Chapter 21-Failsafe part three

A/N:Mentions of self harm.

Mount Justice. 
Med bay.

"Please be okay Dick, please!'' thought Bruce. 

He quickly found Black Canary and the two of them raced off tot he Med bay to find Dick laying very still on the hospital bed with Wally standing next to him. Wally turned around quickly to face them, speaking too fast for either of them to understand him. Dinah brushed past him and quickly began to work on Robin. She then turned to face the two of them. 

"He has a fever of 104.6, Bruce this is serious. This test you was too much for him." said Black Canary. She looked back at Robin and began to work more on him when suddenly his whole body shook.

"What's happening?" asked Wally, the fear dripping off his words.

"He's having a seizure'' said Bruce as he walked closer towards his son. Wally's eyes widen and he went to move closer but Dinah stopped him.
"Wally, go get Barry and J'onn now!'' she said, he paused for a moment to look over at his boyfriend before nodding and dashing out the door.

As Black Canary, The Flash, Batman, and Martian Manhunter were in the med bay with Robin, the young justice team sat in the living room in silence. Most of their silence was due to them re-thinking everything that happened during the simulation, the other part was the worry for their youngest team member. The whole young justice team felt down and depressed. 


A few hours later, most of the team was asleep. Wally and Kaldur were the last ones awake, both waiting for the okay to see Robin. They had gotten him to stop having seizures and brought his fever down to 101.4 but he was still unconscious and Batman hadn't let anyone see him yet. 

"My friend, I am sure that Robin will be alright. This was a very troubling thing for all of us. We-'' began Kaldur but Wally cut him off.
"We? We don't get to compare what we went through and what we feel to what Robin went through in there, to what he is dealing with right now!" yelled a very angry and protective Wally. Yeah the team was down and the whole simulation went poorly and left a bad impression upon them but it was in no comparison to what Dick went through. Wally knew how much pressure and pain was placed upon his little bird. He witness Dick giving up and being okay with being dead. 
Wally couldn't wait any longer, he pushed himself off of the couch and walked past Kaldur and down the hall to the med bay. As soon as he got close enough to the door he saw Batman walking out with Robin right behind him. Wally's face lit up seeing his boyfriend awake and moving around. Without a moment thought he ran forward, his body crashing against Robin's as Wally hugged him tightly. Wally then moved his head and kissed the side of Dick's neck. Wally pulled back and could clearly see the blush across his little bird's cheeks. 

"How are you? Are you okay? Should you be up? What about your fever? How-" began Wally asking at super speed. Dick had to wave his hand in front of Wally's face to get him to shut up. Wally chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.

'I'm fine K.F.' Dick signed. Wally gave him a look that said, really are you sure. Dick just nodded his head and then moved closer and hugged Wally. Wally pushed all his worries to the side and brought his arms up and wrapped them around Dick. He was so glad Dick was okay, or at least seemed to be. He was so worried that he was going to lose Dick, that fear froze him completely. His life without Dick in it would be a complete mess and also wouldn't feel right. For his whole super hero life, Dick or well Robin has been in it. Without him by his side, Wally would feel lost.

They pulled apart and headed over towards the zeta tubes. They were heading to the manor and Wally was coming along as well. He could see by how Dick was acting that he truly needed someone with him or else. And Bruce must have noticed this as well for he agreed to Wally coming over without any hesitation whatsoever.

-Recognized. Batman; 02.
-Recognized. Robin; b-01.
-Recognized. Kid Flash; b-03.


Gotham City.

They all appeared in the Batcave, with Alfred standing by. Wally smiled at Alfred, he has always liked the old man. Dick quickly left both his and Bruce's side and quickly walked over towards Alfred. Once he stood before him, he paused. He looked up at Alfred as a tear fell from underneath his sunglasses and he quickly threw his arms around the older gentleman. Alfred was shocked and looked at both Wally and Bruce for an answer. Bruce shook his head, telling Alfred he will go over everything later on. Alfred after the shock of Dick's arms wrapped tightly around him, returned the hug. After a moment, Dick pulled away and smiled at Alfred. He turned around and held out his hand for Wally. Wally glanced over at Bruce for a second before walking over and taking Dick's small hand. Dick then lead Wally up the stairs and out of the Batcave. Dick continued to lead Wally and Wally didn't care as long as he was with Dick. Dick then brought Wally into the kitchen. He let go of Wally's hand and Wally pouted at him, Dick chuckled.

'Have whatever you want. I'll be upstairs in my room.' Dick signed and then left. Wally scanned the kitchen and grabbed a few things then raced up to Dick' bedroom. He pushed the door open and as soon as his green eyes landed on his boyfriend, he dropped every item of food he held in his arms. 

Dick was sitting on the edge of his bed, his head hanging low, his sunglasses dangling from his hand. Wally stopped and then in a second sat down beside Dick and pulled him into a hug. He knew Dick wasn't fine, how could he be after everything he and they went through. He had figured that it would all come crashing down when Dick was alone and didn't have to keep up the 'I'm all fine' act. Wally held Dick as he soon began to shake as tears fell from his eyes. After a couple of minutes, Dick pulled away. He set his sunglasses to the side and whipped the tears off from his face. He sniffled and then slowly looked up over at Wally. 

'I'm sorry' signed Dick and he lowered his head again. 

Wally reached over and brought his hand under Dick's chin and pulled his face up so he was looking up at him.

'What's wrong?' signed Wally, his green eyes searching within Dick's blue eyes.
'I need to cut.' Dick simply signed. Wally moved closer, his one hand slowly moved over towards Dick's wrist. As soon as his hands touched Dick's arm, Dick pulled it back quickly. 

'Did you-' Wally began to sign but Dick shook his head. Wally sighed. 'Well, that's good Dick. I-' Wally began to sign but stopped when Dick reached out and grabbed his hands. Wally looked directly at Dick. Dick's shaking hands released his hands and Dick sighed before signing to him.

'Wally, I need to cut.' Dick signed and Wally could sense the urgency there within his words. Wally shooked his head and moved closer towards Dick and brought him onto his lap and held him. Wally brought one hand up and pressed Dick's head to his chest and ran his fingers through his midnight hair. 

"'s okay Dick. You don't need to, alright? I'm here. Everything will be okay.'' said Wally as he began to rock back and force. Dick shook his head and tried to move out of Wally's arms. Wally tighten his hold on Dick and shushed him again. Soon Dick cried and cried as he desperately wanted to harm himself but couldn't because of Wally and the love Wally has for him. 

Eventually, Dick cried himself to sleep in Wally's arms. Wally moved back to the head of the bed with Dick and laid him down. Wally drew the covers up and covered the both of them. Wally laid on his side watching the rise and fall of Dick's chest. 
Dick must have felt the lack of warmth that was Wally for he moved closer towards him and snuggled up against his chest. A small smile appeared on Wally's face. He then moved to lean forward and plant a small kiss upon Dick's forehead which still was warm because of his fever.

"I love you Dick.'' said Wally as he got comfy beside Dick and soon drifted off to sleep next to the one he loved the most.

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