocks a brow at him. ''Right?''

''And I failed.''

The group jumped at the sound of Devin's chair screeching backwards as the brunette herself shot up from her seat with headphones still plugged in her ears as she starts singing along, ''I dare you, come on and follow, you dance to your own beat, I'll sing the melody, when you say, yeah-''

Clay stands up just as the next part comes on and sings poorly, ''I say no-''

Jeff and Skye watched the two sing badly together, ''When you say, stop. All I wanna do is go, go, go.''

Furrowing her brows, Skye cocks her head to the side when looking back at Jeff, avoiding the fact that the two were still singing. ''Don't you ever regret dating that?''

Before he could say a simple no, Devin gasped rather loudly and pulls out both plugs from her ear as she alerts Jeff, ''Babe, our song.''

When she unplugs her headphones from the computer all together, the theme song from Hannah Montana was being played.

''Yeah, when you're famous it can be kind of fun,'' They sang. ''It's really you when no one ever discovers, who would have thought that a girl like me, who doubles as a super star!''

Devin's hair shifted swiftly against the back of her shoulders as her and Jeff made eye contact at each other, belching, ''You get the best of both worlds!''

The two let the song go on by breaking into a full on laughing fit. Spite all the unnecessary drama circling them, that's all that it was. Unnecessary drama. It was irrelevant, it was a waste to think another minute of.

Clay turns to Skye with a lopsided smile and points back at them. ''Does that answer your question?''

Static was then heard over the intercom that ran along all rooms and halls of Liberty High before a voice spoke, faltering the bubbly mood by only a little to hear what was to  be heard.

''May I please have Katherine Williams come to the main office, Katherine Williams report to the main office. Thank you.''

''Oh god,'' Devin breathes out as she plugs her headphones back into her computer.

''What did she do now?'' Clay questions aloud as the trio settle down into their seats, Skye quietly backing up and making use of herself elsewhere.

''Let me guess, fill Justin Foley's locker with all the trash on the first floor?'' Jeff remarks, referring towards a previous reference stated by Kat herself, ranting on about another failed fling between her on and off relationship with him.

''I'll text her,'' Devin informs the group, her device settled on her lap as her fingers worked fast, swiping along her pattern to unlock her phone and towards her messages with Kat, texting her along the lines, what's good? Before hitting send.

It was only a few seconds before Kat had texted back.


My parents are here. Fill you in at lunch

''Her parents are here,'' Devin repeats out loud. She looks up from her lap and locks her phone again, tugging it in her back pocket.

Clay furrows his brows while Jeff gets out his notebooks from her bag. ''For what?''

Shrugging her shoulders, Devin lifts her bag on top of the table and presumes in the same actions as Jeff was. ''I don't know. She said she'll tell us at lunch.''

''Do you think it's anything serious?'' Clay asked around, curious as to what the meeting could be about.

Slanting his lips to the side, Jeff shakes his head. ''Nah, it's Kat bro.''

''Babe,'' Devin calls while opening her notebook for her English class. ''I gotta put you onto a song.''


''Listen,'' She gestures to her headphones that were lying around on the table. All he had to do was turn her laptop so it was facing him and listen in. ''It's called Call Me Right Back by Lil Uzi Vert.''

''How come you don't recommend me any songs?'' Clay chimes in with furrowed brows.

Jeff and Devin look up from what they were doing to look at the Jensen kid before turning to one another and bursting into laughter.

''What so funny?''

''I'll show you why,'' Jeff gets out through his laughter, unplugging the set of headphones from her laptop and played the song on a decent volume.

''All the things I do for her, all the things she do for trust, then again she do for us, started off with just some lust, then again it was a must, even though we fight and fuss, buy diamonds then we hug, face down that's how I fuck, like, I ain't new to this, been around the world, all types, all types of girls, I love you, driving in that Porsche, like oh yeah, Brittany like, slow down, when I hit it from the back, Brittany like slow down, she put on a show now, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-''

''Okay,'' Clay exclaims. Jeff jabs the spacebar to pause the song. ''I get it, point taken.''

''Yeah,'' Jeff chuckles before turning to Devin. ''That was a good song though.''

× × ×

''Should now be the time we start to worry or should we recommend more trap music to each other?'' Clay Jensen remarked while Jeff Atkins sat next to him with Devin Greene sitting across from him and Hannah Baker in front of Clay.

''Lunch is almost over, where the hell is she?'' Devin exclaims, looking around the crowded cafe.

There was ten minutes left to the lunch period and nobody hasn't heard nor seen a glimpse of Kat since she was called into the principal's office.

''Wait,'' Jeff alerts. ''Is that her?''

Hannah and Devin turned in their seats to find Kat marching her way towards the table with a triumphant smile she's always seemed to form with or without company.

''Finally,'' Hannah exclaims as she approached. ''Where were you?''

''Ugh, don't even get me started,'' She waves off. ''Sitting in an office for the longest talking about my grades and how I should improve them.''

Clay cocks a brow. ''Since third period?''

''No,'' She giggles. ''I just had some me time, that's all.''

Something was off about her vibes. They knew she wasn't telling the full truth.

''Now move down,'' Kat usher Hannah and Devin. The girls slide down with no problem, allowing the crazy frizzed hair blonde to sit with a sigh.

Jeff, Hannah, Clay and Devin eye each other with their own discrete conversation going on before Kat jumps, ''Oh!''

They looked at her with furrowed brows. Kat shifted in her seat to turn to the girls with a wide grin. ''Today, after school, we're gonna be studying. Tell me, whose place?''

Jeff pointed a finger at Devin. ''Actually, Devs and I were planning on-''

''Cancelling because nobody cares about seeing Wonder-woman,'' Devin forces a smile. Her eyes bulged at Jeff, hoping he'd get the message to shut up before turning to Kat with a small smile. ''We can study at my place.''

Kat got happier by the second. ''Great.''

It was silent for a moment until Clay Jensen questions, ''What's wrong with wonder-woman?''

Devin shrugs her shoulders with a corner of her lips slanted to the side. ''Storm is better, to be very honest.''

Jeff dived his face into both of his hands and groans, shaking his head vigorously. He looks up and exclaims, ''Storm and Wonder-woman are from two different universes.''

''Both females with super powers, Atkins,'' Devin tempted, not seeing much of the difference.

''Isn't one from DC and the other from Marvel?'' Hannah points out, brows furrowed as she tried to convey as much into the conversation as possible.

Clay's features dropped. ''If you don't know which goes into which, should we all really be friends?''

Kat sat looking like a lost puppy as she mutters, ''When you say from DC, do you mean that one of them is from Washington?''

Devin Greene broke out into an hysterical fit of laughter that made her breathless from the jump while Jeff and Claystared Kat down as if she commited bloody murder.

''Kat,'' Hannah calls out, licking her bottom lip. ''Why don't you think about what you just said? You know, a fictional hero from a real place.''

''Creativity comes from somewhere.''

Devin looked up and her eyes went wider while her laughter dragged on longer.

''Okay, Kat, you're no longer included in the conversation,'' Clay declares as he turns to face Devin and Hannah as if there wasn't a third presence across from him.

''What?'' She gaped, watching Jeff doing the same gesture that Clay did, a small giggle falling from her lips.

''I need to know,'' Clay continues, urging a new topic to the surface.

Devin hummed, a smirk on her lips while Hannah bops her head, gnawing on her lips.

''Batman or Superman?''

''Ah, Superman,'' Devin broke out, Hannah Baker agreeing right along with the lines, ''Superman, all the way.''

Jeff looks away, shaking his head while Clay exclaims, ''What?''

''Batman isn't even a real superhero.''

Jeff Atkins had never looked back faster at anything in his entire life until this very day where he yells, ''How are we even dating?''

''Gymnastics is a skill not a magical gift,'' Hannah adds.

''Batman leans towards the more realistic side where he has to deal with evil humans,'' Jeff defends.

''Ugh, I know,'' Devin turns to Hannah. ''Gotham in general shouldn't even be apart of Marvel-''

''DC!'' Jeff and Clay exclaim in unison. ''Gotham is DC!''

''Okay, so why do they need Batman if it's in a more realistic setting?'' Hannah questions.

''Cause that's how DC goes. It's the more realistic good on evil guys where Marvel is the opposite,'' Jeff explains.

''So get the cops,'' Devin shrugs her shoulders. ''Batman has a whole underground cave with basic ass weapons-''

''An underground cave?'' Jeff repeats. His cheeks were a tinted pink, she knew she was teasing him and she found so much humor into this. ''You uneducated troll, it's an underground lair-''

Devin had leaned over and playfully smacked him on his arm, her laughter being stifled.

''And his weapons aren't basic,'' Clay intervenes. ''He has explosive gel, bat darts-''

''Quick, Devs, let's put a banana peel on the floor and wait for someone to slip and give the cheesiest attack name,'' Hannah mocked, a few giggles slipping every now and then.

''Jeff, how do you know so much about this?'' Kat wonders aloud. She was amused on the side lines, just watching her friends having a good time. Even if she wasn't participant much in the conversation, it made her so happy to see the group get along.

''Listen, I had a real comic phase back in middle school,'' Jeff briefly explains.

Devin leans into Kat side and flatly lets out, ''In better words, our very own pitcher used to be Clark Kent.''

Kat turned to her with furrowed brows. ''Oh hell no. Don't use superhero shit on me.''

''Oh my god,'' Her face dropped. ''Clark Kent, Supermans identity by day?''

Kat shakes her head.

Devin turned to Hannah to see if she knew what she was talking about, but the girl was a little lost herself.

''He wore glasses?''

Hannah softly patted her hand on top of Devin's. ''You'll get me as far as to knowing of the superhero.''

''I only know about the Hulk, should that count?'' Kat questions.

''Um,'' Devin clears her throat and purses her lips. ''Does anyone not know about my baby, Captain America?''

''Now he's basic!'' Jeff exclaims.

''No he's not,'' Devin snapped before reaching down on to the floor to grab her bag.

''A soldier becomes a superhero with a metal sheild?'' Clay pipes in, getting prepared just as she was given they only had a few minutes left of lunch.

''DC is more human, is it not?'' Devin sucks in her bottom lip when she knew she had a point.

''He's from Marvel, smart ass,'' Jeff declares. ''And he still not the shit.''

Clay turns to Jeff. ''You know who is? Spider-Man.''

And just as one, Kat, Hannah and Devin spat with disgust, ''I hate Spider-Man.''

× × ×

''What did you get for number 24?'' Hannah questions, interrupting the silence surrounding the girls that sat in Devin Greene's bedroom that Tuesday afternoon.

Hannah took up all of her bed while Devin was sprawled out on her floor and Kat took her desk.

''For what?'' Devin asked. Devin was going through information for her Tech class.


It was a simple one-two-three as Devin pulled out the assignment from under her Tech folder that piled on top of the others as she started flipping through pages.

''Sam and Jacob orderd a pie of pepperoni pizza-''

''Yeah,'' Hannah blurts out. ''That one. I'm not good with fractions.''

Devin scoffs. ''Neither am I.''

As she places the assignment aside to return to the one she was originally working on, Kat spoke up, ''That question got me mad.''

Hannah waves her off as she flipped the packet. ''Don't worry, we'll just Google the answer.''

''No, not that,'' Kat furrows her brows. ''Sam and Jacob are so worried about who gets that 1/8 slice of pizza when they should be worried about each other. Like that last slice of pizza won't matter when Sam moves away to west Dumbledore, now will it Jacob?''

Devin looks up, her head tilted to the side as her and Hannah eyed her oddly.

''Are you moving, Kat?'' Devin hesitated to ask.

A pout conquered her lips when she nods.

''What?'' Hannah gasped. ''When was this?''

Kat shrugs her shoulders. She slides onto the floor so she'll feel more closer with the girls ''My parents have been talking about it for a month now. But I didn't think it was gonna happen. That's why they came to school today, they wanted to tell me that they sold the house and they needed a copy of my transcript.''

With wide eyes, Devin asks, ''When do you leave?''

''A day after school ends.''

Furrowing her brows, Devin points out, ''Kat, that's at the end of the month.''

''I know.''

''You do know what this means?'' Hannah cocked a suggestive brow.

She shakes her head subtly. ''That I  leave by the end of this month?''

''No,'' Devin chuckles. ''We make a bucket list. Sort of. 55 things to do before you move.''

Kat jerked back. ''Why 55?''

''It'll throw people off.'' Devin leans over and nudges Kat, earning a genuine giggle. ''What do you say? Bad bitches expedition?''

''Ooh,'' Kat cooed. ''Let's name it that and I'm down.''

Hannah had her head lugged to the side as she flatly blurts out, ''You were down either way.''

author's note; I don't remember if Kat leaves some other time, all I remember is that she doesn't come back for the beginning of their next year, which is what I'm doing, so don't attack me, please. SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG BY THE WAY, I WAS SO STUCK ON THIS CHAPTER FOR THE LONGEST !!

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