Chapter 7- Afterwards.
A/N: Takes place after episode 4 and before episode 5 in season one.
Hurt/comfort with birdflash!
Mentions Self Harm, eating disorders, and panic attacks.
Mount Justice.
July 24 1:00 AM
After they had got back from their mission at Santa Prisca, dealing with Kobra. Robin had passed out in the bioship and was rushed right away to the med bay in the mountain. They team was order to stay put while Black Canary took care of Robin.
So the team sat in the living room and slowly one by one went to get changed and address and small injuries that they might have received. Wally was the very last one to go get change, because he fear that the moment he left the room, Black Canary would walk in there and inform them about Robin.
Wally got in and out of the shower as fast as he could, he had a few cuts upon his body but they were already beginning to heal. Wally cleaned the mirror in the bathroom and stared at himself. Everything he said on the mission, every hurtful think he threw at Robin, yelled loudly in his mind right now.
"You are not Batman, you never will be! You can't even talk! You can't be leader! You only act for yourself!" thought Wally. He sighed, how could he be so harsh to his best friend, the person that meant the world to him, the person who has been by his side through everything. The person who he was...was madly in love with. Wally grew angry with his self, he knew he saw brand new cuts on Dick's wrist, he also noticed multiply times how Dick was unsteady on his feet, how Robin would wince in pain when he thought no one was looking, but I was always looking. I always kept my eyes on him. I failed. I failed him. Wally closed his eyes and his mind continued to race.
The next thing he knew was his fist covered with glass and blood. He had punched his mirror. Wally exhaled.
After cleaning up the mess he just made, Wally rushed back to the living room. He scanned the room then ran up next to Kaldur.
"Did Black Canary come back? Do we know how Rob is?" yelled Wally. Kaldur shock his head when suddenly the zeta tubes lit up.
Recognized. Batman; 02
Recognized. The Flash; 04
Wally didn't even take time to think or breath as he ran over towards the zeta tubes. He saw his uncle and rushed a little faster. He was now shaking with worry for Dick and his uncle clearly could see, cause he right away pulled Wally into a tight hug and whispered to his that everything was going to be alright.
After a few hours, everyone else went off to bed, while Black Canary, The Flash, Martian Manhunter, and of course The Batman were in Robin's medical room. Wally sat across from the door, his back pressed against the wall adjacent to the door that blocked him from his best friend. Wally's knees where pulled up to his chest, with a pair of headphones in, blasting music. Suddenly, a song that his aunt liked began to play,'Shawn Mendes: Mercy'. She told him that it reminder her or him and Dick's relationship. His aunt Iris and uncle Barry knew very well that Wally was bisexual and that he had the biggest crush on his best friend. But Wally remain silent about it, fearing if he voiced his love for Dick that he would lose him, and that single thought scared him. He could't handle losing Dick. Wally closed his eyes tightly and allowed the words from the song flow over him.
'You've got a hold of me, don't even know your power'
Dick was a constant thought to him, he was always on his mind. That the love he felt for him was so strong that no matter what Dick did, Wally still loved him and supported him.
'I stand a hundred feet, but I fall when I'm around you.'
"Wasn't that the truth'' thought Wally as he re-opened his eyes to just stare at the door again. No one has came out of there, no one had told him how Dick was doing and all of this waiting and the unknown was getting on his nervous, he was becoming more of a mess by the second, and waiting was an awful thing for a speedster. Wally sighed and tried to focus back on the music and instead of his worries.
'I can't take anymore. I'm saying baby, please have mercy on me. Take it easy on my heart. Even though you don't mean to hurt me, you keep tearing me apart.'
Dick's face flashed before his eyes, his smile, hie beautiful blue eyes that every time he saw them, he got lost within them. Just then Wally almost jumped out of his skin when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He jumped up onto his feet, yanking his headphones from his ears. He was meet with his uncle smiling down at him. Wally quickly put his stuff away, his full attention now on his uncle, and trying to take a look inside Dick's hospital room.
"Hey kiddo, so he's gonna be alright.'' said The Flash. Wally let out a breath that he didn't even know he was holding. He smiled up at his uncle, excitement shinning within his emerald eyes.
"Can I go see him!?!" asked Wally as he still continued to get a glimpse of his best friend.
"Whoa! Hold on kid. I said he was gonna be alright, not that he is right now.'' said Barry. Wally's whole self froze, he felt his whole body tense up and turn cold, as if ice was now running through his veins instead of warm blood.
"Wh-what, what's wrong?" Wally hardly could get out. He then kept seeing Dick pull on his arm then slumping over in his seat. His eyes closed and refusing to open up for him. Him calling out his name a few times, then leaning down to whisper his true name into his ear, but nothing. His body that was warm to the touch, which indicated a fever.
He was so distracted by this thoughts that he stopped listening to his uncle, until he felt himself being shocked.
Wally blinked to clear his mind and allowed himself to hold still and listen to everything his uncle had to say.
Dick had a concussion, three broken ribs, an one punctured his lung. He had a sprained wrist among many cuts and bruises.
Finally Black Canary and Martian Manhunter exited the room as uncle Barry held the door open. Wally slowly walked in and saw Batman standing next to Dick. Once he was fulling inside the room Batman sent a small bat-glare towards him, scaring him a bit then he turned and left.
Finally, Wally was able to be by Dick. He stood alone in the room for a moment before everything came rushing towards him and he rushed over towards the hospital bed. Dick laid very still and pale in the hospital bed, it was an odd sight to see, the boy wonder was always full of energy, he hated to sit still and wait. This was something Dick hated, a tiny smile came across his face. He reached down and held Dick's hand within his. He gave it a tiny squeeze. He sat down in the chair next to the bed and just silently watch this rise and fall of his little bird's chest.
Hours had passed and Wally paid them no attention, Dick was all he thought about, all he saw. Soon Black Canary came into the room, Wally was half awake, with Dick's hand still in his. She smiled and tapped Wally on the shoulder scaring him a bit.
"Wally, I need to talk to you about something I discovered." said Black Canary, Wally just nodded his head. He looked up at Black Canary and could tell that this was serious. He let go of Dick's hand and rose to his feet.
"What is it?" he asked her. She lowered her head. She took a step forward and gently placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Wally, I found a few self mutilation marks on Dick's wrist and a few on his thighs. Did-" Black Canary began but was cut off by Wally.
"Did you tell Batman?!?!" Wally question, he chest tighten and be felt like he couldn't breathe. He knew how scared Dick was for Bruce to find out. He held Dick one night through a panic attack when he thought Bruce had notice. This was The Batman after all and he probably did notice but kept quite until Dick came forward with this.
Black Canary saw how worried stricken Wally was and shocked her head no. Wally let out a sigh and found himself back in his seat with Rob's hand in his.
"But, I can tell that you knew of this behavior."
"Yeah, I knew about it. I found out by mistake one day and after that he came to me when he felt the urge to do it or afterwards. He began to open up more to me, I began to learn way more about him which brought us closer together. I also know about his eating disorder too, if you wanted to know." Wally said.
"So, I guess you know that it's most likely back again'' said Black Canary. Wally just nodded his head.
"Well, he should be waking up soon. I'll leave you two alone before Batman comes to take him home." She turned and left them alone.
Of course Bruce wasn't going to leave him hear at the mountain for everyone to see him weak.
"Gotta show no weakness" Robin's voice echoed in his mind. Wally sighed. Batman soon came and took still unconsious Robin with him. Wally wanted to follow but his uncle held him back. With this, Wally knew it was going to be a little bit before he could see Dick again. But he feared that Dick wouldn't want to see him, because of everything that happened on their last mission. Wally closed his eyes tightly and listened to the zeta tubes.
Recognized. Batman; 02
Recognized. Robin; B-01
And then he was gone.
Mount Justice.
August 3, 2PM
The team was at the mountain, relaxing. Kaldur and Wally were playing a game while M'gann and Robin stood to the side watching. Wally and Dick weren't totally back yet. Wally had apologized a good hundred times and Dick finally forgave him but Wally could tell that Dick put up a wall. What he said, had really hurt him and Wally knew that. He hated himself a bit for saying all of that, especially about Dick not speaking. He knew how much that bothered Dick. He wished he could speak at time like everyone else but he just couldn't. He has been struggling with Selective Mutism for quite awhile now.
Wally's heart hurt from the distance that had formed between them. After Dick had woken up he right away texted him to come over, he did of course without thinking. They spent hours talking, well mainly signing but still. Dick even broke down at some point, crying in Wally's chest. His fears that he was not good enough had risen because of Wally, he was now doubting himself more and more.
Wally knew that he would have to get ahead of this before it became worst. Dick was still cutting and it made Wally said every time he saw more cuts on his already scared wrists.
The zeta tubes lit up behind them.
Recognized. Superboy; b-04.
Superboy walked in angrily and dispersed their game. M'gann smiled and greeted Superboy but he just walked passed her.
Just then, Black Canary cleared her throat, gaining the team's attention.
"Is everyone ready for training today?" she asked them as she and Martain Manhunter walked in. M'gann flew over to him and hugged him tightly.
"Uncle J'onn!"
"Stay" Black Canary yelled towards Superboy. He turned and angrily looked at her. She began to discuss the importance of fighting and that she was honored to be teaching them.
"I need a sparring partner'' she said and Wally's hand shot right up. He quickly finished his food and walked over towards her. He glanced back at Robin and saw that his eyes were now on the banana peal he threw. Wally sighed, Dick was still struggling with his eating disorder. Wally knew that it has been three an a half days since Rob last ate, and even then he was forced to eat by Alfred. Wally turned around and jumped over towards Black Canary. "I'm ready!" he shouted then looked over his shoulder seeing that he had finally got Robin's attention. He smirked. He was going to show off to Dick.
"After this...I'll show you my moves" Wally said and looked at Dick for a second who wore a smile now on his face. Gosh, how much he wanted to hold him and kiss those soft light pink lips. Wally shocked his head to focus somewhat to what he was doing.
Black Canary narrowed her eyes at him before beginning to spar with him. She quickly threw a punch which he blocked but she quickly side stepped and knocked his feet from under him. His back slammed down against the floor. The floor lit up, saying Kid Flash's status. Fail.
Wally winced and looked up at Black Canary, who was smiling wide at him. She extended her hand to him and helped him up.
"Good block" she said and Wally smiled and looked at Dick as he rubbed his arm. "Did anyone notice what Kid did wrong?" she asked the group. Robin quickly typed his answer on his wrist computer with a grin on his face.
"Ooh, ooh! He hit on teacher and got served?" said Robin's computer. Wally looked directly at Robin and shouted at him, "Dude!" Wally was clearly embarrassed and Robin was enjoying it a little bit.
Just as Black Canary was going to speak, Superboy spoke up.
"With all of my powers, the battle is always on my side. I'm a living weapon. I can handle anything thrown at me, and I don't need this. This is a waste of my time!"
Black Canary took a step forward and smiled at him, "Prove it" she said with her arms crossed over her chest. Superboy stepped forward and entered the circle, he was prepared to spar with her and kick her but. Wally noticing the tension and anger coming from Superboy easily backed away. They both jumped into their fighting stance, both narrowing their eyes at one another. They began to fight. Black Canary easily took him down.
Superboy Status: Fail.
Robin let a small laugh slip through his lips as he pointed at Superboy on the ground. Wally beamed up and glanced over at Robin. Aqualad elbowed Robin in his side. Robin quickly threw his hands over his mouth. Wally was so full of joy. Robin was feeling more comfortable with the team if he allowed himself laugh out loud before them.
He quickly got up and charged at her once more. Black Canary then knocked him back down, his back pressed against the floor. Robin chuckled again with his hands covering his mouth to keep his laughs in.
Just then, Batman came across the holo screen. Robin quickly straighten up and became all serious. Wally let his shoulder drop as he saw Dick become Robin, Batman's controlled partner. Everyone turned to face Batman.
"Batman to the cave." said Batman. "A few hours ago, a new menace attacked. The attacked studied then copied the powers and abilities of its opponents. Our foe gained more and more power, and was finally taken down the android."
"Whoa! One guy with the entire league powers, that's crazy!" said Wally.
Robin stepped forward and looked up at Batman and typed on his wrist computer.
"An android? Who made it? T.O. Morrow?"
"Good guess, Robin, but no." said Batman, then Martian Manhunter spoke up behind the team.
"It appears to be the work of Professor Ivo."
Batman then explained that they would be sending two different trucks to two separate Star Labs in Boston and New York for evaluation along with decoy trucks with the team following behind.
"Cool road trip!" yelled Wally was exited. The team then got the coordinates and headed out.
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