83. Theres No I in Team
I was excited about today, I'd heard a rumour and I was hoping that it was true because it was something that I'd always wanted to witness. This morning I instantly ate my breakfast, got ready and went straight to the hospital ignoring every distraction. I did my usual thing at the hospital and found out that the rumour was true, we had a domino surgery today. We were all sat in the locker room except from George.
"The Chief wants us to give George one of our interns?" Cristina asked as she was tying up her shoe. He could any of mine.
"Except for Grey. She already lost O'Malley. Just dump your dead weight." Alex said to all of them.
"So all of them." I said with a smile.
"Oh, please. I agree with Y/n, they're all dead weight. That's why I need all four of them, not three." Cristina said, the door opened and I watched as Lexie brought in a bunch of balloons.
"George is filling out paperwork, getting his real live doctor wings, so I thought now would be a good time to decorate his locker." Lexie while walking over to George's locker.
"Give me that coffee." Cristina said before taking it from her.
"Okay." Lexie said in a whisper.
"I don't even want the credit, but the clinical trial was my idea. And I had to get him to do it, more than once." Meredith said to us while reading the article.
"It's okay you want the credit. I would want the credit." Iz said to her, I would as well. I was just watching Lexie hang everything up.
"When you screw the attendings, you get screwed. They have all the power." Cristina said while putting something in her locker.
"Interns. You could screw interns. I mean date. Residents could date interns. 'Cause we're nonthreatening. I read a study once that said that interns hardly ever file sexual harassment claims because we feel so weak and powerless in the hospital environment, so that's good." Lexie said, we all looked at her. Me and Iz laughed a little.
"Interns- -the other white meat." Alex said to her.
"I know right." I said to him, Bailey came and collected all of us.
"Where are we going?" Iz asked her, I was curious as well.
"You'll see when we get there." Bailey answered, I hated that answer.
"Dr. Bailey, I'm actually on Dr. Sloan's service today." Cristina said to her, I was on Bailey's service today so I was already off to a good start.
"Everyone's off their services. You're all with me." Bailey said to us, so what no surgeries?
"Where are we going?" George asked us from the bottom of the staircase.
"You'll see when we get there." We all said to him. Lexie and George were talking but I couldn't hear what they were saying.
"Dr. Bailey, Dr. Sloan is doing a transpalatal advancement. I've never seen one." Cristina said, whatever this was at least it would be an easy day.
"Hahn said I could scrub in on her aortic bypass." Meredith said, everyone was complaining except for me.
"And I really need to get to the clinic. I've staffed it with nurses and P.A.s, but I'm the only doctor on call, and I've got administrative work to- -" Iz started complaining before Bailey cut her off.
"Today is not about you. It is not about whose services you wish to be on. It's not about your career. This is about me. This is a project I've been working on for a long time. And it's very important to me, therefore it will be very important to you. And the only way we can pull this thing off is if we work together as a team, so today, you are not 16 individual doctors, you are one team of surgeons representing this hospital. Is everybody clear on that?" Bailey asked us before we started walking off again.
"Um, why would they need so many doctors for one surgery?" Meredith asked us.
"No idea." I said back to her.
"I don't know." Cristina said to her.
"Because it's not just one surgery. It's 12 surgeries- -6 kidney transplants in six O.R.s, all at the same time. Paired matching kidney donation. A 6-way swap- -6 people donate kidneys to total strangers, six people get kidneys from total strangers. 12 people walk away happy." Bailey said to us, so it was right, we were doing a domino surgery.
"Paired matching kidney donation." Meredith said to her.
"Otherwise known as- -" Cristina said before Iz cut her off.
"Dude, a domino surgery." Iz said with a smile.
"Now this is amazing." I said with a smile and a nod. I looked at all the people.
"Stan Mercer, 46, chronic renal failure secondary to high blood pressure. His wife here wanted to donate a kidney to him, but she wasn't a match. So she will be donating her kidney to Ms. Chen over there, who is a match, while Mr. Mercer will be getting a kidney from this young man today." Bailey said, she was explaining everything to us.
"Nice to meet you." Mr. Mercer said while holding his hand out.
"P.J., please." An older guy said, P.J. Then shook Mr. Mercer's hand.
"Kurt Walling, 58. Chronic renal failure secondary to diabetes. His son PJ wasn't a match, so Mr. Walling will be getting Ms. Herman's kidney today." Bailey told us.
"Thanks for the kidney, Ms. Herman." Mr. Walling said while shaking her hand.
"Oh, call me Lindsay. We're gonna be pretty close by the end of the day." She said to him with a smile.
"And so on and so forth. Why do you still look stupid?" Bailey asked us, I looked stupid. I could never.
"Oh, maybe if we had a cheat sheet." Alex said to her, I mean it would be easier for us.
"Ms. Herman gives her kidney to Mr. Walling, Mr. Walling's som gives his kidney to Mr. Mercer, Mr. Mercer's wife gives her kidney to Ms. Chen, Ms. Chen's sister gives her Kidney to Mr. Patel, Mr. Patel's wife gives her kidney to Ms. Loring, who came in with her cousin Ms. Gomez, who's giving her kidney to Mr. Cross, the professional flautist." Lexie said listing everything of, I wish my memory was like hers.
"For those without a photographic memory, it's up on a board in the conference room." Bailey said before we started walking.
"And why do we have to do all six transplants at one time?" Lexie asked us. Today was going to be a long day maybe.
"It's so no one backs out at the last minute." I said to Lexie with a nod.
"Why would anybody back out? It's such an incredible thing to be apart of." Iz said to us, people can always change their minds. Doesn't matter if the thing is an incredible thing or not.
"Well, passing the organ is kinda creepy, I'd back out." Alex said to us, I wouldn't.
"Yeah, yeah, that's why this whole surgery is a giant house of cards. If we lose one donor, we lose them all. So, you will not only provide excellent medical care, but you will keep your patient happy. We need to make sure this whole thing doesn't fall apart before the surgery. Any questions?" Bailey said, I saw Cristina's hand shoot up.
"Umm, I heard when they did the domino at Boston Gen the residents all got to keep one of the dead kidneys in a jar as a souvenir." Cristina said to her, I wanted one now.
"I want a kidney in a jar." Mer said to her.
"I want one as well, it would be so cool." I said with a smile.
"Me too, can I have a kidney?" Iz asked her.
"Well, if they get kidneys, I get a kidney." Alex said to her. Let's just face it, we all want one.
"The quantities are limited, I asked first." Cristina said to him, I mean makes sense but I still want one.
"No one is taking home a kidney in a jar. Diseased kidneys are not tchotchkes for your coffee table. Now go, go." Bailey said before we all dispersed. All of my interns. We're with me.
"So as you know, unfortunately one of you will be leaving me today, don't bother sucking up because it all depends on how well you do today. Whoever I think hasn't been pulling their weight will be leaving." I said to them all. One of them had got me a cup of coffee but I didn't bother to take note on who it was. I was currently working with Alex.
"So do I really have to give my kidney to that old guy?" P.J. asked us.
"Mr. Mercer couldn't be more than 50." Alex said to us, I mean it was hard to tell.
"My son's 22. To him, everyone over 40 is on the brink of death." Mr. Walling said to us.
"Well, that is not true." I said with a smile.
"I turned 23 in August." P.J. said to us.
"That's right. Maybe we could have a little belated party here in the hospital. We'll get you an ice cream cake, you used to love those." Mr. Walling said to us, ice cream cake was good. Hopefully I'd be allowed a slice.
"Yeah, when I was seven. Look, I'm not here for a reunion. I just want to get this over with and get out of here, okay?" P.J. said to his father, me Iz and Alex all shared a look.
"So you are on dialysis four times a week now?" Iz asked Mr. Walling.
"They might as well chain me to the machine at this point. My kidneys are shot. I'm living on borrowed time. So I'm pretty lucky to have a son who would do this for me." Mr. Walling said to us, making me smile.
"You're lucky you're loaded. So when do I get the 10,000 bucks, before or after the surgery?" PJ asked his father, so he was only doing it for money. That's just wrong.
"It's a Christmas gift." Mr. Walling said to us.
"It's October." Alex said to him
"Must be a very early Christmas present." I said to him, we all looked at each other and went to tell Bailey about this. We opened the door and just waited.
"I see you three hovering." She said to us, Iz was going to be the one to talk.
"Hypothetically, say a patient was paying his son for a kidney, what exactly would happen?" Iz asked, Bailey swung her head to look at us.
"Paying money, for a kidney." She said to us, she'd completely stopped what she was doing.
"Hypothetically." Iz said again.
"Well, as someone who stole an organ herself not that long ago, you should know, what would happen is your patient would be out of exchange. Which means that this person, since her husband's no longer getting a kidney, would drop out. Then they would drop out, then they would drop out, then the whole thing would fall apart, that's what would happen. So if you three are suggesting that's what's going on here, you'd better be damn sure about it." Bailey said to us, we looked at each other.
"It's just a gift, an early stocking stuffer." Alex said before we all left to go back to Mr. Walling and PJ. When it got to lunch we all had our interns lined up and we're deciding who to let go.
"Excuse me. What is going on?" Mer asked before sitting down.
"We're currently deciding on which interns we should give to George." I said to her, this was a hard decision.
"In front of us. They're deciding in front of us, like livestock at a state fair." Lexie said to her while looking at all the interns.
"I think I'll keep Lexipedia. She remembers many things." Cristina said to us, I wish Lexie was my intern. Mer hummed in response. "And she bathes, which is much more than I can say for...Stinky Two over there." Cristina said while looking at him.
"I mean as much as Cynthia socialises with patients and makes friendships with them, she knows what she's doing and she's always focused." I said with a smile, she was a good intern and she could probably make a good surgeon one day. "But unfortunately I can't say the same about Alice because she gossips and spreads so many rumours that she forgets why she's actually here." I said while looking at her, there was a reason that I never wanted her on my service.
"Well, Graciella charts like crap, but she can put in a line. Claire on the other hand, nearly castrated a guy with a catheter." Iz said while looking at them both, I couldn't imagine that.
"We can hear you." Lexie whispered.
"I might dump Pierce." Alex said, what was bad about Pierce.
"Oh, how does he suck?" Iz asked him as we looked at him.
"I just hate saying the name Pierce." Alex said making me an Iz hum I'm response.
"We should revolt. They'd respect us more if didn't participate in our own humiliation." I heard Lexie whisper.
"Yeah. You revolt first, and I'll follow." Stinky Two whispered back.
"Have you heard from UNOS yet?" Iz asked Mer, today was just getting worse.
"They're still searching for a match. But so far, nothing." Mer said that, was bad news.
"I just hope that something comes through. Our guy is in desperate need of a kidney." I said while looking at Iz.
"Yeah, they all need kidneys, Y/n." Cristina said, I kinda expected that.
"If Derek needed a kidney, I wouldn't give him one. He'd take the credit. He'd say he magically grew it himself." Mer said to us, I'm guessing that she was still hung up on this morning. But who wouldn't be.
"My guy has been sick for 15 years. Can you imagine having your life on hold like that? Plus he's got such a crappy kid." Iz said to us, Stinky Two went to put his tray down on our table.
"Hey! Did I say you could put that down? No, so pick it up. Weak. No stamina." Cristina said to us, that was true, he seemed too wimpy.
"Yeah, but he takes orders." Alex said with a smile.
"True, true." Cristina said to us, for the rest of lunch we were deciding. I'd decided to let Alice go. When we'd finished eating me, Alex and Iz went to PJ and Mr. Walling's room.
"I've been poked and prodded like a lab rat. All for nothing?" PJ said to us, he should really let it go.
"We got to spend time with each other. That's not nothing." Mr. Walling said to his son, I was feeling some sort of tension here.
"Oh, now you want to spend time together. Well you're about 20 years too late, so, yeah, nothing." PJ told his father, there could've been a reason as to why he wasn't in his life.
"Do I still get the $10,000 if the surgery doesn't happen? 'Cause if not, I'm out of here. I have a life to get a back to." PJ said to us, I didn't like his at all, like get over yourself. Not everything is about money.
"Please, I need you. If you could be patient a little bit longer." Mr. Walling said, Iz walked out making me and Alex follow her. She went all the way to the stairwell.
"I was gonna punch that kid. I mean, what kind of a selfish idiot...his father is sick, he's really sick, and all he cares about is his stupid money." Iz said to us, I felt the same.
"Trust me, I feel the same way Iz." I said to her with reassurance.
"The guy must've done something really bad to make the kid so angry." Alex said to her, but what if he hadn't.
"Maybe he just cares about his son, but the moron is too emotionally stunted to let him." Iz said to him, seemed about right.
"Ok. I'm not...I'm trying to be...I am. But this, right here? This is. This is exactly your problem. You get all wrapped up and involved and you just...you start caring about these people. Your patient in there, he's the moron. His son's never gonna give him what he wants. He's just gonna be disappointed. And the sooner her gets that the sooner you get it, and..." Alex said before stopping, this was making me feel awkward.
"No. Go on, please. Be a selfish ass. At least then I know what to expect. 'Cause this being a decent guy one second and a total jerk the next? It's getting really old, Alex so who's it gonna be? Pick one." Iz said making Alex walk off.
"Iz, I agree to what you said to a certain extent but that was too far." I said to her before following after him. I ran after Alex and went to console him. It wasn't fair what Iz said to him. "What Iz said is a lie, she doesn't know you like me." I said to him.
"But what if she's right." Alex said to me.
"Well, she isn't. So, you can be a jerk some days but you're really not." I said to him honestly. When we got back to the room PJ was gone, what a surprise.
"I still can't believe it. I got so close." Mr. Walling said to us, it wasn't fair that his son had all this anger against his own dad who could potentially die soon.
"You're gonna be pretty high on the transplant list. Something else will come up." Iz said to him, I could guarantee that he would get a kidney.
"It's not the kidney I'm upset about." Mr. Walling said to us.
"Oh, your son." Iz said to him.
"We hadn't spoken in over a year. It took me months to find him. This was my chance to get him back." Mr. Walling said to us, so it hadn't been 20 years just a year.
"Right." I said to him.
"I know PJ can be selfish...rude. But it hadn't been easy for him. His mom died. I worked late most nights. I made a lot of mistakes." Mr. Walling said to us, so he was always in his life but just barely around.
"You can't blame yourself. Some people are just broken. I guess you just try not to care too much and you can't be disappointed." Iz said to him, that was true.
"I've learnt that the hard way." I said while looking at him.
"These are your discharge papers." Alex said while handing him the papers. He was trying not to breakdown.
"I'm sorry. I don't know why. I'm sorry. Im so sorry." He said to us.
"There's no need to apologise. It's ok." I said while holding his hand. We all went to the board and got ready to listen to what Webber had to say.
"Our six donors are all anesthesized and ready to go. They'll be done first, followed by the recipients. Each pair will be color coded so as not to confuse them. This surgery is a hornet's nest, people, so work quickly but carefully. Use each other, operate as a team. Let's go make medical history." Webber said before we all walked in different directions. Alex removed the kidney and Iz took it. When Mr. Walling came in, I could finally relax. Iz brought the kidney over and we started the procedure. When the procedure was over we all went to the main desk.
"Oh, come on, I am offering two interns. Two interns for the price of one." Cristina said, we'd put them on cards, different coloured cards so we knew who was who's intern.
"I'll trade you Laura for both of 'em." Alex said making me smile.
"Leo drains pus and likes it." Iz said to her.
"Otto, enjoys doing stitches everyday." I said while showing his card.
"I dropped an internal organ. On the floor." Mer said to us, I would hate it if that was me.
"It happens." Iz said to her.
"Ok, ok. How about this? Four goes to George. I get James. Karev you get two. Izzie gets Leo. Y/n gets Otto." Cristina said to us, right ok. I was fine with that.
"What are you people doing?" Webber asked from behind me, Iz and Cristina.
"We were just deciding which of our interns to give to George." Iz said answering the question. I was prepared for anything Bailey and Webber were going to say.
"Oh, you think I got to choose my interns, and I picked you people 'cause you're such a surgical dream team? You, you're lazy. You, whiny. Butterfingers over there, downright depressing. You, you're...I can't think of anything bad. And you, Yang, you are just annoying. Choosing their own interns. Wha..." Bailey said while chuckling, she stopped when she looked at Webber.
"Give me those damn cards." Webber said while taking them. "O'Malley, you have interns." He said while giving the cards to George. Bailey's pager beeped.
"What is it?" I asked her, she groaned. Me, Webber, Iz and Alex followed after her. It was Mr. Walling.
"Ok, open his fluids, Karev. Push a gram of Mag. Do a CBC and electrolytes. Stevens, Y/l/n, order a color flow doppler and do a full neuro workup." Bailey said to us, I nodded in response.
"Think there's a bleed?" Iz asked as I started the neuro workup.
"There's no way of knowing until we evaluate everything." Bailey said to us, that was very much true.
"Where's PJ? Where's my son?" Mr. Walling asked, we had to say the truth. We all looked at each other and me and Alex went to talk with PJ. Of course after we'd looked at the issue with Mr. Walling.
"Hey, man and lady, the nurse was supposed to bring my dinner like an hour ago." PJ said to us, the things I would do if it wasn't against the rules.
"Your father just had a seizure." I said to him.
"Ok. What does that mean?" PJ asked while moving up a little in his bed.
"It means something's wrong. It means he could be dying, and he doesn't know you give a crap. Honestly he doesn't know and maybe you don't, but if you do, he's dying and you're gonna be too late." Alex shouted, k couldn't have said it better myself.
"Alex, stop." Iz said trying to stop him.
"He's asking for you, and you're gonna be too late, and you're gonna live with it the rest of your life! Do you really want to live with that? Huh? Do you?" Alex shouted at him.
"Alex, that's enough now." I said before he walked out. Me and Iz followed him after taking a finally look at PJ. I would be glad when he's not in this hospital anymore. Me and Iz, went to keep tabs on Mr. Walling. We were monitoring him, when I heard a wheelchair come into the room, I looked and saw Alex with PJ.
"Visiting hours are over." Iz said to him, that was true.
"It's ok." Alex said to us, I saw PJ he looked like he was going to cry. When he was pushed over to the bed he gasped.
"Dad." He said before crying. He took his dad hand. As much as I disliked PJ, he was changing, he seemed more caring. When it was the end of my shift I was heading to Joe's to meet up with Kennedy.
"How's school been?" I asked her before taking a sip of beer.
"It sounds weird when you ask that. But it's going well. I need to say this though. Mum now how Caleb full time, I know you'll have him when you're ready. But how much time do you need?" She said to me, I looked around quickly.
"Maybe when I'm in a comfortable relationship and when I'm in a better position at work." I said to her, we stayed there for a while talking before we both went home. I did my usual everyday regime before heading to bed.
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