Chapter 20-Failsafe part two

A/N: Birdflash!! And Daddybats fluff!!

It was coming to an end, this mission, the world they had failed. Robin who was now incharged ordered Martain Manhunter to take Miss Martian outside to safety. Now left alone in the alien mothership was just Wally and Dick. 

Dick quickly turned to face him and reached out, hands on Wally's face and kissed him. They kissed for a few minutes before Dick pulled away and turned from him.

"Wally....I need you to vibrate out of here.'' said Dick. Wally's green eyes widen. He couldn't believe what he was hearing right now.

"NO! I'm not leaving you!" yelled Wally. Dick shook his head and bit his bottom lip. He turned around to face him once again.

"Wally I need you to go! I-I I can't get you killed! I've failed. I...I can't lose you, I can't watch you get hurt. I Need you to be safe. Please....Wally! Please!!" said Dick as tears quickly fell from his eyes. Wally slowly moved forward, he placed his hands upon Dick's shoulders. Wally looked into Dick's masked eyes. He smiled at the boy he loved so much.

"I'm not going anywhere. I love you and I'm not leaving you. I'm with you forever okay?" said Wally. Dick nodded his head then lean forward, pressing his forehead against Wally's. They pulled apart and Dick pulled up his holo screen, the time was counting down, only nine more seconds. Wally nodded to Dick and they both jumped out and began to fight, making those nine seconds count. 

Soon an explosion went off, sending the two of them off and away from one another. 

Dick sat up and rubbed his head. He then looked around for Wally. His eyes soon landed on him, tears streaming down his face. Dick pushed his weak and broken body over towards his best friend, his boyfriend.

"K.F.?" questioned Dick as he grew closer towards him. Wally moved an inch and Dick raced over towards him, ignoring the sharp pain it caused him. Dick fell to the ground and pulled Wally close to him. 

"It's okay! It's okay!" said Dick over and over again. Wally's arms were wrapped losely around Dick's waist, as Dick called out to anyone to help them.But he knew there was no one, there was no one to save the love of his life. Wally began to cough and Dick ran his hand through Wally's hair.

"I-I you...Dickie'' and with that Wally took his last breathe. Dick's eyes widen.
"NOOOO!! WALLY!! Don't leave me! NO!!" He screamed and screamed, his throat was now sore but it didn't matter, none of the physical pain mattered. His heart was shattered. Dick began to sob and sob. 

"I'm all alone again.'' said Dick to no one. He shut off his wrist computer and bent forward. He kissed the back of Wally's head and then laid his head on top of his. Just as more tears slowed from his blue eyes, he closed them when the last bomb went off. 
Finally killing him. He would soon be with the ones he loved. He would get to see his mother's smile again. To hug his parents. To be reunited with them and Bruce. To run into Wally's arms and kiss the person he loved. 

Everything went black and coldness filled him up completely.


Mount Justice.

The whole team was awake now except for Wally and Robin. They all waited and watched the last moments on the simulation on the screen. Soon Wally's green eyes shot up and he sat up quickly, scanning the room. He was breathing very quickly, memories about this whole thing being a test soon came back to him. He looked up at his uncle who was now standing at his side. He smiled at him and lean into his chest. 
Just then he remembered Robin. He pushed himself away from his uncle and looked over at Robin who was still out and in the simulation. Then he heard Robin screaming and turned towards the holo screen and watched his little bird cry out for him. Wally's heart broke. Tears running down his face. He shook his head and ran over towards Robin. He grabbed Robin's hand and gave it a squeeze. He looked back at the screen and watched along with everyone else.

"I'm all alone again'' everyone heard Robin say. Wally began to shake as he broke down and cried. The next thing that happened was an explosion and the screen went black. Robin had died and the simulation was over. Everyone looked over at Robin, waiting for him to wake up but he did no such thing. 

Wally crunched his brows in confusement.
"Why isn't he waking up!?!" asked Wally who held onto Dick's hand. Martian Manhunter walked over towards them and then touched Robin's head. His eye began to glow green and everyone waited for an answer from him about Robin.

"Robin truly believes he is dead, that he has no one. So he has welcomed death with open arms.'' said Martian Manhunter.

"Wh-what? NO!" said Wally who held tighter on Dick's hand. His eyes glued to Robin.


Dick felt a tiny spark of warmth and opened his eyes. All he could see was darkness and nothing else. He sat up and tried to find anything. He died, this was the end for him so where was his parents, where was Bruce and Wally. Why was he still all alone? 
  He could feel the tears welling up in his eyes, he was breaking down, on the verge of panic. He didn't understand. He closed his eyes and everything flashed before him, his parent's death, now Bruce's and the team's. It hurt too much. The more he tried to concentrate, the worse he started to feel.  

"I can't do this'' thought Dick and he fell to the ground and cried. He couldn't banish the overwhelming hurt that was swallowing him up now.

Everyone stood by in silence, they had no idea what to do or what was going to happen to Robin. Batman walked over towards Martian Manhunter and looked directly at him.

 "Can you link our minds?" asked Batman. Wally peeked up and waited for an answer. He didn't need to be told twice. He could hear the unspoken plea behind the question. Can you help me save him? 
Martian Manhunter nodded his head. Wally stood straight up. He cleared the tears upon his face and cleared his throat.

"I'm going too.'' said Wally, not giving Batman any room to agure with him. Batman nodded and J'onn told them both to take Robin's hands. His eyes glew once more and the both of them were taken under to meet Robin.

Both Wally and Batman were in there with Dick. They opened their eyes and were met with darkness and a chilling coldness. They turned around and spotted Dick curled up on the floor, shaking with sobs of pain. Wally walked over very quickly with Batman following behind him.

"Robin? Rob, it's me. Dickie?" He asked quietly, turning around to look at Batman when Dick didn't answer him. Batman could see the fear within Wally's green eyes. Dick either didn't hear him or ignored him completely. They could see that he was trying his hardest not to cry but he was fighting a losing battle. Kneeling next to Robin, Wally tried once more to console him.

"You have to wake up Robin. None of this is real." Wally's quiet voice seemed to echo around them, only broken by the sounds of his little bird's sniffles. He was truly at a loss for words. He looked over his shoulder for answers from the dark knight. Batman closed the distance between him and his son and knelt down before him. 

Just then, Dick lifted his head and looked at the both of them. Fresh tears streaming down his already wet face. They both could see how broken Dick was, he looked so hopeless right now. He was broken, hopeless and lost. Dick's eyes moved from Wally to land on Batman, who then took off his cowl and just became Bruce Wayne. This seemed to upset Dick more, who sat up and pulled his knees to his chest.

"You promised me'' he said in a whisper. Wally looked over at Bruce. 
Bruce sighed and moved closer towards his broken son. "Dickie.'' said Bruce and Dick raised his head to look up at him, more tears falling from his beautiful bright blue eyes.

  "You told me you would never leave me. I trusted you and I believed you when you said those words. But you're dead and now I'm back to being an orphan. I have no one. I have nothing! There's no point in any of this cause I don't matter, I never did. I Miss Them! I Miss you!! I can't...can't....."  Dick screamed and cried more now. Bruce reached forward and pulled Dick into his chest.
"I'm so sorry chum. I am so sorry!'' said Bruce as tears formed within his eyes. He closed his eyes and lean his head down upon Dick's as his whole body shock. Wally sat by watching, his heart breaking a bit more. Bruce shook his head, he couldn't believe this, believe what he had done to his son. The heartbreak in his son's voice when he cried out was unbearable.
Because of him, his boy was suffering. How could he have not seen this coming? Training exercise or not, there was absolutely no reason why he shouldn't have seen this coming. He was making Robin remember old wounds. He was causing all of this pain upon his son. He was killing Dick slowly, he had broken his baby bird and he feared that he was going to lose Dick forever or that if he saved Dick from this, that Dick would never forgive him for what he had done. He had gone way too far this time and he had the slightest idea if he could ever make it up to his son.

"Oh Chum, I'm not dead. Neither is Wally or the team, you have to believe me and wake up now. And, I meant what I said. I would never willingly leave you. I'm here Dick, I'm here right now, and I need you to believe that. Please son, open your eyes and wake up from this awful nightmare I caused. We....I-I can't lose you!'' said Bruce. 

Dick slowly pulled away from Bruce's grip and looked up at his, his blue eyes searching his face, looking for answers, for help and hope. Bruce look at Dick, his son's eyes that were filled with tears. He was the reason for those tears. Shame and guilt quickly spread through him. Bruce's heart broken even more, for he was so disgusted with himself for putting Dick through this. Dick had been through so much in his life and he never wished to add to his pain. Bruce sighed.

Wally moved forward and grabbed ahold of Dick's hand. Dick turned around to face him quickly.  sad smile formed on both of their faces. 
"I love you. Please Dick, wake up'' said Wally as a tear escaped his eyes. Dick pulled his hand away from Wally and once more wrapped his arms around his legs. He laid his head down upon his arms and looked off into the distant darkness that surround all of them.

  "Why does everyone keep leaving me? Why am I always left alone? Is it because, I'm not good enough to be loved? What's wrong with me?" His voice was shaky as he closed his eyes tightly.

"I'm sorry for putting you through this son but you have to wake up. There is nothing wrong with you Dick, nothing at all. You are so amazing and I am so blessed to have you in my life, I can't do this without you. You deserve to be happy and loved, and you are by so many. Dick, trust me and wake up.'' said Bruce.

Dick moved his head to look at Bruce. "I want to believe this is just a really bad nightmare but, I can't live a life where you're not there. I'm so done. I'm too tried Bruce, I-I can't keep going. I'm sorry." he said and then buried his head in his arms.

Bruce and Wally's eyes widen and he reached out and tighten his grip on his son. "Dick, don't do this! I'm not dead. You have a life to live with me and Alfred, Wally and the team. Your life is not over. I Need you! You have to believe me right here and right now. Please trust me!" pleaded Bruce. Dick moved closer towards Bruce and buried his head into his chest. 

"O-okay.'' he whispered and Bruce sighed. Wally reached over and touched Dick's hand and he smiled at Bruce. They all closed their eyes and the coldness soon disappeared and they were brought back to a bright room in the mountain. 


Both Bruce and Wally's eyes shot open, they looked at each other and then down at Robin who still laid still on the table. Batman looked over at Martian Manhunter, searching for some answers when suddenly Robin gasped and shot up into a sitting position. Robin turned his head quickly, looking around. He was dazed and completely unfocused, not hearing both Wally and Batman calling his name and asking him if he was okay. 

Wally squeezed his hand and Dick froze and looked directly at Wally. His masked eyes widen and he leapt forward, throwing his arms around Wally's neck. Dick's body began to shake as he cried. Batman looked up and saw Black Canary getting everyone out of the room to give the three of them some time alone. She gave Batman a look and he nodded his head. He knew he screwed up and hurt his son a great deal and that Dinah had some choice words for him later on. 

Dick then pulled away from Wally once he felt a hand upon his shoulder. He looked over at Batman and he smiled.
"Tati!" [Dad!] Dick yelled and moved quickly, towards him. Bruce wrapped his arms around his son and held tightly to him. Bruce smiled, Dick spoke to him, actually spoke to him. Yes during the simulation he spoke but that was different he spoke and actually called him Dad. Bruce's broken heart wasn't as shattered as it was just a moment ago. He should have seen the warning signs but he ignored them. And because of his ignorance, he almost lost his son. Dick was almost completely lost within his pain and hopelessness. 

"You're not dead?" Robin's asked slowly, fear laced within his question as he pulled away from his father's grip. Bruce shook his head and leaned forward and kissed Dick's forehead. His brows crunched up. He pulled away and looked at Dick. 
Dick's forehead was very warm, Bruce now feared that the stress and pain was too much for Dick. 

  ''Dickie, I never meant to hurt you like this. I'm sorry, please forgive me."  said Bruce.

  "It's okay Bruce. There's nothing to..." He trailed off as his body began to shaken with coughs. 

"Dick?" questioned Wally, fear lanced within his voice and his face. Dick waved his hand trying to tell them that he was fine. He then went to move, to get off of the table but once his feet touched the ground he swayed and would have fallen over if it wasn't for Wally being there. Dick now laid unconscious within Wally's arms. Wally quickly looked up at Batman.

"Take him to the med bay. I'll get Black Canary. Go!" he shouted and Wally dashed off quickly down the hall.

"Please be okay Dick, please!" thought Bruce.


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