Chapter 17-Plants and Weeds.

A/N:Mentions of self harm. Hints of Spitfire.

It had been two week since Wally and Dick were kissing in Robin's bedroom at the mountain. It has been two week since they have sat with one another and cuddled and kissed. Both of them were dying to be back together. Wally respected and loved Dick was too much to pressure him to come back to him, and Dick was lost in his mind, trying to figure every single thing out. But everything just got a lot worst. After their last mission, after they kissed each other in Robin's room, Batman called Dick back to the Batcave, where Batman waited, angrily.

As soon as Dick stepped through the zeta tubes and entered the cave he was face to face with Batman. Dick right away could see how upset and angry he was but he didn't know why. It didn't take long for Batman to tell Dick that he knew about him and Wally. How it has effect his work efforts, how he has become distracted by what he feels. It was all very similar to what Dick had told Wally that night they broke up. And Dick knew when he broke up with Wally that he sounded just like Batman, and that was always one of his biggest fears. Becoming Batman, he didn't want it and he was so scared that it was slowly happening. Dick tried to explain everything to Batman, but he refused to listen to him. Batman's mind was clouded with his anger that he couldn't see what it was doing to his son before him. 
Bruce was upset with him, disappointed in him. Dick had failed him. 
Dick felt terrible and after Bruce finished yelling and giving orders, Dick ripped his mask off, tossed it to the floor of the cave and darted upstairs towards his bedroom. Once Dick was gone, Bruce had time to think clearly and he realized that he made a mistake, a huge one. He then quickly got undressed as Batman and got dressed as Bruce Wayne, Dick's father. 
Bruce headed upstairs to Dick's room but he got no answer.

After that fight, Dick didn't leave his room, didn't sign to anyone. Alfred had given Bruce many looks from worry to disappointment. He was upset with Bruce as was Dick and even Bruce was mad with himself. He knew that Dick was hurting and that he just added to all the hurt his son was feeling. Both he and Alfred knew quite well that Dick was most likely cutting again in his room. Bruce was full of sadness, he had done this. He made Dick feel worst about himself.

Bruce finally decided to take action and he called Barry. They both spoke awhile about their boys. Wally basically told Barry everything that had happened between the two of them. Bruce went back on the cameras and watched the two kiss and watched the two of them break up. He watched his son take those pills and slice up his wrist. The sadness within Bruce's chest grew even more so.

Over the past two weeks, Wally had given Dick his space, which Dick had asked for but what he didn't expect or ask for was Wally to be flirting with Artemis. Wally had quite flirting with M'gann once he and Dick were together. Everyone now knew that Conner and M'gann were a couple so Wally didn't flirt with her. But recently Wally has been flirting with Artemis and he really seemed happy.
Dick was jealous, but he was also very sad. Maybe he had no right to be in love with Wally. Even if Dick figured everything out for himself, did he have any right to mess up something that could be great for both Wally and Artemis. Dick loved Wally so much but what if his love wasn't enough or what if his love wasn't the right love Wally needed and deserved. Dick had gotten better over the past two weeks, taking a break did help clear his mind a little bit and he replayed what Wally told him right before they began kissing in his room, that they could be together and work this out. That their relationship and feelings to one another didn't have to mess up and missions. That they have always cared about each other and nothing was going to change that.

But now, now Dick saw Artemis and Wally hanging out a lot, and he could fully see something forming inbetween them. So Dick decided that no matter how much he loved Wally he wasn't going to mess up the chance for him to be truly happy with the archer. So Dick stayed quiet and allowed those two to grow closer together. 


Happy Harbor.
Mount Justice.

Robin was dressed in his civvies, he had come directly to the mountain after changing from his school uniform at the manor. He and Kaldur were sparring when they noticed their other teammates enter the room.

M'gann and Conner walked by them, smiling with Wolf following behind. Robin walked over towards Kaldur.
"You know that they are a couple now'' Robin's wrist computer said quietly. Kaldur nodded his head and smiled down at Robin.

"I think I knew before they did.'' said Kaldur.
"Yeah.'' voiced Robin's computer as he smiled but his smile soon faded. He glanced over at Kaldur real quick then dropped his gaze to the floor. Artemis and Wally were now entering the room. Robin could feel Kaldur's eyes upon him, so he decided to play it cool as if seeing those two together wasn't breaking his heart.

"Ha do we tell them?" questioned Robin. Aqualad looked down at Robin. What Robin didn't know was that Kaldur knew about him and Wally. Kaldur held a small sad smile upon his face and reached over, placing his hand upon Robin's shoulder.
"It's not my place to say, but maybe it is yours?" said Kaldur who earned a jump from the boy. Robin shooked his head and crossed his arms over his chest and turned away from everyone in the room. Kaldur sighed, he hate seeing him so sad. 

-Recognized. Batman, 02

Everyone turned to face the zeta tubes as the lit up. He walked in the room, not looking at anyone. He then pulled up some news feeds and allowed them to play for the teens in the room. They all watched in silence. 

"Do you want us to suit up and get out there?" questioned Robin. He began to type more upon his computer but Batman silenced him.

"No. The League will have this matter under control soon enough. The six of you will be focusing on something else." said Batman who turned around, not facing Robin any longer. Robin sighed but remained quiet. As Batman addressed the whole team, Robin quickly pulled up a small holo key board and began to type.
"This attack on Metropolis is just the beginning." said Batman.
'You got that right' signed Robin as he pulled something up and showed it to the whole team.

'These plant things have popped up in Gotham City, Paris, Star City and many other places.' signed Robin as Wally translated for him. Then all the screens Robin pulled up all became static.

"Dude!" said Wally as he looked over at Dick, how quickly typed on the key board.

'It's not me. I didn't...' Dick signed but stopped when he saw who's face appeared before him and the team, it was Joker. 
Wally could see Robin take a step back, his masked eyes were wide. A part of Wally wanted to go over next to him and hold his hand tightly but they were broken up, so he couldn't do it. He then looked over at Artemis. She looked over at him and shot him a small smile.

"Ladies and gentlemen,'' said Joker, "we have an important message for you all, from The Injustice League.'' Joker begins to laugh while Count Vertigo talks. The Joker's laugh sending shivers down everyone's spines. They took responsibility for the attacks on the cities and asked for a ransom. Then the screens all returned to static. Batman then reached for his com in his ear.

"Got it.'' he said before turning to face the team.

"Lets go kick some plant creature butts!'' Wally said.
"Enough. The Justice League will deal with the plants, you all have a different job to do." said Batman.
"Oh, man. Uh!" said Wally as Artemis hit his arm. Robin saw this and lowered his head. He was always tapping and softly hitting Wally on the arm or head when he needed to listen, focus or just plainly shut up.

"The team needs to find the central control system for the plants. Your mission is to find it nd destroy it." said Batman. Zatara stepped forward, talking to Batman but he told Zatara that the team was ready, when Wally cut it.

"Ready? Ready for what exactly?" questioned Wally who got hit harder in the arm by Artemis. "OW!" he yelled and rubbed his sore arm. "Will you cut that out?!" he asked Artemis. She went to his him again but caught her hand. Their hands were together for a few seconds before they both pulled away quickly. Both of their checks were now brushed with a light shade of pink.

"If the big guns are fighting the plants, then who do you think we will be fighting Kid Idiot'' said Artemis. It took Wally a second before he realized, his eyes widen and he smiled at Artemis. "Oh!'' she said and turned to face Batman.

The team looked at the screen, which was frozen on the group of The Injustice League. Robin then pulled up the holo map for Zatara to locate them. After about a minute they had located The Injustice League central control system.

"Coordinates locked.'' voiced Robin's computer and the whole team dashed out of the mission room to go get ready for a huge fight.


The team was on the Bio-ship when the ship became unstable and was knocked out of camouflage mode. Then a sudden impact on the bottom of the ship, shook the whole ship towards the ground. Once it was stuck in the lake, and quite moving everyone groaned. The ship was being pulled under by the plant creatures and the hole in the ship was allowing water to fill up.

Robin quickly put his re-breather in his mouth and went to his belt grabbing a second one to hand to Wally but stopped when he witness Artemis giving Wally one instead. Robin saw Wally smile at her and he shocked his head and dove under the water, leaving those two to themselves. Everyone soon got out and swam to the surface of the lake.

Then everyone screamed in pain and held their heads when a wave hit them from Count Vertigo. Kid Flash, Superboy and Aqualad attacked them just a little bit before Aqualad yelled through the mind link for both Robin and Miss Martian to disappear while they kept the injustice league busy while they did the mission, to destroy the central control system.

The group was all unconscious, except for Miss Martian and Robin. Robin who hide behind a tree looked down at his friends and teammates. He knew that they were going to be okay, but it didn't stop him from worrying about them. He then turned away real quickly, followed by M'gann.

As they walked the day went by and the sky turned dark and into night. Robin had the only light from his holo computer shinning. Miss Martian was floating right behind him, and after an hour and a half of silence she spoke up.

"Robin, I blocked contact with the team between us. Could we speak?" said M'gann through the mind link.

"Miss M there is nothing we need to speak about. Lets just finish this mission, okay?" said Robin.
"No, Robin I can't. You're hurting! I can sense it, I can feel it. I felt it from Wally and Robin, I know about the two of you. So you do not need to feel like you must hide yourself from me, I understand hiding from others and even yourself. It's a terrible pain to have and you've been through enough pain. Let me help you." said Miss Martian.

"M'gann...I-I I broke his heart. I..." began Robin.
"I know. I heard about it from it all from Wally. It was kind of you to try and protect him, and all of us but who is protecting you? You are only hurting yourself, Robin. I know about your self harming, I know it all. You can't...." Miss Martian said but was cut off by Robin.
"I appreciate all that you are trying to do but M'gann...I just can't. I'm sorry'' said Robin who then broke the connection and continued to walk forward, with Miss Martian following behind.

They soon arrived at The Injustice League central control system. Robin turned around to face Miss Martian and nodded his head as they both headed closer towards it. 

"Well, hello there'' said Poison Ivy. Robin and M'gann turned around quickly but before they could do anything, Poison Ivy wrapped them up tight in vines. They both were grunted as they tried to escape but failed to do so. Poison Ivy stepped forward, smiling at Robin. "Oh why it isn't our little birdy. Want to play with some pain?" she said with a wicked smile across her face.

Robin couldn't reach his wrist computer to type out a response, he huffed and narrowed his masked eyes at her. "Spending too much time with Joker to have that kind of smile'' thought Dick, but shocked his head trying to not think about Joker for he and Joker have had a very bad past. Somethings even Wally didn't know about, that Dick buried deep down, so deep that he had forgotten it ever happened, scaring even The Batman even more so. 

Suddenly the vines that were around Robin began to have thorns form on them, stabbing him all over. He hissed in pain. A gun was suddenly pointed at them.

"Nighty night.'' said Poison Ivy and nodded her head for them to be killed. Miis Martian's eyes lit up green and he moved the gun to shot at the vines holding them, setting them free. Once the bullets hit the vines, Poison Ivy screamed out in pain, holding her head. She then shot Robin an evil look, she was pissed. 

"Sorry Boy Wonder, I'm ending your mission!'' shouted Ivy. Large vines shot out everywhere trying to grab ahold of Robin. He jumped onto branches, hoping off of the trees surrounding him. He soon dashed off into the distance, growing closer towards the building that was controlling the plants all over the world.

Soon his team arrived and they all began to fight with the injustice league. Count Vertigo looked around for Robin and Miss Martian, just then Ivy gasped and turned too look at the big plant that was the signal to all of the other plants around the world.

"My Baby!" yelled Poison Ivy as she saw all the tiny bombs planted along the large plant by Robin and Miss Martian. All of the exploding bird-arangs began to beep and then the whole plant exploded. Standing by the top of the building was Robin and Miss Martian who both smiled at Ivy.

"Timber.'' said Robin's wrist computer. He looked around at all of the plants burning, they weren't plants anymore, they are now brunt weeds. Ivy screamed in anger and shot some vines in their direction but M'gann deflected it. Everyone jumped into battle. As Robin was throwing a few bird-arangs he turned around when he heard Wally's voice full of concern. He saw Artemis on the ground my Count Vertigo.

"Leave her alone!" yelled Wally as he raced over to attack the count and rescue Artemis. Dick felt very sad and turned around to continue on in this fight but was thrown backwards, by being punched in the face. Robin then took a bolt of lightning electricity to the back, forcing him to the ground in terrible pain. The pain subsided and Dick turned to look to see Aqualad pulling the Helmet of Fate out and placing in on. A bright golden light blinded everyone all of a sudden. 

As Fate fought, Robin on his hands and knees heard foot steps coming behind him. He looked up real quick and was met with none other than Joker.

"Ahh, Wonderboy! You are all mine! HAHAHA!'' said Joker moving closer towards Robin. The Joker then pulled out his blade and began to swing it at Robin, he jumped backwards, dodging the blade as best as he could. The Joker continued to laugh at Robin, when suddenly the blade made contact with his stomach. Robin's gloved hand went right away to his stomach. He pulled his hand back to see it now covered in red, his blood. He backed up as Joker continued forward to him. Robin then heard Wally yell Artemis name and he turned for one second to look but that was his mistake. Joker then hit him in the face, knocking Robin to the ground. 

"HAHA my little bird! Ready to play our favorite game with Uncle J?" said Joker as he jumped onto of Robin. His hands now around Robin's throat, preventing him from breathing. Robin's hand went onto of Joker's trying to pull his hands off his throat. 

As Joker was on top of him, Robin's mind traveled to a different night, a different mission two years ago. Robin remembered the pain, remembered the fear and remembered the shame he felt. He recalled how rawl his throat had become from screaming for what felt like forever.

As Robin was experiencing this past event, M'gann got flashes of in through the mind link, she could now feel his fear and pain and she screamed out.
"ROBIN!" she screamed and fell to the ground.

Then the Justice League arrived, taking down the villains. 
Batman saw the Joker on Robin, his blade in the air ready to come down and cut Robin. Batman threw a bat-arang at him, knocking the blade from his hand. 

"It's over.'' said Batman and jumped down and punched The Joker in the face, knocking him off of Robin.

"NO! No, no, no, no!" screamed Joker. Batman punched him once more, knocking him out and he then turned around to face Robin. He was frozen, his eyes wide. Batman slowly walked over towards Robin, it looked like he didn't even know he was there.

"Robin?" said Batman and slowly reached out to touch Robin's shoulder. Once Batman touched Robin, he jumped and moved backwards quickly, his breathing coming in and out quickly. He was panicking. Batman needed to take action and he walked closer towards Robin, grabbing a hold of both of his shoulders and pulling him up onto his feet. "Robin!" he shouted in his face, frightening him and jolting him from his daze. His eyes scanned Batman's face quickly. His bottom lip puckered out, he was about to break down right here and there, in front of everyone. Batman shook his head and pointed towards the others, showing Robin that they were not allow. Robin nodded his head in understanding what Batman was meaning.


Mount Justice. 

Robin was left alone in his bedroom at the mountain. Batman told him that he would come and get him once he was finished. Robin just nodded his head and rushed to his room, not looking at anyone. 
He sat on his bed with his knees up to his chest as he cried. He had never remembered so much about that night as he just did. He pretty much knew what had happened but he just couldn't bring himself to face it or to allow himself to believe it. As he was lost in his thoughts and continued to cry a knock was heard upon his door. He thought it was Wally and hopped up really quickly and threw the door open. But it wasn't Wally standing there, it was M'gann. Dick's smile fell and he hung his head low.

"I'm sorry. I believe you were hoping for it to be Wally, yeah?" said M'gann and Dick just nodded his head and moved back, allowing her into his room. She smiled and slowly walked in. He shut the door and went right to his bed and sat down, once again bringing his knees up to his chest. 

"I can help you Robin.'' she said and lightly touched his arm, causing him to jump slightly at the touch. He looked up at her. "I know what happened that night, and I think you do too.'' she said calmly. 

Dick shook his head, "No. No, no, no! it can't be true!! NO!" thought Dick.
M'gann heard his thoughts and pulled him into a hug.

"I can block it from your mind, I can block it all if you wish'' she said pulling away from the hug. Robin sat there for a moment thinking about it then he finally nodded his head, which M'gann nodded back. "Lay down and try to relax, okay?" she said and he did as he was told. 

Robin laid still on his bed and waited for M'gann to do what she was going to do. "These memories, feelings and fears are like weeds within your mind. I cannot truly remove these weeds for they are not mind, but I can block them. And hopefully, by doing such you will feel better about yourself. Are you ready?"

Robin nodded his head and watch her eyes glow green. He reached out quickly stopping her for once second. He typed down upon his wrist computer quickly then looked up at her.

"Can you, can you make me forget about Wally. Make me forget that we were together, that I hurt him?" asked Robin. M'gann quickly looked very sad at Robin. 

She knew that Robin was still deeply in love with Wally but she also saw what it was doing to the young boy whom she consider her little brother. She had noticed that Wally and Artemis were growing closer together and how it broke Robin's heart each time. She then nodded her head in agreeing to this, but felt terribly bad about it. Her eyes lit up green once more and Robin shut his eyes. They last thing he was was Wally kissing him, his arms wrapped around him protectively and how happy the both of them were.

"I love you Wally'' thought Dick as M'gann put up a mind barrier in Robin's head.

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