Chapter 1

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If this fest taught me one thing, it's the snakes do really have two cocks. All my 30 years of existence I've been living under a rock. Ugh! Anyway, I'm gonna spread this knowledge and show you all what I've found.

Why? Because I saw it, so you have to see it and share my pain/surprise/shock/whatever.

Below is an excerpt of the National Geographic article-
Snakes and lizards have not just one, but two penises, called hemipenes.
University of Sydney researcher Christopher Friesen says having two hemipenes may benefit males during mating. And it's not just males that are doubling up. Female lizards and snakes have two clitorises, or hemiclitores, which were first described in female monitor lizards in 1995 by W. Böhme as "miniaturized mirror images of the hemipenes of the males."

The hemipenes of lizards and snakes sport tiny spikes and hooks.

Scientists have a few ideas about why hemipenes exhibit this sort of ornamentation. According to one hypothesis, male and female genital form has adapted so that mating can occur only between a male and female of the same species. The genitals of males and females of the same species fit together, and the spikes and hooks could help the male keep his hemipenis in place during mating.

One study found that those spikes and hooks may also increase the duration of copulation, thereby increasing mating success.


Love was simple yet complicated.

Love was a magical feeling that makes your heart flutter and melt just at the sight of your beloved. It was the rush of warmth to your chest and the assurance of having someone even if you aren't together all the time.

Love...was wonderful. It was just as Jimin always imagined. Maybe it was much better than his imagination.

When Jimin fell in love at first sight as he later realized or was smitten at first sight, he didn't even know who or what Jungkook was. He just remembered the warm, fuzzy feeling that rushed to his chest, the involuntary tug of a smile on his lips, and this sudden crazy urge to be the reason for his most beautiful smile.

The first time he saw Jungkook, the pretty bunny hybrid was bundled in a heavy winter jacket that reached his mid-thighs, clad in a mask and a beanie. His eyes were big, round, and doe-like twinkled with mischief. He was too far for Jimin to smell him. Not to mention the glass barrier between them.

He was with a group of friends who were wrapped in a similar pattern as well while Jimin was outside the Snow World is one of the biggest shopping malls that was separated by a huge glass wall. Mall goers could see people having fun inside.

Jimin always loved the concept of snow. He'd watched tons of Christmas movies and always had this fantasy about snow. However, sadly, movies don't transpire how cold winters were or how worse it could get. He'd soon learned winters weren't as beautiful as it was shown in the movies.

The first time he waddled into the snow despite his parents' warning, he almost froze to death and if it wasn't for his father who pulled him out on time, he wouldn't be here.

Being cold-blooded he never fancied winter after that. So he opted to watch others having fun and playing in the snow. Having to put up with the heavy snow outside once in a year alone was too much and too demanding for the cobra hybrid.

So he took pleasure in watching the other people having fun through his window while sipping his hot cocoa or tea. Sometimes he loved to come here too. The mall was fully air-conditioned. Not something he preferred, but he was bundled in warm clothes and could manage a couple of hours.

As he watched, he saw the stranger's face mask slip. His friend had fallen victim to his snowball and the stranger laughed, throwing his head back as he watched the comical expression, pointing a finger at him. It was at that moment Jimin felt something weird in his chest.

He had a beautiful laugh. It was unadulterated and carefree and made him appear younger than he was. It was so bright and contagious that it made him wonder how it sounded. Right then, he was shaken out of his stupor by his best friend, Taehyung.

"Jimin-ah, I'm done."

Jimin blinked and shook his head. His gaze flicked to Taehyung, absent-mindedly staring at the cup-shaped furry ears on top of his head.


"Let's go."

Jimin blinked again. "Okay."

His head, however, snapped to look back at the Snow World, only for him to deflate when he didn't see the stranger anywhere.

When he felt someone tugging at his hand, he looked forward to seeing Taehyung dragging him along. His eyes were fixated on the back of his head or more pointedly at the twitching black ears with a white spot that his friend called eyespots.

It was a habit of his to stare at the moving objects and Taehyung never stopped moving. His long tail wrapped around Jimin's wrist and Jimin immediately snuggled closer to the predator's side, leeching off the warmth he radiated.

It was one of the benefits of being friends with a Tiger hybrid. His temperature ran hot and he was Jimin's personal heat bag.

Jimin preferred to stay indoors during winter and kept himself as warm as possible. Taehyung, on the other hand, could adapt to diverse environments. He was active in winter when compared to the summer.

He didn't want to come out today but Taehyung had dragged him out of his comfort zone. As a graphic designer and artist, he didn't have to leave his home at all. But today he was glad he did.

Jimin didn't think he'd meet the stranger again. It had been a month or two since he last saw him. If the graphic artist sneaked out of his apartment to roam around the neighborhood in hopes to run into the stranger one day, no one has to know that.

It was in early April when Jimin met Jungkook again, roughly three months after he first saw him.

The snow had begun to melt though the weather wasn't favorable for Jimin. He'd run out of groceries and with Taehyung away for work, he decided to make a short run to the nearby convenience store. He badly needed a trip to the supermarket but a few packs of Ramen should keep him alive. At least that was what he had in his mind when he stepped inside the small store.

He ignored the way prey hybrids slightly jumped at the sight of him or how their noses twitched and the mild scent of fear permeated the atmosphere.

He sighed inwardly, remembering the convenience store was owned by a hamster hybrid, Kim Seokjin. A haven of sorts for the prey hybrids in the area.

Jimin couldn't blame them for their reactions. Times might have changed and their species might have evolved, but the prejudice was still there. Though they lived closer and no longer harmed the prey hybrids, their primal instincts had caused many unfortunate incidents.

Despite the awareness that the government tried to spread and encourage the species to mingle with each other, it wasn't that easy. Unless they were brought up together since childhood, animal instincts sometimes overtook their human side.

So the predators and the prey hybrids always kept their distance though they were civil. They had their individual neighborhoods, shops, and so on. However, in the city, it was impossible. In recent years, many predators and prey hybrids have been living closer than ever.

Still, it didn't change much of their natural reactions when it came to things like this.

"Yah, Jimin-ah, long time no see," Seokjin greeted with his signature smile, laid back and composed as usual.

The prey hybrid was one of the most handsome and beautiful hybrids he'd ever seen. He was bigger than most hamster hybrids. His long, wavy hair hid the small ears and if it wasn't for his mouth watering scent, he'd pass as a human.

"Hey, hyung, it's winter." Jimin grinned as he lowered his mask. "You know how it is."

"Ah. You didn't have to come all the way. You could have just ordered by phone. Hyung would bring it to you."

Jimin smiled. Their normal conversation might strike as odd for many. But Seokjin was one of the few hybrids who saw him for who he was and didn't push him away for his genes.

"I didn't want to bother you. Besides, I had to get out once in a while."

Seokjin patted his back. "Go on. We have fresh meat," he said. "Came this morning, fresh from a farm. You'll love it."

"Thanks, hyung."

The other prey hybrids quickly moved out of his way or gingerly skirted around him. He stepped aside for a very pregnant domestic cat hybrid to pass, mindful of her claws and a warning hiss as he walked past her, rounded the corner when something soft, and smelled mouthwatering bumped into him.

It all happened in a blink of an eye. His primal instincts surged forward and his initial reaction was to attack. But the impact had caused him to lose balance and he was falling backward.

He grunted when his back hit the floor, knocking out a few things on the shelves, and his hands instinctively wrapped around the warm, soft body that collided with him.

The back of his head hit the floor and left him reeling. When he opened his mouth to express his displeasure, he ended up with a mouthful of the furry ear.

A soft whimper could be heard as he fought the urge to not clamp his mouth and take a bite. A smell so delicious wafted into his nostrils and blood pounded in his veins.


A rabbit.

His mouth watered and he groaned, finally understanding why it was hard for the predators to control their urges sometimes. The sweet scent of fear was stirring his predatory instincts. The slight tremble of the warm body on top of him and the taste of his ear in his mouth didn't help at all. He wanted to lick and maybe bite a little harder. Taste that delicious blood.

Just as he opened his eyes, he felt the bunny hybrid shift on top of him. It was a man with long, black droopy ears. When their gazes locked, Jimin's entire world stopped functioning for a moment.

Big, round, doe-like eyes filled with tears stared back at him. Thin, petal-like lips trembled. The body on top of him gave another shudder that broke Jimin out of his trance.

Before he could respond or react, however, someone was pulling Jungkook away from him.

"Ah, Jungkook-ah, you should always watch where you're going," Seokjin chastised. "Thank heavens it was our Jimin and not some other hybrid."

Jimin stared at the stranger from his spot on the floor, seemingly frozen and quite ashamed for the way he reacted.

One word kept ringing in his ears. Jungkook. His name was Jungkook.

Seokjin dusted Jungkook pants. Jimin couldn't physically bring himself to tear his gaze off the stunningly gorgeous bunny hybrid. He'd quite literally knocked the breath out of him and Jimin hadn't been able to get himself together.

"I'm sorry." Seokjin was helping him up then. "Jungkookie is sometimes too curious and clumsy."

"I-It's okay."

Jimin stood dusting his pants but he couldn't tear his gaze off Jungkook's trembling form.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't see y-you coming." His voice wavered and he wasn't meeting his gaze.

Jimin noticed his beanie was on the floor and picked it up, dusting it once before handing it to him. "It's okay. I'm sorry if I frightened you."

Their gazes met briefly only for Jungkook to avert it immediately. Jungkook had left after that much to Jimin's dismay.

The next day when Jimin showed up again at Seokjin's place, asking for Jungkook's whereabouts the man had smiled as if he knew something Jimin didn't. He'd claimed that he felt bad about the other day and wanted to apologize properly.

Jimin was elated when Jungkook agreed to meet him in a café a few blocks down his apartment complex. The snake hybrid was enamored not just by his scent but also by his shy, kind demeanor.

The next weekend when Jimin waited for Jungkook to show up in the café, he didn't really expect him to come. The café he chose was in the intersection of two streets that served both the prey and predator hybrids and was owned by a human. The staff were human too and were hybrid friendly. It was busy as usual with an equal influx of hybrids and humans.

It had been fifteen minutes and there was no sign of Jungkook. The hot coffee he ordered earlier was growing cold as Jimin's face dulled little by little. He reasoned that the prey hybrid must be running late yet there were no messages from him that he'd be late.

From Seokjin he learned Jungkook worked in a local daycare. He checked the time and noticed a majority of the daycare closed by this time. Did he get stood up?

Jimin swallowed the invisible lump and let out a humorless chuckle. It was nothing new and it wouldn't be the first time someone stood him up. Cobra hybrids really had shitty luck when it came to dating other species.

This isn't a date, he scolded himself.

It could well be, a hopeful voice chimed in unison.

Jimin sighed. His hopeful eyes once more lifted to the entrance. He remembered how Jungkook trembled during their first meeting. Maybe he was afraid and this was a bad idea. Any hope he'd had with the bunny hybrid had fizzled and he decided he wouldn't pursue him anymore.

He stared at the now cold coffee on his table. It was close to thirty minutes and maybe he should just leave. With an exhale, he was about to stand when that wonderful scent of one particular hybrid reached him.

Jimin's head whipped to the door as if all his senses were tuned to that scent. The bunny hybrid was standing at the door, looking around with wide eyes.

He came.

The snake hybrid perked up, his heart skipping several consecutive beats.

He really came.

An involuntary smile tugged at his lips and he straightened, waving a hand to get his attention. The bunny hybrid stiffened a little, fidgeting with his sleeves as he slowly made his way toward him.

Jungkook was dressed in a cute, white fluffy sweater that was two sizes big on him with a pair of tight jeans. His ears were hidden in a faux fur beanie. His eyes twinkled when lights fell on them and in short, he looked absolutely adorable.

As for Jimin, he was smitten. He was speechless as he stared at the bunny hybrid. His scent made his mouth water. Moreover, he was tongue-tied to the point he couldn't even bring himself to utter a word when the hybrid came to stand in front of him.

Jungkook shifted from one foot to the other, squirming under his intense gaze. Jimin was often told by his friends that his look could be intense and scary at times, but none of that warning made it into the snake hybrid's brain as he blatantly stared.

"Um...hello?" he greeted. "I'm sorry I'm late. A parent ran late and I had to stay back. My phone died so I couldn't text you."

Jimin blinked but still couldn't utter a word. Secretly, he was glad for his contact lens. He was sure his eyes would be glowing green.

"Is there something on my face?" The bunny hybrid patted his face with both his palms and Jimin almost cooed at his sweater paws.

"Y-Yeah," he said in a dreamy voice. "Beauty. You're so beautiful."

The bunny hybrid had flushed red upon hearing that and covered his ears cutely, looking away from him. Fortunately for Jimin, the waitress chose that moment to interrupt.

"Are you ready to order, sir?"

Jimin was brought out of his trance and he looked at the waitress and then at the hybrid. "Oh, you're standing." He jumped to his feet. "Where are my manners? Please sit." He pulled a chair for Jungkook.

"Thank you." His scent turned sweet and Jimin fought hard to not focus on it.

"They have great cupcakes and muffins here," he said. "What would you like to have?"

"Um..." Jungkook fidgeted with his sleeve as he turned to the waitress. "Do you have blueberry muffins?"

The woman smiled warmly. "Of course, sir. We have classic blueberry muffins, keto blueberry muffins, blueberry glazed donut muffins, blueberry yogurt mini muffins, and lemon blueberry oatmeal muffins. Which one would you like to have?"

Jungkook's eyes went wide as he contemplated. Indecisiveness danced in his eyes.

"We will take two each," Jimin said and Jungkook's head whipped toward him. "Can you also get us some warm butter and cream cheese?"

"Definitely." The waitress jotted down their order. "What would you like to drink?"

"Um...chocolate milk?" He asked in such a small voice that Jimin almost cooed before catching himself at the last moment.

"Sure, sir," the waitress said. "What about you?" She turned to Jimin.

"I'll have the same."

"Wonderful. I'll be right back with your orders." She pivoted on her heel and left them.

Jimin took a deep breath and almost moaned when Jungkook's delicious scent filled his lungs. He wanted to keep inhaling but at the same time holding himself back realizing it was really creepy. He didn't want to make the rabbit hybrid uncomfortable.

"" Jimin scrambled for words to convey. The speech he had prepared a day before and practiced at least fifteen times in front of his mirror was long forgotten. "I...ah..."

"You didn't have to apologize..." Jungkook said softly, fingers now drawing a random pattern on the white table. "That's kind of you."

"Oh, I-I didn''s ah—"

Jungkook watched him patiently through his lashes, his gaze curious.

What the fuck, Jimin? Get your shit together.

Jimin took a deep breath, composing himself.

I can do this.

"I'm sorry about that," he started with a shy smile. "It's really the first time for me."

Jungkook creased his brows. "First time?"

"Well, um...first of all, I'm sorry our first meeting happened under unfortunate circumstances and I scared you off." Jimin fiddled with his thumbs, averting his gaze. "I...ah, um...I actually saw you a couple of months ago in the Snow World you know."

"Snow World?"

Jimin cleared his throat. "Y-Yeah. I thought you had a beautiful laugh."

"Your orders, sir." The waitress arrived with their orders.

Jimin leaned back and allowed her to put the tray on the table, thanking her. He cut the muffin in half, lathering it with warm butter before popping it into his mouth. Jungkook followed suit. They were silent for a moment, just eating their muffins.

"So...what do you do for a living?" Jungkook asked, reaching for his chocolate milk.

"I'm a freelance graphic designer and artist," Jimin replied.

"Oh, that must be cool. So you work from home?"

"Yeah. What about you?"

Jungkook had immediately launched into the topic, hands flying animatedly in the air as he talked about his interests. Jimin listened with a smitten smile on his face. It was safe to say they'd begun to text each other every day.

The more they talked the more Jimin fell for the bunny hybrid, whom he knew was the nicest of all with a heart so big as his large palm. When the snake hybrid finally managed to ask him out, Jungkook had said yes. It was euphoric when Jungkook reciprocate his feelings. Now two years down the lane Jimin was so ready to mate Jungkook and make him his forever.

When Jimin and Jungkook began dating, the people around them were surprised. Taehyung didn't bat an eyelash. His soulmate had said as long as it made Jimin happy that was all that mattered.

He couldn't say it was the same with Jungkook's friends. Except for Seokjin, the others were skeptical about the bunny hybrid dating a snake hybrid.

They were just so different. Starting from their eating habits to the living places—everything was just so different. While Jungkook was a pure vegetarian, Jimin couldn't survive without meat. Jungkook was very particular in the way his bed was made. He filled it with soft cushions and layers of blankets while Jimin didn't bother as long as it was warm.

In a way, it helped a lot because the bedding and Jungkook's warm temperature kept him warm. He didn't require additional heat pads with Jungkook around.

However, the relationship wasn't all easy either. The prejudice and judgmental looks they got sometimes were too much. The people weren't too kind and didn't think twice before talking.

Some even tried to protect Jungkook from him; some went as far as to control the Hybrid control agency, complaining about him. It was Jungkook, who constantly fought on his behalf. As a predator hybrid, he couldn't even do that. Couldn't even stand up to himself and it was all hard.

Then there was Jungkook. Jungkook with his warm smiles and even warmer hugs. Jungkook with his big heart that was bigger than his palm. Jimin would put up with anything as long as he had Jungkook by his side.

There was constant pressure from Jungkook's side of the family. They demanded that he break it off with Jimin. But the bunny hybrid was not only ferocious but also possessive. He'd threatened to cut off his family ties just because they wouldn't understand and give a chance to Jimin. They'd eventually met Jimin. Though they somewhat maintained a civil relationship, it wasn't much.

More often than not Jimin's predatory instincts kicked in, leaving him at the precipice of losing control. However, with time Jimin learned that when he lost control like that he wanted to wreck Jungkook until he was sobbing with pleasure. Never once had he wanted to harm Jungkook mortally or emotionally.

The bunny hybrid knew this too. Sometimes he purposefully riled Jimin until he got what he wanted.

The challenges they faced in their daily lives were endless. One such challenge was their biology, which was designed in a way that they could copulate only with the same species.

At first, Jimin wasn't sure if they'd be even able to have sex because...well...he had not one but two cocks—with spikes and hooks—that enabled them to increase the duration of copulation and ensure mating success.

But when Jungkook insisted he wanted to try, who was Jimin to say no. Fortunately, everything worked out well for the couple. More than better actually. For Jimin, the sex was better than any of his previous experiences.

There were several trials and errors. When they moved in together, everyone believed Jungkook was done for. Jimin still remembered the looks they'd get from their neighbors. Many expected Jimin to eat Jungkook at some point.

Little did they know Jimin ate him almost every day, just not in the way they would expect.

Well, even that wasn't easy either because Jungkook was a screamer. The first time they had sex at Jungkook's apartment the hybrid control had knocked down his door and stunned him while he was balls deep inside the bunny hybrid very close to his orgasm.

What no one expected was for the said bunny hybrid to deck the first officer who tried to drag Jimin away with a hiss, yelling, "Those cocks belong to me. Get the fuck out!"

Jimin would have laughed too if he wasn't feeling like he was stung by hundred bees. His only consolation came from the knowledge that the officer left with an apology and a huge purple bruise forming in his jaw.

After that, they didn't have sex until Jungkook moved in with Jimin. And he'd immediately soundproofed his apartment so Jungkook could be as loud as he wanted and as for him, he could avoid getting stunned by some rabid hybrid control officers.

The worst of all the challenges was they weren't allowed to adopt. Forget the children. Predator hybrids had to go through strict formalities even if they wanted to adopt pets because most of them fell under the prey category.

Previously Jimin considered having a pet snake but now that was out of option with Jungkook around. And Jungkook had to give up his pet bunny to Seokjin because otherwise, he couldn't be with Jimin.

The laws were stringent. Though the government was trying to create awareness, the adoption laws weren't in their favor. Prey hybrid couples could adopt orphaned prey hybrid children and predator hybrid couples should adopt only predator hybrid children.

Then came the part of having their own offspring. Being different species, they were always told they were incompatible to procreate. It never bothered them though. They were madly and deeply in love and to them, that was enough. It didn't help when it came to their families though. Not that Jimin minded. He just needed Jungkook like he needed air.

When it came to bed, his bunny was insatiable. With short refractory periods known for their breed, Jungkook always kept him on his toes. Jimin, however, had no trouble tending to his needs. With stamina to last through at least three of his little bun's orgasms, Jimin always kept up. In the end, he'd always tried his bun out.

"You got all you need?" Seokjin asked, pulling him out of his thoughts.

Jimin looked up from the pastry section, where he was eying the different flavors of cakes. Jungkook had a sweet tooth and liked to eat something sweet during his mating cycle.

"Yes," he said. "Pack me this strawberry cheesecake. Jungkook loves this one."

"Sure thing." Seokjin grinned. "And best of luck for you guys."

Jimin smiled warmly. Seokjin was one of the very few well-wishers who actually supported them. "Thanks, hyung."

Mating cycles were important for hybrids. It was when they were closer to their animal side with their instincts to breed at the fullest. It was also when they were most fertile.

This was also the first time their mating cycles synchronized unlike before. Though others claimed they couldn't have a child of their own, Jungkook believed otherwise. Jimin didn't have the heart to tell him the others might be right. It was why Jimin and Jungkook decided they would try to mate.

"See you later, hyung." He left the store with a smile on his face, ignoring the judging looks he received for being in a prey hybrid-friendly neighborhood.

This isn't the first time and it won't be the last.

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