Keith's footsteps echoed in his mind, he didn't want to go back home because he was in such a good mood after hanging out with Lance. He knew that once he got home his entire mood would change from dreamy to dread but he wanted to be able to feel this okay for as long as possible.
He was already nervous, his knees weak, arms are heavy, moms spaghetti. But that wasn't the point, his whole body wanted to turn back, the way back home from school was longer then it used to be but his parents refused to pay for a bus for him to take, so he walked. He had memorized the way to school already because he had to or else he'd get lost but still, the unknown from where he was walking was a lot more relaxing. Tree arched ways he'd never seen before, a small bridge that he had to cross to get through a tiny forest and the plaza that he had passed through with chocolates and flowers that smelled amazing. The unknown had always been so much better to him because nothing could get worse, all he knew was pain so of course he'd want to look, taste, touch, smell and see as many new things as he could.
It was like a little escape, his own little Alice and wonderland story before he woke up.
Soon he started recognizing the pathways and roads he walked across, the signs were all so familiar that he could give directions to his house to anyone once they had breached the area passed the large oak on the left with hearts carved into its right side, he could count how long he had left until he got home down to the minute with checkpoints and he hated it. His footsteps falling into an annoying repetitive pattern as he kept walking,
Turn right and walk for a minute,
Then make two more rights and cut in between the red and grey house with the large barking dog,
Keep going until you see the tallest apartment building then make a left until you reach the dead end signed fence,
jump the fence and keep walking for another three minutes, try to walk as slow as possible but you can't stop,
Then pray to whatever God you can think of that dad's passed out on the couch and moms at the casino.
He arrived at the front door and could almost hear his brain supply him with a you have reached your destination but his body tensed up and he walked in front of the windows to see his dad passed out on the bathroom floor and his moms door locked with the " occupied " sign that was half broken but still hadn't fallen off.
He sighed quietly to himself not sure if from relief or disappointment of the messes his parents we're.
He went around the back of the house and entered through the back door being as quiet as he could incase someone heard him, you could barely hear his feet from how quiet he was being.
He snuck upstairs and locked the door to his room and unlocked his window just incase, Keith grabbed his backpack and took out his books and worksheets getting ready to do his homework as a distraction.
He had everything he needed and sat on the floor with a fluffy rug that he got as a present from one of his old friends as a seat and got to work.
His teachers hadn't given him enough homework, it had only been an hour and he was done everything. He wasn't rushing or anything he actually took his time with the material the teachers had given him but still, he had so much free time now and he couldn't even do anything!
Keith fell back into his fluffy rug in frustration before grabbing his sketch book and phone, he stood up and dusted his pants off a little before walking to the window and grabbing his tiny 'carry stuff that you don't wanna loose bag(TM)' and putting the stuff that he was bringing with him in that.
He opened the window and climbed out to the roof, Keith sat down and got comfortable before pulling the sketch book and his phone out of the bag, he put his sketch book in his lag and balanced his phone on his bag before turning on his phone and going through his camera roll trying to get inspired by anything.
Let's just say he saw the picture of Lance concentrating on his work and his cheeks felt a little hot before he started sketching out the drawing.
Keith started making little observations as he drew like,
Lances nose is so cute when it's all scrunched up and Why are his dimples so adorable? And His eyebrows look a little trimmed I wonder if he does that monthly or he's just naturally that pretty? And How the frick am I supposed to draw the other worldly colour of lances eyes with only these couple shades of blue?
What if I gave this drawing to Lance.....
Yeah, okay no I'm getting to ahead of myself, slow down Keith take deep breaths and stop being dumb. He wouldnt want to have your drawings anyway so don't even try.
Keith shook his head, disappointed in his own thoughts and continued drawing. He decided to use lighter tones to shade lances face and focused on where the light from the windows hit his face and made him shine. The colours bringing lances face to life as he drew the way you could see a little bit of lances tongue poking from his glossy lips as his eyebrows scrunched up a little.
He finished his drawing about 2 hours later and got worried about his dad so he crawled down the roof and climbed down onto his dad's truck, he walked over to the window and saw that his dad was still passed out and sighed once again in relief before climbing back on the roof and grabbing his sketch book and pencils. Keith paused for a moment before quickly grabbing his phone and taking a picture of the sky, he then climbed back into his room and hid all his art supplies away safely so his dad couldn't destroy it and because art supplies are expensive and he can't spend all his money on pencils when he needs to eat.
After closing his window, fixing his bed, cleaning the floor of his room with a broom, picking out an outfit for himself to wear tomorrow and reading a math textbook for a little while, half an hour had passed and he thought that he might as well make dinner now so he decided to make some fried rice with vegetables and pork. He made servings for himself, his mom and dad knowing that they'd reheat it later in the microwave and then complain about how bad it is because of the microwave but they'd blame it on him. He knew he should have made something that his parents didn't have to work for at al but he felt like fried rice so he made some.
Thankfully his parents didn't complain because his mom and dad both had massive hangovers and anything tastes good when your brain feels like it's gotten run over by a tractor then put in a meat grinder and served to the dogs on a silver platter.
Keith went to bed around 9 and slept peacefully, his parents hangovers stopped them from yelling at each other all night so he slept almost unbothered, the only thing that interrupted his rest was the sound of his parents puking their guts out but he would take that downside all the time if it meant his dad wouldn't bother him.
For now keith was fine.
I'm just gonna say that while writing this my leg fell asleep like four times
And I forgot to write for this book but then I saw all of the FREAKING AWESOME PEOPLE WHO COMMENTED and I felt like I just needed to write
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