Chapter 6- Who shall be our Team Leader?

A/N: Based off of the 4th episode of season one of Young Justice. Has Self harm within the chapter, with possible birdflash.

Batcave, Gotham City.

"Dick, we need to head to the mountain now'' said Bruce. He turned around to watch his son continuing to practice. Bruce sighed, he has been noticing Dick working out more, becoming more distant from him and also a bit distant from his best friend, Wally. Something was bothering his son but he didn't know what.

"Dick!" he yelled, finally getting Dick's attention. "We're leaving." Bruce said as he drew his crowl on. Dick sighed and raced off to the changing rooms. 


Mount Justice.

Dick stood along side his team members, listening to Batman. Dick turned and looked at his best friend standing beside him. Wally was shoving handful of chips in his mouth. Dick looked from Wally to the bag of chips. He hadn't eaten in a few days and this wasn't helping at all. Wally must have noticed Dick staring cause he held the bag out towards him. Dick quickly looked up at Wally and shocked his head no then turned his attention back onto Batman. 

Wally sighed. He knew for the past few days that Dick had changed and slipped backwards. He was becoming more distant from the team and him, he then knew something was really up when he was being pushed away. Wally now feared that his eating disorder was back, he glanced back at Dick before turning his attention back on Batman talking about their mission. 

Suddenly, Dick's phone voice spoke, "so who's in charge?" Batman turned around to look at Robin and then at the rest of them. 

"Figure that out between ourselves.'' said Batman. Dick nodded his head as a sign that he understood then he smiled.


They were all in the Bioship on their mission, they were at Santa Prisca. They all stood up, ready to drop down in their location. Wally, now Kid Flash touched his symbol in his chest and his uniform changed into a black color, stealth mode.

He spond around and he flashed Dick, now Robin a smile. "How cool is this?" he said. Robin shocked his head.

Everyone slowly dropped down from the Bioship, except Superboy who crashed heavily to the ground, shaking the earth beneath their feet.
"Told you guys I didn't need a line." said Superboy with a proud smile on his face. Robin sitting on the ground glared at his team mate.

'Yet creating a seismic event might not have helped with the whole covert thing.' signed Robin. Superboy shrugged his shoulders, he understood what Robin said but he just really didn't care. Aqualad came over the coms, telling the team to move ahead towards the factory. Robin smiled and pulled up a map on his holo wrist computer. They all soon raced off into the distance. 

There path soon lead them to a waterfall and a rocky mountain climb. Miss Martian flew just a bit above them as the walked. Suddenly, Superboy stopped and listened to a distant noise.

"Did anyone hear that?" he questioned. Wally stopped and turned to face him as Miss Martian grounded herself.

"Uh, no. Wait! Is this a super hearing thing? Cause I heard nothing." said Kid Flash. Superboy just shrugged his shoulders, all he knew was he heard something, wheither it was due to his super hearing or not. Kid Flash turned around. "Okay Rob, what do we" he said to no one because Robin was no longer infront of him. Kid Flash sighed and threw his arms up in the air.

"Man! I hate it when he does that!" Kid Flash said upset. Then Aqualad came over on the coms, telling them to switch to infrared. Kid Flash glanced to his side and looked at the bushes before following Aqualad's orders, he was looking for Robin to give him directions, but he was off somewhere unknown to him. He pulled his goggles down upon his eyes and could see a squad of men ahead of them.

"Two squads'' Superboy then said. 

Just then, rapid gunfire was hear. Miss Martian's eyes widden with the sound. "No super hearing needed now" said Kid Flash.
Aqualad voice echoed through the coms, telling them to steer clear of the squads. Kid Flash walked forward then pressed his hand to the com in his ear.
"Yeah yeah, just as soon as I find Rob!" he yelled and zoomed off.  But he soon tripped and fell right into the middle of the gunfire. Kid Flash looked up at the men and gave them a little wave. 

They all soon began to fire are him, Kid Flash leapt backwards and began to run around, avoiding being hit. Superboy soon arrived and began to punch some of the gun men. 

"Whoa!" Kid Flash skidded to a stop, staring down a barrel of a gun. Just then Robin jumped down from a tree and landed down on top of the gun men before Wally. Kicking the men in the face. 

"What is wrong with you guys?!? Do you not remember covert?!" Yelled Robin's wrist computer as he punched and kicked a few men. "Why didn't you follow my lead and vanish into the jungle?"

"That's what you were doing? Way to fill us in!" Yelled Kid Flash as he punched a man quickly. "We're not mind reader!" 
Then Miss Martain landed beside him and he sighed, "Well not all of us are.'' said Kid Flash.

Robin saw movement out from the corner of his eye and he pulled a bird-arang out and prepared to throw it at the person when just then Aqualad hopped down from a tree and attacked the man. 

They soon tied the men up and regrouped. 


"I recognized their uniforms. They belong to the cult of The Kobra.'' said Robin's computer. Aqualad and Robin began to talk and discuss while Kid Flash reached for a energy bar he had stored away. He began to munch down on it.

"Radio Bats, and lets go home'' said Kid Flash. Robin turned his attention now towards Kid Flash. 

"These men aren't on venom. Kobra's storing it. We can't leave, not until I know why." said Robin's computer. Wally shock his head at his best friend.

"Until You know why?!?" said Kid Flash who leaned closer to Robin. Robin threw his hands onto his hips and nodded his head.

"Yeah, until I know why, because this team needs a leader." came out Robin's wrist computer as he looked directly at Kid Flash. Kid Flash now grew angry and upset. He narrowed his eyes at Robin.

"And it's You?" Kid Flash said, now pointing a finger at Robin. Robin glared at Kid Flash, who now took a step forward and yelled into Robin's face. "Dude! You're a 13 year old kid, who disappeared without a single word! You can't be leader! You only act for yourself and no one else. A leader has to talk about their next moves!" yelled Kid Flash. Robin pushed his signature laugh before he typed on his wrist computer.

"And you're a mature 15 year old? You blew our cover right away!" shouted Robin's computer.

"Well at least I was still with my team members! You don't even have powers!" Kid Flash yelled.

"Batman doesn't have powers either, and we both know that you wouldn't be questioning him with this!" Robin's computer yelled out.

"Well duh, you're not Batman! Batman is way better than you are and will ever be!" Kid Flash yelled at him.

"Ah closest thing we've got!" came loudly from Robin's computer.

"Not even close dude! You are not Batman, you never will be! You can't even talk!" Yelled Kid Flash as he threw his arms in the air then he stopped and his eyes grew at realizing what he just said to his best friend. He turned around quickly but it was already too late, he had already hurt his best friend deeply.

"Rob, I...." began Kid Flash but was silenced when Robin quickly hit the energy bar out of Kid Flash's hand and turned and walked off in the distance away from him. Then one of the men they had captive chuckled and began to address the team. Robin moved off into the distance. His emotions right now were getting the better of him and he couldn't appear weak infront of the team. Slowly Robin moved farther away and leaned against a large tree. He reached into his belt and pulled out a razor blade he kept there when missions got too stressful or way too much for him. He quickly pulled up his sleeve to his already scared wrist and cut a few times, the last one a little deeper than the others but he didn't care right now. He quickly shoved his razor blade away and pulled his sleeve down and hissed in pain when he did, he then made his way back to stand with his teammates.


The team soon followed the man by the name of Bane as he lead them to a location that had many cultist members of Kobra. Robin pulled his binoculars out and watched the scene below him.
"There is a lot of product, a buy must be going down here soon." came out Robin's wrist computer. 

"We need to identify the buyer'' said Aqualad. 

"Just what I was thinking" said Kid Flash as he slipped his goggles off his eyes. Robin who was kneeling on the ground smiled and typed out his answer quickly.

"Yeah, you're the thinker!" came Robin's computer. Kid Flash turned to face Robin. Kid Flash shock his head and signed to Robin.

'Sarcasm? Dude come on really?' signed Kid Flash and Robin just sent him a smile and shrugged his shoulders. Kid Flash shocked him head.
"A real leader would be focused on getting info and answers, not joking around."

Robin's smile fell from his face and he glared up at Kid Flash. 
'Well, you already made it clear that you don't think I can be a leader, or do anything right, because I'm a kid right? And also I'm not good enough and I can't Speak!' Dick signed angrily at Wally and he saw when Dick was signing that his sleeve slipped up and four new cuts were present upon his wrist. Kid Flash took a step back, he knew he shouldn't have said anything but he was still upset that his best friend didn't think he could be a leader of the team, so he throughout harmful words that he knew would hurt Dick, because he knew Dick better than anyone else, so he knew just what to say to hurt him, which now he deeply regretted doing. 

Bane soon moved a large bolder that covered an under ground entrance. Wally who now was filled with mixed emotions. "So now he's our leader?" Kid Flash announced and received a slap against his head from Robin who then walked ahead of the team. 

They came to a door and Robin peeked inside the room. "All Clear" came Robin's computer voice as he entered inside the room, followed by the team.

"Has that little fool already been captured?" questioned Bane. Aqualad sighed and rubbed his hand across his brows. He shocked his head before he spoke.

"No, he just does that'' said Aqualad. Wally crossed his arms for a moment and thought. Even though he was upset and he and Dick got into a fight, which was so rare for them. Dick was still on his mind and the most important thing here to him. Dick's safety mattered way more than any mission could ever. But he also kinda wanted to be leader of the team. He slowly pulled his goggles down over his eyes. 

"Stay here, I'll get the intel and be back here way before the boy wonder does'' said Kid Flash as he sped off. 
"Kid!" shouted Aqualad but his shout did nothing.


Robin quickly ran up a stair case high above his team mates and broke inside the computer lab, knocking out the person inside the room. Robin quickly pushed the man to the side and began to work on the computers.

Just as Dick was working a familiar gust of wind entered the room. Soon Kid Flash was at his side, watching him type away on the computer.

"What do you got?" questioned Kid Flash. 

"Some chemical formulas, which I can guess is venom but..." came Robin's computer. Kid Flash leaned in closer and pointed at the screen.
"That's blockbuster from Cadmus." said Kid Flash, "But how did Kobra get the formula from Cadmus?''

"Our unknown buyer must also be Kobra's supplier'' said Robin's computer as he kept his eyes glued to the screen. Robin then reached towards his coms to contact Aqualad but he only got static. He sighed and looked over at Kid Flash. 

'Static' he signed to him, when just then they could hear gunfire. 

Wally reached forward and tried to place his hand upon his shoulder. "Dick...I"
but Dick moved away from his touch and headed straight for the door. Wally let his hand fall and he lowered his head, he seriously messed up here.
Wally zoomed off after Robin but he was already out of his sight, so Kid Flash ran down to help his team mates with the fight that was happening down below.

M'gann's voice echoed throughout each of the team's mind.

"Is Everyone online?" she questioned through the mind link.

"Yeah" came Superboy.
"You know it, beautiful." said Wally. 
"Good. We need to regroup to handle the mission.'' said Aqualad though the link.

"Busy now!" said Robin who smiled widely. He spoke, he actually spoke to the team. Yeah it was through the mind link but he spoke and it sounded like his voice. 
Wally recognized this fact too cause he smiled wide.
"Dude! You spoke and we all heard your voice! This is so cool!" yelled Kid Flash through the mind link.
"I'm busy!" yelled Robin. Wally's smile fell. He had hoped Dick was as happy as he was, and maybe he would have been if he wasn't so upset with him. He had hurt Dick, hurt him a lot on this mission and he should have known better than to mess with Robin. He has known for a while that something was up with Dick and yet now he probably just added to it and made it all much worst. What if he pushed Dick away today, what if Dick desperately needed him tonight and now Dick wouldn't reach out to him. 
Wally sighed. 
"Great West just Great!" thought Wally out loud through the link.

"Kid focus!" yelled Aqualad through the mind link.


Robin was now outside, away from his teammates. He jumped down and stood before Lord Kobra. 

"Wow! Batman must be desperate if he sends his broken child to task me." said Kobra. Robin brushed what he said off and tried to always appear unfazed by the villain and always keep a smile on his face.

"What's wrong Koby? You look disconcerted." came out Robin's wrist computer.

Kobra started at Robin then chuckled. "This is beneath me. You are beneath me, you little whelp. Shimmer, take him." 

Robin smiled as Shimmer charged at him. He flipped over her and landed in his fighting stance. He smiled at her shock of his movements. Just before he got a chance to move Aqualad yelled at him through the mind link.

"Robin, now!" 

Robin frowned and narrowed his eyes then he threw down a smoke pelt and disappeared to go and meet up with his team members. As Robin was making his way back to the team he listen to them through the link.

"Strategic retreat. Kid, clear a path for us!" Aqualad said.
"Gotcha!" yelled Kid Flash as he ran, knocking some gun men out of the way. Then Robin entered the building, firing his grappling hook and swinging down and out with his team. They all made their way into the under ground tunnel. They were still being followed, when then Superboy began to knock down the support beams. 

They soon became separated from the bad guys, but also trapped. Aqualad broke a red glow stick and lit the small area up. Robin walked over to one of the rock walls, his back facing the team. Kid Flash was bent over, his hands on his knees as he was trying to catch his breath. The team didn't know this except Dick, but Wally was kinda claustrophobic. 
Robin typed on his wrist computer suddenly.

"How could my first mission as leader go so wrong? How could I fail at this, and everything else?"

Aqualad stepped forward, "You do have the most experience, the most training but perhaps that is what has left you totally unprepared. You haven't fail at everything, you are a strong team mate to have Robin. When you are fighting along side Batman, your roles are defined, you already know what you must do and what must be done. You both understand one another, talking is not necessary with the two of you. But, this team is brand new. A leader must be clear, must teach and give direction to everyone. He cannot vanish and expect others to follow an unknown plan.''

Robin turned around very quickly, anger flowing off of him. He slung his arm out wide and put all his anger into his wrist computer.
"Oh, so I'm supposed to hold everyone's hands!" Robin turned back around for he couldn't look at the team at the moment. He then groan out in pain. He gripped his head tightly, the whole room suddenly felt super small and lacked the air he needed to breathe, he felt dizzy. He took a deep breath and tried his best to show no weakness, for he wasn't allowed to appear weak.
"Who am I kidding?! You should lead us, Kaldur,  your the only one who can." Robin shrugged his shoulders and tried to smile at his team.

Kid Flash after collecting himself forced himself to stand straight to argue.
"Please! I can run circles around him! I could..." Kid Flash said but was cut off by Robin.
"Wally, come on. We all know it to be true. We all know he's the one." voiced Robin's wrist computer. Superboy nodded his head agreeing with Robin and M'gann smiled wide at Aqualad. 

Everyone glanced at Wally, awaiting for him to agree. He sighed then looked up at Kaldur, and smiled. "Okay" he said. Aqualad looked around the small room at each and everyone's face before stopping to look directly at Robin. He walked forward to stand right infront of Robin.

"I accept this burden, until you are ready to lift it from my shoulder. You were born to lead this team, maybe not now but soon'' said Aqualad very proudly. He placed his webbed hand upon Robin's shoulder and smiled down at him. Robin sighed and showed a small, sad smile across his face. Wally frown his brows in confusement. Then Robin nodded his head. 

Aqualad then turned to address the whole team. Robin laughed to himself, he had the same thought as Aqualad just spoke of. First priority is stopping the shipment.

They soon all made their way to the exit. Just as they got to the end of the tunnel, Bane stood before them. He then pointed out the bombs above their heads. 

"Kid, you'll need a running start" Aqualad said through the mind link.

"Gotcha" said Wally as he backed up slowly.

Just as Bane was about to press the button, it was out of his hand and in Wally's, who stood behind him with a smile on his face. Superboy then knocked Bane out.


They made their way towards the helicopter. Kid Flash ran out first, making all of their presence know. Guns began to go off. They all began to play their parts of the plan. Robin quickly jumped down and knocked shimmer out of his way, leaving Kobra standing alone before him.

"I know how you hate to get your hands dirty Koby!" came Robin's computerized voice.

"True, but at times we must do what we hate'' said Lord Kobra with a grin on his face as he threw his cloak to the side. Robin then rushed forward, he leaped upwards, his foot coming close to Kobra's face only to be caught by Kobra himself, he let it go and allowed Robin to land on the ground. Robing tried to sweep Kobra's feet from under him but it didn't work. Robin then tried to jump and kick Kobra in the face again to only be caught within his hands. This time Kobra didn't let go of him. Kobra then kicked Robin, sending him backwards. Robin landed on his feet and grunted as he starred at Kobra.

"What's wrong boy? You look disconcerted." said Kobra. Robin turned to see the helicopter taking off. He turned his attention back towards Kobra. 

Just then the helicopter caught on fire and crashed into the factory. Kobra and Robin continued to fight. During the fight Robin was thrown to the ground. He grunted in pain and closed his eyes for a second to have Kobra press his foot against his chest, adding a large amount of pressure on him. Robin tried to get his foot off of his chest but was failing. He could feel himself not being able to breathe, darkness creeping into his already blurry vision. 

"I am plagued my mosquitoes!'' yelled Kobra. Robin grunts and tried to reach his wrist computer, which Kobra notices, so he presses harder upon Robin's chest. Robin pushes through the pain and types to his best ability. 

"Good! Well....this mosquito's mighty....concerted over you-your pain." came from Robin's computer. He then narrowed his eyes and quickly whipped his legs around and freeing himself from under Kobra. Robin jumps backwards, landing among his team mates, who stand at the ready. Robin straighten up and gripped his left side in pain. Kobra glanced at them all and backed away into the shadows.

"Another time then. See you around boy wonder" said Kobra, Robin rushed forward but he was already gone. He sighed and turned around to face his teammates.

Robin smiled and walked over towards Aqualad, "We picked the right gut to lead." Robin's computerized voice said.

"Thanks-" began Kaldur but was cut off by Robin.
"Automatically making you the right guy to explain this mess to Batman!" came from Robin's wrist computer, then he pressed his signature laugh.

They all piled into the bioship and head home to Mount Justice. Once inside, Dick could no longer keep up his act that everything was alright. Sitting by him was Wally. Dick quickly turned within his seat and reached his hand out to tug upon Wally's arm. Once he touched Wally, Kid Flash looked down and then up at Robin. He knew right away that something was up. His green eyes widden and just then Dick slump over in his seat. Wally immediately jumped to his feet and rushed over towards Dick. He didn't even wait or listen to the others as he gently picked up his small bird and carried him to the medical wing of the bioship. He laid Robin slowly down upon the cold, sliver table. M'gann continued to fly the ship towards the mountain as their leader, Kaldur got up and walked back to see what was wrong. Robin was passed out in the medical wing. Kaldur quickly took action and told M'gann to radio Black Canary to tell her that they were on their way and that Robin had fallen unconscious. Kaldur turned back around to face a worry stricken Kid Flash. Aqualad nodded his head to Wally, showing him that it was all going to be okay. 

Wally sighed, Kaldur made a great leader. Now Wally focused upon his fallen friend, fear and worry ran through his veins as they approached the mountain.

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