Chapter 34- Finale

A/N: This chapter is based off the season 1 finale. Also this is the last chapter of this book! :'(
But do not worry, if you like this book then you shall be happy that book 2 will becoming out soon. I hope you read it and like it!
-I just wanted to give a big thank you to everyone who has read this story.

It had been about a week since the team learned about Robin, that he has depression and has been self harming and tried to kill himself. It had shaken the team but it had shaken Robin the most. He drew away from the team, a part of him afraid of how they would treat him, how they would look at him.

But when he finally did come back around them the both did treat him differently but not at the same time. He had guessed that Wally had told them to not act differently around him and he was so thankful for that.
They really didn't really act too different than before, the only thing that they kept doing that was slowly growing on Dick's nerves was them constantly asking him if he was okay.
They kept asking if he was okay, if he was feeling okay or needed anything. Yes it was coming from a place of love and concern for him but it was getting to be too much and it was adding pressure onto him and he didn't really know why.

Now, he felt like he had to say that he was alright just to please them and keep everything flowing correctly, not having them worry about him.
But now that he felt like he had to keep lying to them, it only made him feel worst and he was slowly slipping deeper into himself, slowly getting more depressed.

Dick couldn't allow them to know that he was depressed, so he kept hiding and lying about it and now he was starting to do it with Wally as well.
This was not how it was supposed to be, telling the team was supposed to make it safer for him and allow himself to be helped and supported by the others not hide even more.

Robin walked into the mission room with the team behind him, he could feel their eyes on him and it made him want to get away from them all and hide away in his room.
Then the thought of his razor blade came into his mind but he quickly pushed the thought down. His mind went straight to cutting because he was feeling so overwhelmed right now and he needed to feel better, he needed a release but even if a part of him wanted to, another part of him didn't want to cut.
He now had so many more people to let down. Robin frown and looked down at the floor.

The team gathered around and watched Batman pull up a holo screen.
"The mole was Red Arrow'' said Batman.

Robin's masked eyes widen and he stumbled backwards.

"No way!" yelled Wally, doubt was heavy in his voice.

"What? No. It can't be. No, Roy can't be the mole. He's my friend. I trusted him with my identity.'' thought Robin, who then felt a gloved hand on his shoulder. He looked over at the hand and recognized it right away, it was Wally's hand on his shoulder but Dick was totally not in the mood to be comforted so he shrugged Wally's hand off of him.

Wally's green eyes widen slightly, he looked shocked at his boyfriend, he totally didn't expect this reaction.

"Batman, this cannot be. Red Arrow is a hero, a friend. He was Green Arrow's protege. We have known him for years'' said Aqualad.

"Unfortunately, the Red Arrow that we have known for these years is another clone from Cadmus.'' Red Tornado said.

Robin shook his head, he couldn't believe this. It didn't matter to him that the person he knew was a clone, Superboy was a clone. That wasn't the problem, the problem was that he thought Roy was his friend and that friend betrayed him, betrayed all of them and it hurt. It hurt a lot.

"This Roy Harper had no idea that he was a clone or a traitor'' said Batman, making Robin look up at Batman.
"If he didn't know, then maybe he didn't betray But was he ever really my friend?" thought Robin.

"But do not be mistaken, he tried to betray the League to Vandal Savage. I already figured out that he was a clone, so we were prepared'' said Batman.

'How?' Robin signed. He wanted to know how his mentor, his father discovered that Red Arrow was a clone, when there were no signs present. Batman looked over at him and narrowed his eyes. Robin looked back, he could feel rage coming off of Batman and it was directed at him and he didn't know why.
"Why was he mad, mad at me? What have I done to make him angry?'' thought Robin, but he didn't get his answer from Batman. So Robin lowered his head and almost blocked out what they were all talking about he heard some of it but he was just feeling really bad right now and was overthinking everything.

The team was informed that Red Arrow had escaped the League and that he was a problem form the Justice League, that the team was not to get involved in this matter.

Just then Batman turned to leave to go to the Watch Tower. As he walked past he looked down at Robin and slightly bumped his shoulder before walking off and into the zeta-tube.

Recognized. Batman; 02.

Aqualad turned to face the team and he right away noticed that Robin didn't look like he was alright.
'Are you okay?' Aqualad signed to Robin. Robin just shook his head 'no' but it was clear that to Aqualad that Robin didn't want to talk about it. He knew that he would have to keep an eye on his young team mate, friend today.

''Clone or not, Roy was one of us. We will be going after him'' said Aqualad through the mind link.

Just then Red Tornado took one step forward and shut down, this surprised the team.
"He's powered down, all his functions are offline'' said Robin through the mind link as he looked at his holo screen.

"Hey guys!'' said Zatanna and grasped her head and closed her eyes. "I'm sensing a low level of mystic force at play here, I don't...'' she then opened her eyes and looked at Robin.
"I was getting the same buzz off of Batman.''
Robin turned around quickly to look at her.

"WHAT?!?!" he yelled through the mind link, a little too loud for everyone. Wally took a step towards him but he held his hand up to him, telling him to stay back.
His mind was racing and right now he just didn't want to be touch and told that everything was going to be alright when everything felt so confusing right now. Wally cast his eyes away from Dick and that is when he saw something within Red Tornado's hand.
"Look, what's this?" asked Wally.

"It's one of the biotech chips we got from my sister'' said Artemis who took it out of Wally's hand and looked at it before passing it over to Robin who began to look over it.

"Something isn't adding up here. Robin, Zatanna and Kid see if you can get Red Tornado back online. M'gann, Conner, Artemis and I will go look for Roy...Red Arrow.'' said Kaldur. Robin nodded his head and looked at his holo screen and began to get to work.


Recognized. Black Canary; 1 3.

Robin and the others were just transferring Red Tornado's consciousness into a new body. Wally tried to tell her that it wasn't anything bad but then Red shot up and yelled for them to get out of the cave.
Just then Black Canary did her canary cry at them. The blast through Wally and Zatanna backwards as Robin leap forward, attacking Black Canary.

Robin threw a punch but she caught it and threw him roughly onto the ground. He quickly got up and narrowed his eyes at her. Just then one of his tools went off, green gas surrounded her. Black Canary began to cough and she slowly went down to the floor.

"Black Canary a-attacked us? Why?" asked Zatanna.

"Black Canary is the least of our problems. The entire League are under the control of Vandal Savage with the biotech chips also called Starotech. We must leave the cave now'' said Red Tornado, now as John Smith. The team nodded and got into the super cycle. Robin had a slight limp to his walk and Wally noticed this but he didn't want to bring it to light considering how Robin had been acting today.

As they flew on the super cycle they were getting closer towards the bio-ship.
Robin closed his eyes, his ankle was really hurting him right now. It wasn't broken he knew that but it could be fractured or just really badly sprained but he couldn't focus on that right now, he would have to deal with it at some other time.
Right now the entire Justice League, the only family he had left was in danger and he really didn't know what to do or how to save them. He was a bit afraid but he couldn't let this show. Let his team see him even more weaker than they already saw him now.

"Miss Martian? Miss M are you in range?" asked Robin through the mind link, everyone could hear him and waited for her to respond to him. Just a second later she answered him, and he sigh in relief. He was slightly worried something might have happened to her and the others in the bio-ship.

"I'm here Robin. Linking both squads'' said M'gann as the bio-ship decamouflaging.''
"Great because we need to compare notes, this is huge!'' said Robin.

They team began to discuss everything and they found a way to figure out how to save Black Canary. The Starotech was removed and Black Canary was back to herself. So, her, Red Tornado back in his original body and Roy headed to the Watch tower to play as if they were still under Savage's control, leaving the team alone to sneak in and try to set the whole Justice League free of the mind control.

The team split up, set out to free the League.

Robin, Wolf, M'gann, and Superboy were outside of the Watchtower fighting Hawk Woman and Wonder Woman. They quickly took them down but then Martain Manhunter, Superman and Batman appeared before them. Superman went for Conner while Batman walked slowly over towards Robin.
Batman stared directly at Robin and cracked his knuckles. "Oh, this wasn't going to be fun'' thought Dick as he looked up at his mentor.

Robin went on the offensive right away, he threw three smoke pellets at Batman then he threw the first kick but Batman easily dodged it and gave Robin a right hook to the jaw. Robin was thrown off balance. He glanced up at his mentor, his partner...his dad. He was momentarily stunned by this.
Superboy was busy engaged with Superman, while M'gann took out her uncle. Just then Superman knocked M'gann out and Conner grew angry and charged out at him.
Robin was trying his best to evade his attacks. Robin did a few back flips to get some distance and higher ground but Batman was able to land a harsh kick to Robin's torso. Robin skidded painfully backwards, he drew in a deep breath and pain radiated throughout his chest. He slightly winced as he brought out his escrima sticks and got ready to fight Batman.

The fight between Batman and Robin continued on. Robin got in a good hit here and there but Batman was clearly winning this fight.

Suddenly Robin is thrown into the wall and Batman takes the chance to punch Robin who was struggling to breathe. Robin grunts in pain and looks over at Conner who is busy fighting Superman and seeming to not be having any better luck than he is.
"C-Conner...this isn't working'' Robin whispers, his head is killing him right now but he pushes himself up onto his feet. He grips his side and looks over at Batman. "We...we c-can't beat them alone.'' said Robin.

"I'm on my way'' says Conner who punches Superman square in the face and jumped up to the level Robin was on and charged over towards Batman and threw a punch but Batman dodged it and sent a power blow to Superboy. Robin quickly got up and threw a few bird-a-ranges at his mentor but Batman being Batman evades them and attacks Robin who slums to the ground and coughs painfully.

"Are you alright?" asks Conner.
"I'll be fine if we finish this soon. I...I don't know how much more I can take honestly Kon'' said Robin who rolled his eyes and stood up, pain flooding through his tired and bruised body. His movement had began to slow down he was injured and fatigued and everything hurt on him.

Now both Superboy and Robin were facing both Superman and Batman, this battle was dragging out way too long.
Finally Conner got a good grip on Superman and Robin pulled out his Kryptonite, knocking Superman out and weakening Conner a lot. They place the cure on Superman but before Robin could stand up, Batman grabs Robin by his cape choking him.

"Robin!" yelled Superboy who was slowly pushing himself up onto his feet, but stumbles slightly and winces in pain.
Batman pulls Robin to the edge and hangs him over it, his feet dangling and Robin struggling to breathe with Batman's hands around his throat, squeezing the life out of him.
Robin squirms in the hold, his gloved hands on Batman's hands.

"B-batman...snap out of it!'' Robin rasps out as Batman's grip tightens. Robin eyes widen as he fells the pain and burning in his chest and dark spots forming in his vision.
"Tati..." whispers Robin as his eyes roll into the back of his head, missing Batman's eyes widening for a second, recognizing his son's voice right before he drops Robin limp body.

No! ROBIN!!" yelled Conner who jumps up and punches Batman and places the cure on him before jumping over the edge and catching Robin in his arms and pulled him tightly into his chest. Superboy moved in the air so his back would make contact with the ground and not Robin.

They both fell, Robin safe within Conner's arms as his body hit the ground making everything go black all of a sudden.
Dick's eyes began to flutter at a constant beeping sound near him. He at first began to panic and shot up in the hospital bed, gasping. His masked eyes were wide, he thought it was an explosive, his whole body was very tense, he still thinking he was in battle with Batman. His eyes scanned the room, seeing that he was alone but not for long.

The med bay doors in the Watchtower opened and Batman rushed in to see his son awake.
"Robin?" said Batman but that just set him more on edge, he pushed himself away from Batman and he stopped walking, guilt and sadness flooding over his masked face.
Wally then suddenly rushed into the room, he glanced over at Batman then over at Robin. He quickly ran over to Dick and stood next to him. Dick looked up at him, he then quickly reached out and drew Wally onto the bed and he buried his head on Wally. Wally held onto him tightly, feeling Dick's whole body shaking.

Wally looked over his shoulder and saw Bruce slowly leaving the room, leaving the two of them all alone as Dick cried in Wally's arms.
"Shh...shh I got you'' said Wally as he pulled Dick closer, onto his lap and closed his eyes.
An hour later.

The team was in the main room in the Watch Tower. They were all looking out into space, all still completely amazed by the events that just went down with the Justice League.

"Happy New Year Justice League!'' announced the computer. The team all looked at one another. M'gann took Conner's hand in hers and he pulled her into a sweet kiss. Zatanna blew a kiss towards Artemis and she smirked before blowing a kiss towards her and then walking over and kissing Kaldur's cheek before walking over to Zatanna and taking her hand and leaving the actual couples a moment alone.

Wally smiled over at Dick and quickly picked him up in his arms and stared down at him. He then slowly lean forward and captured Dick's lips with his.

After they pulled away Wally sat Dick down and quickly signed to him.
'Are you going home?'

'No. I just can't see him right now. I know it wasn't his fault, that he had no control but...' signed Dick. Wally nodded his head and placed his hand on Dick's shoulder and looked deep into his masked eyes.

"I get it.'' said Wally, " I'm sure Uncle Barry wouldn't mind if you spend the night or two.''
Dick nodded his head then wrapped his arms tightly around Wally who gave him a squeeze in return.
"Let's go. I bet tonight's going to be a long night'' whispered Wally who lead himself and Dick to the zeta-tubes heading back down to Earth, down to Central City to the Allen-West household.

And Wally was correct, it was a very long night. Dick had woken up multiple times in the night from nightmares and Wally was there for him every second.

-The End-

So this is it for Silence. I am just starting to work on book two now.
Silence book 2- Lost.

Thank you everyone who has read this and I do hope you read book 2 which will have scenes/flashbacks of the five lost years in between season one and season two. I was going to make the second book just about the missing years then book 3 about season two but we are growing closer towards season three coming out, which is so freaking fantastic!!! So I'm going to just combine all that I have set out for the two books and put it all in one.
-Updates will be slow, so y'all will just have to stick around with me. And I thank everyone who read this book and stayed beside me through it plus my other works!

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