Chapter 18-Zatanna

A/N: Hints of Chalant(Robin/Zatana) and mentions of Spitfire(Wally/Artemis).

Mount Justice.

The whole team were sparing in the mountain, while Wally laid around because he had a broken arm from their last mission. They all knew that it would soon be healed up soon, but Wally milked it for what it was worth.

Dick today woke up is a blur. His head was killing him and he felt like there was a hole in his chest where something very important was but it was now long forgotten. So Dick was in his mind so much, trying to find this missing piece but not having any luck. So sparring against Artemis wasn't as easy as it should have been. Artemis kick out at Robin and he was sent to the ground. Robin huffed and glared up at Artemis. He was mad at her, but mad with himself. He felt like a failure all of a sudden and pushed himself off the ground and was about to walk away when the zeta tubes lit up.

-Recognized. Zatara, one, one. 

Zatara exited the tubes and pulled up a small holo keyboard and began to type upon it. Everyone's eyes were on him.

-Access Granted.
-Zatanna, Zatara. A-03.

The tubes lit up once more and they all could see a silhouette of a young girl within the light. Zatara walked over towards the light to address the figure.
"Zatanna, this is thee team." he said and smiled at her as the lights faded away. He turned to speak to the team standing behind him. "Team, this is my daughter, Zatanna.''

Zatanna walked out very slowly. Her eyes traveling over all of their faces then scanning the walls of the mountain. She slowly rubbed her arm, showing that she was nervous. M'gann lifted up into the air and slowly went before her. M'gann smiled at Zatanna as she floated before her.

"Hi! I'm-" said M'gann but was cut off by Robin. He jumped forward, now standing in front of M'gann.

"Robin!' shouted his wrist computer, and a small blush came across his checks. "I mean, I'm Robin." he typed out real quick, then turned around to introduce the whole team to her. "This is M'gann, and that's Wally, Artemis, Kaldur and Conner.'' He turned around and smiled at her. She gave him a tiny smile then looked back at her father.

"Welcome to the cave, it's nice to meet you'' said Kaldur.
"Thanks.'' Zatanna said quietly. 

"Are you joining the team!?" questioned Robin as he looked at her. She looked down at his wrist computer which he typed on.  Zatara quickly stepped forward. He looked from his daughter to Robin.

"This is just a visit'' said Zatara and Robin then looked a bit sad. While Wally was off in the corner very happy to hear that. He had his arms crossed his chest and was sending small daggers at Zatanna. He was not liking Robin talking to her. He and everyone else could see that their little teammate really liked Zatanna. And that was bothering Wally a lot. A small smile crossed M'gann's face as she saw how happy Robin was, the past few days have been pretty rough on him, but then she turned around and saw Wally and now kinda felt bad.

"Team, why don't you take Zatanna on a tour of thee cave, she--" he stopped and looked around for she was no longer standing where she was. Everyone began to look around and then Robin spotted her. She was siting on the ground and was petting Wolf. Dick smiled, she just disappeared without anyone noticing, just like he does. 
Wally clearly noticed this too and looked right at Robin. He could see the smile on Robin's face and guessed that his eyes lit up as well. Wally sighed.


The team with Zatanna began to leave Zatara and Black Canary, to begin on the tour of the cave. They made their way into the kitchen where they stopped.

"Are we really taking a tour?" she said, "I mean, I'm totally okay with it if we are but-"
"No." said Conner and looked over at Aqualad. 
"We are going after Red Tornado'' said Aqualad, Zatanna's eyes widen and she looked over at Robin who was standing right next to her.

"Wow! Out front about it and everything, cool.'' said Zatanna.

Artemis then stepped forward, glancing at everyone. "And what about new girl? She could tell on us? Do we trust her?" questioned Artemis. 
"She probably won't tell'' voiced Robin's wrist computer. Zatanna smiled a wicked grin and turned around to look at Artemis, then shot Robin a wink.

"I can't tell, not if you kidnap me.'' said Zatanna. Artemis smiled at her, she was starting to like the new girl.

"Oh you'll fit in perfectly.'' said Artemis who then got a small shove from Wally. Artemis looked over at Wally and then punched his shoulder, giving him a look that said 'don't hit me kid idoit' Wally totally understood the look and took a step back from the archer.

Everyone then headed onto the bio-ship and then took off into the sky. 

Inside the bio-ship, both Zatanna and Wally sat on either side of Robin. Zatanna was nice an all but he could see that both her and Robin were flirting with one another and he didn't liked it at all. Robin was his, even though they really weren't together at the moment, but still that didn't matter. He couldn't understand why Robin was doing this, this wasn't his type of game. He knew Robin, he knew him better than anyone else. Why Dick was treating him like he was just his beat friend, he didn't know. It was as if Dick had forgotten that they ever kissed one another. Then Wally began to think, maybe this was all of his fault. He had been flirting a tad bit with Artemis, but Dick would never do that, because Dick would know that it would hurt him and Dick wouldn't wish to hurt him, but yet he was doing the same thing and he probably did hurt Dick by flirting with Artemis. 
Wally sighed and laid his head down. His head hurt with all of this thinking.

M'gann felt terrible. Maybe putting the mind block within Robin's head wasn't the best thing. Yes Robin was better, doing better. He was very happy but now Wally was sad. She closed her eyes and sighed. This all was so conflicted. 

The team then flew to Belle Reve and went to talk to professor Ivo. As they tried to get Ivo to speak, Zatanna sat in the back of the room watching. Nothing they were saying was getting Ivo to talk, so Aqualad gave the go ahead for M'gann to try and read his mind, but that didn't even work. So Zatanna walked pasted everyone. Robin quietly watched her walk over towards Ivo, curiosity filling him up

Zatanna stood right behind Ivo then she spoke.
"Trulb Tuo S'worrom Erut Noitacol." [ Blurt out Morrow's true location.] Ivo's eyes widen and he all of a sudden began to speak very quickly. Everyone looked at Zatanna, their eyes wide with shock. Robin stood on his tip toes to look over everyone's shoulder. His masked eyes were wide with shock too but he also had a smile on his face. "This girl is amazing!" thought Robin. Now having their location, they all jumped onto the bio-ship and headed out to find Red Tornado.

Inside the Bio-ship, Robin turned to face Zatanna. He typed quickly on his wrist computer then reached out and touched her arm. Wally's eyes widen. "Dude'' said Wally but Robin didn't listen to him and went back to getting Zatanna's attention.

"I'm trying to be all nonchalant here but..." said his wrist computer. Zatanna smiled at him and then signed to him, making Wally even more mad and crossed his arms over his chest and looked out the windows, he couldn't watch this any more.

'Why? Be as chalant as you like' Zatanna signed and Robin looked at her with so much joy. For one she knew American Sign Language and two because he buttered the English language just like he does. A smile grew on his face. Man was he really liking this girl, he totally had a crush on her. Before they could talk any farther, Artemis began to ask questions about Zatanna's powers. As the girls spoke, Robin turned around in his seat to face Wally, his best friend. Robin signed Wally's name but he didn't look at him. Robin frown and then reached out and touched Wally's knee but Wally moved away from Robin's touch. Robin pulled his hand backwards, hurt written all over his face. Robin's masked eyes scanned Wally's face, for he had no idea why his best friend was acting this way. He wanted to tell his best friend about Zatanna but for some reason Wally seemed mad at him. Wally clearly didn't want to talk to him or be around him and that hurt, that hurt deep down in Robin's chest. His frown deepen and he slowly turned around, searching his mind for any reason why his best friend was mad at him, what did he do to make his friend hate him. Were they even still friends, what had he done questioned Robin who now looked down at his lap. Zatanna noticed this and looked over at Robin. She snapped her fingers to gain Robin's attention then she sign to him.

'Are you okay?' Zatanna signed but Robin just shook his head and returned looking downwards. Zatanna sighed and went back to talking with Artemis. While M'gann flew the bio-ship she kept glancing over at the boys. She now felt horrible and guilty. Trying to help one had now hurt them both.


They soon landed and everyone changed into their stealth mode. Zatanna got up and walked towards the now open bio-ship door. Aqualad walked over towards her, telling her that she should stay but Zatanna had other plans. She then quickly spoke and changed her clothes, ready to fight along side the team.

"Emit Ot Yrt Tuo Eht Wen Kool!" [Time to try out the new look!]  White smoke soon flowed around her from her feet to her head. Once the smoke was clear, Zatanna's outfit was changed. She smiled up at Aqualad then her blue eyes went over towards Robin, who smiled at her.

'Do I look nice?' signed Zatanna
'Yes' signed Robin and then walked over towards her and they all headed out of the Bio-ship, ready to begin.

As they exited the forest and entered a clearing, a large gust of window blew all around them. They turned to look up to see Red Tornado in the sky. The wind grew in speed and pressure and the team was sent backwards and knocked onto the ground. Red Tornado then began to make tornadoes surrounding all of them. The winds continued to be strong. 

M'gann pushed herself off the ground and looked up at Red Tornado. "Why are you doing this?" she yelled but he sent a gust of wind directly towards her, sending her back down upon the ground. She then turned to face Aqualad.
"Got the message?" she questioned through the mind link, Aqualad and everyone else then nodded their heads. Soon everyone then jumped into action.

Artemis then shot some arrows up at Red Tornado but he stopped them from touching him and re-directed them towards Robin and Artemis. The arrows headed right to them and Wally raced forward, yelling at them to watch out. But before Wally got to them both Artemis and Robin jumped out of the way. Once the arrows hit the ground they exploded. Wally looked over at the both of them then up towards Red Tornado.

"That does it.'' said Wally and he began to spin. He quickly increased his speed, now lifting off of the ground and heading towards Red Tornado but suddenly M'gann was thrown right into him, causing them both to fall onto the ground. Robin began to throw a few bird-arangs. Nothing the team was doing seemed to be working.

Soon, the whole team but Zatanna were laying still on the ground. Zatanna looked over at Robin then stepped forward. She closed her eyes and lifted her arms up as she spoke, trying her hardest to get the spell right.

"Etaerc A...A...Dleihs Dnuora...Ym..." [Create a...a...shield] but before she could finish, Tornado reached down and grabbed her by the throat. Her eyes widen, she was powerless now against him. He squeezed her throat, not allowing her to breathe. Her eyes began to flutter shut and once they were closed he dropped her body to the ground, where she laid there with the rest of the team.

The tornadoes and the wind surrounding the team died down as Red Tornado looked down upon them.

Red Volcano appeared next to Red Tornado. Now as they were above the team, Red Volcano could see the little message Red Tornado had left for the team, 'Play Dead'.
Red Volcano shock the ground and brought up pieces of rock and sent it flying towards the team as they quickly got off the ground. Everyone got ready to spring into action again. A huge piece of rock came down right towards Robin and Zatanna. Robin jumped sideways to miss it and quickly turned around.

"Zatanna?" he questioned through the mind link.
"I'm good.'' she answered him and he sighed.

They all began fighting Red Volcano but no matter what they were doing it wasn't working. 
"I can anticipate your every move with Tornado's memories'' said Red Volcano. Zatanna looked over at Robin and walked closer towards Red Volcano. She held up her hand, inhaled sharply and focused her energy outwards as she spoke.

"Emoks Emoceb A Dlofdnilb!" [Smoke become a blindfold!] shouted Zatanna. Smoke soon wrapped around Red Volcano's eyes, blinding him for a moment. Robin jumped forward, now standing by Zatanna. She turned around to face him. She smiled at Robin then signed to him quickly.

'Red Tornado didn't know my moves!' Zatanna signed.

'I bet you got some great moves!' signed Robin but then his eyes widen when he realized what he signed to Zatanna. He held up his hands.  
'Whoa! I'm sorry. That may have come off a little too Wally. I'm so sorry Zee.' he signed quickly. Zatanna laughed and shook her head. 

'I don't mind, don't mind it at all.' signed Zatanna.

Red Volcano then shot lasers out of his eyes, burning through the blindfold Zatanna placed upon his eyes, he now appeared to be upset and cause the hill behind him to explode and case magma to spill out, heading towards the team. The team continued to fight but still weren't doing so well and neither was M'gann. The heat from all the lava was weakening her a great deal. Robin rushed ahead and began to throw everything he had at Red Volcano while Zatanna called Wally over. He huffed but went over towards her anyways. She whispered to him what she was going to do and he nodded his head. She placed her hand on the back on his neck and closed her eyes, seeing the spell in her mind. Then she spoke it and dark gray smoke formed before them, leaving copies of Kid Flash all over. Wally turned around and gave her a tiny smile before he and his copies ran ahead.

"Ekoms Dna Srorrim....Etaerc Dik Hsalf Snoisulli!" said Zatanna.
[Smoke and mirrors...create kid flash illusions!]

Red Volcano began throwing rocks at all of the Kid Flash copies as Wally ran up from behind and took M'gann away from him, then dashing off to set her down away from the flames and heat.Soon the robots that attacked the mountain began to attack Red Volcano. The team stood back and watched it happen. Soon Red Volcano was defeated along with the others. Red Tornado survived just without his legs.

The team soon after boarded the bio-ship heading back toward Mount Justice. They all sat pretty quiet the whole flight back, a bit worn out after this mission. Robin, who was sitting behind Zatanna reached forward to her. His hand touched her shoulder and she looked over at him.

'So...good kidnapping?' Robin signed and smiled at her. She chuckled and shook her head.
'Yes. Best ever.' she signed. Robin then laughed a tiny bit, earning him a gaze from Wally who sat on the opposite side of the bio-ship. 

'First of many I hope.' signed Robin as he sat back in his seat. 
'Me too. Besides, I would loved to be kidnapped by you any time.' Zatanna signed then turned away from him. Both of their checks were slightly red with blush.

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