Chapter 2: Midtown High School
Cindy Moon woke up in the morning and got dressed quickly for school. She quickly went downstairs with her black and red backpack around her shoulders and Nari saw Cindy and says "Whoa, slow down, dear." Cindy stopped in her tracks and turned around to face her mom. "Sorry, but today is Open House." Nari stopped drinking her coffee and says "Oh, that's right. I almost forgot. You need to get to school. Quickly. Come on." Nari grabbed her purse and says "Honey, I'm taking Cindy to school and I'll be back!" Albert Senior yelled from his room and says "Okay! Make sure you be careful!" Nari says "We will!" Nari and Cindy went to the garage and Nari took out her car keys. She unlocked all of the car doors and Cindy got into the passenger seat and buckled up. "Where's Junior?" Nari buckled up as well and straightened herself up in the driver's seat. "Your father already took him to Midtown Elementary. I hope you are excited to go to this school. I just can't wait until you graduate and head off to college." Nari started the car engine and Cindy smiled and says "Then I guess I better work really hard to achieve my goals." Nari pinched her cheek gently and says "That's my honor student." She chuckled as Cindy looked out the window and saw the Chrysler Building, Times Square and lots of cars.
A few minutes later, there were a bunch of traffic that leads to the school. Cindy was stunned and says "Wow, looks like I'm not the only one who's attending the school. It must be quite popular." Nari shook her head and sighed. "We'll have to make a shortcut. I'm not waiting four hours of stressful traffic." Nari made a turn down the street and began to make their way around Manhattan. Finally, they made it to the school going the back way where the parking lot is. Nari says "Here we are. Midtown High School of Science and Technology. Have a good day today, Cindy." Cindy got out of the car and says "Thank you. Love you, mom!" Nari says "I love you, too!" Nari watched her carefully going up the stairs and entered the school. Nari smiled as she drove away from the school to go back home and fill out an application for a job. Cindy was looking around the school and says "Whoa, this is a very nice and clean school." A young girl student was standing near a table that had a bunch of schedule papers near the table and she saw Cindy. "Hey, you! Are you new to this school?" Cindy saw the student and says "Yes, I am new." The girl gave her a clipboard with a sheet of paper and says "Sign in your name, please." Cindy grabbed the pin from clipboard and begins to write her name in cursive writing. After she signed it, she handed the clipboard back to the student. "Is that all?" The girl student says "Yes, that's it. Now, all you have to do is go to where the gymnasium is. It's down the hall, to your right and you should see two big double doors. The assembly is starting. You better hurry." Cindy nodded and says "Okay. Thanks." The girl student says "You're welcome and also welcome to our school, Cindy Moon." Cindy smiled and quickly jogged her way to the gym. She bursted through the doors while the principal was interrupted by the loud noise. The students were murmuring in silence and the principal says "Ah, another new student, huh? Well, welcome to our school. Please take a seat anywhere you like on the bleachers." Cindy went towards the stairs of the bleachers and went up on the fifth row. She moved herself through the line of people carefully and trying not to step on anyone's foot then she sat down with the crowd.
On the eighth row, a handsome, young man with amazing brown hair in a Midtown High School t-shirt was asleep during the assembly and a chubby student next to him with black hair nudged him while whispering to him. "Hey, Pete. Pete! Wake up!" The handsome young man went by the name Peter Parker who wasn't listening and was still asleep. The chubby student that goes by Ned Leeds decided to come up with a plan to do the 'wet willy' technique. He puts a finger in his mouth and waved it around to make sure it was covered in pure saliva. Then he sticks his gross finger into Peter's ear and suddenly he woke up and was disgusted as he whispers. "Dude! Are you crazy? What was that for?" Ned whispers to Peter while the principal was talking to the students. "First of all, sleeping during an important assembly is rude, dude. Second is beauty alert." Peter was confused and whispers. "What? What is 'beauty alert'?" Ned rolled his eyes and whispers. "New pretty girl that just walked into the gym. She's wearing a nice yellow blouse with diamonds and jet black long silky hair in two buns also got a nice tan. Do you see her?" Peter used his eyes to scan for the girl he was talking about and slowly shook his head. "No. No, I definitely do not see a pretty girl." Ned sucked his teeth and whispers. "Seriously? Bro, she's three rows down from us next to the nerd guy wearing a blue plaid button-up shirt. See her now?" Peter looked again and saw her clear as daytime. "Yep. I got her in my sights. If only she turned around, so I can see her face." Ned snapped his fingers and whispers. "I got an idea! We'll write her a note!" Peter was shocked and whispers. "No! We are not doing that." Ned whispers while straightening his hair. "What? Why not? Are you scared?" Peter scoffed and whispers. "No. I'm not scared. Pfft. Me? Ha! Do you know who I am?" He crossed his arms. Ned whispers and says "A shy, geeky, stuttering student who always talk about pop cultural things." Peter whispers and says "That is not true! I don't stutter." Ned raised his eyebrows and shook his head. Peter sighed and whispers. "Okay. Maybe I do it sometimes." Ned raised his chin upwards and Peter's head dragged downwards then he whispers. "All the time." Ned patted him and whispers. "Hey, it's going to be fine. All you got to do is write her a note and we'll see if she replies back. Okay? If she doesn't, then you might as well flush all of your interests in girls down the toilet. Sploosh." Peter gulped and Ned whispers. "But if she does reply back, you got nothing to worry about." Peter groaned and whispered to himself. "Ugh....this is not going to end well. I can't do this!" Ned frowned and whispers. "You can and you will. Be a man about it! Do it for Star Wars!" Peter whispers and nodded. "You're right. I can do this." He opened his backpack and took out his binder as he looked at the back of Cindy. Cindy was paying attention to the principal doing his speech about how last year's scores went as Peter was thinking and writing what he's going to say. Ned whispers to himself while crossing his fingers. "The Force is strong with this one." Peter finished writing and tapped on a girl's shoulder. The girl turned around and he whispered to her to pass the note down to where Cindy is. The girl nodded and whispers to the next person to pass it down. The students were carefully passing the note down to Cindy and Cindy's shoulder was tapped by another student. The student says "Someone meant for you to have this." The student holds the note towards Cindy and she grabbed it. She looked forward to see what the principal is doing and he was talking with faculty. She quickly unfolds the note and it says 'Hi, there. My name is Peter Parker. What is yours?' Cindy was curious of who this person was, so she just went with it and wrote: 'The name's Cindy Moon.' She folds the note back up and passed it back to the student that was behind her. The others secretly passed the note back to Peter. Ned whispers and was intrigued of what it says. "Well, did she reply back?" Peter whispered and says "Let's find out." He unfolds the note and read what she wrote. Ned whispered and says "What does it say?" Peter whispers. "It's her name. Cindy Moon." Ned was impressed and whispers. "Very nice. Maybe you should talk to her in person when this is over." Peter whispers. "We'll see how it goes." One of the staff members on the podium begins to speak and says "Alright, students. When I call your name, you will come up to the front, grab your science books and wait by the door to get your locker number." Ned whispers to Peter and says "Luckily, yours will be next to hers." Peter whispers back. "We'll never know, though." Ned nodded. The students were called up to get their textbooks and next was Ned Leeds, Cindy Moon and Peter Parker. They all went to pick up their books and waited by the door. Some students already got their locker numbers and went to class. The student by the door says "Ned. Your locker is 202." Ned nodded and says "Okay." He went towards the hallway to find his locker and Cindy went up to the doorway and the student says "Mm-hm. The new student that just came here. Cindy Moon, was it?" Cindy smiled and says "Yes, that's my name." The student says "Okay. Your locker will be 203." Cindy says "Alright. Thanks." She went into the hallway and seeing other students searching for their lockers. She focused on finding hers and she did apparently right next to Ned's locker. Ned closed his locker and saw Cindy. She looked at Ned and she greeted him with kindness. "Hello. I guess we're locker pals, right?" Ned saw her face and leaned against the locker with a smirk as he raised his eyebrow trying to be cool. "Well, hello there, beautiful. I am Ned Leeds and you must be miss Cindy Moon? Enchanté." He kissed her hand and Cindy was struck with nervousness. "Um...thanks." She slightly moved her hand away and Ned says "Anytime. Anytime." Cindy rolled her eyes as she felt really awkward and in her thoughts she says 'Okay, what is this guy's problem and why did he kissed my hand like I was based in royalty? This is starting to get me uncomfortable and not in a good way!' Cindy tried to open her locker, but it was locked. She tried pulling it and says "Oh, great. What was the combination?" She thinks for a few minutes and then she slowly puts the combination in. When she opened the locker, a whole bunch of papers fell out. Cindy says "Whoa! Seems like someone didn't clean their locker out last year." Ned says "That locker's was Ashley Thomas. She was a Senior here, but suddenly, she disappeared before the year was over." Cindy was curious and says "Disappeared?" Ned nodded and says "Yep and no one has seen her since. Some people say she committed suicide and some even say she poisoned herself. I don't know, but it's pretty grim if you ask me." Cindy gulped and hoped that she wouldn't think of doing anything like that in the future. Peter then came to his locker next to Cindy's and Cindy tried to put her heavy science book into the locker, but it fell on the floor. Cindy says "Oh, geez. There I go again. Messing things up already on my first day." She was going to get it and Peter says "I got it, don't worry." They both bend down to grab the big and heavy science book, but their fingers were touching and they both began to say "Whoops sorry." Cindy says "I can lift it up, you know." Ned says "Yeah, clearly." Cindy looked behind her to look at Ned as she frowned at him and Ned held both hands up while saying. "My bad." Peter picked up the book and puts it in her locker. "There. That way you won't struggle." Cindy says "Thank you." Peter says "You're wel..." He paused at his sentence as he saw her face and it was by far the most beautiful features he ever saw in a female student like Cindy. He looked into her hazel eyes and says "You must be Cindy Moon." Cindy says "Peter Parker, I presume?" They looked into each other's eyes. Ned was amazed until he looked at the time. "Um, bell, time, schedule, classroom!" Cindy and Peter snapped out of it and they both heard the bell ringing. Peter says "Ned, you are absolutely right! We better get to class before we're in detention! See you later, Cindy!" Ned and Peter started running to class and Ned says "Wow, you really nailed it!" Peter says "Yeah. I really did! Thanks, bro!" They high-fived each other while they were pacing. Cindy looked at her schedule and saw that it says 'Computer Science'. She then looked at the directory and went on to the classroom.
About 2 hours later, the lunch bell started ringing and all of the students went to the lunch room. Cindy and her class was first to get inside the cafeteria followed behind Peter and Ned. Ned says "Hey, I see her up front." Peter saw her as well and says "Yep. I see her, too." He smiled and Cindy grabbed her tray full of food with a cheeseburger, french fries, an apple and a carton of chocolate milk. She walked and saw that mostly all of the lunch tables were full except one that was empty. She sat down in one of the chairs and begins to eat her fries. Peter and Ned saw Cindy by herself at a lunch table. Ned says "There she is at a table by herself. She needs someone to talk to." Peter looked to Ned and says "No crap, Sherlock." Ned then says with a British accent. "Jolly good, my dear Watson." Peter cleared his throat and walked up next to her and says "Need some company?" Cindy jumped as her apple fell and Peter caught it with his hand. Cindy looked up and saw Peter next to her and grinned. She held her chest and says "Anyone told you to never scare someone like that?" Peter says "Just thought you wanted friends." Cindy says "I do want friends, but not the ones who like to joke around all the time and thanks for catching my apple mid-drop." She eats another french fry. Peter says "You're welcome, Cindy." Ned and Peter sat down across from Cindy. Ned says "So, how was your class going?" Cindy says "It's okay, I guess. It's a little complicated." Peter leaned forward and says "What class did you have?" Cindy says "I had computer science." Ned was shocked and says "What? That class is easy peasy." Cindy raised her eyebrows and says "Did you pass?" Peter looked at him and says "Tell me you passed that class, Ned." Ned was scratching his head and says "No...maybe? No, I didn't pass." Cindy was agitated and says "Well, that's a bust. I'm going to fail so bad in that class. Ned says "Just ask the teacher to help you. It works everytime." He takes a bite of his burger and ketchup sprayed out of it on the table. Ned smacked his hand on the table hard and says "Oh, man and ow!" Cindy was concerned and says "Are you okay?" Ned kissed his red hand and says "I'm fine and I'm not lying. This is honest to God painful." Peter says " just lied just now, Ned." Ned thought about what he said earlier and hits his head on the table once. Cindy rubbed the back of his hair and says "It will be okay, Ned. Just relax." Ned mumbled on the table and says "You are very sweet, Cindy. Please don't leave us." Cindy chuckled and Peter smiled then he says "Hey, after lunch, some of the students in this school is going to the Spider Exhibit Lab to study and research spiders." Cindy was interested and says "Spiders? That's cool." Peter rubbed his arm and says "So, are you going to the Exhibit?" Cindy shrugged and says "I don't know. Do we need permission slips?" Peter shook his head and says "No, it's completely free. No payments for the trip. So, what do you say?" Cindy smiled and says "Sure, why not." Peter grinned and says "Awesome. Hey, Ned. Looks like we got another friend to go on a field trip with us." Ned raised his hands up and he wiggled them while muffling. "Yaaaaay! I can't feel my forehead!" Peter and Cindy begins to laugh at Ned while the other students threw away their plastic trays.
(End of Chapter 2: Midtown High School)
Ladies and gentlemen! It has been a minute, but this have returned! What did you think of this chapter? Pretty awesome? Needs more work? Let me know in the comments! Also what did you think of the chemistry so far between Cindy and Peter? Pretty cool? I hope so. By the way, this all came into my brain like I was playing it like a movie. Wanted to add some music that would fit, but I couldn't think of any. I was thinking Life is Strange, but I don't know. Anyways, Shoutout time! I would like to shoutout PariahsChild and pop-Candy for commenting and voting for my chapters. Thank you both so much and that's all I have to say. So, thank you all so much and I will see you later! Next chapter coming soon! 😁😄😉😎👍👍👌✊👏👏✌
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