Chapter 5- Trust.

A/N: This chapter is just around season one, episode 3 of YJ. Also deals with self harm and possible Birdflash.

Star City.
11 PM

Robin looked down at the scene before him, the shadows hiding his form from the others. Robin watched as Roy began to fight with the thugs down below. Arrows and small explosions were going off, when then the thugs all pointed their guns towards Roy. Wally nodded his head towards Robin and sped off to the scene below. Kid Flash ran between the thugs and knocking a few of them to the ground. 
Suddently one of the thugs pointed his gun at Kid Flash. Robin quickly threw a bird-arang. It knocked the gun out of the thugs hands. Robin pressed a button on his wrist computer, allowing his signature laugh to echo out. Robin front flipped out of the shadows on top of a shipment container. Throughout the fight the team was trying to convince Roy to join them, to be apart of the team and to come back to the cave with them. 

"It has everything the team needs to train, to prepare and much more'' said Aqualad as he pulled out his water bearers. He and Roy continued to fight the criminals. 

Kid Flash soon raced over towards them, as Robin dropped down silently and stood behind everyone. 
"Wait til you meet Superboy and Miss Martian.'' said Kid Flash with a huge smile on his face.

The fight began to come to an end and they finally beat the bad guys. The team stood by as Roy finished up.

"So Speedy, are you in?" came out Robin's computer wrist. He stood awaiting his response, full of hope to have his friends back. 

"Pass," said Roy who walked ahead of them a bit then turned to face Robin. "I'm done letting Arrow and the League tell me what to do. Your Junior Justice League is a joke, just like you are. It's just something to keep you busy and in your place. You're a child, it's just a babysitter for all of the other kids. I'm not interested."

He then turned and walked away, leaving them all alone. Robin lowered his head slightly but looked back up when Aqualad spoke.
"I guess there isn't anything else we can do now. Shall we all head back to the mountain now?" said Aqualad. Kid Flash looked over at Robin really quickly, he saw that Dick was upset and he clearly wanted to hide away. Wally turned back to face Aqualad, "Nah... I think Robin and I will...." But Kid Flash was cut off by Robin. 

"It's okay guys. You two can go back. I have to do something with Batman in Gotham, I'll see you tomorrow." voiced Robin's wrist computer who turned and shot his grappling hook and swong away from Wally and Aqualad. Kid Flash sighed.

"Friend, I'm worried about Robin. Something appears to be up with him, do you think it has something to do with Speedy not wishing to join us and the team?" Aqualad said with concern written on his face.

Kid Flash shrugged his shoulders. "I think I'm just going to head home Aqualad. I'm sure Robin will be alright. See ya tomorrow!" he yelled as he ran. 


Gotham City.
Wayne Manor.

Held up in the dark room, Dick laid face down on his bed. His eyes held tears in them as his mind went over pretty much everything negative in his life, just making him feel worst. Roy's face came in his mind, someone who he considered his friend was just mean to him tonight. 

"Your junior Justice League is a joke, just like you." Roy's voice echoed in his mind.

"He thinks I can't do this, what if everyone else thinks this too? What if I am just a child and I'm kidding myself? I'm useless." thought Dick.

"To keep you busy and in your place" Roy's voice came again. Dick sighed and rolled over to lay on his back. He stared up at the ceiling. It was almost completely dark in the room, the only light that was in Dick's bedroom, was the light of the moon shinning through his open window. 
"Keep me busy? So I'm useless, and in my place Roy said. I'm a bother and a burden to everyone. I'm in the way. Bruce is probably happy to have this team, to get rid of me. Gosh, I can't do anything right. I'm nothing but a problem." thought Dick. He closed his eyes and allowed tears to run down his face. As he laid there as his mind replayed the events at school, what the bullies there said to him. He keep telling himself that he was worthless and nothing and eventually he became way to emotional. He felt like he was drowning and couldn't breathe at all. He sat up quickly and whipped the tears from his face. He pushed himself slowly off of his bed and he walked over to his nightstand. He pulled the top drawer. Inside was a picture frame of his parents, an old 'Flying Grayson' poster and a small box. He picked up the picture frame and the small box. Dick allowed more tears to roll down his face as he cried for the lost of his parents, he missed them so much, it still hurt a lot. He then sat the picture down on his bed and opened up the small box. 
Inside the small box was a razor blade. Dick picked up the blade and held it in his hands, staring at it. He then pulled his sleeves up and brought the blade down to his already scared up wrist. This began after his parents death, he didn't mean for himself to get lost within his depression and for himself to get addicted to cutting. He was slowly finding himself cutting more and more, he has been struggling more often now and he has noticed that Bruce and Wally were slowly noticing him being off.
Dick sigh and continued to cut.

After Dick cut and put everything back away he reached for his phone, he had no missed calls or texts messages, no one seemed to care about him. Dick threw his phone, not caring at the moment as to were it landed. He curled up and began to cry silently to himself. Just then Dick heard soft foot steps moving towards him. He remain still, hoping the person thought that he was asleep then his light came on, making his squeeze his eyes tight. He moaned as he moved his head. 

He felt a familiar gust of wind and then the bed dipped. A hand was placed on his back and Dick figured that he probably should turn to face his best friend. Dick slowly moved and sat up, he pulled his knees to his chest and looked over at the wall.
Wally sighed. "Dick..."

'I don't want to talk about it, Wally.' Dick signed and closed his blue eyes.

Wally moved a little closer towards Dick but then froze when he saw some blood on his best friend's sleeve. He moved too quickly, grabbed Dick's arm and yanked his sleeve down. His eyes doubled in size as he gasped.

"Dick! Oh my...." began Wally but Dick cut him off.

'Stop! Please stop!' sign Dick. Dick turned now to face Wally. Wally saw how broken Dick was and just went forward and brought Dick into his arms as Dick cried even more now. 

"It's okay Dickie, it's all going to be alright'' said Wally as his own heart broke. 

Wally slowly ran his fingers through Dick ebony hair, calming him down. Slowly Dick had stopped cry and fell asleep in Wally's arms.
They laid there together in each others arms all night. 

In the morning, Wally woke up to see Dick fully dressed and placing his sun glasses on. They were going to be heading to the mountain today. Dick smiled at him and then leapt towards him, throwing his arms around Wally's neck. In a hush tone Dick whispered in Wally's ear.

''W-wally, thanks.''


Mount Justice.

-Recognized: Robin; B01

-Recognized: Kid Flash; B03

Dick and Wally looked around real quick, than ran into the center of the room meeting up with Superboy, Aqualad and Miss Martian. Dick pulled his phone out and quickly typed upon it.

"Did you ask him?" 

"Yeah? What did he say?" asked Wally, bouncing with excitement. Aqualad turned to face them.

"He's arriving now''said Aqualad as Wally lightly punched Dick in the arm and raced off, followed behind by Dick.

They made it outside to see Red Tornado landing before them. Wally smiled and waved quickly at the hero before them. Dick smiled a little bit as Wally, see how excited he was at the moment. 

"Do we have any missions?" asked Wally.

"Mission assignments are The Batman's job" Red Tornado said looking at them. A sad smile came across Wally's and also all of their faces. Dick took a tiny step closer his best friend.
Then Red Tornado walked pasted them all and into the cave. Wally lightly punched Dick in the shoulder. 

'No assignments, just socializing, to keep us busy. Roy might have been right about this team thing. It's been weeks and no missions!' signed Wally who sighed heavily. 

"Is he messing with us'' Aqualad asked the team. M'gann then smiled at them. She claps her hands together.

"Oh, I'll find out" said M'gann. Everyone stood in silence as M'gann did her thing. She then sighs and lowers her head in defeat. "I'm sorry. I totally forgot that he is a machine. I cannot read his mind. I am sorry guys."
Wally stepped forward and gave her a smile that told her that it was alright.

"Lets tour the cave while we are all here'' Aqualad said.
"Well both Superboy and I live here, we could show you around'' said M'gann, who was once again smiling. She landed on the ground and began to walk forward, towards the cave with everyone following behind. Dick quickly reached forward and pulled Wally backwards, he really wanted his best friend near him, to ground him to reality. The night's events still played heavily on him.
As they all took the tour, Dick kept getting closer towards Wally, now their arms would slightly brush pass each other. They were making it to the end of the tour when Superboy stopped them all,
"I smell smoke" he said. Dick looked quickly at Wally, when just then M'gann gasped.

"My Cookies!" she shouted and flew off towards the kitchen. Everyone quickly followed her but Wally was pulled backwards and stopped.
Wally glanced down at Dick.

"What's wrong?" questioned Wally. Dick just shrugged his shoulders and lowered his head. He was just feeling really down and off, he couldn't really pin point a certain reason why but he just was.
Maybe it had to do something with last night events with Roy and then self harming, or maybe the fact that he suddenly felt like he didn't fit, belong with all of them at the cave. But he didn't need any words, because somehow Wally knew and quickly brought him into a tight hug. Dick held still, not bringing his arms to wrap around the speedster. He just remain still within the warm huh. Eventually, Wally let go of him, then placing a hand upon his shoulder.

"Lets go join the others, okay?" said Wally. Dick just nodded his head and Wally reached down and grasped Dick's small hand in his.


Smoke was everywhere in the kitchen. M'gann telepathically drew the tray of extremely burnt cookies out of the oven.

"Aww man" said M'gann who sat the tray down.

"They probably would have tasted fine, and Wally clearly doesn't seem to mind how burnt they are" said Dick's phone. He turned to look at Wally, as he shoved another totally burnt cookie in his mouth.

"I have a very high metabolism. I get hungry very quickly." Wally said looking at the team with his mouth full.

"It was very kind of you to make some in the first place." Aqualad said. M'gann was clearly still upset with the fact that she had burnt them in the first place. She had worked hard on them, to only have them nasty and burnt.

"Thanks, Aqualad" said M'gann.

Aqualad took a step forward and gave her a tiny smile. "We are off duty, nor on a mission. Call me Kaldur'ahm or better yet, call me Kaldur."

Wally leaned forward, taking another cookie from the tray. "I'm Wally. I already trust you with my secret I.D., unlike dark shades over here" said Wally now pointing at Dick. Dick turned to face Wally better, putting his hands upon his hips. 
"Batman has forbidden Boy Wonder here from telling anyone his secret identity." Wally said and winked at Dick.

Dick huffed and quickly grabbed a cookie and launched it at Wally's head. Wally was too slow to see it happen. He yelped in pain for a second before shoving said cookie into his mouth, chewing loudly at Dick, he in result turned away from him. 

M'gann then suddenly tried to speak telepathically to Conner but only got anger and yelling from him. Then she tried to talk with everyone telepathically. Everyone gripped their heads in pain. 
She felt awful for causing pain to her new friends, she didn't understand, on Mars this was a way of speaking to someone else. Earth was way different than Mars is. After upsetting them all, she tried to change the subject. She flew off and everyone slowly followed. 

Once the elevator doors open, M'gann clearly lit up. "This is my Martian Bioship! Come on! I want to show you the inside and take you on a trip!" 
They all entered the ship, they all seemed to be somewhat excited and nervous at the same time.

Just as everyone was seated, the bay doors opened up and the Bioship lifted and took off above the blue water. 


As they were enjoying the trip, Red Tornado came through the ship's coms.
"Red Tornado to Miss Martian, an alert has went off. Maybe you should check it out."

They flew to the location to only be twisted around by a tornado. "Hold on!" shouted M'gann as she tried to steer the bioship out of the tornado. They finally got free of the tornado and landed fine and all jumped out at the scene. People in the distance were yelling.

Aqualad watched the tornado as it traveled next to the building.
"Robin, are tornados very common in this area?" said Aqualad, he turned around to face the team. "Robin?" he questioned as he didn't see him standing with the others. Just then his signature laugh came out, scaring them all for a second. Wally grinned at his team mates. 

"H-he was just here. How did he do that? I-I I thought he didn't have any powers like the rest of us do." said M'gann.

"He doesn't." said Wally who looked around for any glimpse of his best friend.


Inside the building, Dick was thrown harshly by a gust of strong wind into one of the concrete wall. He gasped in pain once his back made contact. Dick then fell onto his back to the floor. He struggled to push himself upward, for the room was spinning a little bit and his whole body ache, not to mention the sharp pain he felt when he breathed in. Dick could clearly make out the sounds of foot steps behind him.

"Rob!" shouted Wally as he raced off towards his side. Wally skidded to a stop and dropped down upon his knees. He quickly placed his hand on Dick shoulder, silently asking if the other was okay. Dick reached up and patted his hand, signalling to him that he was okay. Wally sighed then stood up, offering Dick a hand up. Dick took ahold of Wally's hand as the speedster pulled him up and onto his feet. Dick nodded his head as a thank you. They both turned to face the scene before hand.

"I am Mr. Twister!" yelled the villain before them. He then sent Superboy flying through the air and sending him against the wall, knocking him out for a second. Everyone looked at one another. Wally quickly pulled out his goggles from his pocket and slipping them over his face. He nodded his head at M'gann and Kaldur, showing that he is ready. 

Next to Wally was Dick, he was leaning up against one of the support beams, he gripped his side tightly and moaned out in pain. 
"Probably a broken rip or two, great" thought Dick as he stood his best ready fight.

Everyone sprinted into action. Wally quickly sped off and did a tiny flip, sending his feet straight towards the villain's chest, but Mr. Twister quickly twisted quick wind and launched Wally outside the building, into the field far away from the building, knocking him out.

Dick saw this and quickly reached to the back of his hoodie and pulled out two exploding bird-arangs and threw them towards Mr. Twister, who deflected them very easily. Both M'gann and Kaldur were next knocked out, only leaving Dick to deal with Mr. Twister.

"I was prepared to face a real superhero, not you children" said Mr. Twister. Dick slowly pulled out another bird-arang.
"We're not children!" yelled Dick's phone. Dick really wished he had his holo glove right now, it would make all of this way easier, but sadly he did not, for he was in his civies, but thankfully he had his utility belt with him. Dick sent a small glare towards the villain. Dick quickly threw his bird-arang to which Mr. Twister flicked away. Dick inhaled sharply only causing him some more pain and he winced. He glanced around the room seeing that all his super powered friends/teammates still knocked out, he sighed. 

"Clearly you are children. Not capable of doing anything, have you no supervision? I find you being here quite disturbing." Mr. Twister announced.

"Well, we hate to see you disturbed!" Dick's phone shouted out. M'gann slowly got up, followed by Kaldur and Superboy. They quickly made their way over towards Dick and stood behind him, ready to fight once again.
"Let's see if your more turbed once we kick your can." came from Dick's phone in his right hand. 

The team quickly began to fight him with little to no success. Both M'gann and Superboy were knocked out. Kaldur and Dick then sprinted forward to attack Mr. Twister. 
Electricity began to flow from Kaldur as they ran but Mr. Twister got the better of them and quickly spon some wind their direction and twisting them around, making them both dizzy and at his mercy. He then in a swift motion flung them two together, Kaldur's electricity hitting Dick square on. Dick yelped in pain as the electricity went threw his body, soon darkness began to fill his vision as he was dropped to the cold floor. He glanced around for one second to see everyone knocked out and Mr. Twister leaving the building quickly.
"That was quite turbing" shouted Mr. Twister as he left, "Thank you."

 Soon his eye lids grew too heavy for him to keep them up and Dick regretfully allowed them to close, letting the darkness take ahold of him. 


Wally sat up and quickly grabbed his head in pain, shutting his eyes tightly. He looked up to see Mr. Twister exiting the building, Wally quickly pushed himself to his feet, shocked the dizziness off and blocked the now throbbing headache forming and dashed off towards the villain. Wally ran and stood before Mr. Twister.
"What have you done with my team!?!" Yelled Wally, he was angry and worried about them, about Dick. He knew Dick was hurt the moment he went to his side, he knew that the boy wonder would never admit to it but he could clearly see it written in his face.

"Embarrassed them. are just children, no where near my league." said Mr. Twister.

Mr. Twister than formed a small tornado and it swept Wally up and off towards the building. Wally brought his knees up to his chest and covered his head with his hands. Wally closed his eyes tightly waiting to crash into the side of the building but then he felt a small tug on him, he didn't know what it was but then over the sound of the wind around him he could hear M'gann talking to him, she had ahold on him and he was okay.  He smiled as the winds stopped and he came gently onto the ground. 
Once his feet touched the ground he turned around to face his team, his green eyes going directly towards Dick. His smile grew as he saw his best friend standing there in one piece. 

"Read his mind!'' shouted Kaldur. M'gann closed her eyes and tried to read his mind but she got nothing. 

"Hello, Megan. Mr. Twister is Red Tornado in disguise. He's an android!" M'gann said with a smile.

The team quickly thought that this must be all a test, for Red Tornado did in fact send them here in the first place.

"To keep you busy, and in your place" Roy's voice echoed in Dick's head. He lowered his head. "Maybe he was right, maybe this is all a joke. Maybe I can't do this, do anything right like them. Maybe I don't belong here, clearly I'm the least of all of them. This team would do better without me, Wally would do way better with me gone."
Dick was interrupted by his thoughts when he heard Wally's voice. Dick lifted his head to look at Wally, his best friend.

"Speedy called it. We're a joke." said Wally who then sighed and shock his head. Dick's eyes grew for a second, no one could tell this because he wore his dark shades over his eyes, but the grew in shock and his thoughts grew louder and more harsher.

"Even Wally, your supposed best friend, doesn't believe in you. He thinks you are a joke, worthless, a damage child. He isn't your friend, they all hate you. Everyone does! You are nothing to them but a burden, something in all of their way, a constant burden."

Then Mr. Twister reached upwards and the sky began to grow dark and lightening began to crash down. Dick reached over and pulled on Wally's sleeve.
'Red Tornado can't do that' Dick signed really quickly. Wally nodded his head but before he could say anything a bolt of lightening came crashing down upon them, knocking them all out.


Dick could feel this small amount of shaking upon his body but his whole body felt very heavy. He could feel the amount of shaking increase, then hear his name being called. He just really wanted to stay within this darkness but he recognized that voice, it belonged to Wally. So Dick moaned and slowly opened his eyes, the brightness of the day blinded him a bit. He blinked a few times to clear his vision, once he saw Wally towering over him he smiled. Wally then quickly shoved his sunglasses back on and helped Dick into a sitting position. Dick groaned once more and reached up to his head. His head was killing him, along with his whole body aching. He could hardly hear his team talking, the buzzing in his ears were very loud. He then shut his eyes tightly. His body felt very heavy all of a sudden but before he could make contact with the ground once again, he felt Wally's hand on him, holding him up.

"You okay Rob?" Wally asked him, but he couldn't really focus on him or the words he spoke. He could feel Wally leaning closer towards him, he could feel the warmth of his breath against his ear and neck as he leaned closed towards him. " to me" Wally whispered to him. Dick then pushed himself back from Wally and when he looked up at him he could see hurt within his eyes. He didn't mean to hurt Wally and he really didn't want to push away from him, but they were currently facing off a bad guy and all of this needed to wait. Dick then signed that he was fine and slowly pushed himself off the ground. He winced at the pain in his wrist, the cuts that he had just done that night were hurting more now. He looked down quickly and he could see his bandage was covered more with red, he had reopened some of his fresh cuts. He exhaled and looked over at Wally, who clearly saw what he was looking at. He shooked his head and walked a bit away. Dick and Wally stood next to each other as Superboy yelled at M'gann. She made a mistake, they all did but yelling wasn't going to help. Superboy then ran off and jumped away, after Mr. Twister. Wally patted Dick on the shoulder. He was offering to carry Dick as he ran but Dick shook his head. Wally sighed and than ran off, following Superboy. Dick sighed and looked back at M'gann. She was kneeling on the ground, she was very sad. Dick reached forward and placed a hand on her shoulder, she looked up at him. He gave her a small smile saying it was alright then he dashed off into the distance.


Once Dick arrived, the place was a mess. Dick threw a few exsplosives at the small tornadoes Mr. Twister made. Dick watched his team fight to best of their abilities. Dick move silently and hide. He winced in pain and looked down at himself. He had a few cuts and brusies forming, he could tell that he had broken some ribs and had a concussion too. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Wally soon ran to Dick's side once he saw him out of harms way. Wally knelt down beside him. 
Dick quickly pulled his utility belt out of his jacket's sleeve. Wally turned to look at him.
"You brought your utility belt with you?" questioned Wally. Dick flung it out and over his shoulder. He then quickly signed to Wally.

'Never go anywhere without it, first thing Batman taught me.'

Wally chuckled at his best friend but then he and Dick held their head in pain as M'gann's voice ranged out through their minds. They listened to her.
''Please trust me!" said M'gann telepathically.

Soon Red Tornado came and dismissed them, but it was all part of the plan, M'gann had shape shifted into Red Tornado. Soon they all worked together and defeated Mr. Twister quickly. He laid their broken before them. Wally then fist bumped Dick and he smiled. M'gann now back in her original form stepped forward before the team as Mr. Twister opened up and a man fell out. Quickly before any of them could stop her, she moved a large bolder and crushed the man before them. Dick grew angry and pushed pasted Wally and stood right before her and began to yell via sign language, as Wally then translated for him.

"He said: Don't know how things are done on Mars, but here on Earth, we don't execute our captives! We don't go around killing or we are no better than them!" Wally translated for Dick, and he agreed with everything Dick had said/signed.

"You said that you trusted me" M'gann said sassfully towards Dick who sent her a small bat glare. She turned around from him and lifted the bolder off the man, Dick looked around her to see bits and pieces of a machine, not a man. He then sighed and ran a hand threw his hair. He was incorrect, and he hated when he was wrong about anything. He did say he trusted her but when that trust was tested,  he failed. He lowered his head. Wally brushed past Dick and walked closer to the android on the ground. He picked up an eye and smiled at Dick.

'Cool, a souvenir!' Wally signed to Dick.  Dick smiled and shocked his head.

Dick pulled his phone out and texted upon it quickly.

''I am sorry for not trusting you completely Megan. But I do now, as we all do and we are all just turbed that you are on the team!" came from Dick's phone. M'gann smiled wide and blushed a bit.

"Thanks and me too. Being apart of this team has been a wonderful chance. Thank you, all of you." M'gann said. 

They all then headed back to the mountain. 


Back at the mountain, they spoke with Red Tornado but he quickly shut them down and walked away. Wally ran up to Dick, throwing his arm around his shoulder with a smile across his face.
"This team thing isn't so bad. Speedy was wrong!" said Wally. Dick allowed himself to think for a moment before he was pulled out of his thoughts by Wally. He quickly signed to Dick.

'We need to talk about everything that happened today and last night. I know something is wrong, I just don't know what and I need you to talk to trust me with...everything man.'' Wally signed. Dick reached up and patted Wally's shoulder.

'I do trust you! I trust you more than anyone, but there are just some things I can't tell you Wally. I wish I could but I can't.' signed Dick.

'Why not? I'm not trying to start a fight here man, I'm not. But I'm worried about you!' signed Wally.

'Don't be.' Dick signed and turned away from Wally and started to walk off. Wally sighed and ran at super speed and stopped before Dick.

'But I am! I care about you Dick. Your my best friend, and I....' Wally signed but stopped himself from continuing.

Dick sighed and looked up at Wally. He looked deeply into his green eyes.
'Wally, you know more than most do. You know me better than anyone else does and at times you know me better than I know myself. I do trust you one hundred percent but there are just some things that I can't bring myself to talk about with anyone. I'm not pushing you away or trying to hurt you. I-I I just can't deal with this at all' signed Dick who sighed and lowered his head. Wally reached forward and pulled his chin upwards so Dick was looking at him again. 

'Dick, you can't keep all of this bottled up. Sooner or later it will explode and not in the fun way. I'm always going to be here for you man, always.' signed Wally.

'Okay fine,' signed Dick, he then pulled his phone out and sent a text to someone, in less than a minute his phone buzzed back with a response. 'Bruce gave thee okay for you to spend the night tonight, if you want to that is.'

"Of course I do!'' yelled Wally with joy. Dick smiled up at him and then rushed forward into a hug. He buried his face into Wally's chest. Wally brought his arms around him and held him tightly. Dick balled up fists of Wally's t-shirt in his hands. He began to shake as he silently cried to Wally. 
Wally's heart broke a little bit as Dick continued to cry. Dick then pulled back from Wally and reached down to hold Wally's hand. He then pulled Wally along with him to the zeta beams.

M'gann smiled at them. ''They are such a cute couple!" she thought then flew off towards the kitchen to work on her baking skills.

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