Oh Mercury
"I've talked to my dad." Melanie abruptly said as she and Liam walked into the school. Liam instantly smiled, grabbing her hand as he looked down at her. "Really? What happened?"
Melanie turned to the ground, a faint smile on her lips, glad she could talk to her father. "He says moms gone off to train Kira. He said he was going to try and come visit this weekend since he already got his job at Columbia back. He tried to convince me to go back with him but... I cant leave Beacon Hills. Not with everything going on."
Liam frowned slightly at her words before squeezing her hand and have a small smile pass his lips. "But he's coming to visit. That's good."
Melanie then had a huge giddy smile on her face, nodding her head as she finally turned away from the ground and up to Liam, squeezing his hand. "Yeah. Yeah, it is."
"I see my new favorite couple!" A voice screamed from behind Liam and Melanie. The two turned around and smiled at Mason running towards them. "Don't tell Belle I said that. She and Hayden are a close second."
Liam spun Melanie around playfully, making her laugh as Mason walked up to them. Melanie smiled at Mason, raising her brows slightly as she wrapped a playful arm around his shoulder so he could walk with them. "Well, hello there, Mason." Melanie cheered.
"So we're just going to ignore my freakout? Okay. Hello there to you too, Mel." Mason said, putting his arm around her shoulder just like she had done. he looked around before his eyes fell on Mel and Liam's conjoined hands, making him gasp.
"Oh my God! You're holding hands!!"
"I'll see you second period for History, okay?" Belle said as she and Hayden stood in the walkways in between the buses. Hayden laughed slightly, sheepishly turning to the ground before looking back up at Belle. "I have Math after that."
Belle smiled, shrugging. "So, I'll find you at the bell." Hayden smiled, leaning in and pressing a quick peck to Belle's lips before she pulled away with a small frown, looking at Belle worriedly. "They only come out after dark though, right? You don't have to check on me every period."
Belle shook her head, moving her hand to the back of Hayden's neck. "I want to." Hayden blushed at her words, nodding. "Okay."
Belle sighed, rubbing the back of Hayden's neck as she looked at the worried girl. "You're gonna be okay." Hayden nodded as Belle pulled her into one more quick kiss. The two girls eyes furrowed, sliver smudged on the edge of Belle's lips as silver dripped from Hayden's nose.
Hayden slowly reached for her nose, her eyes going wide at the mercury. "Don't tell anyone." Hayden whispered, looking down at her hand before looking back up at Belle. "You can't tell anyone."
"Hey. What are you two doing?" Scott asked, making the two jump slightly. Melanie shrugged, slouching on the bench as Liam held her hand tightly, zipping his duffel bag with his other. "Nothing."
Scott seemed to notice Liams uneasiness and took another step towards them. "Hey, Liam, just remember it's a full moon tomorrow. And you're probably already starting to feel it." Liam nodded, squeezing Mel's hand tighter. "I know."
"It's a supermoon. Which means it's gonna be closer to the Earth-" "Yeah, I... I know what it means." Liam interrupted and this time, Melanie squeezed Liam's hand, hoping to calm him down. "Okay. Well, just remember, I'm here for you. We both are." Scott said, gesturing to Melanie who gave a small smile to Liam.
Liam relaxed, nodding his head as he closed his locker. He looked up at Scott with a small smile. "You going to chain me to the tree again?"
Melanie's eyes went wide, turning to Scott. "You tied him to tree?!"
Liam let out a small chuckle, nodding his head as he threw his duffle bag over his shoulder and pulled Melanie's hand to get her standing. "It's fine." He said, quickly pecking her cheek. He turned to Scott and gave him a small nod. "If something happens, I'll let you know." Scott nodded at Liams words and the couple walked out of the locker rooms.
Melanie smiled at the empty halls, turning to Liam. "We missed the bell." Liam let out a low hum, grabbing her hands and spinning her to lean her against the lockers. "Well, since we've missed class." Liam muttered, going in to kiss Mel's lips.
Melanie chuckled in the kiss, moving her face away from his lips after a few seconds to smile at him. "You can't be serious." Liam smiled down at Melanie, cupping her face. He went to lean in for a kiss again but froze, his eyebrows furrowing as he slowly looked down the hall.
"Wait... Do you hear that?" Liam asked and Melanie's brows furrowed. After a few seconds, sirens filled the air, making Melanie's eyes go wide slightly. "Is that the police?" Liam shook his head, squeezing her hand tighter. "It's an ambulance."
Melanie and Liam immediately ran out of the school were the ambulance just pulled up. They looked around and watched as the paramedics ran towards Corey and Mason, Corey covered in mercury. Mel and Liam ran towards Mason, Melanie instantly pulling the shocked boy into a hug as he mumbled under his breath. "He just started bleeding everywhere. I don't..."
"It's okay. It's okay." Melanie whispered as Scott and Theo ran towards her and the two boys. Corey started crying from his gurney, shaking his head as he watched the five. "Don't let them do it. Don't let them kill me!"
Melanie felt her heart break slightly as the ambulance doors shut. She wrapped an arm around Mason as she turned to Scott. "Scott, you have to follow them." Liam nodded in agreement with her as Scott just stared off at where the ambulance once was.
"We gotta protect him, right?" Theo asked and Scott stayed frozen still. Liam walked in front of the alpha, trying to get him to move his eyes to face him. "Scott, come on."
"Scott?" Melanie said again and after a few seconds, Scott finally shook himself out of his thoughts. "Scott, this is what you do." Theo yelled and Scott nodded, turning to Melanie and Liam as they continued to try and calm Mason down. Melanie looked back and forth between Scott and Mason before shaking her head and waving the alpha. "We'll meet you there. Go!"
Scott and Theo nodded, running off towards parking lot as Melanie and Liam continued to try and calm down Mason.
Belle ran through the halls, in hopes of finding Hayden and as soon as she did, Hayden ran to her in a panicked state. "It's Corey, isn't it?"
Belle sighed, squeezing her hands as she looked up to her. "Yeah. They're taking him to the hospital."
"That means I'm next. They're coming for me." Hayden whispered in stress and Belle quickly let go of one of her hands to cup Hayden's face. "They're coming for all of us, which is why we have to get out of here."
"You know the combination?" Belle asked, making Hayden smirk. "12-34-56." Belle nodded, putting the combination in before realizing the order the numbers were in, making her turn to Hayden with furrowed brows. "But that's-" "Yeah, Phil's an idiot." Hayden chuckled out as Belle opened the door.
Hayden sighed as Belle stuffed a bunch of money into her bag. "My sister's going to go out of her mind worrying about me."
Before Belle could say anything in return, chirping sounded from the other sighed of the room, making them freeze. Belle slowly turned to Hayden, slightly worrying taking over her face. "Oh, God. They're here."
The chirping grew louder until the two girls felt a presence behind them. They slowly turned around and saw the three dread doctors across the club from them.
Belle growled as her eyes turned bright yellow, her fangs sticking out and claws grow, pushing Hayden behind her, Belle ran for the Doctors.
Belle goes to slash it but it hits her before she can hit the doctor, it grabbed her arm, twisting it while aka ping a strong grip, making Belle scream before the doctor threw her at the wall.
The doctors turned towards Hayden, taking slow steps towards her as she backed up until she hit the counter, now having no where to go. Just before they could get to her. Scott jumped in front of Hayden, growling at the Dread Doctors.
Liam came running over as Scott distracted the doctors, jumping on one of their back as Melanie let out a yell, running towards them from behind, her katana raised.
"Run. Hayden, run!" Belle growled as she got up and Hayden ran. Melanie tried to slice them but her katana just clanked against their armor. The doctor she had been fighting grabbed her katana, throwing it out of her hands before kicking her chest, sending Melanie flying back.
Belle went to run at the doctor that threw Mel but before she could get to it, Theo ran to it, fighting. Belle looked around for a few seconds before noticing Liam fighting another doctor a few feet away, sadly losing.
She ran for the doctor from behind, Liam noticing her coming their way, kicked the doctors leg as she jumped on its back, making the doctor stumble forward but quickly caught their footing. Belle and Liams eyes went wide, turning to each other as the doctor used one hand to grabbed Belle and the other Liam, throwing them to where the other doctor threw Mel.
"Get Hayden out of here." Scott screamed and Belle gave him a hesitant look before Scott roared. "Go!"
Belle ran after Hayden, running passed the tinsel hanging off the ceiling of the doorway. "Hayden? Hayden! Hayden!" Belle turned to look down the other end of the hallway, her eyes falling on Hayden as a Dread Doctor rammed a syringe full of mercury into Hayden's neck.
Belle screamed, making Melanie and Liam shoot up from their painful spots on the ground. "Belle!" Melanie screamed, stumbling to get herself up as she and Liam ran towards the source of the scream. Running passed the falling tinsel, the couple skidded to a stop at one of the Dread Doctors holding an empty syringe. Right in front of him was Hayden, knelt down with her eyes shining a bright silver.
The Dread Doctors disappeared and Melanie instantly ran towards Hayden, wrapping her arm around her own shoulder to shoulder so she can hold Hayden up as Liam and Belle ran towards them.
Scott and Theo ran into the room and Hayden shook her head at the older boys. "I'm okay."
The two gave her a look, making her roll her eyes. "Really, I think I'm okay." Belle sighed at her answer, turning to Melanie. "You got her?"
Melanie nodded, readjusting Hayden's arm around her. "Yeah, I got her." Belle nodded, her and Liam walking towards Scott and Liam. "I saw the needle go in, and her eyes just filled up with mercury." Belle whispered and Liam nodded. "They turned completely silver."
Theo sighed, turning to Scott as he shrugged. "She looks okay. Maybe she'll heal." Scott slowly shook his head. "Or maybe she won't."
Liam looked at Scott with a 'what the hell?' look, motioning his head towards Belle. "What if something's happening to her on the inside?"He asked and Scott sighed, turning to Theo. "Get them to the Animal Clinic. I'll meet you there."
"She's getting worse. I think she's dying." Belle mumbled, moving some hair out of Hayden's face. "It's got to be some kind of mercury poisoning." Melanie mumbled and Belle sighed, shaking her head as she looked up at Scott. "Scott, remember what you promised me. You said you'd do everything you could to save her."
Hayden groaned in pain as Scott sighed. "If she's a real werewolf, we can save her." Liam looked at him dumbly, shaking his head. "Then, you gotta give her the bite." Liam shrugged as if it was obvious as Belle nodded, looking up to Scott hopefully and Hayden tried to catch her breath.
Scott looked over the sophomores before looking to Theo and shaking his head. "No."
–incase yall couldnt tell with this chapter, there will be a lot of different things with the show considering Liam isn't the one dating Hayden soo.....
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