Chapter 9-New Team member.

A/n: This chapter and the following one is based off of episode 6 in season one.
Has Self harm heavily in this chapter. Mentions of depression and eating disorders. 
Some birdflash, fluff. 

Mount Justice.
August 8, 10:00 AM

The sun was shinning brightly outside today. The summer heat had set in early this morning, so the team decided to spend the morning off outside on the beach.

Dick sat on the edge of his bed, in his bedroom at the mountain. Dick sighed and looked down at his arms. They were covered with scars that he had given himself. He closed his eyes and fell backwards onto his bed, how badly he wished Wally was here today. Sadly, Wally's school began today, leaving Dick all alone. Dick rolled his head over to look at his clock. It was ten in the morning, Wally was probably so bored in his class by now. Dick thought about texting him but he didn't want to bother him. Finally Dick sat up in his bed, when just then a knock came on his bedroom door.

"Robin? Are you ready for the beach?" asked M'gann. Dick smiled and slipped his shades on. He pulled his phone out and typed quickly on it.

"Yep, almost ready. I'll meet you by the doors.'' said Robin's phone.

"Okay.'' said M'gann as she left him alone. 

Dick sighed, this sounded like a great idea at first but now that he was actually going to do it, it now seemed awful and stressful to him. He was totally not whelmed. He felt overwhelmed by this situation, his chest was tight and he now had the sudden urge to flee the cave and his teammates. Dick sighed and reached over to his nightstand and finally found what he was looking for. He held the small silver razor blade before his eyes, turning it between his fingers.

"Just one cut" he thought as he quickly brought the blade down to his pale skin. He held the cold metal to his skin for a second before pulling it across really quickly. At first there wasn't any blood visible, so he made a second cut under the one he just did. Now both fresh cuts had small beads of red and then they began to slid down his arm. They weren't deep at all, so the bleeding stopped rather quickly. Dick tossed his blade back in his nightstand for later and pulled out some band-aids and placed them on top of his new cuts he just made, then he pulled his long sleeve swimming shirt down and stood up. Dick exhaled loudly and put a fake smile on before opening his door to join his team mates, for some fun on the beach. 


After spending time on the beach the team was called inside. The team hurried inside, expecting to be heading out on a mission, but no. They all changed into their uniforms and dashed into the missions room only to be met with some members on the league and a new face. 
The team was all introduced to their new team mate, M'gann was excited than the rest of them to finally have another female on the team. 

Robin's phone buzzed within his pocket, he quickly pulled it out. He read the text quickly then smiled, but before he could text Wally back the zeta tubes lit up. 

Recognized. Kid Flash; b-03.

"The Wall-man is here! Finally! School sucked! Let's get this party----" yelled Wally as he rushed into the room, he suddenly tripped and face planted on the ground before everyone. Robin smiled and shocked his head at his best friend.

"The Wall-man huh? I love your uniform!" said the new team mate, "What exactly is your powers?" Wally glared up at her and pushed himself off the ground and walked over to his teammates and stood by Robin. He looked at Kaldur then turned to face everyone,

"Uh, who is this?" asked Wally. The new girl stepped forward and looked right at Wally.

"I'm Artemis, your new teammate." Said Artemis with a wicked smile.

"Kid Flash, never heard of you." Wally said, his voice full of sass. Robin moved an inch closer towards Wally, which Wally appreciated a lot. "Why are you here?" he then asked.

"She going to be joining our team, is that wonderful." M'gann said cheerfully.

Just then the zeta tubes lit up.
Recognized. Speedy; b-06.

Roy suddenly appeared and Robin took a step back. Him, Wally and Roy were really close friends but recently, they have been very distant. And the last Robin spoke to Roy, he voiced some pretty hurtful things to him. Today has already been stressful on him, he really didn't want it going any worst. He suddenly felt like hiding within the shadows of the room. It hurt to see someone who you thought to be a close friend turned into a stranger before you. 

"Well, I don't go by Speedy anymore. It's Red Arrow now." said Roy walking father into the room, he was looking right at Green Arrow and Artemis.

"Roy-" Green Arrow began but Roy held his hand up sliencing him.

"Can she even use that bow?" question Roy, Artemis stepped forward and looked right at Roy, her head only inches away from Roy's face.
"Yes! She can'' she said and glared at him. Wally looked over at Robin and shocked his head. He then stepped forward, with his arms out wide.

"Who are you?!" yelled Wally.

"I'm his niece" said Artemis, pointing over her shoulder at Green Arrow behind her. Robin chuckled and looked over at Batman. 

'Another niece?' Robin signed and Batman sent him a bat glare and Robin just smiled bigger. 

Kaldur stepped forward and stood by Roy. "We have always wanted you on the team and we have no quota of archers. You can still be apart of this team Roy." said Kaldur. Wally then walked over to Roy. He friendly punched Roy in the shoulder.

"Even if we had one, you know who we all would pick. You're our friend, Roy.'' said Wally who quickly turned to look over at Robin, but Wally's smile then fell. Robin didn't seem that happy to Roy here right now. And Dick was actually avoiding making eye contact with him. Wally's shoulders slumped. But his attention went back to Roy and the new girl.

"Whatever Wall-man, I'm here to stay.'' said Artemis as she stepped closer towards him, "so you better get used to it, okay?'' Wally narrowed his eyes at her, she was seriously getting on his nerves right now. Before Wally could say anything Roy began to talk about why he came to the cave in the first place. Robin perked up when he heard Roy say the kidnapped doctor's name, he recognized it. He quickly and silently typed on his holo computer and brought the information up on a large screen for everyone in the room to see it. Robin stayed silent why Roy explained it all, he would have usually did the explaining but he really didn't feel like it. After awhile, Roy left the cave quickly. They team now had a new mission, with their new team mate, Artemis.


As everyone was getting ready for the mission Roy had handed them, Robin sneaked back into his room. He locked the door behind him. He allowed his self to slid down the door and onto the floor. 
His chest felt so tight and every time he would take a breath it was like a sharp pain. Dick shut his eyes tightly. Today just wasn't his day. He woke up this morning feeling off, numb. He pushed it to the side as best as he could but he could tell that he was slipping into an depression attack. 
Robin dealt with depression on a day to day basic, but he would find himself once in awhile fall into an depression slump. His depression was worst when these depression attacks came along, he would be very depressed for a full week or so, his cutting would increase, along with having more and more anxiety and panic attacks. His eating disorder would get out of hand and his thoughts would grow worst, he would sometimes become suicidal.

Robin tried not to think about it right now, he had to focus on the mission right now and nothing else. Robin exhaled and pushed himself off the floor. His hand went for his door knob but he froze. 

"I need to cut. Just one cut before the mission. Just do it real quick'' he thought. Dick looked over at his shoulder at his nightstand. It was right in there, only a few steps away from him. He knew that he shouldn't do it but the need to do it was too strong. With a sigh, Robin's hand left his door knob. He walked over to his nightstand and pulled his blade out quickly. His actions of doing this has been so constant and regular for him, his mind spaced for a few moments as his body just reacted the the urge of cutting. Then he finally looked down at his wrist and saw many cuts, he didn't even know he did that many, he remembers doing the first three but after that, he got so caught up in it he didn't even realized he was still at it. He quickly cleaned his arm up, anxiety was filling his chest up. He was is such a rush, that he didn't even bandage his wrist. He just yanked his robin uniform sleeve down over them and rushed out of his bedroom.


Happy Harbor.
August 8, 9:59 PM

"Everyone online?" Miss Martain said through the mind link.

Robin sat by the windows, even though he told himself to focus solely on the mission, his mind kept drifting off. His thoughts were mean and dark. He kept thinking awful stuff about himself. He was so distracted that he didn't noticed Kid Flash watching him and walking over to sit by the windows, next to him. 

"You know it.'' said Kid Flash with a smile on his face as he turned to look over at Robin.
"Yeah" called out Superboy. 
"Yes" said Aqualad.

"Ohh! This is weird'' said Artemis, it was her first time linking up through the mind link Miss Martain set up. Soon Kid Flash and Artemis began to argue and bicker between each other. Robin was soon broken out of his train of thought by M'gann calling out to him.

"Robin? I set up a second mind link, just between you and I. Are you alright?" said Miss Martain.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" said Robin as he continued to look out the window at the night's sky.
"Well, you didn't respond when I set up the first link and then before we go on the bioship I felt waves distress coming off of you. I'm just concerned about you." Miss Martain said. Robin sighed.
"Don't be. I'm fine Miss M." said Robin as he closed his eyes and exited the mind link. Miss Martian who was outside widen her eyes. She didn't know Robin, or anyone for that matter could exit one of her mind links without her help. She also knew that Robin was lying so she reached out to Kid Flash.

"Wally?" asked M'gann.
"Yeah beautiful?" questioned Kid Flash who had just stopped fighting with Artemis, but still glaring at her angrily. 

"I sense something is wrong with Robin. I tried to speak to him in private, but he tried to convince me that everything is alright. But it doesn't feel alright. Is something wrong? Did something between the two of you happen?" Miss Martain said through their private link.
"No, nothing happened, at least I don't think it did. I mean we got kinda close on the last mission but...Yeah, I don't know what's up with him. I'm worried about him too, but don't worry I'll keep an eye on him, like always. Don't worry sweet cheeks, I bet Robin will be back to his old self in no time." said Kid Flash.
"Okay" said M'gann as she closed the link between the two of them.

The doctor began to track the fog as everyone stood by.


After the doctor had located the fog, Aqualad set Superboy and Robin to go track it down while the others stayed to protect the doctor. Kid Flash sighed, now he couldn't keep an eye on Robin. Robin barely noticed him near him, which was odd and he hardly made eye contact when he got up and left the room to go onto the bioship with Superboy.

Robin glanced quickly at Kid Flash before he left the room. He knew Wally was worried about him, hell even M'gann was. He was slipping, he had...needed to pretend everything was totally fine, so he was glad Kaldur told him to go with Superboy, at least he won't ask him questions on how he is doing. 
Robin wanted to sit right next to Wally but he felt terrible, he had cut again, and a lot this time. Eleven fresh new cuts, he counted. And the sad part he wanted to cut again, right now. He ran onto the bioship and he and Superboy took off. 

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