Chapter 14-Lost
A/N: This chapter is based off of episode nine: Bereft. Mentions of Self Harm, Depression, eating disorders, and Suicide. Hurt/comfort.
Dick squinted his eyes, at the bright light shinning down upon him. He moved his hand up to his forehead, his head and neck was killing him right now. Dick then felt his glove on his skin and he shot his eyes open right away. He then sat up quickly which was a bad idea. He became light headed right away, darkness filled his vision. Dick closed his eyes tightly, breathing in and out. He eventually reopened his eyes and looked at his surroundings, he had no idea where he was at.
So Dick decided that instead on sitting on his butt in the sand, he needed to get up and get a better picture as the where he was at.
Dick felt like he was walking forever, the heat from the sun was terrible, the air around him was so thick, Dick was panting, breathing very heavy.
Dick suddenly get really dizzy. He groans as he quickly becomes nauseous, he places his hand on the side of a rock to steady himself. He leans down and closes his eyes tightly. He then looks up and sees a small cloud of smoke then some vehicles coming in his direction, he then moves to a spot where he can't be see and watches.
"What? Those are Bialyan army uniforms'' thought Dick as he then brings his wrist computer up and turns it on. "What are Bialyans doing in, umm, Bialya?" Dick's eyes widen as he looks at the map on his holo screen.
"Okay, what the hell am I doing in Bialya....In September!?! What happened to March? What?! What is going on?" Dick thinks. He shakes his head, he is so confused right now. He looks around and then reaches up to the com in his ear to contact Batman. Then he gets a flash of memory of Batman ordering radio silence. He moves his hand away from his com. "Or not, okay then.'' thought Dick.
Dick then walked to the edge of the rocks and did a front flip off of them and landed down below into a kneeling stance. He shock his head and exhaled sharply before rising to his feet. He then saw a ripped piece of fabric ahead of him. Dick slowly walked to it, picking the fabric up and studying it. It was black, with a red Superman symbol in the center of it. Dick narrowed his masked eyes.
Hours has passed. The sun had set and a full moon has risen into the black sky filled with stars. The heat had also decreased somewhat. Robin continued to walk onward. His feet aching for him to stop, along with his entire body begging him to rest. Not knowing how long he has been out here and what had happened to the last couple of months, Robin had no clue when the last time he ate something. He continued to walk forward, his masked eyes growing heavy.
"I got to keep going. Gotta stay awake." Robin thought as he pushed himself.
He made his way up a hill of sand. He was following the map on his holo wrist computer. On the screen he had a GPS marker placed a few feet ahead of him. He slid down the hill and came to the marked spot. Once he saw the object, he dropped down to the ground. He waited a few moments before peeking around the sand, he narrowed his eyes, which were now burning. for sleep. "Gosh knows when I last slept." Robin thought.
Robin hopped down towards the machine, when just then a few armed men popped out of the sand they were buried in. Guns all pointed at him. Robin sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Why can't anything every be easy when I'm tried'' he thought. He than dropped a smoke bomb completely nonchalant like, the armed men began to cough as Robin began to attack them, taking five men down quickly. He began to throw some bird-arangs at them. He was quickly tiring himself out, plus adding to his headache. Gunfire began to go off. Robin jumped and dodged and flipped out of the way of the bullets being sent his way.
Robin rose to his feet. He reached up and gripped his head as he swayed back and force. Out of nowhere Robin felt a familiar gust of wind and opened his eyes up to see a black blur flash by, stealing the weapons from the men before him.
Suddenly Robin's eyes shut out of his control and his body fell out from under him, but before he could hit the sand below him, he was in the arms of Kid Flash.
Kid Flash, dressed in black, knelt down, with his best friend in his arms. Wally quickly removed his goggles from his eyes and began to search Robin for any injuries, but found done, he looked down at his friend. He was both confused and worried. Miss Martian and Artemis walked over towards the two. Wally reached up slowly and brushed some of Robin's raven hair off his forehead. As Wally brushed the hair back, Robin jerked forward, almost slamming his head into Wally's.
His eyes opened and in an instant Robin smiled and leap forward, throwing his arms around Wally's neck, he then buried his face into Wally's neck. Wally sat there shocked for a moment before he wrapped his arms around Robin, squeezing him tightly. Robin then pulled back and looked at Wally, but then his eye brows crunched with confusement. He pushed himself backwards, now sitting on the sand.
'Why is your suit black? What is going on here Wally?' Dick sign. Wally simply just shrugged his shoulders and then looked over at Miss Martian and Artemis. Wally then turned back to Robin and helped him to his feet but Robin almost fell once more, he would have if Wally wasn't standing right there before him, holding him up.
M'gann explained to them all that the four of them and Superboy were a team. Wally suddenly touched his symbol and his uniform quickly changed back into his regular yellow and red outfit.
"Wow! Cool'' said Kid Flash. He looked up and shot Robin a smile and kept poking his chest. Robin did the same thing but nothing happened with his uniform. Robin reached out and tugged at Wally's arm. Wally looked down at Robin's hand then up at his face.
'KF, pay attention' Dick sign and earned a nod and a small chuckle from Wally. He loved when Dick called him KF.
M'gann eyes began to glow and Robin winced slightly.
''I have brought you all in my mind so that we maybe able to piece some of our memories together, if you open your minds up to me.'' said M'gann.
Both Artemis and Robin backed up at this. Robin worried about all of his secrets and not only his secret identity, but the things he has been struggling with like his eating disorder, his depression and more importantly, his self harming.
"No way'' said Artemis. Robin backed up and reached over and pulled on Wally's arm. Wally looked over at him, he could see that this was upsetting Robin, but also something else. Wally slowly grabbed a hold of Robin's gloved hand and pulled him closer towards him, so that Robin was standing next to him. He nodded his head at Robin telling him that it was going to be alright.
"I have no wish to intrude and I don't want to offend you in anyway, but..." said M'gann but was cut off by Robin signing. Kid Flash watched Robin speak in his own language. Robin then looked over at his best friend and Wally then translated for him.
"Rob said: 'You need to hack our minds to put pieces together to know what happened to us. Got it. Take what you need. Go.' And my brain is all yours green checks'' said Wally. Robin inched closer towards Wally. M'gann nodded her head and began.
They all saw Batman talking about the mission. They all saw the room in the mountain and saw theirselves along with their team members, including Aqualad; who they all had forgotten about. Then they all saw different things, M'gann and Superboy, Artemis practicing with her arrows. Then Wally kissing Robin then the thing Robin was trying to avoid. They all saw a razor blade in hid hand. Then everything went fuzzy, everyone was yanked free of M'gann's mind. Miss Martain backed up and looked at Robin, she was shocked that he was able to pull himself out of her mind. By him pulling out, he pulled everyone else out. They all shot glances at Robin and Wally. Wally turned to look at Robin, he was breathing very fast.
"Rob?" questioned Wally. Robin didn't respond to him, which made Kid Flash worry more. Robin's whole body was shaking and just then he collapsed to the group. He dropped so fast and unexpectedly that Wally wasn't fast enough to grab him. Wally rushed to Robin's side, M'gann knelt down next to him, she gently placed a hand on Robin's forehead.
"He's skin temperature is above the normal human's temperature. He is distress, his mind....'' M'gann said but stopped she couldn't fully express what she was feeling from Robin's mind. "I don't understand.'' she said and looked up at Wally with a sad expression on her face. "I'm sorry.''
Wally just shocked his head and picked Robin up. He nodded for the girls to go ahead as he carried Robin bridal style.
The team soon came upon Aqualad, he was unconscious and speaking in Atlantian. He was very dehydrated. M'gann then grasped her head in pain and shouted out Superboy before flying off. Artemis tended to Kaldur, while Wally did the same for Robin.
After a little while Robin began to move and open up his eyes. He looked up at Wally and gave him a half smile before tucking his head into Wally's chest. Kid Flash had to know that Dick was alright. He shocked Dick making Robin look up at him.
'What's going on Dick? You got a fever, your unbalanced. What's wrong?' signed Wally, he waited for Dick to respond. Dick looked over at the others before looking back at Wally.
'I don't know really, just a few guesses.' Dick signed. Wally leaned down to look directly at Robin's masked eyes.
'You mind sharing with the class?' Wally questioned. Dick sighed and nodded his head before he answered Wally's question.
'I have no idea when I last ate something, eating disorder has been acting up last I remember and then- then the mind thing with Miss M, seeing the razor blade. I-I I remembered cutting too deep and then the scars that are on my wrist right now. I almost-' signed Dick but Wally cut him off by pulling Dick into a hug. Dick returned it and deeply wished they were somewhere safe right now because he was so tired and just wanted to lay down within Wally's arms.
Miss Martian then telepathically called out to the team telling them that she had Superboy with her and they were on their way to them. Dick smiled and laid his head on Kid Flash's shoulder.
Mount Justice.
Everyone seemed to let out a sigh in relief as the all entered the cave. Wally sped off down the hall and then he was right back, with handful of some snacks for Robin.
He knew he needed to eat them but his mind was telling him not too. Wally must have seen the look on his boyfriend's face for he sat the food down, reached forward placing his hand upon his shoulder.
'Please babe, you gotta eat something' Wally sign. Dick nodded his head and Wally smiled. 'Great! Because I'm starving'
About an hour later, Wally had changed out of his uniform and Robin had undid his cap and the two of them had passed out on the couch, sleeping together. Dick's head laid upon Wally's chest as he listened to his heartbeat. Wally was the first one to fall asleep, then soon followed by Dick who wrapped his arms around Wally, holding onto him tight.
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