The Warden
//I feel like that meme sums her up to the T lol
"Oh please, are we really discussing this?" She rolled her eyes, finger tracing the lip of the wine glass she balanced in her elegant hand. "I'm the warden to you. That's all you need to know, anything else is trivial."
Fiona Maven Westbrook
Snapping her fingers, she spoke curtly, "Catch up. I'm only the Warden to you. But if we must use titles, Warden Westbrook will do."
Coroner calls her Fiona, but everyone else either calls her the Warden, Warden Westbrook, or Miss Westbrook
"Didn't your mother ever tell you it's considered impolite to ask a woman her age? Oh wait—she dropped you on the head as a child," Fiona mockingly tutted. "Poor thing. Im sure Dr. Frankenstein can fix you right up. Maybe a lobotomy would do you some good."
She's supposed to be fifty, but appears to be twenty eight.
"Alright, now you've really crossed a line. I think you're just plain rude. I have more pressing matters then so sit through a mockery of an interview. You will not be making a fool out of me," She scowled cruelly, preparing time stand up as she tossed the blood red liquid down her throat. Ah, the things she'd do for a good red wine.
"I'm like a pendulum, darling. I swing both ways," she winked, a devilish expression on her face as her tongue ran over her pearly whites.
Face Claim:
Eva Green
"What? You think you're going to get to know me?" She chuckled as though it was the most preposterous proposition she had ever heard.
Manipulative—Fiona knows how people tick. It's impressive, really, how easily it is for her to uncover another's weakness. She'll use it to her advantage to get whatever she wants. This woman never feels remorse for her actions. In fact, it's almost as though she gets off on seeing others suffer. She knows how to get in peoples' heads, which is what makes her extremely dangerous. She can make someone not only second guess themselves, but also the very people they're supposed to trust and love the most. She's far more dangerous and crafty then people give her credit for, which is saying a lot.
Arrogant—Fiona considers herself the best in the business. She oozes confidence, and she believes she's unstoppable. After all, she had the upper hand in this situation. Who's going to believe a bunch of radicals? A bunch of crazies? Again, with her manipulative outlook, she can appear as sane and as innocent as a tot one instance and crueler then death the next.
Cruel—Fiona feels no guilt, no sense of repercussion for her actions. She does what she wants when she wants to whoever she wants. She loves seeing others in pain, emotionally and physically. She wouldn't know mercy or empathy even if it looked her in her callous eyes as it watched the light leave them, welcoming death. Fiona will take every sense of joy away from these wayward souls, dead and living, just for the fun of it. She loves seeing them hopeless, wishing for death.
Intelligent—To claim she's stupid would be a horrible underestimation and calculation. Fiona is as sharp as a whip and as cunning as a serpent. After all, she wouldn't have come this far if she was as smart as a stick. She is a scientist, chemistry and necromancy being her passion. She is a genius in the subject, hence why she uncovered the way to live forever through harnessing the spirits of the dead. Unfortunately, she also understands how desperate people work, the psychology of the mind. She is very good at being three steps ahead of opponents, which is why it's incredibly hard for the patients in the asylum to pull one over her. The things that do go on, continue because she allows it, not because she lacks the knowledge. The whoring, smuggling, and other illegal activities are helpful to her. Weapons, truly, for her to use when she needs to strike. She gathers the information for later in order to manipulate the patients if and when they get out of hand. Devious and devilish she certainly is.
Weird—definitely abnormal, Fiona is. She's very quirky and doesn't understand social norms, despite her quick and clever imitations. She's a bit odd, something people pick up instantly. However, sometimes they find it charming instead of sickening, which is how they should be viewing her.
"I like making children squirm," she wiggled her eyebrows, eyes wide in the hopes of appearing intimidating (which wasn't necessary considering that the floor she walked on would quake at her presence).
She loves being in her lab, concocting new mixtures and inventing. It's her passion, something that actually sparks joy in the woman's hateful body. She enjoys reading, especially catching up with the science journals and voodoo. She dabbles in mysterious realms and magic (not that she's a witch or anything). She reads a lot of books around necromancy and wives tales in the hopes that she can bring their tales to life through science.
"You're looking at perfection at its finest, darling," she winked, a dark smile capturing her face.
She's very narcissistic, thinking that she's the most intelligent person to walk the earth. She takes a lot of people for granted, like the Coroner. She uses him and feels nothing towards him, although she does pretend that she's infatuated with him for his benefit. Fiona doesn't have a kind bone in her body. She malicious and thoughtless, doing anything for the purpose of self interest instead of for the best interest of others. Her weaknesses lie in children and rejection because of her past.
"The past is the past. Why not live in the present? No use dwelling on the things we can't change."
Growing up, she was always the odd one out. Her high intellect always made her stand out in comparison to the other children her age. She was an odd bird, never the type to play with dolls or flirt with boys. She isolated herself from humanity, preferring the solitude and company of ones self. She's rather experiment and play with bugs, getting her hands dirty and seeing how nature worked instead of interacting in childish games.
She was a marvel, something to be admired and awed. Not only was she beautiful in an eerie sense, but her intelligence was alluring. She could crack any puzzle before her in mere seconds, surpassing many her age with her intelligence. Many believed it was sorcery that a mere woman could be so intelligent. But it was undeniable that her intellect surpassed many of the great scholars in her day and age.
She had always been manipulative, using her physique and vast knowledge to her advantage in order to get what she wanted. Fiona always got what she wanted until Logan Hale entered her life. They were college lab partners. Fiona was eighteen and he was twenty two. She skipped many grades and classes because of her advanced thinking and was the youngest taking the course on top of being the only woman in the classroom. Once she saw him, she fell hard and fast. For a moment, Fiona was rethinking everything in her life. Her ambitions were gone with the wind, and she acted like a schoolgirl seeing a boy for the first time. She was childish, easily
Flustered, generous and kind even. She began to see the world in a new light and was changing for the better. She even went as far as to share her ideas with him, all of which she kept under lock and key for so many years.
However, he was disgusted by her plans and speculations of solving the wives tale revolving around a fountain of youth. He was the first to reject her, to act revolted in a sense that burned her. Destroyed with grief and hurt, Fiona turned to her old ways. She became malicious and cruel, to the extent that she murdered him for the sake of science. He was the first soul she captured, The Child of God, and she still is irrevocably in love with him to this day. Her plans revolve in manipulating him to love her and to become part of the empire she's creating within the asylum.
She hates children so much simply because she can't have any. She found out several years after she murdered the love of her life when she was engaged to a wealthy scientist. They were married and tried several times before realizing that she would never be able to conceive a child. He quickly divorced her and married a much younger woman, fueling her desire to make the effects of her invention stronger. She harvested more souls with the help of the Coroner, who she manipulated easily after a few months. He really was like a puppy, desperate for love and adoration. All she had to do was offer some and his loyalty stuck permanently. This is something no one knows about, and it's why she despises Are you my Mummy so much. She wants the best dead simply because it's a blatant reminder of what she never could have even if she wanted it. As you can probably tell, Fiona doesn't react well when she's told she can't do or have something.
She also smokes from time to time. It's not necessarily because she's addicted to it, but rather because she likes the taste and it's something mindless.
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