Chapter 8-Amazo

August 3, 8:00 PM

The team was off in the distance on their bikes as the pieces of the android was load on the trucks. They then slip up and headed is different directions. 
Wally glanced over his shoulder real quick and watched Dick drive off. 

Robin on his R-cycle sped forward towards Superboy. He looked over at him and saw that he was still angry and upset that Superman wasn't paying him much attention, so Dick decided to pick his brain about some words that Dick had been wondering about for some time.

"If like is the opposite of dislike then, is disaster the opposite of aster? See instead of things going wrong they go right." After a minute of silence, Robin finally spoke up.
"Umm, clearly your not feeling the aster. What's up?"

Anger still clearly written on his face, he sped up and left Robin behind him. Dick sighed and kept messing with different words in his head.


"So do you think Superboy is okay? And what about the two of you? Are you and Robin fine?" asked M'gann. Wally for a split second lost control of his bike, her question threw him off.

"Wh-what do you mean, me and Robin?" Wally question.

"Well, I believe I know how you feel about him, and I've seen the way you both look at one another. I just thought...I thought the two of you were a couple. Am I mistaken?" M'gann said. Wally sighed and saw Kaldur looking at him for answers.

"I don't know!" Wally shouted and drove a little faster to get a little distance between them.

"My friend, I have noticed what M'gann has noticed too, I just thought that you two were just extremely close as friends, but I thought that maybe how best friends were here. Am I wrong?" said Kaldur.

"Okay fine!" Wally shouted and threw his arms up in the air before gripping back on the bike.
"I have feelings for Robin, more feelings than a best friend should. I'm...I'm bisexual, and I've had more feelings for him for such a long time. I haven't always had these feelings for him, but now...." Kid Flash stopped, feeling embarrassed about this whole mission.

"It's okay Wally. I'm sure everything will be alright in the end." said M'gann who gave him a reassuring smile. He felt a little better getting off his chest but still a little weird because he just basically came out to two of his team mates.

They continued to drive behind the trucks in silence, while Wally's mind was racing like crazy.


Suddenly, the truck was being attacked my robot monkeys. Aqualad radioed both Superboy and Robin to tell them that their truck was under attack, and so was theirs.

"Robot Monkeys! Ha Ha! Totally Ivo!" came Robin's wrist computer. He then pressed a button and turn his R-cycle into battle mode. He was just about to shout over to Superboy to do the same when Superboy all of a sudden leaps off his bike. His motorcycle came rolling right towards Robin and his bike. Robin had to leap off of his cycle, and shot out his grappling hook towards the truck. Robin began to kick and hit the robot monkeys. The robot monkeys attacked Superboy and then began to carry him up and off into the sky. Then they dropped him and Superboy fell and crashed heavily to the street. The truck continued onward, leaving Superboy behind and Robin all alone on the truck. 

Robin made it to the top of the truck and quickly pulled out his escrina sticks. He began to fight the robot monkeys until Superboy landed rough on top of the truck, causing Robin to lose his balance. The monkeys began to blow the tires. Robin yelled to the driver to get out but he didn't move in time. Robin reached for the driver then jumped off the truck. The truck began to flips a few times before it finally came to a stop. Then the monkeys flew away with the parts of the android. Robin sighed. 
"They failed. He failed" thought Robin.

Superboy looked at Robin then at the monkeys and jumped after them.

"Superboy!" Shouted Robin's computer. Robin ran his hand through his hair as he stood there watching Superboy abandon him. 

His com in his ear buzzed. Robin reached up to answer it.
"Aqualad to Robin.
We lost our cargo, did you and superboy-"

"It's gone," Robin typed. "And so is my partner."

Aqualad tried to contact Superboy but Superboy answered angrily and threw his com.
"I think he ditched his com" said Robin's wrist computer.

"Super!" yelled Kid Flash, throwing his arms up in the air. "Now we can't track him."

Aqualad began to discuss with the team. Wally was growing frustrated with this mission. Robin while listening to his team discuss what they should be doing next, Robin walked over to one of the robot monkeys on the ground. Robin began to hack it.

"Ha! The parts have GPS in them. That's how the monkeys knew where to attack. We can track them." Robin's computer said over the coms.

"Great, can you see where they are at?" said Aqualad.

"It looks like they are...converging on....Gotham City." Robin's wrist computer announced over the coms.

"That far south!" Aqualad said full of shock, "M'gann and I will never make it in time. I'm sending Kid ahead." He turned to look at Kid who had a huge smile on his face. Kaldur now knowing that Kid Flash had feelings about Robin, could tell by how Wally was acting that he was worried about Robin, because Superboy abandon him. Kid nodded his head, he pulled his goggles down over his eyes and dash off down the road in a blur.

"Cool" said Robin's computer. He then pressed a button to call his R-cycle to him.

'Definitely a disaster, heavy on the dis.' Robin sign.


Gotham City.

It was now night time out as Robin drove down the street, just beginning to enter Gotham. Robin continued to drive ahead when he heard a swish sound next to him. He smiled, for he knew who it was, it Wally. Dick turned his head to face him, he noticed that Wally changed into his hero uniform. Dick quickly typed on his wrist computer, while still trying to drive his R-cycle down the road. 

"See you changed too." Dick's computer said. Wally sent Dick a smile.

"Heck yeah I changed! I feel naked in civvies. And besides, I look way better in this anyhow" said Wally who chuckled as he believed he saw blush form on Dick's checks.

'Whatever' Dick signed and sped off ahead of him, Wally shocked his hand an ran to caught up to him.

Running right beside Dick, Wally asked him if he was still tracking the parts. Robin looked at the holo screen on his bike. Wally leaned over to catch a glimpse of it. Then quickly the screen disappeared and Wally could see words forming on the screen that once held a red dot indicating where the parts where at.  Wally moved a tad bit closer to Robin, as he read the screen:
Wally! Dude! They're at my school!

Kid Flash looked at Robin and nodded his head and they headed down the road and headed towards, Gotham Academy.


Robin stood by the doors while Kid Flash ran in and grabbed Superboy before he could get smashed by the android Amazo. Robin then threw an exploding bird-arang at Amazo's head but it fazed right throw him, having no effect upon him. Robin sighed and narrowed his eyes. Amazo then announced his access to Red Tornado's powers and he then came flying towards them. The wind from the red tornado sweep each of them up and threw them. Robin was thrown backwards and crash down next to the bleachers with a loud thud sound. He moan in pain and rolled himself onto his back. He stared up at the ceiling for a moment to catch his breath.

Robin covered his ears as he hear Black Canary's scream pulsating throughout the gym. Robin pushed himself up to see Kid Flash crash down upon the floor, holding his own ears in pain. Superboy rushed forward, ignoring the pain in his ears and he moved forward and threw a punch but Amazo just caught it and shoved Superboy backwards. 
Superboy crashed into the bleachers, right behind Robin. Robin then threw another bird-arang at Amazo but it didn't faze him one bit. Then Amazo launched his extendable out towards Robin, only missing being hit my one second. Robin knelt on the floor, breathing heavily. He then turned around ready to throw another bird-arang but froze when he saw Wally held tightly in Amazo's grip. Wally cried out in pain. He could see Wally shutting his eyes tightly as more pressure was applied and caused Kid Flash even more pain.

Just before Robin could act, a green arrow was launched and it flew right through Amazo's head. Wally slipped through Amazo's hold and fell limp to the floor. The arrow landed just inches away from Robin. Robin got up quickly onto his feet and dashed forward. He ran right next to Amazo and right next to his best friend. Robin quickly threw Kid Flash's arm over his shoulder and pulled Wally out of the way. Wally quickly recovered and nodded his head to Robin, a silent thank you right before he raced off once again to attack the android. Robin shocked his head and a small smile crept up upon his face.

Superboy once again tried to attack the android but, Amazo threw him once more into the bleachers. Robin quickly threw his bird-arang at Amazo, by doing so he gained the android's full attention.

"Access. Superman." said Amazo as his eyes glowed red, with heat vision. Heat rays zapped out of Amazo's eyes and Robin had no time to move. 

Kid Flash who was pushing himself off of the ground looked up to see Dick in danger. Wally narrowed his eyes and raced over to the boy he loved. Wally ran right into Robin's side, knocking him out of the way. The heat rays went right into the wall, right where Robin was just standing only seconds ago. 

Both Kid Flash and Robin grunted as their bodies met the ground. Wally's arms were wrapped tightly and protectively around his little bird. Wally opened his eyes and looked down at Robin who laid within his arms. Robin's eyes were still closed behind his mask, his head laying still in Wally's arms. Wally slowly moved his arm from around Robin, he reached forward and brushed some of Robin's ebony locks out of his face.

"Rob?" Wally asked but he got no answer. Fear soon built up within his chest. He then moved Robin to lay on his back on the wooden floor of the gym. Wally began to look over Robin's body for any injuries, fearing that he was too late to help his sad little bird. Just as he found no life threatening injuries, Robin then moved his head slightly and moaned in pain. Wally leaned down and cupped Dick's face within his hands. 
"Dick?" said Kid Flash, but he once again got no answer. "Come on man" 

Robin began to cough and his eyes fluttered open. "K...F?" Robin questioned. Wally sighed with relief and brought his head down and laid it on Dick's shoulder. 
"Man, you don't know how happy I am to see you awake.'' Kid Flash said, then he felt a hand pat his back. Wally pulled himself away from Robin and looked down at him. Robin smiled up at him, but it began to fade quickly. Kid Flash shocked Robin's shoulder forcefully.
"Dude you gotta stay awake for me, okay?" said Kid Flash. Robin's eyes fluttered back open as he nodded his head.

"Okay...Wally." Robin said. Wally chuckled and leaned down and pressed his forehead against Robin's. Kid Flash could feel how warm Robin's skin was to his own, he figured that Dick might have a fever and that his injuries might be worst off on the inside then what his outside injuries appeared. Wally sighed and closed his eyes for a second, drinking being this close to Dick in. He then felt Robin's gloved hands touch his face. Wally opened his eyes and looked down at Robin.

"Dude, there is so much I want to tell you..." began Kid Flash but Robin cut him off.

"Not now." said Robin who then moved away from Wally. Wally sat backwards and nodded his head. Suddenly a loud crashing sound broke them both from this trance and back into the action of it all.

Superboy jumped forward angrily at Professor Ivo, who yelled with fear.

"Great he's gone crazy again" said Kid Flash who watched Superboy yelled and punched the bleachers.

'Maybe not' Robin signed and pushed himself to his feet, once he was on his feet he stumbled forward. He would have fallen over if Kid Flash wasn't by his side. Robin smiled up at him.

Robin moved forward and kicked Ivo grabbing Amazo's attention, soon Wally picked up on what they were doing and ran off towards Ivo. But Amazo stopped Kid Flash before he could reach Ivo. Amazo slammed his foot on the ground, sending a shock wave throwing Kid Flash off the ground. Kid Flash went threw the air and crashed into the bleachers. Robin stood up and drew a bird-arang out of his belt and threw it at Amazo's head.

"Martian Manhunter" Amazo said as the Bird-arang traveled through his head. Just then Superbot jumps forward and throws his fist right at Amazo, who then says, superman. His body hardens with Superboy's fist inside his head. Sparks begin to come around the head when suddenly it explodes, throwing Superboy backwards. 

Amazo's body come crashing down to the floor finally. Robin rushed ahead and falls down upon his knees trying to quickly take apart the android.

'Help me disassemble him now!' Robin signs as he begins to work. Kid Flash rises to his feet, rubbing his sore arm and looks over at Robin.

"Dude, the guy has no head. I think we are cool on not having to disassemble him." says Kid Flash.

"Do not take any chances" shouts Kaldur as he and M'gann rush inside the gym.

Robin types on his wrist very quickly then begins to disassemble the android.
"Nice of you to show up" says Robin's wrist computer. He looks over his shoulder and flashes them a smile before finishing up his work. M'gann flies over towards Superboy.

"Are you alright?" she asks him. He looks up at her then turns to face Robin.

"I'm fine. I'm feeling the aster.'' says Superboy, Robin stops what he is doing and turns to look at him. Robin is wearing a huge smile upon his face and he signs to Superboy.

'So, you were listening to me! That is so asterous!' Robin signs. Wally is standing near by as he watches Dick sign with Superboy. Kaldur walks over next to Kid Flash and elbows him in his side.

"There is no need to feel jealous about Superboy. I have already gathered that he and Miss Martian like each other. Yes, Superboy knows sign language but that doesn't defeat the fact that you know it too or that Robin is the one who is most comfortable with you. So relax my friend, everything is fine.'' says Kaldur in a hushed tone. Wally nods his head and looked back over at Robin.


Mount Justice.
August 4, 1:06 AM

The team stand before Black Canary, Batman, Martian Manhunter, Red Tornado and, Green Arrow. Kaldur, the teams leader began to tell the heroes before him about the mission him and his team mates were on. Black Canary then said that Professor Ivo will be a league issue.

"You're skill set and ability to handle problems out in the field has impressed the league.'' says Batman. "But lets be clear, there is no shame in calling for help, that is why the league exists. Somethings are too much for one to handle alone''

Robin glanced over at Kid Flash then typed upon his wrist computer a little bit angry.
"Please, if we ever needed help we would never have the opportunity to ask. You've been tailing us. Keeping a close eye on us." He then pulls out the green arrow that helped save Kid Flash's life.
"Babysitting! You don't trust us!''

"This has nothing to do with trust, Robin" said Batman. Green Arrow stepped forward and took the arrow from Robin's hand. Then he pulled his own arrow out and held it next to the other one from the mission. Yes they both were green but the arrow heads were different.

"And that's not your arrow'' Robin quickly typed out and looked over at Kid Flash, "But that means...''

"Speedy!" yelled Wally excitedly. 

"That means he has our backs, he is still apart of us.'' said Kaldur with a smile. Kid Flash ran forward and took the arrow out of Green Arrow's hand. He held it up to everyone.

"Souvenir!'' said Wally. Dick smiled at his best friend but his eyes glanced up at his father. He didn't miss the small, secret glanced shared between Batman and GA (Green Arrow). Robin narrowed his eyes as he watched them for a second longer before Wally threw his arm around his shoulders and dragged his off.

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