Act 1

Silver the Hedgehog's Sing-Along Blog

This is being done by ZairaDrayan/ckaira77. I don't own Sonic the Hedgehog or the characters. I also do not own Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. I am changing some of the parts to avoid bad words or words that I'd never put down and occasionally to fit the character's personality. Hope you enjoy Chapter 1.

Act 1

Silver does a rather failed maniacal laugh for his viewing audience. He realizes that he is sounding stupid on camera and stops.

"So that's, you know, coming along... I think... I'm working with a vocal coach; strengthening the "AAHHH!" A lot of guys ignore the laugh, and that's about standards! If you're going into the Evil League of Evil, I mean you have to have a memorable laugh. What? Do you think Dr. Eggman didn't work on his laugh? His terrible death laugh. No response, BTW from the League yet, but, my application is strong this year; a letter of condemnation from the deputy mayor. That's gotta have some weight, so, fingers crossed," Silver said to his watching audience. He crossed his fingers.

There was an awkward pause. Silver then tried to change the subject.

"Emails! 2sly4you writes: "Hey Genius" Wow! Sarcasm! That's original! (Continues). Where are the gold bars you were supposed to pull out of that bank with your trans-matter ray? Obviously it failed or it would be in the papers." Well no, they're not going to say anything in the press! But, BEHOLD! Transported from there to here!" Silver said holding up a plastic bag with an odd material in it. The gold bars were melted. Silver poked at it. "The molecules tend to shift during the trans-matter... um... advance, but they were transported in bar form and they clearly were... I swear that they were! I'm NOT lying!" said Silver trying to sound convincing.

Silver was making up words off of the top of his head. He wasn't sure if he was really saying the right things. He shoved the thought from his head and continued.

"By the way, it's not about making money. It's about taking money! Destroying the status-quo because the "status" is not "quo". The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. I'm gonna...," Silver stops and sniffs the gold bar bag. "That smells like cumin... Uhhhhhhhhh... Anyway, Trans-matter is 75 percent and, more importantly, the Freeze-Ray is almost up. This is the one. Stops time. Freeze-ray. Tell your friends," Silver said pulling out a large weapon that was the freeze-ray.

Silver put down the first paper with the e-mail he was reading. He picked up another with another e-mail.

"We have... OH! Here's one from our good friend Johnny Snow! "Silver the Hedgehog. I see you are once again afraid to do battle with your nemesis. I waited at Dooley Park for 45 minutes." Silver read. He put down the paper with an annoyed look on his face.

"Ok, dude, you're not my nemesis. My nemesis is Sonic the Hedgehog. He dislocated my shoulder... Again... last week... Wow... I'm going WAY too much by the script... I should stop being Dr. Horrible and start being super awesome villain Silver the Hedgehog! Okay. People watching, I'm only trying to change the world here! I am not going to go to a park, with little kids, just to fight everyone who thinks I'm their nemesis!" Silver exclaimed. He threw the paper behind him.

Silver picked up another paper. He seemed rather surprised to find that it wasn't from someone who would always be writing him an e-mail.

"Okay, this is from DeadNotSleeping. Wow. That's a really dark name for something like this. LIGHTEN UP! Okay, long time listener, first time writer, blah blah blah blah... "You always say on your blog that you will 'show her the way, show her you are a true villain'. Who is 'her' and does she even know that you're...?"

Silver's voice faded away for a second. He looked up from the paper at the camera trying to say something in reply, but he couldn't. He knew who he was talking about. He wasn't sure what to do. How was he supposed to put it? His brain raced back to earlier that day. He was at the laundry place. Silver walked up to a laundry machine and began to stuff it with clothes. He looked up for a second and saw her. A light purple she-cat with a beautiful purple dress. She had her hair up in a big spiky ponytail. Her eyes were gold just like his. The tip of her tail was dark purple. She had red shoes with a white stripe running across the middle of it. Blaze the Cat. In Silver's eyes, she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

Laundry day,

see you there,

under things,


Silver anxiously walked over to her. She didn't notice. He wanted to say something, but was quickly losing his nerve. He backed off after mumbling what he had to say. She still didn't hear him.

Wanna say,

"love your hair."

Here I go,


With my freeze-ray, I will stop

the world.

With my freeze-ray, I will find the time to find the words,

Silver banged his head against the washing machine trying to figure out what to say to Blaze. He had to say the right thing. She was special. She gave him feelings that he never felt anywhere else other than when he saw her.

Tell you how,

how you make,

make me feel.

What's the phrase?!

Like a fool,

kinda sick,

special needs,


With my freeze-ray I will stop

the pain.

As Silver was singing this to the viewing audience, he ran his fingers over the freeze-ray. He grinned to himself as he held it up. He went back to his memory. Back then he was singing the same song to himself.

Not a death-ray

or and ice-beam that's all Johnny Snow!

I just think you need time to know

That I'm the guy to make it real,

the feelings you don't dare to feel.

I'll bend the world to our will,

and we'll make time stand still!

Silver imagined himself dancing with Blaze in the laundry place. Silver, in the real world, was smiling and nodding to himself. He opened his eyes again and returned his focus to the viewers.

That's the plan.

Rule the world,

you and me,


Love your hair!

Silver recalled himself saying that. Blaze turned around. She heard him! Her golden eyes blinked with curiosity.

"What?" she asked to Silver.

Silver flinched. He thought he was going to freak out. Silver improvised. "Uh... I-er... love the air...," he said. Blaze shrugged and went back to her laundry. Silver smacked himself in the face for blowing his chance.

With my freeze-ray, I will stop-


"Wha-? Bokkun! You are going to have to fix the roof you know," Silver said with annoyance on having to be cut off from his song. He turned off the camera that was filming him. He went over to the flying, exploding television delivering, robot from Sonic X.

"Oh, whatever! I have your mail for ya!" Bokkun said pulling out a television. A vision of Dr. Eggman appeared.

"Greetings Silver. I have read your request to get into the Evil League of Evil. I would like to go into greater detail, however, I thought that you would like it more if I made it more interesting. Cowboy-singing-bots, get over here now!" commanded Dr. Eggman. Three robots dressed like western cowboys appeared on the screen.





Conquers across the nation,

evil genius of sin.

He got the application that you just sent in.

It needs evaluation, so let the games begin!

An evil crime, a show of force!

(But murder would be nice of course)!




He's bad!

The Evil League of Evil

is watching so beware!

The grade that you receive

will be the last we swear!

So make the doctor gleeful,

or you know what'll happen there.

Hope you're prepared,

please understand,

so, later Silver!

Signed: Eggman!

The message ended. Silver thought that the message was a little weird because of the cowboy robots, but it was a lot more interesting. Silver turned back to Bokkun.

"Well, it wasn't exactly a no. Listen, I've got to get back to delivering more messages," said Bokkun.

"Sure. I can't believe it! I'm about to pull a major heist. I've got to get the Wonderflonium that's being transported tomorrow in a courier van! Should be simple enough," Silver said to himself with great excitement.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah...," Bokkun said.

Bleep! Bleep! Bleep Bleep!

"What's that?!" demanded Silver.


"A little something from me to you!" Bokkun said as he flew off laughing naughtily away. The TV exploded, therefore, ruining the rest of Silver's house. Thanks to Silver's psychokinesis, he was able to clean it in the blink of an eye. He wasn't going to look forward to Bokkun's next visit.

The next day, Blaze was standing at the edge of the street. She was holding a paper. She would ask the people to sign it, but they would only walk on by.

Will you lend a caring hand,

to shelter those who need it?

You only have to sign your name;

don't even have to read it.

Would you help?


How about you?

Everybody just ignored Blaze's attempts to help the homeless. About thirteen feet away, Silver was spying on the courier van that had just arrived with the Wonderflonium. He put a device on top of it using his psychokinesis. He got out his phone that, thanks to the device, allowed him to be able to control the van. He turned on the van. However, he took a few steps back and ran into Blaze!

Will you led a caring hand-?

"AAH!" cried Silver in surprise.

"Oh! Oh. Sorry!" Blaze said in reply.

"Ah... Hah... What?" asked Silver once he had recovered from the shock of Blaze speaking to him. He wanted to smack himself in the face again for sounding so ridiculous.

"I was wondering if I could just... Hey, I know you! Don't you go to the same laundromat I do? What's your name?" asked Blaze.

"Uh... Billy. That's my name. Uh... What's up?" asked Silver typing on his phone occasionally glancing over at her. She got out her paper.

"Actually I'm out here volunteering for the Caring Hands Homeless Shelter. Can you spare a minute, or are you too busy texting?" asked Blaze beginning to get annoyed by seeing that he was barely paying attention.

"Sorry! Go ahead! I'm listening! I promise!" Silver insisted. Blaze wasn't convinced, but proceeded.

"Okay, we're hoping to open up a new location soon, expand our efforts. There's this great building nearby that the city is just going to demolish and turn into a parking lot, but if we get enough signatures-"

"Signatures? Just signatures? Why not donations? I'd totally donate! I hate seeing people always out on the street without a home! Why just signatures!?" demanded Silver.

"I don't know. They said signatures. Why are you still texting?" asked Blaze.

"It's really important! Otherwise, I'd totally stop! I'm sorry!" Silver apologized.

"Well, if we get enough signatures, maybe we could get the city to donate the building to our cause. We would be able to provide 250 new beds, get people off the streets and into job training so they could... buy rocket packs and go to the moon and become... florists... You're not really interested in the homeless are you?" Blaze asked.

"NO! I am! It's just that I've got a ton on my plate at the moment. Do you want me to sign?" asked Silver looking up from his phone for a second.

"Sure! I haven't gotten a single signature all day, but things are finally starting to turn up! I just need, like, forty more...," Blaze sighed. She handed the paper to Silver and he signed it.

"Well, good luck!" Silver yelled as she walked away.

Silver sighed. He didn't like that he had been giving more attention to his phone rather than her. Silver thought about going to apologize, but if he did, that would mean that he would fail his major heist. He couldn't fail if he wanted to get into the Evil League of Evil.

A guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do...

Don't plan the plan if you can't follow through.

All that matters is taking matters into your own hands.

Soon I'll control everything.

My wish is your command-

Silver had complete control of the van until something unexpected happened. Another hedgehog appeared! He jumped on top of the van and smashed the device! He was blue, spiky, wore red shoes that were belted and had a white stripe, had green eyes, and had a smile upon his face. Sonic the Hedgehog.

Stand back everyone!

Nothin' here to see!

Just imminent danger,

and in the middle of it: me!

Yes, Sonic he is here,

hair blowing in the breeze.

The day needs my saving expertise!

When Sonic smashed the device, Silver lost control of the van. It was doing whatever it wanted. Sonic was going to have to save the day wasn't he? Sonic jumped off the van and ran alongside it. He tried to guide the van into an ally, so it wouldn't hurt anyone. However, to his surprise, Blaze was in the alley way with her paper. She shrieked in surprise, but couldn't move! Sonic had to do something!

A guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do!

Seems destiny ends with me saving you.

The only doom that's looming is you loving me to death,

so I'll give you a second to catch your breath!

Sonic ran in front of the van and looked as if he was going to stop it. He shoved Blaze to the side. She fell into a pile of garbage. She sat gasping. Thankfully, thanks to random pounding on the brake button on his phone from Silver, the car stopped right in front of Sonic. Sonic wondered what made it stop. He assumed that it was himself, so he allowed himself a moment of victory. He looked around for a moment and spotted Silver. Sonic rolled his eyes as if he were expecting for Silver to be behind it all. Oh wait, he did expect for Silver to be behind it all!

"You! You could have killed her!" snapped Silver at Sonic. Sonic shook his head and waved his pointer finger at him.

"No... I remember me saving her life! I think that she would rather be stuck in the garbage rather than dead. Silver, I knew that you were behind all of this. What are you doing here?" asked Sonic.

"If you-"

Sonic grabbed Silver's neck cutting him off from his sentence. Despite his looks, he was remarkably strong compared to most people. Blaze stood up from the trash heap. Silver expected Blaze to throw a bunch of harsh words at Sonic, but she did something rather unexpected.

Thank you Sonic man,

I don't think I can,

explain how important it was that you stop the van.

I would be splattered;

I'd be crushed under debris.

Thank you sir for saving me!

Blaze didn't notice Silver. Sonic shoved Silver away from him to get him out of the picture. Sonic smiled at her and continued the song.

"No problem!" Sonic replied.

Sonic: A guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do!

Blaze: You came from above...

Silver: Are you kidding?!

Sonic: Seems destiny ends with me saving you.

Silver: What heist were you watching!?

Blaze: I wonder what you're captain of!

Silver: Stop looking at her like that!

Sonic: When you're the best

you can't rest,

what's the use?

Silver: Did you notice that he threw you in the garbage?!

Blaze: My heart is beating like a drum!

Sonic: Their butts that need kicking!

Some ticking time bomb to defuse!

Blaze: Must...

must be in shock...

Silver: I stopped the van!

The remote control was in my hand!

Sonic: The only doom that's looming is you loving me to death!

Blaze: Assuming I'm not loving you to death.

Silver: What-e-ver!

Sonic and Blaze: So please give me a sec

to catch my breath...

Silver had obtained the Wonderflonium from the van and was storming off with the case under his arm. In his heart, he couldn't feel worse. His girlfriend was now starting to give his nemesis her love. He was more than upset now. At least, he got what he was after and the heist was a somewhat success. Silver left without looking back at the two lovebirds.

"Great...," Silver mumbled to himself as he left.

ZairaDrayan: Yay! Great job everyone! I think that's it for today!

Sonic: Sorry about that Blaze...

Blaze: It's fine. Silver?

Silver: I'm good... I think.

ZairaDrayan: That's the end of Act 1. Please wait for Act 2 that's going to be coming soon!

Sonic: Silvaze and Sonaze in one story. How does that work? I'm supposed to play a cheesy hero! How does this work?!

ZairaDrayan: I don't care how! It works! My only regret is not putting Shadow in this! Maybe he'll be an extra...

Shadow: Don't worry about me. I'm still trying to get over the Shadow of the Opera.

Sonic: Okay then... I guess it works...

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