Chapter 13-Downtime.
A/N: Based off of season one, episode eight of Young Justice. Mentions of Self harm and, depression.
Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, and Birdflash!
It has been three weeks since Dick cut and put his life at risk. It also has been three weeks since Dick admitted to having feelings for his best friend. It has been three, long weeks since they shared their first kiss. They haven't kiss since Dick's time in the medical wing in the Batcave. Wally continued to tell him how much he meant to him, how much he loved him but he totally didn't want to rush it. He wanted to allow Dick to heal. He didn't want to be the full and only reason Dick pushed himself to get better. Wally cared so much about Dick, that he wanted Dick to also get better for himself. To prove to himself that he was worth it and not just hearing Wally say it.
The team didn't know anything that had happened three weeks ago. Everyone was told that Batman and Robin had to go on a mission, outside the country. Most of the League knew and it was put into Dick's superhero Robin files. Wally could tell he hated that, hated looking weaker to everyone, and especially the new scars on his wrist. They were long, longer than most of his scars.
Wally was allowed to spend many nights over at the manor with Dick. Even if he was at home or at his uncle's and aunt's and Dick called in the middle of the night, Wally would run straight over to his secret boyfriend. Only Wally's aunt Iris and his uncle Barry, a.k.a. The Flash knew that they were a couple; along with Kaldur and M'gann because Wally slipped up and told them. M'gann was so excited and happy about it, picking Wally up in the air and spinning him around. Kaldur nodded his head and patted Wally's back.
Wally didn't see the problem in others knowing, but for Dick it was a whole other matter. He wasn't out to anyone and he fully didn't have a label on what he really felt or was. Wally tried to tell him that labels didn't matter, but to Dick who like to have everything in its place, to be in control over things. Dick disliked not being able to be in control of things, it really bugged him. So he told Wally that he loved him, that he had feelings for him for awhile now, but he wasn't the only person he ever felt something for. He also had a crush on a classmate at Gotham Academy, who is a girl. She is one of his best friends. Wally tired to tell Dick that he liked both girls and guys but Dick wanted to dig deep into it, and figure out what it all meant. Wally understood Dick and allowed him to find himself. It didn't matter what label Dick chose for himself, whether it was gay, bi or whatever, all Wally knew was that he was completely in love with Dick and no label was ever going to change that.
Wally was vibrating today with nerves. Robin was coming back to the team and they all were going off on a mission today, in Gotham. Dick repeatedly told Wally the night before that he was ready to come back, that he needed to have a schedule, to be in the flow of normalcy. Wally had said okay, but really he was nervous and worried. He was so worried that getting back into the hero stuff might add more stress to him and he might want to relapse.
They have already had a few moments, where Dick had tried to hurt himself. Wally had been there each time and held onto Dick as he cried his eyes out, sometimes for the pain to stop and other times for the need of his blade, the need to have that release he so badly thought he needed. And each of those times, broke Wally's heart but he wouldn't...couldn't let Dick see him upset and sad because he knew if Dick saw the pain and sadness in his eyes, Dick would just feel ten times worst about himself for hurting his best friend.
So Wally was on edge all day, his eyes glued on Robin. He was overwhelmed and Robin had noticed this and shoved him, telling him to stay whelmed then chuckled before leaving the mount to go to the mission.
In Gotham they began to battle ClayFace. At the beginning it was going fine but it soon took a turn for the worst. ClayFace knocked both M'gann and Superboy out. Robin then took charged of the situation. As the three of them fought ClayFace, the battle grew on.
Eventually ClayFace had thrown Robin. Robin was thrown threw the air and then slammed down on the ground, being knocked out right away. Anger filled Kid Flash, he had become unfocused on the mission and reacted to Robin being down. Soon Kid Flash landed next to Robin's still floor. He could see that Robin was breathing and that eased his mind a bit. Kid Flash rolled onto his side as he tried to push himself up but it was a losing battle and his arms collapsed under his weight. Kid Flash became unconscious, leaving Aqualad the only one to fight ClayFace.
Batman had to come in a save the team, and take down ClayFace. The ride back to the mountain wasn't too great. Robin was upset, his first mission back and he failed, the team failed. Kid Flash kept glancing over at Robin, he was so worried what thoughts were going through Robin's head right now. Kid Flash figured that somehow, some way Dick was blaming himself for the whole thing. Robin was so upset about how the mission went that he pulled away from Kid Flash's touch. Yeah, the team and Batman was around, but before they became a couple, they always touched each other. Hugs, high fives, taps, pulls on the sleeves, etc. So, when Kid Flash woke up he immediately went to Robin. He placed his hand on his shoulder, turning Robin around to face him, but Robin shrugged his hand off his shoulder and took a few steps from him and Batman.
Batman glanced between the two and shot Wally a look. He wasn't sure but he could tell that he was telling him to keep a close eye on Robin. Wally nodded his head, of course he would, Robin meant the world to him.
Mount Justice.
The team stood before Batman, they reviewed what had happened during the mission. Robin remain quite the whole time.
"I have to talk with Aqualad. The rest of you hit the showers and head home." said Batman.
They walked forward, leaving Aqualad with Batman. Robin stooped and stood by Aqualad. Kid Flash looked over at Robin but then continued forward when Robin didn't look at him. Wally sighed and rushed towards the showers.
"Just Aqualad'' said Batman. Robin looked up at Aqualad, who looked down at him. Then Robin looked directly at Batman before walking past Batman. As Robin walked away, leaving Batman with Aqualad, Robin turned back and glared at them even if they couldn't see it.
Once he entered the hallway, Robin leaned up against the wall. He closed his eyes tightly, his mind was racing right now. He felt terrible, most of it was from the failed mission but also from how he reacted to it and treated Wally. Robin then rushed towards his room, slamming the door behind him. He pressed his back against the cool metal of his door.
"Hey Rob'' called Wally. Robin looked up quickly, he was so distracted that he hadn't even noticed his boyfriend sitting on his bed. Wally was all clean and changed from their mission, Wally's red hair was still wet from his shower. Wally then slowly stood up, his eyes not leaving Robin. Robin sighed and pulled his mask from his eyes. He looked down at the ground, he couldn't look at Wally right now cause he had tears in his eyes.
He failed the mission, it was all his fault. He should have tried harder. He has faced ClayFace before. He was useless. The team would have been better off without him in the way. He failed the team, the League and he failed Batman. He failed Bruce.
Dick was so lost in his mind that he didn't hear Wally walk over to him. Wally stood before him for a second before he reached forward and pulled Dick's face up to meet his. Wally looked deep into Dick's eyes.
"It's okay Dickie. I don't know what's going on in your head right now, but whatever it is, its not true." said Wally as he stepped closer, closing the distance between them. "I can guess that you think you screwed up. That you failed, but we all failed. The whole, not just you, okay?" Wally said as he searched Dick's face. He was hoping that he was getting through to him right now. This is what he was so worried about. Dick had gotten better over these past weeks but he was still struggling so much.
"I love you'' said Wally who now brought both his hands up and cupped Dick's face. As soon as Wally said that he loved him, silent tears fell from his eyes. Wally slowly moved forward, closer towards Dick. Wally waited for Dick to pull away but he didn't. He nodded his head and Wally moved down and pressed his lips gently to Dick's. Dick didn't move at first, he just stood their frozen with Wally's lips on his. Then Wally's lips began to move and Dick's eyes slowly closed as he drank Wally in. Dick slowly moved his lips along with Wally. Their kisses grew and grew until they had to separated to breathe. Both of their checks were flushed, their warm breaths touching each other's face. Dick then closed his eyes once more and leaned forward and rest his head on Wally's chest. Dick stood there listening to the beats of Wally's heart. Wally held Dick's head within his hands. His fingers playing with Dick's long ebony locks.
They soon had to break away for Dick needed a shower and head back to the manor.
As Dick collected his clothes and began to enter his bathroom, Wally sped over and stopped him.
"I could come over tonight if you want? We could cuddle, watch a movie or play some video games." said Wally. Dick smiled but shocked his head.
'I'm beat man. I seriously need a shower and then sleep. Maybe we could tomorrow?' Dick signed and looked up at Wally.
Wally sighed, Dick looked so innocent. Wally nodded his head then kissed Dick's forehead before running out of his room. Once Wally left him alone, Dick's smile fell from him face. He ran a hand through his hair and slowly walked into his bathroom, closing the door slowly behind him.
Gotham City.
Wayne Manor.
In the gym of the Manor, Dick was working out on the trapeze. Doing flips and jumps, working out on the bars, doing anything to work out his frustration and the urge to cut. Sweat dripping off his face as he did more flips.
Dick hung upside down for a moment, the floor below him began to shift and move. Dick's eyes began to flutter shut, he quickly flip around. He blinked a few times to get his vision to focus and clear. He grunted as he continued to work. He was now feeling dizzy and light head, he felt that way during the mission too but hide it from Wally, who had his eyes practically glued to him. Dick shocked his head and tried to focus on his workout, but then his mind moved onto Batman wanting to talk to just Aqualad, and not him. Batman basically kicked him out of the room, like he was no one important, like he didn't even matter.
"J-Just...Aqualad" Dick said to himself before doing a triple front flip. As he came out of his flip, he landed off balance, almost falling over. He quickly doing a hand spring and flipping onto his feet, crashing his back against the wall. He shoved himself off the wall and in one quick motion he slammed his fist into the fall, creating a dent. He exhales heavily, then he quickly turns around, walking away from the wall not even looking down at his hand. He walks over to his cold water bottle and presses it against his head, which he now has a pounding headache. He then slumps down on the bench. He then cases a glance down at his hand, it's red and it does hurt somewhat but it felt oddly good too. He has miss the feel of pain. A ghost of a smile crosses his face but it soon falls, for he then realizes that he did in fact just hurt himself, yeah it was with his razor blade but he still injured himself and got the same feeling from it which he got from his blade. The feeling of release. Dick sighs. He is beginning to feel like he is slowly drowning, suffocating and no one around him notices or cares either. He then brings the cool water bottle to his lips and takes a small sip, not too much.
Just then the door to the gym opens up, Alfred standing there looking at him. Alfred clears his throat before he speaks to Dick.
"Master Bruce wishes to see you'' says Alfred. Dick looks away from Alfred for one moment before standing up, which he did too quickly, wobbling a tad bit, but acts as if everything is okay.
Alfred leads him to an outside door. Alfred opens the door for Dick, the cool air hitting him quickly. Dick removes his hands from his hips and pulls down his sleeves on his workout jacket, bringing it over and up to his knuckles. Dick then takes a few steps outside before Bruce throws a basketball at him. Dick catches it easily, he looks down at it then up at Bruce, with a confused look on his face.
He tosses the ball back at Bruce and sign real quick, which he sees Bruce sigh. Dick has been talking a little bit more. More with Wally and a few words once in a while to Alfred, but that was rare, but Dick had yet spoken one word to Bruce. Dick looked up at him sadly, he could tell that it hurt Bruce and Dick didn't mean to hurt him at all, it wasn't his intention, just speaking was difficult for him, not just in public places or with the team but all the time. He knew that Bruce understood but it didn't mean it didn't hurt him either.
'What's this?' Dick signs, his eyes searching Bruce's face.
"Training'' says Bruce, "hand-eye coordination.'' Dick then smiled at him.
'One on one?' Dick signed, tilting his head to the side a bit.
"If you think you can handle it?" Bruce asked him with a smile on his own face, he could see Dick's eyes brighten up just a bit. He has hated seeing the light within Dick's amazing blue eyes fade and fade over time. Bruce tosses the ball over to him in which Dick then begins to dribble it. Dick then laughs just a bit, causing Bruce to freeze for a moment and stare at his son before him. Dick then leaps up into the air and throws the basketball at the hoop, the ball goes in. Dick turns around with a huge smile on his face.
'Yes!' Dick signs and jumps with joy and grabs the basketball and tossing it over to Bruce. Bruce narrows his eyes at Dick.
"You did that on purpose, didn't you?" asks Bruce. Dick tilts his head and looks at his in a confused way before shrugging his shoulders. Bruce smiles and reaches out and ruffles Dick's hair. Dick bats his hand away and steals the ball from Bruce.
Alfred standing in the doorway is smiling at the two before him. There hasn't been this much happiness within the manor in such a long time.
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