Previously on Sims Big Brother...

A game changing twist impacted the vampires in the house: Jessica, Wogan, Beau, and Vladimir, in which Wogan won safety, and Beau and Vladimir ended up on the nomination block. After a tough Power of Veto competition that required mental dexterity, Matthew pulled through and chose not to use the Power of Veto to keep his alliance mates safe. Tonight, who will be evicted from the Big Brother house, Beau or Vladimir? Find out on this episode of Sims Big Brother!

*Beau, Aria, Jessica, and Wogan hang out in the camera room*

Wogan: It's not you, Beau.

Aria: Yeah, we've already established that.

Beau: Okay, good.

Jessica: And you can vote in the eviction, Wogan?

Wogan: Yeah, I can.

Aria: Okay, so you have three votes at least. And I'm sure the other four will keep you as well.

Beau: Great.

Beau (DR): They've just been telling me, you know, that's it's not me. It's either a trick to make me feel comfortable or the truth. I'm hoping it's the truth, because I have a lot of trust in Jessica and I want to go to the end of this game with her.

*Lola, Matthew, Johanna, and Tiara chat in the dining room*

Lola: So I was picking Jupiter up from daycare, and the lady there - she was so, so, like, starstruck-

Vladimir: Hey, guys.

Johanna: Oh, hello.

Vladimir: Oh, did I interrupt?

Lola: No, I was just in the middle of telling them something.

Vladimir: Should I leave?

Tiara: No, sit.

*Vladimir takes a seat*

Vladimir: So are you guys planning to evict Beau?

Matthew: Yeah, we are. His bond with Jessica is just getting way too strong.

Vladimir (DR): Excellent! I'm not going home!

Vladimir: Well, when me, Aria, Wogan, Beau, and Jessica were all talking, Beau said some pretty inappropriate things that crossed the line.

Lola: About who?

Vladimir: You, Johanna.

Johanna: What? What did he say?

Vladimir: He called you an unfunny attention whore who feeds off of other people's money to support herself and her daughter.

Johanna *crying*: What?

Johanna (DR): I have to go confront Beau about this! This is ridiculous behavior that will not be tolerated in my book!

Vladimir: I'm sorry, Johanna.

Johanna: What the f*ck? I thought I was cool with that guy.

*Vladimir leaves*

Lola: Hey, maybe you should go and talk to him about it, okay, Johanna?

Johanna: That's exactly what I'm gonna do.

Matthew (DR): I see right through Vladimir. Classic manipulation may work on Johanna, but it wouldn't work on me, ever.

Tiara: And Johanna, you're not... all that.

Johanna: Thanks.

*Johanna confronts Beau in Wogan's HOH room*

*Beau and Wogan are hanging out there*

Johanna: May I talk to you, Beau?

Beau: Yeah, sure. What's the matter?

Johanna: Vladimir said you called me an unfunny attention whore.

Beau: I did not!

Johanna: Are you sure?

Beau: Positive!

Johanna: Look me deep in the eyes and tell me that you didn't do it.

Beau: Johanna, I would never.

Beau (DR): Why is Johanna making up this bullsh*t? Did Vladimir seriously get into her head? Wow!

Johanna (DR): I can tell by the tone of his voice that he didn't say those things, and Vladimir probably made a story up about me. This infuriates me so freaking much!

Johanna: All right. Thanks for being honest.

*Johanna leaves*

Wogan: What was that all about?

Beau: Vladimir.

*Jessica and Tiara sit at the kitchen table while everyone is eating dinner*

Tiara *whispers*: It's Vladimir. It has to be!

Jessica *whispers*: Yep.

Live Eviction:

Julie: Houseguests, in just a few minutes we will begin the second live eviction of the season. Beau, Vladimir, you will each have one more chance to persuade your houseguests as to why they should keep you in the game. Beau, you are first.

Beau: Houseguests, as you know, I am very much of a laid-back personality type, but I'm never afraid to stand up for what I believe in or work to get my hands dirty. I will always work to keep my allies safe in this game, because that's really what matters. I am loyal, dependable, and I try to be honest, and I believe I deserve to stay. Thank you.

Julie: Thank you, Beau. Vladimir, you have the floor.

Vladimir: Okay, guys, first of all I just wanna say that what I said about Beau is true, he did say something about Johanna along the lines of "she doesn't deserve the money because she's already making plenty". Don't shoot the messenger, everyone! Also, Jessica, Wogan, and Beau, don't let the celebrities win because they're already so rich! Thanks!

Julie: Thanks... Vladimir. Okay, houseguests, one at a time you will go in the diary room and cast your vote to evict. Beau and Vladimir are not allowed to vote.

Tiara votes to evict Vladimir

Jessica votes to evict Vladimir

Wogan votes to evict Vladimir

Lola votes to evict Vladimir

Aria votes to evict Vladimir

Matthew votes to evict Vladimir

Johanna votes to evict Vladimir

Julie: It's official, with seven votes to evict Vladimir will be leaving the house tonight. Let's give the news to the houseguests. Houseguests! The votes are in. When I reveal the name of the evicted houseguest, he must say his goodbyes, gather his belongings, and walk out the front door. With seven votes to evict, Vladimir, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

*Vladimir walks out the door without saying goodbye*

Goodbye Messages:

Matthew: Vladimir, I knew all along that your lie was a lie. It was a desperate attempt that got you evicted, so nice knowing you.

Beau: You're just such a toxic personality and a joy-killer to everyone in the house. I can't wait to fight my way through this game without you. Good riddance!

Johanna: I wish the best of luck to you and your future endeavors. I hope you know I had to work tirelessly to become successful, so don't bother being jealous. Farewell.

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