Chapter 15-Homefront

A/N: This chapter is based off of episode 12 of season 1. 

Dick who now was Robin, left the Batcave very quickly. He and Batman just got into a fight and Robin stormed out of there. Bruce was getting on his nerves all day and then he goes and picks a fight with him. Dick was feeling overwhelmed, which he hated. He always tried his best to just stay whelmed, but lately that hasn't been working out so well. It felt like the Batcave was closing in on him, he felt his chest tighten and his breathing coming in faster and shorter, he was on the edge of an anxiety attack, he just needed to leave, to be away from Bruce. 

Once he left he called Wally, his best friend and secret boyfriend, but he didn't pick up. That was very odd, Wally always picked up his phone for Dick. He waited a few before sending out a text to him, but got the same result, no answer.He then texted Iris, Wally's aunt to find out where Wally was at.
 Dick sighed and he sat down on some roof top. It was growing late, the sky had now darken much. Dick got up and continued his long way to the out of order phone booth that would take him to the mountain, where Wally was at.

He finally came to the spot but stopped when he saw Artemis standing down below, about to enter the phone booth. A smile came upon his face and he quickly jumped down, not tipping her off that he was around. Artemis reached the doors and that when he made his presence know.

"Artemis.'' announced Robin's wrist computer. She quickly turned around and gasped, her eyes wide.

"Robin? I....umm..." Artemis began but couldn't seem to piece her words together. Robin chuckled to himself and brought his wrist computer upwards and typed down on it and then looked up at her with a smirk on his face.

"How random that you're in Gotham City, instead of Star City where your uncle Green Arrow lives" came Robin's computer.

Artemis reached up and rubbed the back of her neck and smiled down at her young teammate. She began to come up with a lie and Robin had to play along, as if he believed her. He fully knew she wasn't Oliver Queen's niece. He knew that she was none other than Sportsmaster's daughter, but he kept that detail all to himself, he wasn't supposed to know about it but he did a little bit of hacking on the Batcomputer and found out. If Bruce knew about that, that would be a whole other fight, he sighed and bowed to allow her entrance into the cave first, but she insisted he go first. Robin shrugged his shoulders and entered. His name being announced as he left Gotham City.


Happy Harbor.
Mount Justice.

As soon as he entered the cave he noticed the smoke. His eyes narrowed and he slowly pulled out a bird-arang. He held it in his hands as fire was suddenly throw his way. He jumped quickly to miss being hit by it.

The zeta tubes lit up, showing that Artemis was coming.

-Recognized. Artemis, B07.

Robin quickly typed on his computer once he saw her come through. "Get Down!" yelled his computer, she gasped. Fire headed straight for her, she jumped out of the way. Robin quickly did a back flip and landed right in front of her, and pulled out a few bird-arangs throwing them into the smoke. 

She quickly took action, pulling her bow out and began shooting arrows off. Neither of them knew who they were fighting but being by the zeta tubes was not going to help them at all, so they headed for the exit. Fire was thrown at them once more, almost hitting Artemis.

Just as they went into the hallway a huge wave of water came right at them. Dick sighed. He was having a crappy evening and all he wanted was to be around Wally, to help him out. He could feel himself slipping backwards and it scared him, it scared him a lot.

They were quickly covered by the water and slammed against one of the walls, knocking the breath from both of them, but it didn't slow them down. Robin quickly pushed himself off the ground and pulled Artemis to her feet and both ran off into the distance of the cave. Robin then pushed his com in his ear trying to contact the team but failing to do so. They had no idea where the team was or if they were okay. Soon a big fire tornado entered the room and knocking them to the ground. The flames flickered outwards. A small bit of the flames licked out and burnt Robin's sleeve, and touching his skin for a moment. He hissed in pain but he didn't want to let on that he was hurt, even if it was just a little bit, because that would be a sign of weakness and he couldn't afford to be weak, not at all. 

They ran down the hall. Robin reached up to his com and typed on his wrist computer.
"Robin to BatCave. Override RG4! Cave calling Justice League, H-O-J slash Watchtower. B-01, priority ray.'' But he got no answer. He turned to face Artemis.

"Coms are down, we are all alone, cut off from everyone.'' said Robin's wrist computer. Artemis leaned her head backwards. "Just great" she thought.

Robin reached forward and grabbed her wrist and dragged her off down the hall and into the kitchen. She pointed to an air vent and he nodded his head. She hopped up there but turned around to see what he was doing. 

"Downloading cave's blueprints'' said his computer. She looked at him, she hadn't said anything but yet he already knew her question. They soon both entered the air vent and crawled away. They soon made it into the boiler room as Robin lead the way. But just then a figure covered in flames appeared behind them, stopping them from moving forward. The figured lifted its arms up in the air, sending flames to cover the whole ceiling now. Robin pulled on Artemis arm before he jumped over the rail and landed on the ground, she quickly followed after him.The air around them was getting heavier and hotter, becoming a little difficult for them to breathe in. They both began to cough. 

Balls of fire began being thrown at them as they came to a small access tunnel. They jumped inside right after Robin threw a few exploding bird-arangs. They were once again in a tiny vent and Robin was so thankful that he wasn't claustrophobic or right now would even suck worst.

"Hold up'' Robin typed on his wrist computer, it was more like a whisper because he had turned the volume down. He pulled out a wire from his wrist and pulled in into a panel on the side of the vent and typed quickly upon it. Artemis sat still, breathing quickly. 

"Shutting down the cave's heat and motion sensors to block the enemy from finding us'' announced Robin's wrist computer. Artemis looked over at Robin.
"Who is the enemy? Who are we fighting and why?" she asked. Robin pulled his plug back and sat down. He just shrugged his shoulders. He didn't have an answer for her. "But", he thought, "I could pull up footage from the cave.'' 
Robin soon typed away on his computer leaving Artemis waiting for an answer, an answer to her questions and an answer to what he was doing right now.

"Here" said his computer as he brought up some footage from earlier in the cave. They watched the team all standing by with Sphere. Wally was fixing a bike while Kaldur spoke to them all about school and loyalties. As they watched an explosion went off cutting off the camera, Robin quickly moved onto the other cameras, but all of them were taken out.

"That's all there is, they are all dead.'' Robin's computer said gaining him a shocked expression and Artemis almost freaking out. Robin quickly typed out, so he could be more clear. "The cameras, not out friends. They camera are all dead. I'm sure that the team is alright."

Artemis leaned backwards as Robin continued to type away on his computer. His head was killing him right now and also he was super worried about his friends and his boyfriend. "Maybe this is why Wally didn't answer him before. Maybe it had nothing to do with him not wanting to or that he didn't like him as much as he liked Wally.'' Dick thought as he blocked out Artemis freaking out about them all being fine because of their superpowers while the both of them had none. Robin shocked his head and waved Artemis to move on and follow him. He lead them into the mountain's library, towards a secret passage way behind a bookcases. 

As they walked to find it, they both heard the sound of a door opening. Robin turned around, bird-arangs in hand and ready to be thrown as Artemis slowly reached backwards towards her arrows, her fingertips gently touching them. They then turned and ran down an isle and awaited for the right moment to attack the enemy in the cave. They could hear metal clanking as it walked towards them, growing louder by the second.

"Artemis, Robin'' called out a voice. Artemis face brighten as she then leapt out, missing Robin's hand as he tried to grab her wrist and pull her back.

"It's Red Tornado" she said happily, but once she stepped out and saw that it wasn't Red Tornado, he happiness faded quickly. Robin moved forward fast and yanked her shoulder back and threw his bird-arangs at the red machine before them. He pulled her away from the enemy. He pulled her along, heading towards the passage that he knew was around there, somewhere.

"Yes, on the Red, but nope on the tornado part!" shouted his wrist computer. Soon a second one appeared by them.
Robin finally found the spot he was looking for and pulled the book fast and then shoved himself and Artemis throw, the bookcase closing behind them quickly, cutting them off from the enemies.They ran for a bit before stopping to caught their breaths. Artemis reached forward and grabbed Robin's arm. He winced in pain and pulled quickly away from her, she glanced over at him and saw his arm, it was red. He was burned, but it wasn't too bad but still.

"What do we do now Robin?" she questioned, she so badly wanted this to be over, for she was so scared about all of this. But before he could answer her, the red enemies spoke over the intercom, addressing them.

-Attention Artemis, Attention Robin. Surrender in exactly 10 minutes or your friends will be killed.

Robin glanced over at Artemis. He sighed and quickly ran his hand throw his hair. He once again tried to contact anyone but failed in doing so. The coms were locked.


Wally was stuck next to Superboy in this hard rock form stuff. He looked up to see M'gann passed out in Aqualad's arms. No one knew what to do next, so they remain quite, that was until Wally heard the robots say Robin's name. Both fear and joy filled him.
Joy, because he knew how smart Robin was and how great of a hero he was that he was going to save them. Fear, because he was worried that his best friend slash boy friend could get hurt and with him stuck in this weird crap couldn't be by his side and help him out. Wally tried to move, to even vibrate through it but it wasn't working. Over the last few weeks, his uncle Barry was trying to teach him how to vibrate his molecules so fast that he could faze through objects, but the training wasn't going so well. No matter how hard he tried it just didn't work and he would just end up with a killer headache and a nose bleed.

Just then, right where they were trapped at, water began to flow around them. It slowly rose higher and higher, soon they would be completely covered by it. 

-8 minutes- announced the robot standing before them.

Then they all could hear an explosion sounding off in the distance, Wally's eyes widen. "What was going on? Was that Dick? Was he alright?" thought Wally as fear grew larger within himself. He needed to know if Robin was okay.

The water rising around them was so cold, he began to shiver. Superboy was grunting and trying his best to get free. Wally knew it was no hope, they were stuck in whatever this was. Wally looked up and could see the flames that trapped Kaldur and M'gann in a fire cage grew hotter. They were both sweating, the heat slowly killing them. 

Robin and Artemis soon popped up out of the water, gasping for air. Wally had no time to feel relief or smile. He could see the one robot throwing a fire ball directly in front of them. Wally turned his head far enough to see them both, as he yelled at them.

"Look out!'' yelled Wally. They both quickly went under the water, missing the fire ball heading their way. Wally's eyes were scanning the water, trying his hardest to locate them when suddenly they appeared right next to them, gasping for air once more. Dick didn't wait to catch his breath as he signed to both Superboy and Wally, who both knew American Sign Language.

'Are the two of you okay' signed Robin but Superboy grunted and yelled for them to help M'gann. Artemis and Robin looked up and saw both M'gann and Kaldur in a fire cage. Artemis shouted out towards Kaldur, asking how M'gann was doing while Robin moved closer to Kid Flash. Robin reached down into the water and found Wally's hand and squeezed it tightly. Then he leaned his head down upon his chest. He closed his eyes for one second and just listened to his heart beat, but it all soon ended as fire was being thrown at them once more.
"Rob!" yelled Wally.
They dived down under the water and swam away from their teammates.

The need to breathe was growing stronger but Robin couldn't come up for air just yet. He and Artemis continued to swim forward until the reached some stairs. Not stopping, they quickly ran up the stairs. Robin almost fell over, for he was dizzy and the lack of breathing was taking a toll on his body. Artemis saw this and grabbed his shoulder, keeping him up on his feet. Soon one of the robots came out of the water they were in. They turned to head up the stairs but was blocked by the second robot, the one that could throw fire. Robin looked over at Artemis who nodded her head in agreement. 

Robin quickly threw a bird-arang at the water robot but it just bounced off and flew in the air, finally landing right next to Wally's head. Wally's eyes doubled and looked over at Robin. Both fire and water was thrown at them. They quickly dived into the water together and swam off into the distance. They made it inside a small tunnel and sat their breathing heavily.

"What are we gonna do now?" questioned Artemis. Robin shakily typed down upon his wrist computer.

"We save them'' came from his wrist computer with the sound of duh attached to it. She shot him a look. 

"No'' she said to him, "Those two robots already took out our super powered friends. How on earth are we supposed to take them out. We have no powers! I only got one arrow!" she said.  Robin shocked his head then began to crawl forward. She sighed and followed behind him. They soon came to a room and sat down on the wooden floor. Robin then turned to face Artemis.

"You seem distraught'' said Robin's computer as he looked at her. Artemis huffed. 

"Of course I'm distraught. Our friends...I mean super powered friends were taken out. We have no powers, what... there's nothing for us to do. How do we-'' Artemis said but was cut off.

"Well, get traught or get dead! We don't need super powers to be heroes. We don't need them to survive or to be great, we just need to focus and save our friends. Get your head in the game. Focus!'' said his computer as he pushed himself off the ground. He walked away from her and thought about a solution to save all of this.

" are you so calm and okay with all of this?" Artemis asked him. He didn't turned around to face her. He typed quickly then closed his eyes to stop the room from spinning.

"I've been doing this since I was 9. I'm...used to it.''

"Nine?" Artemis kinda said to herself as she glanced over at the boy before her. She stayed quite and just sat there breathing as he thought. He then turned around to face her, with a smile on his face. He walked over towards her, reached down and pulled her to her feet. He then typed quickly on his wrist computer.

"They're machines!" his computer said. Artemis just nodded her head. 

"Yeah, I know they're machines. Are you just noticing this now, Robin?" said Artemis. He shocked his head and reached up to the com in his eat. "They don't work, remember.''

He smiled at her and chuckled to himself.

"KF, you think it's doable to make an EMP?" questioned Robin. 
"You need more time'' said Wally through the com. Robin nodded his head and lead Artemis somewhere else. "Are you doing this, Rob?" he questioned his boyfriend.

"Yep'' was the only answer Wally got from Robin. So Wally then began to explain what they needed to make one.

-4 minutes- was announced my the robots, the water was now up to their chins. Wally closed his eyes and hoped that Robin was almost done. The coms were silent for awhile, while Robin worked on the EMP. He then radio Wally to make a distraction from him and Artemis to get it in place at the main generator. Both Wally and Superboy did their best to distract the robots near M'gann and Kaldur.

"I can vibrate my molecules out of here'' said Wally and Robin chuckled.

"Yeah, you wish'' came Robin over the coms. Wally shocked his head at that comment.
"Shush!" said Wally as he and Superboy continued with the distraction, while Artemis covered Robin. Robin slowly moved over towards the generator. He began to work but the thing was missing one thing, something conductible.

But before he could find anything a big wave of water came up towards him.

"Robin, look out!" shouted Artemis. Before he could even react, he was swept away by the Wally. Wally turned his head so fast around when he heard Artemis yell at Robin. 

Everyone then saw Robin's still body being lifted out of the water, his mouth open and his masked eyes shut.
"No! No, no, no, no'' yelled Wally as he looked at Robin with fear filled eyes. Robin was then harshly dropped to the ground, he was free from being inside the water, but he still wasn't moving. Panic filled inside his chest.
"ROBIN!" yelled Kid Flash.

The water was now up and covering their mouths. Both Wally and Superboy inhaled as the water continued to rise upon them. Wally's eyes darted when he saw Artemis walking out towards the robots, with her bow laying in her hands, she was surrendering to them. They water then came up and covered his vision. He thought this was then end, and his main concern was about Robin.

The flames that held M'gann and Aqualad trapped soon decreased and disappeared, freeing them. The water then lowered and Wally and Superboy could now breath. The two robots laid still on the ground, Artemis sighed in relief.

"Robin!" shouted Wally as he moved around, still trying to get free.

"Kaldur, how is M'gann?" questioned Superboy.
"She is alright. We both are'' said Kaldur as he pushed himself off the ground. He then turned to face Artemis. "How is Robin?" he questioned and Wally stopped moving for a moment to listen.

Artemis tossed her bow to the side and darted to Robin. She feel down upon her knees and placed a hand upon his chest. It wasn't moving.

"Artemis?!?!" yelled Wally, for he was still panicking. Artemis moved her hand up and placed her fingers to his pale neck, trying to find a pulse but found done.

"He-he's not breathing!" she shouted to everyone. That was enough to convince Wally to try harder to get free from the trap he was in. He tried his hardest to vibrate his molecules but it wasn't working. Soon blood began to run down from his nose, but that didn't stop him, and neither did the headache. He had heard Kaldur order Artemis to do CPR upon Robin. He kept trying until Superboy told him to stop. There was now a ringing in his ears. 
Wally waited for Artemis to tell them that Robin was going to be okay. They all quietly listen to Artemis count and push down upon Robin's chest.  After what felt like forever, they heard a small gasp and some coughing.

"He-he's breathing!'' yelled Artemis. Wally closed his eyes and sighed. 

"ROB?!" He yelled out.

Artemis helped Robin walk down the stairs followed by M'gann and Aqualad. Artemis had a tool to cut both Wally and Superboy out but she couldn't seem to get it to work. M'gann and Superboy held hands and Robin shot Wally a look, telling him so. He knew that M'gann and Superboy liked each other, Wally just didn't see it. Robin moved closer towards Wally and reached slowly for his hand and gave it a tiny squeeze. Wally could feel Dick's hand shaking in his and he glanced over at Robin but he just shocked his head, telling him not to worry about him. Wally sighed and looked back over at Artemis.

"Will you quite messing around with that thing and cut us free already!?!'' Wally yelled. He so badly wanted to be free and to wrap his arms around Dick and hold him and to never let go of him.

"It isn't working, EMPs shuts down all machines'' said Artemis. Wally sighed, yeah he knew but he just really wanted to be free already 

Just then, Red Tornado entered the Cave, everyone lit up seeing him. Finally this awful night was over. 
Sphere then lit up and moved over towards Superboy, the tool in Artemis' hand turned on and Robin looked at Wally, they both knew what was going on, the pulses had just worn off. Then Red Tornado turned around and lifted up into the air, his eyes glowing red. He held out his arms and began to suck all of the oxygen in the air out. No one was able to breath, coughing and soon all passing out. Wally looked over at Robin, who's hand he still held. Robin's one hand went to his neck as he gasped for air, his eyes looked over at Wally. Wally reading Dick's eyes could tell that he was a little bit scared. Dick soon passed out and fell to the ground, his hand coming out of Wally's grip as Wally soon passed out too.


Wally was soon awaken by his Uncle Barry. Wally's eyes shot open and began to search the room. Barry was trying to cut Wally from the stuff he and Superboy were trapped in. He saw a few of the other League members around the room. He heard Artemis talking to them about how the red robots, including Red Tornado attacked them all. All three of them were gone. Wally looked over at Batman, who was talking with Black Canary.

"Where's Robin?" asked Wally. Batman turned to face him but he didn't answer he. Wally then looked down at his uncle.
"Where is he?" he questioned. Barry stopped cutting for a moment and looked at Wally with a sadness in his eyes.

"Kid, he's in the med bay'' said The Flash, Wally's eyes doubled and he glanced around the whole room. The whole team was there except for M'gann and Robin. The two of them were injured the worst. Wally began to shake and Barry reached up and placed his hand upon his shoulder.

"He's going to be alright. Just calm down and I'll have you out of here in a few minutes.'' said Barry. All Wally could do was nodded his head. He waited and once he was cut free he wasted no time to zoom off towards the med bay.

Wally got to the doors of the med bay and threw them open and raced right to Robin's side. His masked eyes were closed. Wally reached out and grabbed ahold of Dick's hand and gave it a squeeze. He then glanced over at M'gann who smiled at him. Wally was still shaking a little bit, his legs felt heavy to him, so he sat down on the side of the bed. 

"It's okay Rob. I'm here...I got ya.'' he said and brought Dick's hand to his lips and kissed it. Wally closed his eyes and continued to hold Robin's hand. He was going to stay by his side until he awoken.

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