119. Push

I had a lot of time before work today so I decided to go on a run before shift. I hadn't go on a run in ages. When I arrived at shift I felt so much energised then usual. When I got to shift I was pulled over to the side by Cristina, I was helping her with Webber and finding a we were finding an approach, I was filled in with the case and I saw the size of the tumour. "Will you, uh, have to resect a part of the diaphragm?" Cristina asked Webber as we were looking at what we were dealing with.

"Well, most likely. Or I might let you both do the resection." He said to us, this wasn't what I was expecting.

"What you mean that?" I asked him. This couldn't be real.

"Yep, that or kick you off the case. Depends on how much you've leaked to Dr. Hunt." He said, no I didn't know that was even happening. "I've been doing this a long time, Dr. Yang. You're working for the other side. Now...there's another option...if you would like to realign your allegiances." Webber said to her, now I was down for being a double agent.

"Like be a double agent?" Cristina asked him.

"Now I'm doing for double crossing." I said to him.

"And we could keep looking for more resections for you to perform. So you think about it. Take your time. It's a big tumor." Webber said to us, I was down to do anything if it meant I can scrub in and operate on a tumour that big. When it got to lunch I was with Webber looking for a plan of attack. When Cristina was coming back Webber and I were waiting outside. Owen was opposite us. Cristina came back with Jackson.

"Jackson Avery. Put him on our team." Cristina said, now this team was the dream team.

"Hey, are you stacking the deck again? You're a spy. Don't think that I don't know it." Owen said while walking over to Cristina, maybe she did maybe she didn't.

"And who started that Boulder rolling down the hill?" Webber asked him, this was going to escalate.

"Calm down." I said to them both.

"Ok, ok, ok. I'm Switzerland in this moment. All I'm saying is that whoever gets the surgery should use him." Cristina said, way to save herself.

"Use me for what?" Jackson asked us.

"It's best if you don't know." I said to him with a smile.

"He's a liability. Avery is not gonna give the award to his own grandson." Owen said to us, I was still a viable candidate seeming as Jackson and I weren't married.

"Uh-uh. I don't think- -" Jackson started.

"He won't be named a contributor. It'll just get mentioned over Thanksgiving..." Cristina continued before Jackson started speaking over her.

"No. No, I won't- -" He tries stopping her.

"That he worked on a tumor the size of a possum." Cristina said a bit louder, we saw Mer appear.

"What's going on?" She asked us, I was staying quiet.

"They're fighting over me. Or more the idea of me. I don't really think that- -" Jackson started, well it wasn't the idea of him.

"He's Harper Avery bait." Cristina said to her spilling the truth. So maybe it was the idea of him.

"Derek's waiting for us." Mer said to us before we all followed her. I wonder what was going to happen now.

"An abdominal entry is a shot in the dark. The tumor has shoved everything out of place. The anatomy is a mess. Now I'm proposing a thoracoabdominal approach." Webber said to us, I mean it made sense to.

"You want to go in through the chest?" Owen asked, so what if we were.

"It's risky, yes, but not as risky as 'I'll open up the abdomen and take a good look around.'" Webber said to him.

"That was a good one." I said with a smile.

"Snap." Cristina said with a smile.

"You may end up seeding the tumor in the lungs." Derek said to us, it was a danger.

"That is a danger, yes." Webber said before Derek was looking through the research.

"Impressive proposal. It's very...Hmm. I think I feel more comfortable with Dr. Hunt's plan." Derek said to us, you had to be joking.

"He doesn't have a plan. He has an attitude." Webber said to him, me and Cristina gave each other the same look.

"It's more improvisational. But given our situation, I think it's our best bet. Thanks, all of you." Derek said to us, what was he thinking exactly.

"Thank you." Owen said before we all left. You had got be kidding me. We had such a good idea. But apparently not according to Derek. Instead of going to watch the I went to go and eat. That was until I was paged to the OR. I was told what was happening.

"This not gonna work, Dr. Hunt." Webber said to him, it was true it wasn't going to work.

"The chest isn't an option anymore, Richard. This is what we've got." Hunt said to us, time for a completely new idea.

"I'm not pitching my solution. I'm saying we should think a minute." Webber said to him.

"Ok, I've isolated the blood supply and mobilized the liver, but I can't get enough exposure to get to the tumor." Hunt said to us.

"What if we lift the liver up and give you more visibility?" Webber asked him, that would help us a lot.

"Well, that would help with the periphery, but I still have to deal with the vessels. I wish we could just take the damn thing out." Hunt said, well maybe  we could.

"Well, why not? Let's take the liver out. I can clean off the tumor ex vivo. You can work on the vascular supply in the cavity." Webber said to us, but no one had done it before how was we sure it would work.

"Will it work?" Mer asked us.

"I have no clue." I said to her.

"No one's ever tried that before." Cristina said to us, maybe we'd be the first.

"She's crashing. If you're trying something, now is the time." Jackson said to us, we just needed Hunt to approve.

"Hunt." Webber said to him but Hunt stayed quiet.

"Ok, extracting the liver." Hunt said to us, I nodded.

"Ok, let's go. Ok, more laps. Suction. A lot of suction. Hurry." Webber said as we went forwards with the plan. We managed to get the tumor out in the end.

"You know, Webber really came up with idea to take out the liver. Maybe if Owen, uh, agreed to take his name off if it." Cristina said to us.

"Exactly, Owen just followed orders in a way." I said agreeing with Cristina.

"Will you give it up? Hung was more than halfway done by the time the idea even surfaced. There's no Harper Avery." Mer said to the two of us.

"Waste." Cristina said to us.

"A big waste." I said while looking at Webber and Hunt.

"No, it's not a waste. It's exactly what my grandfather had in mind when he came up with the stupid thing. Find some way to keep surgeons motivated. Make them take it to the next level even if they're already at the top of their game. And that's exactly what it did today." Jackson said to us, I guess it did.

"This message was brought to you but the Harper Avery Foundation of America. Donations to the foundation can be made at www.nepotism- -" Cristina started saying Mer and I were laughing. Jackson was getting up and ready to move.

"You're kind of a bitch. You know that?" Jackson said while standing up and getting ready to walk away.

"What? It was inspiring." Cristina said as he walked away.

"Mrs. Taylor!s gonna need a post-op note." Hunt said before Cristina took the chart.

"We'll do it." Cristina said before we walked off laughing. When it got to the end of shift I headed home and relaxed before getting a call from Callie. She told me about how Arizona didn't want kids and I tried to help her. Gave her the sides of both. But I agreed with Callie's side and I was willing to try and change Arizona's mind. Even though I knew I wouldn't be able to.

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