Chapter 2- My Fault
Chapter 2- My Fault
“After 6 long months of searching, now trance of Isis has been found, nobody has seen or heard of her, we have no lead as to where she may have gone. Though I want you all to know, despite all this, we will not give up. I don’t care if we have to search to the edge of the earth to find this child, we will find her. If anyone thinks they know anything that could be even the slightest bit useful, then I beg of you to come forward.” Arthur said as he stood at the round table. “Council dismissed.” He said, looking down at the desk as people filled out of the room. “Sire-” Merlin began,
“Not now Merlin.” Arthur said, his voice solemn as he left the table. Merlin watched the king leave sadly. He knew Arthur’s words were just to keep hope going…inside, Arthur, and everyone else, had practically given up any hope of the child’s safe return. “Leave him Merlin, he needs to be alone.” Percival said, placing a hand of Merlin’s shoulder.
“He feels responsible.” Merlin said looking after where Arthur had left.
“I know, but he is not, none of us are.” Percival said and behind him Gwaine felt that feeling, the feeling he had been feeling all these months, guilt. He rubbed his wrist where the burn scare lay, the mark that sealed Isis’s fate. There was a silence in the court room, everyone else had left. “Tavern?” Elyan suggested and Percival nodded,
“Sounds good to me.” He said and Merlin agreed, the tavern made everything better, right?
“Arthur?” Gwen called as she stuck her head around the door.
“I’m not here.” Arthur called back and Gwen sighed.
“I see.” She said walking into the room and over to where Arthur was pacing. “Are you trying to ware those boots away?” She asked, leaning against the bed post. Arthur ignored her and continued his pacing. “Arthur you have to stop blaming yourself. It will get us nowhere, how could it have been your fault?” Gwen asked and Arthur suddenly turned to her. “Because it’s my kingdom Gwen! Leon is a knight for my kingdom! Rosa is a citizen of my kingdom! Their child was a child of Camelot! All that makes it my responsibility! My fault!” Arthur snapped angrily. Gwen sighed and walked over to Arthur, massaging his shoulders with her hands soothingly. “It wasn’t your fault Arthur, nobody blames you. There was nothing anyone could have done to stop this. Blaming yourself will not get her home…trying to find who really is to blame will though.” Gwen whispered softly and Arthur sighed, sinking down into a chair. “You are a great king Arthur, a great man, if anyone can find that girl, you can.” Gwen said, taking his hand.
“I hope so.” Arthur said, gazing out if the window, looking over the city. Gwen smiled and kissed his hand “I know so.”
“Leon?” Percival called quietly as he knocked on Leon and Rosa’s door which slowly opened. Leon stood in the doorway, bags under his eyes and hair all over the place. His eyes that used to be bright and happy now looked dull and lifeless. “We are heading down to the tavern, do you want to come?” Percival asked. Leon sighed and shook his head,
“I need to be here for her.” Leon said looking back into the room. Percival nodded and placed a comforting hand on Leon’s shoulder. “We will find her you know.” Percival said as he saw tears in Leon’s eyes. “Yeh.” Leon said, his voice weak and broken.
“I’ll see you later.” Percival said and Leon nodded.
“Have fun.” He said as Percival turned away, looking back with a sad smile as Leon shut the door. Leon sighed, preparing himself to continue life. He slowly made his way back into the room to where his wife sat, staring unseeingly into the fire from her chair. Leon sat down next to her, laying his hand over hers. He tried to stay strong, for her, but he found it almost impossible. “She is alive.” Rosa said to the flames. “I know she is alive, I can feel it.” Leon squeezed her hand but couldn’t find words. The two of them sat in silence, not talking, yet thinking the same. Thinking about their daughter, and willing her home.
"I think it's time we left." Elyan said as he watched Gwaine topple backwards off a table in the tavern. Percival grunted an agreement and the two of them hauled Gwaine off the floor and headed for the door. "No, no, no, no!" Gwaine protested, his words slurred as he tried to resist. "I'll bring him in later." Merlin said taking Gwaine's arm from Percival and pulling it over his shoulder. Percival looked at Elyan, and then nodded. "Don't stay out too late." Percival said smiling a little before he and Elyan left the tavern. Merlin sat Gwaine down at a quiet table in the corner away from the crowd. Merlin knew that this was an opportunity, an opportunity to try and work out what was going on, and he wasn’t going to miss it. Gwaine had been acting odd, and not Gwaine odd, properly odd, odd even for him. With the disappearance and everything, nobody seemed to have noticed, except Merlin. Merlin could tell when something was up with Gwaine…if he wanted to Gwaine could be good at hiding things, but Merlin always knew. “How’s Eirawen?” Merlin asked, taking the cup from Gwaine’s hand as he tried to use it as a bird, sawing through the air. “It must be hard, she is very…” Merlin trailed off not actually sure of how to put this…Eirawen had been traumatised ever since she had woken up, she hardly left her room and Lila was the only person she wasn’t afraid of. Merlin looked up at Gwaine who had suddenly fallen still and quiet. “Gwaine, are you alright?” Merlin asked softly and Gwaine sighed.
“Nobody is alright Merlin.” He said, suddenly sounding sober. “Eirawen is traumatised, Rosa and Leon are broken from losing their child, Arthur blames himself for everything, and everyone else is breaking from trying to keep this place together.” Gwaine said and Merlin nodded. “I know.” He said solemnly. “But it can’t be helped, it is nobody’s fault.” Merlin said and Gwaine’s face suddenly looked pained and he rubbed his wrist. “Gwaine?” Merlin asked. Gwaine looked down at the table top, not wanting to look his friend in the eye. “You are wrong Merlin.” He said solemnly. “It is someone’s fault, it is mine, it’s all my fault.”
Hiya sorry for the slight wait......i wrote this once....didnt like it....tried again.....yeh...i wasnt sure how to really write this chapter but i settled for this. Hopefully u liked it though! Please vote and comment! It would mean a lot! Thanks so much for reading! Your all amazing! :)
HazelJ :)
P.S. How do u think Merlin will react to finding out about Gwaine's deal with Morgana?
P.P.S Oh yeh also to save some confusion. The book name is Silver Iris but the girl is called Isis not Iris......the meaning of the book name will be revealed later! :)
P.P.P.S. Look at the vid attachted to this chapter......the cast of Merlin really are the best! Lol
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