
Author's Pov

Deadly silence laid in the air as 3 young people bored their eyes at each other. Ok more like two because the shortest one was just waiting to listen to drama as he stared out the window.

One male was staring at the other with burning wrath and the other with his signature smirk, a hooded lust in his eyes as he gazed over the long-haired man with exposed shoulders and collarbones.

"How the fuck...did you stalk me until the point that you became a GODDAM ASSASIN AS WELL BITCH?!" Jin shouted with rage at the end of a sentence as all the frustration finally spewed out of his soul, shattering the silence.

Yoongi was trying his hardest currently to not throw himself into fits of loud laughter. Meanwhile, Namjoon was doing the same but he still had his smirk on his face with an amused expression defining it.

"Jinnie, I was already an assassin before I met you. Your instincts were probably right at the very beginning, that I'm a man with dark secrets." Namjoon grinned sweetly before continuing.

"And it's a fortunate coincidence that we ended up working together even in this situation! The universe truly wants us together-"

Jin instantly took a crystal cup from the black glass table that was actually in the middle of the couches. He raised it in the air and right before Namjoon could finish his sentence, Jin threw the fragile piece right beside his head. It ended up smashing into the far-end wall. But the force that it was thrown at made it crack into the tiniest of pieces so small that they were barely visible.

Surprisingly, not a soul in the room flinched at the crashing sound of the object thrown, not even Namjoon! Yoongi just had raised eyebrows and Namjoon's mouth was still open due to him pausing as he was speaking.

Jin's wide shoulders rose and fell back down as he panted heavily with deadly hatred. His dark eyes glared sharp deadly daggers at Joon as he gritted his teeth with his jaw clenched remorselessly.

"Don't. Ever. Say. THAT!" Jin roared again.

He really didn't know, but even if he was enraged beyond anything, he never lost his temper and quietness like this. However, ever since Kim Namjoon entered his life, all of this changed profoundly.

He was the only one who made him out of control. All his inner anger which was oh so carefully controlled spewed out because of this one man. No wonder even Yoongi was surprised at seeing his friend's new state which had never been in sight before.

Namjoon sighed and nodded his head as he didn't want his love to lose all his energy being mad and screaming at him.

"Shouting will strain that pretty voice of yours, Jinnie. So why don't you calm down?"

"Well, I WOULD if you weren't in front of me smiling like a pathetic idiot."

Namjoon grinned once again right on cue by his words. "Well, that's what you make me, moon. An idiot for your love."

His last sentence was laced with visible love and sincerity which wasn't usual for a person like Namjoon. This man never liked being sincere about stupid things. But well, love made him change his mind only for one man, only for him.

Jin sarcastically rolled his eyes not believing shit the other said. He slumped back down on the couch while keeping one leg on the table and one on the couch he was on.

Yoongi shook his head at both of their behaviours, this time he turned his attention completely towards Namjoon who was sitting in front of him in the chair opposite him.

"I really can't believe that you are still in love with him regardless of how much he wants to practically behead you. You must have pretty strong feelings, huh." Yoongi couldn't help but really speak out his head ever since the day he heard about this man.

"Yeah, you are right, honestly. My feelings are stronger than any mountain for him. I'm willing to risk it all...just for him."

He meant it, he truly did and Yoongi knew that as well. He could see the light in Namjoon's eyes as he glanced at the man who was sitting on the couch with a childish pout as he kept huffing and mumbling with irritation to himself. Even if Yoongi might have doubted Namjoon in the slightest at first, he now knew Kim Namjoon was the man for his friend.

How did he know that? Well, his guts never lie. He just had a strong feeling that...maybe the universe truly desired them to be together.

"As if! I bet that one day you will drug me to fuck you and when you get what you want, you will disappear into thin air!" Jin yelled out sarcastically at them as he was getting more and more pissed at Joon's act of being this 'love-sick boy.'

"Yeah and you will be with me, cause by then I would be kidnapping you to keep you for myself."

Joon gave out a sweet dimpled smile and glanced at Yoongi who was chuckling looking at both of them interacting.

"Wow, honestly, I feel like you guys are a great match. I approve of you in advance!" A small smile appeared on Yoongi's face and a scowl emerged from Jin at those words but obviously, he was ignored.

"And just for clarification,I will NOT be getting in your way so you don't worry! I would rather die and lose my money to a gold digger than get together with a rude fucking bastard like this asshole."

Yoongi quickly explained while pointing towards Jin. He truly felt the need to do so. Because he knew just by looking at Namjoon, that this man would kill him if he hadn't been Jin's closet and only friend. Probably because Jin interacts with him more than anyone else and Namjoon would probably remove a person like that.

The said chuckled at the shorter's words but Yoongi could sense a relief in him at the revelation. "Well, that's nice for me, I suppose!"

Yoongi nodded his head and there was a slight silence once again clouding up in the air. At this point, Jin was about to get up and leave before the shortest man in the room broke the atmosphere.

"Hey, I have an idea," Yoongi exclaimed, not sounding too enthusiastic because he didn't want to show that side of him in front of a person he just met and hasn't even gotten close with.

"Wanna hangout out during free time, all of us together?" He asked mostly directing towards Namjoon because there was no way Jin would actually answer.

Namjoon raised a brow at the question. No, no he didn't want to hang out with this man. He had absolutely no interest in doing so.

"Why should I?" Joon asked not minding if he sounded a little rude or harsh.

"I can persuade this cranky asshole, aka Kim Seokjin to join us and I might even help you get him-"

"First of all, fuck you, Yoongi. Second, if you even dare to do so, I will actually slit your throat. And last, no way in hell do I do stuff like, 'hang out' " Jin snarled as he gritted his teeth and bored his hooded eyes at the said man.

"It's just a simple meetup you know, because it feels like we're going to be seeing each other for a longer while than expected, even outside work, perhaps. So it wouldn't hurt to grab coffee together."

Yoongi persuaded as he looked expectantly at Joon.

"I mean of course, there's nothing for your benefit in it, but you can spend more time with Seokjin." The man shrugged. Namjoon's face was still lost in thoughts and Jin scoffed.

"We already see each other every day at work and sometimes even at our building, how much more do you want to torture me?"

Jin's words were once again ignored as Namjoon slowly nodded his head. A small smile started creeping its way onto Yoongi's face due to that.


A small pause appeared following Joon's words once again.

"I want to bring a friend. My best friend, you can say."

"Great! Now you're also inviting civilians!" Jin shook his head with disappointment.

"No loss for me, since I'm NOT going to be joining." He spoke again, sounding more like he was pointing his words towards Yoongi mostly.

"You are and I'm going to make you! Anyways, Levinor, you can invite whoever you want, the more the merrier! But I will choose the location, though. Say, you give me your number and I will text you the address?"

"Is this an indirect way of trying to find a chance of going out with me?" Joon half joked as he looked at Yoongi.

The small man chuckled gently. "Not at all, I'm not currently in the mood of dating you see, and my type is certainly less...fierce, I will say. So no, don't worry about that, either. I'm simply going to just text you the address."

Joon nodded his head as he pulled out his phone. "You better only do that."

Jin shook his head once again, already too tired to deal with these two. He knew that no good will happen by fighting the two right now over him not going. So he will simply just ghost the two and find a way to not go, easy.

The other two exchanged numbers and well, after a while everyone was out driving their vehicles after bidding good-byes.

A smirk appeared on Joon's face as he walked toward his humongous sports bike. A perfect chance to make his bestfriend meet the man who has been wrecking his heart every single second. An excellent surprise. Wonder what the two will do when they meet each other?

»»----------► ❍ ◄----------««

Jimin stared out his house window at the light rain that was pouring down. It was the monsoon season, so it was raining nearly every day for hours, so much that at times roads and places basically flooded up.

He glanced over to the small side table near the couch in front of him. He saw that his light blue gerbera daisies were basically dead by now. So he stood up and went to it.

It often ached his heart whenever he saw a beautiful plant or flower dying. In his defence, he looked at them like they were his own children. And it was the reason why he hated receiving flowers on themselves. It would be better if he was given them with a plant pot, like this they would be able to keep growing.

The man took the fragile vase and went to replace it with some of his overgrowing bamboos from another vase. He had plenty of them anyways and they never seemed to die if they stayed in water and indoors.

Jimin was currently in his house in the human realm. It got tiring to stay in a gigantic palace with suffocatingly huge walls and tall narrow windows. Being a royalty was a burden at times so he wanted to live amongst the normal people with a job he absolutely loved doing.

He lived in a fairly big house on the land. It was a very aesthetically modern and pleasing house. There was greenery even inside the small building. Little hanging plants all near the windows. Palm plants that were kept beside the TV and couches. Flowers and bamboo plants lined up on the small coffee tables.

Jimin actually had his own small garden outside. There he grew trees and plants that bore delicious fruits. He loved growing various types of vegetables as well. Even back home at the palace, he had his own area in the gigantic royal garden gifted to him by his father. He liked creating most of the monstrous plants over there. Overall, Jimin was that sweet little gardener type of guy.

He returned to the living room with his vase and nearly dropped it when he looked up at the area. A dark figure was sitting at his previous spot while staring at the rain as well. I guess everyone loves rain-gazing.

When Jimin instantly recognised the person, he panted heavily and held his chest with his free hand as his heart literally pounded on it.

"What the fuck, man?! You nearly killed me goddamnit!" Jimin yelled rapidly as he was still sliding gradually out of his panic mode.

Namjoon, who was obviously the one sitting on the couch, turned around to look at the other with a mischievous smile on his handsome face.

"Well, first of all, you can't die, you're a damn immortal, my friend! Second, I can't believe you are such a scaredy cat and still called the 'Dark Prince' "

Jimin scoffed loudly. "Well, I am called that due to the amount of bitches I've fucked ruthless till they literally become drunk with my semen" He spoke casually as he tenderly kept the vase on the table. Namjoon chuckled as he shook his head.

"Wow, man. You know most people see you as that sweet innocent person that can easily submit and can be instantly manipulated. But in reality, you are actually this sick, greedy and sadistic person."

"Well, puts a good delusion when I need to trick people." The short man shrugged as he sat beside his friend.

"So what's up? Why are you here at this time?" Jimin eyed the clock, exactly 10:33 at night.

"Well, you see, so I'm meeting up with a few friends-"

"You don't HAVE any friends other than me, though." Jimin corrected him as he jokingly smiled at him.

"So I'm meeting a few ACQUAINTANCES! And I wondered if you would like to tag along."

Jimin's eyes narrowed as he raised a brow and tilted his head slightly back while crossing his arms together.

"Hmm, you usually never hang out with your 'acquaintances'. Also, you never bother to invite me with other people. So tell me, the hell you cookin' up there, huh?"

Namjoon sighed as he had been effortlessly caught in his attempt to bring the other along. "Fine, I just a found a guy whom you can easily hook up with-"

Jimin's eyes rapidly blinked, absolutely surprised at what the younger one just spat out. He almost never did anything for anyone other than himself. So of course it took a while for Jimin to really get that Joon was actually being serious.

"Ok, first of all, who are you and where the fuck is my best friend? Second, damn you, why the hell would I want to hook up with someone, goddammit?!" He fumed lightly.

"Look, man, you have been a constant hopeless romantic for literally 2 decades now, don't you think it's time to spice up that shitty and boring life of your life, for once? Like, how much more bland can you get?! Enjoy your infinite youth, you ungrateful brat!"

"My life is as good as it is, ok! And you're the brat here, bitch!"

"Jim, come on! Just see this guy, if the alarms in your head get ticked off immediately you can go right away! But at least just see this man, who knows, maybe he's the one in your bed after years-"

"Namjoon, you know I stopped doing those things for a reason right? I don't have time for hooking up with people or going out on dates, which is what you describe it as. And as you might be aware after knowing he exists, I literally can't look at anyone else! So no! I'm not going!"

The youngest pinched his nose bridge in frustration while the other just huffed and turned his face to the other side.

"So you're telling me that you have time for your GODDAMN PLANTS but not for people?!"

"Well, humans just end up dying anyways and shit, so who gives a fuck about socializing anymore?"

Namjoon took a long breath in, trying to calm his frustration down.

"Ok man, I totally get you, but just ONE hang out! JUST ONE! PLEASE, DO IT FOR ME!" Namjoon yelled with desperation.

Jimin shook his head at how his friend was acting. "Why are you so desperate? You've never been like this ever before with me, so what happened now?"

"I'm just bored and need to see something interesting in my bestie's life to make my week keep moving and not die with boredom ok-" Namjoon muttered quickly with whatever excuse he could think in his brain.


"Please?!" Joon gave out the best and brightest puppy eyes that he could pull up. His eyes twinkled from the light coming through the windows, shining brighter in the slight dimness of the room.


"Come on! Um, I will...I will buy you a garden?"

Jimin shook his head again as he was still looking at the other side. "I already own tons,"

"I will bring you more pictures of Min Yoongi?!"

Jimin was about to automatically say no but he stopped. His lips were slightly parted as he thought. He wanted to say no but his soul was not allowing it.

Namjoon wanted to laugh at his choice of words and how his best friend was considering this one regardless of actually getting to meet the man himself.

"Why can't I just meet him in real life, again!!" He whined.

"Because you choose not to and neither do you have a single chance in front of him, my friend!" Namjoon lied as he grinned idiotically before getting nearly slapped on his face by a magazine in Jimin's hand.

"Fuck off! I'm not going!"

"So no current stalkerish pictures of Min Yoongi then! Or even getting to look at him-"

"Fine, I WILL JUST GO OK? I DON'T HAVE MUCH WORK ANYWAYS." The man shouted as he aggressively got up from his couch and practically sprinted towards his room with a slightly red face.


"Yeah, don't worry about it, he's way far from that! I will also text you the day and place" Joon shouted back in response. A huge smirk on his face as he was beyond excited about what was going to happen.

I Guess a new chapter was going to open for Jimin...and maybe for Namjoon as well. Who knows?

What do you think happens when they all meet- Stay tuneed~~~

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