Settling at home
PART IV : The Enemy Arrives.
A month after the fatal ball, Rael stood at the railing of her ship watching the island of Alliance fade into the distance behind them. She let out a soft, breath knowing the ship carrying her friends north into the bay was even further from her than that dwindling piece of land she was leaving behind. It was an empty sort of loneliness, the duty that was the mantle of her title. She was constantly surrounded by people but only intimate with a few, all of whom had their own lives and missions that cast them away from her.
Rael knew that she could have told any of them to come with her to the Capitol and even without thinking about it as an order, they would have dropped their plans and accompanied her. It was odd to have so much power when she was unwilling to use it, knowing that other places needed them more than her lonely soul.
Rael shook her head, nodding to her captain before walking to her cabin, knowing she could never have asked such a thing of any of them. Kannein would be with her a month after she returned to the Capitol and Wyn and Nerini were to spend the winter in Sellexu, building peace and understanding for both sides of the bay. It would have been selfish and useless for them to come with her to sit in court merely to comfort her. One of her Foxes opened her cabin door for her, pausing just inside as she sat down at her desk.
"Do you need anything further, Regency?" Came the careful voice beneath the hood, quiet but intelligent.
Rael smiled and shrugged. "You're welcome to join me if you'd like. It's a long journey, and I have only so many petitions to go through."
"Yes, Regency."
"There's probably not many dangers here, you can lower your guard in my cabin, if you would like." She picked up a folder of papers and opened it, starting to work her way through the papers as she sat down at the small desk.
The Fox grabbed a book and sat at a table a little ways away, pulling back her hood, exposing midnight skin and hair and an easy smile, "you'll be home before you know it, Regency."
"Do you miss your home?"
The other woman smiled softly before shaking her head. "I was the fourth daughter to a moderately successful merchant. Home is where you are, to be honest."
"Why did you become a Fox?"
"Because Lady Nerini told me I had a purpose and gave me the tools to fulfill my dreams. Because you're the kind of woman I would like my daughter to be, when I have a family." It was the easy, honest answer. Nerini had been careful in the people she recruited for the Foxes, and honesty was a quality that she ensured they had in droves. Though Rael trusted her friend, she often wondered how Nerini managed to track down the warriors she had for the position.
"If you could take over your father's business, what would you do to make it more successful?" Rael asked thoughtfully, sensing the woman had a capable mind on her, wanting to draw more out of her.
"I'd spend less money on ale and prostitutes, I think." Came the solemn reply, eliciting laughter from the Queen.
Shiar stood at the helm as he brought his ship into port, seeing the ramparts of his keep flying his family colours in anticipation for his arrival. He grinned, letting the thrill of homecoming surge through his blood. The sight of home broke up the cobwebs from a couple weeks cooped up on the ship and his sailors good moods at the chance to be at home port raised his spirits. Already, his men were preparing for port, knowing he would want his horse as soon as they were secured, to head to the castle without much delay.
"M'lord, it looks like some of your household are out to greet you." The captain who stood beside him murmured, nodding to the docks as the ship slowly coasted in. The ship bumped ever so softly to a stop against the wooden dock, drawing the sailors to break into action, tying the ship into place and preparing to begin the work that stood between them and land.
"That's a messenger from Porsend and Port Couth's chief administrator beside him." Shiar said thoughtfully to himself. He sighed, handing over the wheel and striding across the deck as the ship was lashed to the dock and his horse was lead up out of the hold. Shiar didn't wait for to be done, knowing his men had it well in hand as he walked down to the pier and approached the group gathered to wait for him.
"M'Lord!" The administrator waved him over bowing quickly. Murin was an older man, grizzled and scarred from fighting, but someone he trusted with his lands while he was gone.
"Murin. This is quite a welcome." He motioned the man to move away from the bustle of an unloading ship and concerned ears, "what can I owe this honour to?"
Murin let out a breath, shrugging, though there was concern on his face. "We just got word from Porsend, apparently, a band from the mountains, rag tag bunch of warriors, armed to the teeth with several loads of something they won't identify arrived at the gates, looking to be allowed in. They're being held in the main training grounds, only one of them speaks Sellexun, an older woman who's asking to speak to the Lord. She didn't know your name, but she knew your family name. If I was to guess, she would be around the age of your father, which might be cause of the confusion."
The messenger that had moved with them listened to the explanation, nodding, and offering a little more when Shiar glanced to him. "They seem friendly, but we weren't sure what to do with them, so they're in the spare barracks. There's something... odd about them."
Shiar frowned at that, looking at the messenger for a long time, before nodding to Murin. "Alright, send a bird. Give them food and let them know that I'll see them when I arrive."
The man nodded and sent the messenger running back to the keep, watching Shiar mount his war charger. "You're not leaving now, are you?"
Shiar offered a shrug at that, finding it hard to fight the boyish grin growing on his face. "I need to stretch my legs. Send my men after me, I'll be riding till nightfall, they'll find me at a way-inn."
Before the man could respond, Shiar was off at a gallop, cutting around the harbour town on the merchant's road and disappearing into the hills of his lands. The freedom was more than he had hoped for in a long while and he took full use of it, giving his horse its head for the moment. Despite the quick speed of his departure he eventually slowed down to an easier pace to maintain when the city was far behind him.
Shiar knew he wouldn't make it to the other end of his lands any quicker than in three days, so he paced himself to that eventuality, allowing his horse to run as she needed throughout the afternoon.
They were both feeling the effects of being cooped up too long and he grinned as he watched the miles of his land pass by him through the warm autumn day. Even this far North, the sun still warmed the earth in the day and it wasn't until dark began to fall that he felt the chilled promise of winter creep into the breeze.
However, he was more than ready to stop when the Inn came into view and settled easily into supper and then sleep after that. It had been a long couple weeks, an even longer summer, and his body had grown more accustomed to a desk than travelling. The next morning, he continued with a company of five armed guards who had arrived overnight, devouring the miles once more.
The road was empty now, most farmers preparing their harvest, the markets slow until the food would begin arriving for Port, so it was early on the third day that the ocean spread out below them and they began their descent into Porsend.
Rael sat on her throne, feeling the odd weight of her formal crown on her head as she motioned to the foot guards to let in the day's petitioners. She watched nobles filtering in first, holding her body and expression dispassionately and only offering the slightest inclination of her head as they bowed and took their places around the large court room.
It was warm enough that she was using the brighter, summer, throne room, with windows lining the walls, allowing natural light in. The Royal Guards were stationed in pairs between the glass and at the large doors, with four of her Foxes arranged around her throne.
Then ambassadors from outlying courts entered, followed by merchants and finally a few commoners standing in the background. Once the hall was full, she lifted her hand and the doors were closed, the day would begin.
Her herald stood below the dais, reading from a sheet of paper. "First matter before the Queen, is the trial of Ladies Gennie and Clare, charged with conspiracy to commit treason against Aupana, conspiracy to commit treason against royally sanctioned alliances, conspiracy to commit murder against Lady Nerini O'Vara, and conspiracy to commit murder against Queen Rael. Additional accusations include five more counts of conspiracy to commit murder against various nobles protected under royally decreed treaties."
"Bring in the prisoners" Rael said coolly, steeling her features even more as she watched the two ladies, whom she had allowed to be clothed and properly adorned for court, stride in with their heads held high.
Beside them walked a man with jet black hair, almond coloured skin and dark eyes. His presence surprised her, as she had not been informed there would be anyone. "Who represents the accused?"
"I am Lord Lenum, brother to Lady Clare. I agreed to represent my sister and will also communicate similar facts from Lady Gennie."
"No family stands for Lady Gennie?" She asked, glancing into the crowd where Gennie's father and brother stood. Both men shook their heads, they had already disowned the woman and her behaviour upon being notified of her arrest, distancing themselves the moment they heard what had happened.
"Very well. I will state the facts of the court myself. These two courtiers attended the inaugural gathering of the Alliance under the good will of our treaty partners. While there, they were welcomed into several acquaintances and allowed access to public events due their rank and station. At some time, they were approached by unknown persons and paid to help with the assassination attempts of Lady O'Vara, Lord O'Vara, Lady Lac, Lady Lyana D'Ilnza of Sellexu, Prince Heir Caelur of Sellexu, Lord Shiar D'Ilnza of Sellexu, the entire Council of Alliance, and anyone of sufficiently noble blood."
"Not only did they not alert the Council or any of the targets of this plot, but they employed poison and attempted to use force to distract and murder Lady O'Vara. The plot they participated in resulted in the murder of Alliance Speaker from the city state of Alliance, Sir Tellum. After they were captured, they admitted first to Lord D'Ilnza, then on paper and then in person to myself with the consistent story explaining when, how and why as I have just stated. Their motivation was that they were angry that they were not being considered for courting Prince-Heir Caelur and High Lord D'Ilnza, of Sellexu."
The room was deathly silent, Lady Clare had her face in her hands, sobbing silently and Lady Gennie stood there looking around the room. She looked expectant, as if waiting for some form of support from the people she had probably considered her friends until her arrest. Her gaze stopped on her family, who refused to even look at her. It seemed that it had taken this long for the two women to realize that they had truly erred.
Lord Lenum watched her thoughtfully, then bowed when she signalled for his rebuttal. "My sister has agreed to these facts and shown remorse for her participation. Events swept her quite quickly along before she realized what she was involved in and being of weak constitution, she fell under the sway of Lady Gennie, as well as the clouds of a jilted heart. She begs royal forgiveness. Additionally, Lady Gennie has advised me that she is nobly born and asks for the sentence of house arrest be bestowed upon her."
Rael took a deep breath and nodded, allowing a few moments to pass as the room filled with murmuring, giving anyone else an opportunity to speak up. When no one did, she continued. "Lady Clare. Weakness of character, whereas is not as dark as meanness of character, is no excuse for any behaviour, let alone acts of pure evil. Having been welcomed under the auspices of peace, you allowed poor judgement and lack of moral fortitude to combine into a complete disrespect for human life, the security of Aupana and its allies for pursuit of blind, naked ambition."
She forced herself to breathe. "However, I take into account that you were not carrying the weapon meant to kill Lady O'Vara, you were the first to admit your wrong doing and have been represented by someone who believes you are salvageable. Your family is ordered to forfeit half of its known worth to the crown and you are sentenced to a life of hard labour, with no petitioners right for forty years. You are stripped of your rank, and will never have it returned, even if your sentence is reduced or ended, which will only be done by royal decree."
The girl collapsed to the floor, sobbing, though Rael could not tell if it was from defeat or relief at not being sent to the gallows. Lord Lenum's expression was one of gratitude, understanding that the harsh sentence was a mercy compared to death for his blood. He allowed himself one last embrace of his sister, before watching her carried away by the guards, still sobbing unintelligibly.
Rael waited until the room was quiet once more before turning to the other woman, her voice ice. "Lady Gennie. I will not abide by treachery, selfishness, or naked thoughtless ambition at the expense of all else. Your behaviour is not excused by your noble birth, merely exacerbated by it. You had all the opportunities at your disposal to create yourself a useful, contributing life. You family will forfeit half of its worth to the crown and you are sentenced to death, to be carried out within the week."
The woman had the gall to look shocked, eyes wide, mouth gaping at the sentence. Lady Gennie shook her head and turned to implore her father, who stood there resolute. The man did not even acknowledging her as she was led away by the guards, still begging and arguing.
"This matter is now closed." Rael said resolutely, motioning to her Herald to bring forth the next petition.
"Your Regency, I beg you, one moment!" Gennie's father stepped forward, dropping to his knees, head dipping to the ground in an exaggerated bow.
Rael raised a brow and nodded. "One moment only." She was expecting him to disavow relation to his daughter and ask for leniency for his lands and money and was shocked at what came out of his mouth next.
"Regency, my family has always been loyal to the crown and continues to be so. I recognize my mistake in some level of Gennie's upbringing and I apologize profusely. However, I am far better off than Lord Lenum's estates and my daughter was undoubtedly the cause behind Lady Clare's participation."
"What is your request?" Rael still had no idea where he was going and felt her patience threaten to snap as she expected the worst.
The man remained on his knees, looking to the floor. "I ask to be burdened with the amounts owed by Lady Clare's blood, I will cover the entire worth of their estates. Both families are loyal to Aupana, Regency but your sentence will break a good man and most likely end a noble blood line."
"Tell me, how did you manage to raise Gennie?" she asked slowly, looking to Lenum who had also lowered himself to his knee, not looking to her. Though surprise showed on his face just as surely as she felt it herself. This was not prearranged, it would seem.
"I spoiled her, perhaps. I wish I knew." The tired old man said softly, fighting back sobs, offering a shrug. "I tried to teach her right from wrong, but I failed you, I failed her."
"I will abide by your wish, royal surveyors will attend both estates to evaluate their worth, and you will be notified of the amount to pay. You will have six months to begin payments, and a year after that to be finished or the crown will take payment by repossession at a value of fifty percent of offered prices." Rael fought the urge to be softer on them, seeing the man nod and lower his head to the floor.
But Rael kept her expression emotionless as she watched his son bow deeply to her, then help his father to his feet and lead him from the room. She could not be weak in this, she could not allow people to believe she would let treason go unanswered.
It hurt her heart to break this man, for the actions of a disloyal daughter. It truly broke her heart, knowing just how helpless one was, in the face of an evil family member.
"Regency." Lord Lenum addressed her, bowing his head once more as she looked to him, where he still kneeled.
"You wish to further petition the crown?"
"I have a younger brother who can take over Lordship of my estates. I wish to volunteer my service without rank or title, to any task the crown may have for me. My worth is small, but I will make reparations for the actions of my family." Another surprise, more selflessness, when she had expected only anger and denial from the families of those two women.
Still, Rael knew how to think on her feet and knew that the service this man could help repair any damage his sister had caused. "You will report to Alliance, in the spring, for selection and possible training as a Council guard. There, you will be put through long, gruelling tests to ensure your loyalty and fitness. And if you fail, you will be assigned as a deck hand in the royal navy."
There was no hesitation, having barely formed the thought before she decreed it. He blanched but nodded, bowing deeply once more before rising and leaving the throne room.
"Next petitioner..." Rael allowed herself to zone out for a moment, settling the turmoil and waves of emotion that raged inside her.
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