Your POV
I stood next to Starscream as he spoke. "Of the energon deposits we have located while you were away Lord Megatron, this one is by far the most signifigant." He spoke, going to the edge of the platform we stood on. The Nemesis brought down an elevator to bring up any energon collected. "The drones have been mining without pause during your absence. And have amassed quite a stockpile." Starscream explained.
He then looked at a miner who was about to start drilling again. "You there! Fetch me a sample!" Starscream ordered before Megatron spoke. "Starscream." He began, walking into the light. "Now that I have returned, I, will issue the commands." He explained.
"I, understand Lord Megatron. And as your humble servant, shall I ready the spacebridge, to bring forth the Decepticon army you have surely amassed during your three years in space?" Starscream asked. "My army will come, but my time away has yeilded a more "intreging means" of martializing them. A solidified form of matter the aincent texts refer to as "The Blood Of Unicron." Megatron explained.
He held up a purple shard of energon that my scans have refered to as toxic if mixed with normal energon. "Unicron The Destroyer. But it is said that his blood is the anti spark." Starscream recounted the tale. "Plucked from cosmic shores, gaze upon: Dark Energon." Megatron revealed. "Legend tells that it has the power to reveive the dead." Starscream said. We require only a cadaver to be certain." Megatron explained.
He then looked at Starscream. "Are you willing to make the ultimate sacerfice?" He asked. "Now my lord, I'm certain one of the miners could-" He stopped as I tapped Megatrons arm. They both looked at me as I pointed at the elevator, two vehicons pushing a table with the dead body of the Autobot from the energon trap on it. "Consider it a welcome home preasant." Starscream said before silently thanking me.
The body was moved to a more open area behind us. Megatron walked forward to the body, dark energon in hand. "Let us see if power born of darkness, can reignite the spark." He said before slamming it into the autobot's chest. It glew a bright purple befire sinking in. The body contorted as purple lines spread over. The body than game to life, animalistic growls came as it broke it's restraints.
It rushed a vehicon infront of it, ripping it's blaster off before crushing it's head. The other shot it before the zombie tackled it into darkness before beating it to death. "That's your plan!? Bring Autobots bat from the dead to attack us!?" Starscream asked as I brout out my non intergrated machete. "That is no longer an autobot." Megatron said. No shit my Lord. "Just a mindless beast, it's only instint to destroy anything in it's path." He continued.
It then rushed us, making Starscream flee as Megatron cut it in two. It stumled a bit before falling off the edge in two peices. "There Starscream, lies the indestructible seed of my army, the ultimate weapon." He said as he said before kicking the still living top half of the Autobot to another level. "Once I learn to control it." He finished as me and Starscream looked down at it.
"Soundblaster, stay here and make sure that any Autobot that comes looking for their ally is unable to get any of this energon. Keep the drone mining for as much as we can get." Megatron ordered me. I nodded as I brought out a bomb I've kept around. He and Starscream left as the Nemesis's elevator came down. I heard blaster shots not long after, so I waited. I armed the bomb as the miners and vehicons readied themselfs.
We didnt have to wait long as a miner spotted them and attacked. I transformed me hands and shot down while contacting Megatron. "Mines compramised. Reccomend Nemesis's departure." I reported. "Blow the mines!" Megatron ordered. I sar Arcee leave their cover, but was distracted by Bulkhead's shots. I saw as she managed to get to her ally's top half, but dropped it when it attacked her.
I stomped my foot to get their attention, bomb in hand. "Soundblaster Superior, Autobots Inferior." I said as I threw it into some energon before transforming into my jet mode and leaving. I flew up high and watched as the bomb went off moments later. I flew to the Nemesis's new postition, which wasnt far away. I came in through the flight deck and was greeted by Bob, for some reason.
"Hey SB! Heard what happened at the mines from some who made it out. I know you were following orders, so no hard feelings." He rambled as I looked quizicly at him. "Anyway! The commander is with the Lord in his new room that he's storing a big chunk of dark energon in. You might want to check it out yourself." Bob said before leaving. I wanted to check it out so I went, getting directions from Soundwave.
I made it there quickly and went inside, the door unlocked. Starscream took a glance at me before looking at Megatron, who was looking straight at a big chunk of dark energon. "I dont think you need worry about further Autobot interferance, Master. Not with Optimus gone." Starscream said. "And what evidance do you posses of this fact?" Megatron asked, not convinced in the slightest.
"Soundblaster destroyed the mines, as you instructed." Starscream explained. "Optimus is not so easily destroyed. We have millenia worth of battles behind us to prove it." Megatron said. "Maybe you should take a break, my lord. I worry that too much contact with the dark energon might allow it's properties to adversely affect you." Starscream said. My scans detected minor amouts of contact.
"Or perhaphs Starscream, I have not permitted myself contact enough." Megatron said, ripping out a shard from the chunk. "Wait! Lord Megatron! No! Not your spark chamber! You do not know what it will do!" Starscream yelled as Megatron slammed the shard into his chest. I alerted the med bay to be prepared as Megatron yelled out, glowing purple.
I stepped back with Starscream as his yells turned to laughter. "HAHAHAHAHAHA!" He then turned to us, a sisester grin on his face. "Soundblaster, we leave tomarrow!" He said, walking by us, and out of the room. Starscream made a sound before leaving. I took one last glance at the dark energon chunk before leaving.
(1088 Words.)
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