Chapter 19-Failsafe part one
A/N: Based off of episode 16 in season one. Deals with Depression, Self Harm, Suicide.
Mount Justice.
-Before going under
Dick sat in his bedroom at the Mountain. The team and him were going to be under Martian Manhunter's powers in a mind mission. Dick the past few days has been distant to everyone, searching him mind for answers. He could feel the psychic imprint of someone in his mind but he didn't know who or why. Dick looked down at his wrists, they were so scarred, more scars lined his arm and he had no idea how they got there. He knew he started cutting after his parents death, for the lost of them, the pain was too much, he felt lost and hopeless looking for help an answer. He felt so alone but after some time he stopped cutting. He looked down at his arms, these new scars were different. They were long and deep and it scared him, did he try to kill himself, had his depression and the pain got too much that he wanted to end it? He knew for a long time that he had wished to be dead, to end it and to be with him parents again, for he missed them so much. Tears began to run down his face as he thought about his parents and him making his first cut.
Dick pulled his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around his legs, buried his head and allowed himself to cry.
He thought about going to Batman about this but then he feared that Bruce would see his arms and that couldn't happen, because the fear of him knowing, the fear of him hating him was too strong and he knew if Bruce saw this and hated him that he wouldn't be able to handle it and he would have to kill himself. Bruce and Alfred were all he had left now and if they hated him, he would have no one, he would be all alone once more and just that thought alone made Dick cry even more.
Something was missing within himself, he knew it to be true but he just couldn't figure it out, but whatever it was, made Wally distant to him and possibly hate him too. He just wanted answers.
Just as he was crying Batman's voiced echoed throughout the mountain, it was time for the mission. Dick quickly whipped the tears off his face and put his sunglasses back on. He inhaled sharply before pushing himself off pf his bed and heading towards the door. It was time for the mission, no time for being weak.
-Mission begins:
Everyone laid down within a circle as Martian Manhunter began.
The whole team now stood in the mission room, watching the holo screens. They all witness the green lanters' death, the death of Superman, Captain Marvel and Martian Manhunter. Everything was totally fine. They all knew it was part of the simulation but it all changed when Robin saw something that shocked him. He watched as the other heroes died, only leaving Batman in space, all alone. Once the beam hit Batman and he was gone, dead.
Robin inhaled sharply, doubling over in pain. It felt like someone just stabbed him, his whole self becoming instantly cold. His masked eyes widen, tears forming within his blue eyes. No one seemed to noticed how Robin was reacting, nor was anyone else reacting shocked that they just saw a handful of the Justice League members killed before them. Robin slowly lifted his head, pleading with himself that it was all a lie. He looked up and watched the screens, he was watching but he wasn't focusing on it. He could hear nothing from his team or from the computer. Memory flashes of Bruce, flashed in his mind.
His breathing was coming in too quick, he couldn't seem to be able to breathe at all, he was having a panic attack and no one in the room notice this.
Now the world was placed upon all of their shoulders should the Justice League failed. Robin tried his hardest to calm down but he just couldn't. After a few seconds, his legs went out from under him, slamming his knees heavily to the ground. Just then he felt a familiar gust of wind. He looked up to see Wally standing before him. Wally then reached down and looked directly into Dick's masked eyes. Wally looked sad and he nodded his head as he quickly scooped Robin up into his arms and dashed down the hall, away from everyone else.
They soon made it into Robin's bedroom at the mount. Wally gently placed Dick onto him bed and knelt down before Dick. Dick was holding his chest super tight as sobs racked through his body. Wally without Dick realizing reached up and easily pulled back his Robin mask, making him just Dick Grayson. Dick looked at Wally, his blue eyes filled with pain and sadness.
"Shhh, Shhh. It's okay. It's all going to be okay'' said Wally in a whisper. Dick shook his head quickly. "No it wasn't going to be okay, I'm all alone once more." thought Dick as he cried more. He then felt Wally's warm hand against his check and he opened his eyes to look down at him. His breathing still wasn't what it needed to be.
"I'm...all alone again.'' said Dick and he began to cry harder now. Wally's heart was breaking seeing his best friend like this.
"No your not, Dick. I'm here and I'm not going to leave you. I love you.'' said Wally as he slowly moved forward. Wally's last words made Dick re-open his eyes.
"Wally...loves me?"thought Dick.
When suddenly Wally's lips were pressed against his. His eyes were wide but then they gently closed. Once Dick closed his eyes it was like a wall had broken within him. Everything came flooding back. Dick opened his eyes and jumped back. He brought him fingertips to touch his lips where Wally just kissed him. Then he looked up at Wally, tears still in his eyes making his vision a little blurry.
"WALLY!" yelled Dick and moved forward, throwing his arms tightly around the speedster's neck, making Wally fall backwards onto the ground with Dick on top of him. Wally's arms went around Dick's waist as he held onto the boy, as he cried some more.
After what felt like forever, Dick broke away from Wally's hold and quickly explained everything to him. Wally then began to shed some tears and he reached forward, cupping Dick's face and then leaned in to kiss him once more. They soon pulled away to breathe.
"Dick....we have to go out there man. I know that your hurting so much right now, but...'' began Wally but was cut off by Dick grabbing Wally's hand tightly.
'I know' signed Dick who then sighed and began to cry some more. His whole world was shattered and they only think keeping him alive and functionable right now was Wally, his best friend, his boyfriend.
Wally rose to his feet, pulling Dick up onto his. He grabbed his mask and handed it to Dick. Dick looked down upon it, memories of becoming Robin for the first time, seeing the Batcave, going on missions with Batman flashed before his eyes. Dick then looked up at Wally and nodded his head. He was going to be safe with Wally, he wasn't completely alone as he once thought. He slipped his mask on and then quickly moved to bury his head within Wally's chest. Wally rubbed Robin's back as he continued to cry some more before pulling away. They held each other's hand and slowly exited Robin's bedroom to meet up with the team.
Mount Justice.
A few of the Justice League members stood by watching the young ones. It soon became clear that Robin wasn't doing alright. His heart rate increased and his brows were crunched in pain. Batman quickly went over to his partner, his son. He laid his hand on Robin's shoulder, feeling Robin's whole body shaking. Batman then turned to look at the others on the team and they all appeared fine. He then looked over at Martian Manhunter.
"What's happening?" asked Batman. Martian Manhunter turned to face him.
"I am not certain. It would appear that Robin is in distress.'' said Martian Manhunter.
"Yeah, I can see that. I want to know why!?!" said Batman and Green Arrow walked over and place his hand upon Batman's shoulder but to only have it shrugged off.
"I want to see inside. Pull images of this simulation onto the holo screen'' Batman said. He waited for a moment then what the kids were seeing showed before the League. They all watched in silence.
Just then they could see a few members of the league died but didn't get no response from the team because they all knew it was fake, but that quickly changed when Robin witness the death of Batman. The members in the League that were in the cave looked over at Batman. His eyes were wide and he then looked down at Robin, running his hand through Robin's dark hair.
"I'm so sorry Dickie'' thought Batman.
The league continued to watch as the simulation continued to go on. The League witness Wally and Robin share kisses. Everyone was shocked except Barry who rubbed the back of his neck and looked at Batman.
"I guess...I probably should have told ya'' said Barry. He was then given a bat glare and he zoomed and hide behind Green Arrow, Oliver chuckled at Barry. They all continued to watch, Robin's condition improved and it was thanks to Wally and the love he had for Robin.
But once more things changed. Artemis was the first of the team killed. M'gann reaction shook the whole room in the mountain. Her body began to levitate in mid air. The team became very upset.
"What's going on?" asked Green Arrow as he looked down at Artemis for she should have awoken once she was dead in the simulation.
"M'gann has taken a...death grip upon the simulation. The team had forgotten that this isn't real. Artemis truly believes she is dead. Her body and mind have slipped into a coma.'' said Martian Manhunter.
They continued to watch, slowly one by one the team were killed in the simulation and their bodies slipped into comas. It soon came down to a couple of them and fearing that this could all be permanent, Martian Manhunter was order by Batman to go into the simulation. Now Martian Manhunter entered the simulation but his mind quickly became clouded and he had forgotten to tell them the truth that all of this wasn't real.
After a few more minutes, Conner was killed and that shook everything once more. M'gann's body soon lowered and laid still with the rest. A single tear left her eye and traveled down her face.
Black Canary pulled Batman away. She was greatly upset, along with many of the other Leaguers about this simulation.
"Bruce!" yelled Black Canary. "Do you have any idea what this test is doing to them!? They are going to need therapy, they are traumatized by this. This wasn't supposed to be like this, you reassured us all that everything would be fine.'' she yelled at Batman who just remained quiet and calm. Batman looked down at her and finally sighed.
"I know'' he said and walked past Black Canary heading right back to Robin.
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