Keiths a good student when he has friends
The bell indicating lunch was over rang in the four students ears startling Keith a little like how it always does from his trance instead of making a little squeak like he would of if he used his voice his shoulders just sprung up and eyes blew wide
he quickly calmed down and looked around seeing the rest of his friend....? Pack up their lunches he cleaned up his art supplies and followed Lance down the ladder trying his best not to fall
And hurt himself more than he was already hurt he gently climbed down the ladder and walked with the other three down the stairs to his next class
Keith had history for his next class and silently paid attention to the lecture sucking in all the information like a sponge dates, events, social standards, perspectives, opinions Keith memorized them all writing down notes cleanly and smoothly as the teacher continued with his lesson
When the teacher stopped to give everyone a five minute break Keith was confused to see Lance dramatically lay his head on his desk and of course dramatically sigh
"I don't fucking understand any of this"Lance said annoyance evident in his voice Keith had already finished copying his notes so he did the only logical thing to do in his head silently stair at lances suffering until Lance either says something to him or continues to complain until breaks over
Lance turned to Keith and saw that he had already written everything down "hey dude"Keith nodded as a 'yeah what is it'Lance continued "can i borrow you're notes I literally understand absolutely nothing on the board?"Keith pondered for just a second before silently handing Lance his notes Lance fist bumped in the air for a second before messily writing done the notes he needed. Keith decided to take a picture of Lance actually doing work
Maybe he could use it to sketch later \(. - .)/
Yeah he was totally gonna sketch it later
He reached for his sketch book before shrinking his hand back and mentally slapping himself for forgetting that it was only a five minute break he didn't have another hour to sketch someone he could just do it after school at the park or in the forest behind the school that was always relaxing.
Lance looked over at Keith after he finished and smiled at him looking lost in thought, under his breath Lance whispered "cute"
Keith blinked a couple of times coming back down to earth and turned to Lance and signed "what" Lance coughed awkwardly and handed back Keith's notes blushing, Keith's shoulders shook in a silent giggle which just made Lance blush and start laughing too, some of they're classmates looked at the strange but they just didn't seem to care.
Keith was silently walking to his history class smiling, he always felt better after hanging out with Lance and it was harder not to smile so why would he stop?
Keith was in front of the door to his history class, he stepped forward and opened the door with a light blue Handel and grey door there was a sign that said.
" history repeats itself so you better watch out for the next ice age out wait no it's just the AC again"
When he walked into the room it was ice cold and his cropped jacket didn't really do much to help he frowned slightly before seeing pidge and smiling, he walked over to them and holding his goosebumps littered arms, he waved hi at them and sat down beside pidge. They were a couple minutes early so the class hadn't started yet he tried to sketch but his hands shook a little and he didn't like shaky lines so he just huffed and curled up on his chair like a sour child,pidge had almost they're whole head in they're turtle neck sweater just they're eyes and hair were sticking out and they looked dead on the inside " if your wondering the AC's broken and this school is so crappy that they refuse to fix it, were recommended to wear sweater but I guess you weren't notified" pidge grumbled "the teacher brings heating pads for everyone and opens the windows in the summer but it's still a little too chilly today to open them I'd just make it colder" they finished before sinking more into the sweater before the teacher walked in and handed out the heating pads " good news, the AC is supposed to be fixed soon!" The teacher was energetic and happy she was smiling since the moment she walked into class and skipped around the classroom handing out the pads.
When she got to Keith she asked him "hey sweetie do you want to introduce yourself?" He shook his head "no" and she walked away from him after giving him a pad he smiled at the warmth. He counted himself lucky that he didn't need to introduce himself to the whole class again.
Class was okay he took notes and did some work sheets and the whole class watched a video on some old dead guy.
Art and home economics were okay no one he knew was in art but he really liked it and his teacher was some kooky guy named Coran
In home economics hunk pidge and Lance were there. Hunk paired up with pidge and Lance decided to be Keith's partner, almost all of them were great at cooking except for pidge who almost burned down their station.
But now the worst part of the day was coming, Now Keith was walking home from school and he was terrified.
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