Previously on Sims Big Brother...
With Wogan winning HOH, the all-girls alliance was officially over. The Slayers formulated a backdoor plan to evict a strong competitor, Matthew, but Wogan had second thoughts! At the nomination ceremony, Wogan stuck to his word and nominated two pawns, Johanna and Tiara for eviction. At the Power of Veto competition, Johanna took safety home, and Wogan nominated Matthew in her place. But Jessica had a plan to convince her alliance members Tiara was the true mastermind of the game! Tonight, not one houseguest, but two houseguests will be evicted, because it's double eviction night, baby!
*Jessica, Aria, Wogan, and Beau talk in the HOH room*
Aria: I'm actually torn on who to evict now.
Jessica: I'm not.
Beau: Wait, you wanna go for Matthew?
Jessica: Tiara. She's running that alliance.
Wogan (DR): Luckily for me, I'm not making this decision, but my alliance is. Evicting Tiara actually may be good for our games!
Aria: I'll consider it.
Jessica: Good.
*Tiara, Lola, and Johanna chill by the hammock*
Tiara: This might be it for me.
Lola: No, it's not. Matthew's going home.
Tiara: You can't promise that. It looks like at least 4-1, but still.
Johanna: I know.
Lola (DR): If Aria and Jessica still have some sort of faith in the girls' alliance, then they should vote Matthew out. Simple as that.
*Matthew joins them*
Johanna: Hey.
Matthew (DR): This is a really bad situation for me to be in right now. Whoever survives, and it's going to be me, should keep the three strong against the Slayers.
Tiara: We should play a game or something to pass the time.
Lola: How about Chopsticks?
Johanna: Sure.
Live Eviction #1:
Julie: It is time for the live vote and eviction. Houseguests, in just a few minutes we will begin the third live eviction of the season. Matthew, Tiara, you will each have one more chance to persuade your houseguests why they should keep you in the game. Matthew, you are welcome to go first.
Matthew: Thank you, Julie. There are two psychological aspects of this game: appearance, and reality. My appearance is that I'm a strong physical player and a not too shabby mental player who should win competitions easily. My reality is that if I want to win a competition, I try my hardest to, and unfortunately, in the last veto competition I did not have the stamina and mental determination to succeed. I'm not as perfect as I appear, and I hope everyone keeps that in mind. Thank you.
Julie: Thanks, Matthew. Tiara, you're up.
Tiara: Okay, everyone. First of all, I might appear as a strategic threat, but I'm not a negative or toxic person overall. I've never incited any arguments or fights, and I'm always respectful of everyone in the house and their boundaries. Coming into this game, I vowed to always be a good housemate and a pleasant person, and I hope I've succeeded. Mom, I love you so much and kisses from the Big Brother house!
Julie: Thanks for speaking, Tiara. Okay, houseguests, one by one you may enter the diary room and cast your vote to evict. The two nominees and the HOH cannot vote.
Aria votes to evict Tiara
Lola votes to evict Matthew
Beau votes to evict Tiara
Johanna votes to evict Matthew
Jessica votes to evict Tiara
Julie: It's official, by a vote of 3-2, Tiara will be evicted from the Big Brother House. Let's give the news to the houseguests. Houseguests! The votes are in. When I reveal the vote, the evicted houseguest will gather their belongings, say their goodbyes, and walk out the front door. By a vote of 3-2, Tiara, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.
*Tiara hugs everyone and leaves*
Goodbye Messages:
Lola: Tiara, if for some chance you're sitting here, I just want you to know that you've been my closest relationship in this house. I've never connected with someone half my age this much and I wish you much luck in the future!
Wogan: Tiara, the reason you're sitting here is because there's simply too much about you for the Slayers not to get rid of you. You're smart, attractive, and a triple threat basically. It's too bad you didn't make it to jury.
Jessica: It's unfortunate that this deal between the girls had to end, but it was necessary for the Slayers' success. Hooray!
Julie: Houseguests, get ready to head out to the backyard, because it is double eviction night! One of you will become the first member of the jury!
HOH Competition:
*Aria, Beau, Jessica, Johanna, Lola, and Matthew line up in their booths*
Julie: This competition is called "Hallow Head of Household". And here's how this is going to work. You will be shown a minute video about the origins of Halloween. Then I will ask you true or false questions relating to the video. If you get the question wrong, you are eliminated. If you get the question right, you move on to the next round. Everybody clear on that?
Aria: Yes, Julie.
Julie: Good. The video will be shown now, so pay close attention!
*The video is shown to the houseguests*
Julie: Question #1: True or false? Halloween used to be called All Hallows Eve.
*Everyone answers*
Julie: The answer is true. Matthew, you have been eliminated.
Matthew: Dang it! I couldn't remember.
Julie: Question #2: True or false? There were six jack-o-lanterns shown in the video all together. I repeat, six jack-o-lanterns shown in the video... all together.
*Everyone answers*
Julie: The answer is false. Jessica and Beau have been eliminated.
Jessica: Ugh.
Beau: It's fine.
Julie: We are now down to Johanna, Lola, and Aria. Question #3: True or false? Halloween is observed in all countries.
*Everyone answers*
Julie: The answer is false. Which means, congratulations, Lola, you are the new HOH!
*Lola, Johanna, and Matthew hug and celebrate intensely*
*Aria looks terrified*
Julie: Lola, you will have only a few minutes to decide who you will nominate for eviction!
Lola: All right.
*Lola, Matthew, and Johanna enter the camera room*
Matthew: Don't do Aria.
Lola: Not her, she'd be a waste of my HOH.
Johanna: Definitely do Wogan. He's a huge threat. He wins all the competitions!
*Jessica and Beau escape from the rest of the houseguests*
Jessica: You have my back one hundred percent. I have yours.
Beau: Without a doubt.
*They kiss*
*Wogan approaches them*
Wogan: If Aria's put up, we get her out. Got to stay vampire strong.
Jessica: Exactly.
Nomination Ceremony:
Julie: Lola, please stand in the front of the living room and make your nominations.
Lola: I'm nominating Wogan and Jessica.
Julie: Okay. Just to clarify, Jessica and Wogan have been nominated for eviction, but they have the chance to save themselves in the Power of Veto competition.
*Commercial break*
Julie: During the break, Aria, Johanna, and Beau have been selected to play in the veto competition by random draw. Let's get things started.
Veto Competition:
Players: Lola, Jessica, Wogan, Aria, Johanna, and Beau
Julie: This competition is called "Lime Drop", and here's how this works. In this competition, you must race down your lane, jump into your ball pit, and search for limes. You must find a lime and attempt to drop it into your tube. If a ball hits the ground, it is out of play. The first houseguest to drop four limes into their tube and hit their button will win the Power of Veto. Clear enough?
Beau: Yes.
Julie: On your mark, get set, go!
*After ten minutes of playing*
Lola: 2 limes
Jessica: 3 limes
Wogan: 3 limes
Aria: 4 limes
Johanna: 1 lime
Beau: 0 limes
Julie: Congratulations, Aria! You have won the Golden Power of Veto!
Aria: Oh, yes! Exactly what I needed.
Veto Meeting:
*Everybody sits in the living room. Jessica and Wogan are sitting in the nomination chairs. Aria is standing in front of everybody*
Aria: Jessica and Wogan have been nominated for eviction. But I have the power to veto one of Lola's nominations. I have decided not to use the Power of Veto.
Julie: Thank you, Aria. It's official, either Jessica or Wogan will be evicted right now. Jessica, Wogan, you will each have one chance to persuade your houseguests to keep you in the game. Jessica, you have the floor.
Jessica: I want to say hi to all of my students, my friends, and my loving family. Houseguests, I mean it when I say I'm a true fighter, fiercely loyal and true to my word. I don't just sit around lazily waiting for something to happen; I take action. What I lack in physical game I make up for in social game. So I hope you guys choose to save me. Thank you.
Julie: Thank you, Jessica. Wogan, you are up.
Wogan: I think I deserve to stay 'cause I'm a friendly, honest guy with strict moral values. I have a family back home and I love them and miss them so, so, much, and I'd kill to see them on finale night. So crown me the winner already!
Julie: Wow, Wogan, that was... nice. Okay, houseguests, one by one you will go in the diary room and vote. The nominees cannot vote. Lola, you will only vote in the event of a tie.
Johanna votes to evict Wogan
Matthew votes to evict Wogan
Beau votes to evict Wogan
Aria votes to evict Wogan
Julie: It's official, with four votes to evict Wogan will be leaving the Big Brother House as the first member of the jury. Let's give the news to the houseguests. Houseguests! The votes are in. When I reveal the vote, the evicted houseguest will gather their belongings, say their goodbyes, and walk out the front door. With four votes to evict, Wogan, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.
*Commercial break*
Julie: Next week, a shocking triple eviction puts the game into perspective.
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