Chapter 27-Morning.

A/N: This chapter isn't really based on an episode. It has Birdflash in it.
Mentions of Eating Disorder and Self harm and strong language.

Wayne Manor

Dick rolled over in his bed and faced Wally, who was still fast asleep. Dick let a small smile cross his lips as he watched his boyfriend. It was refreshing to have someone who cared so much about him that close to him. He slowly rolled over and looked at his clock and decided it was best to start the day. 
He slowly and regrettably got out from under the warm sheets and away from Wally and headed towards his bathroom for a quick morning shower. 

Dick slowly removed his t-shirt and froze when he looked down at all of his scars. It had been two days since he last cut and the urge to self harm was still very present within him. Dick sighed and traced his finger over a few scars, then he turned and looked into his mirror, which was beginning to fog up from the warmth of the shower being on. His blue eyes scanned over himself and a ping of sadness filled him up. 

"Why would Wally want to be with someone like me? I'm a mess...I'm broken and worthless. He is so amazing and totally deserves someone so much better than me.'' thought Dick as a tear escaped his eye and ran down his check. 

Just then, his bathroom door open and Wally stood there, half leaning against the door frame. Wally looked at Dick carefully and saw the self doubt and sadness on his face. Wally's green eyes then traveled down to Dick's scarred wrists. Wally sighed and quickly walked forward and pulled Dick into a tight hug. One of Wally's hands were pressed against the back of Dick's head, holding him in place. 
Dick finally relaxed in Wally's grip and allowed himself to cry a bit before he pulled away. 
He pulled away slowly from Wally, keeping his eyes held shut. Wally moved his hands slowly upwards and cupped Dick's face within his hands. Dick then slowly opened his eyes and looked over at Wally and gave him a tiny smile. Wally rubbed his thumb on Dick's check and looked deep in his blue eyes. Dick slowly leaned forward, almost having to stand on his tip toes to kiss the speedster. Wally smiled into the kiss and kissed Dick back. They broke the kiss after a minute and stared into each other's eyes before Dick pulled back and signed to Wally.

'I go to get in the shower before the water gets to cold. Do you mind waiting for me? Then once I'm done we could get something to eat, cause I bet your hungry.' sign Dick. Wally nodded his head and lean forward, planting a quick peek on Dick's soft lips before turning and leaving Dick alone. As soon as the door shut behind Wally, Dick sighed and looked down at his wrists one more time. His scars, his pain would always be there and there was no way of getting around that. It was his fault, he had done and made this mess himself. Dick shook his head and quickly removed the rest of his clothing and jumped into the shower, knowing that Wally was probably starving waiting for him.


After his shower, the two of them hand in hand walked downstairs slowly and made their way into the kitchen, where Alfred already was preparing breakfast.

"Good morning sirs. Breakfast will be done shortly'' voiced Alfred as he flipped a pancake. 

'Thank you' signed Dick and Alfred nodded his head. Dick smiled and let go of Wally's hand and walked over to the table and sat down. 

"Yum! It's smells so good in here. Thanks Alfie'' said Wally who got a look from Alfred. No matter how many times Alfred had told Wally not to call him that he still does on and off, and now Dick found himself saying it as well. 

After looking around at all Alfred had made, Wally rushed over and sat now beside Dick. He reached under the table and grabbed ahold of Dick's hand and gave it a good squeeze when Bruce suddenly entered the room.

"Good morning Master Bruce'' greeted Alfred as he turned from the stove and pulled a nice new pitcher of orange juice out of the fridge and slowly walked it over to the table and sat it down among the other items. 

"Morning Alfred.'' said Bruce as he grabbed his news paper and made his way to his seat. As soon as he sat down he glanced over at the two boys who were busy signing.  "Morning Dick, Wally.'' said Bruce and Dick quickly looked over and smiled at his father.

'Good morning Dad' signed Dick who then reached for the orange juice and pour both him and Wally a glass full. 
"Morning Mr. Wayne.'' said Wally and looked over at Dick who gave a tiny chuckle. 'What' Wally mouthed at Dick and Dick just shook his head and mouthed: 'oh nothing' and then preceded to chuckle again. 

Once everything was done, the boys began to gather up food, Wally taking the most of it. He had 10 pancakes stacked high on his plate, 3 muffins, 1 scone, 4 biscuits, 7 sausages, a lot of eggs and bacon, and a bowl of fruit. He drove right into eating and thanking Alfred for it all, saying it tasted amazing. Dick didn't know how he knew it tasted amazing when it looked like he was just inhaling it, instead of chewing it. 
Bruce had a decent amount of food on his plate, Dick on the other hand had barely anything. He had one pancake, a few eggs, 1 piece of bacon and a few strawberries and blueberries. He slowly took sips of his orange juice, but drank all of his water. He slowly cut up his pancake into tiny bits and only took a bit here or there. 

Everyone seemed to notice this and Wally looked over at Bruce and could see that he was worried about Dick as well. Wally decided to step in.

"Dick you should grab some more of everything! Your missing out!" he said and shove a large amount of eggs into his mouth. Dick shook his head and glanced down at his food. His stomach was turning and it felt tight. He quickly looked over at Bruce and saw that his attention was on the paper in his hand and not at him. Dick exhaled and then pushed himself away from the table, he was feeling really sick all of a sudden and also like he was suffocating. He stood up and both Wally and Bruce looked at him. 

'I'm done. I'm just going to my room now.' sign Dick and turned to leave but Wally reached over and grabbed his wrist, which Dick jumped and pulled back quickly. Dick glanced down at his wrist them up at Wally. 
Wally crunched his brows and stared up at his boyfriend. 

'I'm fine.' sign Dick quickly and rushed towards the doors and left the room. Wally was about to stand up when Bruce held his hand up, telling him to stay put. Wally nodded and watched Bruce leave, going after Dick. Wally signed and looked down at his food, he had lost his appetite cause he was so worried about Dick. So he decided that he would help Alfred clean up while the other two talked.

Dick not knowing that Bruce was coming upstairs to talk to him, didn't bothered to lock his door. He knew that it was only a matter of time before Wally came rushing up stairs to see him, so he had to make this fast.

He quickly entered his bathroom, threw up the toilet seat and kneel onto the ground. He looked down into the water and slowly brought his two fingers up towards his mouth. His breathing had picked up as he looked at his fingers, which were shaking a bit. He was over come with this feeling of nausea and this seemed like the only way to stop it. So Dick drew in a deep breath and quickly shoved his two fingers inside his mouth and pressed them roughly down his throat. He began to couch and press harder. Just then he began to throw up. He only did it about four times before he was just chocking on air. He hadn't eaten that much to throw up. After he threw up he quickly flushed the toilet and washed off his hands. He then quickly began to brush his teeth when his nose began to bleed.
"Damn it'' he thought and grabbed some toilet paper and held it on his nose. This happened once in a while after or during when he purged. He pressed himself too far and this was his body pressing back. He sighed and threw his bathroom door open to only be met with Bruce standing there, with his arms crossed over his chest. 
"Great'' thought Dick as he brushed past Bruce and walked over towards his bed and sat down.

"Dick-" began Bruce but Dick cut him off.

'Look Bruce, I already know what you're going to say. That this is wrong, that I'm only hurting myself more. That I don't need this. That your disappointed in me, I'm a failure as your son, I-' sign Dick quickly but Bruce stopped him by walking over and grabbing Dick's hands, which Bruce could feel shaking in his grasp. He looked deeply in his son's blue eyes.

"Dick, you're not a failure and I am far from disappointed in you. I care about you more than you will understand. I hate that you are doing this to yourself, and you are right. This is wrong, you are only hurting yourself more. This is serious Dick, you are putting your life in danger here, you always are risking yourself and it pains me. I hate seeing you like this Dickie. You are so strong, smart and brave and it kills me to see you in so much pain. Let me help you...let us help you. Me, Alfred, and Wally are all here for you. Just please Dicky, stop all of this." said Bruce who then pulled Dick into a tight hug. 

They remain in each others arms until a small knock came from Dick's door. They pulled away and looked over at Wally, who looked a bit upset. Bruce pulled away and looked at his son before him.

'Okay?' Bruce signed.
'Okay.' signed Dick back and Bruce smiled before walking out of Dick's room, patting Wally on the shoulder. Wally quickly ran over to Dick's side and pulled him into a hug. Just before his door was shut Bruce spoke up.

"I'll be at the watch tower in a meeting,  if you need me for anything." said Bruce and Dick nodded his head and laid back against Wally's chest and closed his eyes. Wally looked over at Bruce and gave him a small nod, telling Bruce that he got him, that Dick was okay. Bruce nodded back understanding and slowly closed the door shut behind him.

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