Chapter 16: Climax (last part)
Scene continues with Avneet getting scared from the shadow of the person who puts hands on her mouth
Sid : hey sweetheart its me (turns on the lighter) you already took away my heart now want my life too?
Avneet (throws away the knife) : Sid (hugs him) you scared the hell out of me
Sid ; You are my life how can i take my own life
Avneet : what are you doing here
Sid : I came to check if you are okay (cups her face) tomorrow is a very big day for us, I will not be around with you
Avneet : but why
Sid : I have to go drop mom at airport, so just take care of yourself I will try to come as soon as possible
Avneet : please come soon (hugs him tightly) I will wait for you here
Sid : no you have to be in auditorium don't go to that seal area its dangerous no matter what
Avneet : okay I promise, sid I am going back to india for holidays
Sid : and leave me alone here?
Avneet : I miss mom dad very much thats why
Both hears a noise from outside
Sid : I have to go, close all windows and doors properly okay (kiss her forehead) take care
Avneet ; good night
Next day
Nisha : avneet I am so much nervous right now I hope all our problems get rid today
Avneet : babaji is here to protect us lets get ready we have to go for event
Nisha ; lets stay here na
Avneet : no everybody will be there and if we stay here killer can come to us lets leave
Sid : come on pick it up (keeps calling)
Mayank ; dude what happen are you alright?
Sid : have you seen bhai? I didn't see him since last night and he is not even picking up the call
Mayank : chill he must have gone for some work, he will be back soon
Sid : no yaar mom has to leave its her flight at 6, and bhai is nowhere to be seen
Mayank : you go and drop aunty you are getting late I will let you know when he comes back
Sid : and please take care of girls till I come back be with them and don't go to that area
Mayank : don't worry you just go safely and come back bye
Sid : bye, I will be back soon (Tells avneet and leaves)
Avneet : now you both will tell each other your feelings or you want me to do it for you
Nisha : you ask him he should have told me long time ago, useless fellow
Mayank ; useless fellow seriously? You never give importance to me from school days
Nisha : and you were running behind other girls every time so you should be punished for that
Avneet : chill out now go and dance on the floor okay
Nisha : aha I know you are missing your romeo but don't you worry he will appear quickly here
Avneet : stop (hits her head) now you both disappear from here okay
Nisha and Mayank goes on dance floor with other couples while Avneet gets happy to see them. She recieves a call from private number and goes out to take
Avneet : hello? who is this
Person : hello avneet (says in evil tone) how are you
Avneet : who are you?
Person : I am the one who is the villain of your life (scares her laughing) nisha was target to scare you out, now its your turn
Avneet : listen whoever you are I am only 5 seconds away from calling the cops just hang up
Person ; if you hang up on me I would kill you just like your parents (gets angry at her) yea you remember right
Avneet : please leave me alone, what wrong I have done to you just go away
Person : I will I promise just come over to the old store room behind the college right now
Avneet : I am not coming anywhere
Person : if you do not then you already lost your parents you will lose your beloved too and also your so called relatives you live with
Avneet : no please I am coming (gets terrified and walks outside the building with nobody around) babaji please help me
Nisha ; mayank where is avneet? she is nowhere to be seen
Mayank ; don't worry she must be around, I am sure sid might have come back and she would have gone to meet him relax
Nisha : no but he only told to not go anywhere
In headquarters Avantika gets ready to leave for campus and fills her revolver
Avantika ; today your game is up mr killer just live last few moments out
Sarin ; ma'am its risky for you to go alone without any backup force
Avantika ; don't worry about me, you keep the force ready and inform the campus security to stay alert
Noise of message beeps
Avantika : time for action (leaves)
Avneet reaches a small room with red dim lights and very silent like storm. Her feet trembles walking every moment towards the window. Hooded person passes from behind her quickly
Avneet : look you called me and I am here please let me go
She sees something behind the glass and screams when the killer breaks mirror with axe. Avneet starts running shouting loudly for help and reach outside
Sid ; guys where is avneet
Nisha ; she is not with you?
Sid : what? I just game in how would she be with me I told you to not leave her alone and mayank where did he go
Nisha : he was right here, I don't know he said he got some work to do and left
Sid's doubt start getting stronger but is not able to accept what his mind is telling him
Nisha : sid where are you lost
Sid : nisha you stay here I will go find both of them (runs out to find avneet)
Nisha calls somebody while avneet is chased outside in forest by killer. She reaches near riverside and hides behind the bushes breathing heavily.
Her leg slips causing her to fall down in water and cautions the killer.
After some chase she runs inside an old construction building and collides with Sid
Sid : avneet (hugs her) oh my god where have you been, I was looking for you
Avneet : sid lets go from here he is behind me, he will kill us come on
Both runs away back to campus when somebody hits on Sid's head with rod
Avneet : sid, noo (sees the killer holding knife) please wake up
He holds his head with pain and falls unconscious. Killer drags her mercilessly from ground holding her from one hand.
Avneet : nooo leave me I said, sid (shouts his name tearfully)
She is brought in one of the campus house and is thrown on floor
Avneet : who the hell are you?
Killer reveals himself as Mayank shocking her to the extreme.
Mayank ; avneet (bends down) you made me run a lot seriously same energy like childhood
Avneet : what do you mean
Mayank : still silly like before avu didn't recognize me
She recalls from childhood about the boy who was highly obsessed with her and created lots of problem for her
Avneet : chintu? (He smirks) you
Mayank : yes chintu, anti hero of your life and you made him villain in your love (runs finger on her face)
Avneet : it's not love this is your obsession for that you killed so many people
Mayank : what should I have done? So many people lost their lives because of you my love
Avneet (slaps him): you cheated girl like Nisha shame on you instead of starting a new life with her
Mayank (laughs): seriously, Nisha she is saying I cheated on you did I really
Nisha comes with smirk to give another shock to Avneet
Avneet : what?
Nisha : you got it right my so called best friend I am sorry you made so many enemies
Avneet : then also tell me you didn't kill your own sister right
Mayank (claps sarcastically): very smart you are sweetheart (jerks his hands) the revenge I waited so long to take you why do you think I would kill my own sister
Avneet sees Vaishnavi wearing same mask hoodie she saw on island
Mayank : I know you might be curious how this miracle happened, she died in water
Vaishnavi : it's magic of this knife (shows fake blood coming out) first kill rashi and then self
Avneet : I did felt bad for you that abhi cheated on you but you definitely deserves that
Vaishnavi slaps her hardly angrily
"That cheater got punished instead for betraying me, I loved him (obsessively and he was behind that stupid rashi)" Vaishnavi reveals in psycho tone her love for abhishek and shows blood on knife
Mayank : won't you hear story of rashi, I think she is confused sister let's tell her from start
Vaishnavi : recall that time when because of you my brother rusticated from school and he had to go for juvenile home for 5 years do you remember (grabs her hair tightly)
Mayank : sis let her hear first then do whatever you want, you go on side let me tell her so my dear avu let's go to flashback first
Years ago Avneet lived with her real parents in the small town of Ooty where Mayank and his family also resided. She was daughter of Principal of school but was treated same way as other children. At that time Mayank was called chintu by everybody when both studied in 6th std together
Mayank : Avneet this red rose for you (gives her rose)
Avneet: how many times I have told you to just away from me, I don't want to keep any friendship with you, when you never thought of before breaking it
Mayank : but I said sorry to you, i realized my mistake of losing you how much you loved me
Avneet : fine but mind it if you ever break my trust again I won't ever forgive you (hugs him)
During a prom night a boy tries to get close with Avneet on dance floor. Mayank/chintu beats him brutally in front of whole school and is rusticated. Avneet and her father testified against him in court which results chintu to be sent in rehabilitation center.
Mayank : you didn't do this right Avneet , you are only mine you would pay for this
Avneet's father Balwant slaps him
Balwant : shut up and don't you dare take name of my daughter or else you will have to stay in jail for lifetime, take him away
Vaishnavi: sir you didn't do this right my brother is innocent
Balwant : whole school has seen how innocent he is, just pray he does not come in front of me
After 3 years Mayank is released from rehabilitation but only to find his parents not able to face all humiliation. In anger Mayank puts fire in avneet's house killing her home but people consider to be accident. He was sent to juvenile jail and got released with the help of nisha's father and came to New York. Avneet was raised by her uncle in another town.
Flashback ends
Avneet : I can't believe you can stoop so low for revenge
Mayank (holds her hair): that every moment I spent in rehab and juvenile I only thought about you, my image my career everything ruined because of you and your dad
Avneet : why did you kill kavya and rashi
Nisha (chuckles): you know your won't understand because you are not aware of sibling when your own parents don't care for you
Avneet : you are sick
Nisha : I am (shouts) my parents never cared for me only kavya was their daughter that's why she meant nothing to me
Vaishnavi : when we found out you were suppose to come here we made a plan to take revenge but that stupid kavya heard everything so we had to get rid of her
Mayank : then when you came here we did charade that somebody is trying to kill misha so police cannot doubt and we can create fear in your mind so much that you die every moment like I did (grabs her hands tightly)
Kavya : I won't let you both ruin anybody's life I will tell everyone
Mayank : listen you silly girl, don't be stupid you have your whole life just stay quiet
Kavya : you can use my sister but not me just wait and watch
Before kavya could do anything Vaishnavi killed her without leaving any trace
Flashback ends
Mayank : we tried to made her so much understand but stupid girl lost her life
Vaishnavi: that rashi her companion got to know everything so we gave her ultimatum to
Support us
Avneet : and you also killed the one you supported
Vaishnavi : because she was fool like kavya on island she tried to reveal truth to sid that we are behind you
Mayank: she was trying to take my sister's love now you say what could I have done
Avneet : and abhi? What was his fault in all this
Vaishnavi : yea what was his fault? Mayank we should have not done it na
Mayank : when you die go and ask him over there okay my love, story is over (takes out his knife) I wish you had not insulted my love
Vaishnavi : don't show mercy, her parents had left no stone of insulting our parents
Mayank gets shocked when Nisha puts him at gunpoint angrily
Vaishnavi: what are you doing? Have you lost it
Nisha : it's you guys who has lost all senses in your blind revenge
Avneet (laughs): real shock is what you guys got, how did you like our twist in story, my mom used to say there are two people who are real fools one who consider themselves smart from others and one who has so much hatred in their heart they cannot see anything behind (punches on his stomach)
Nisha : no matter what but kavya was my sister I never wanted her to be dead but you both killed her, I was only quiet because nobody would have believed me without proof
Vaishnavi : you cheat (starts to hit her but gets pushed back )
Nisha : don't you dare because we got all proof against you both
Mayank: you betrayed me for this girl
Nisha : yes and you know when I found out that at one point both of you would also kill me after your work is done, from Rahul remember that club incidence you only called him na to get rid of me
Avneet : but he was loyal at least for his love to not kill his beloved's sister, he told Nisha everything and even avantika ma'am
Nisha : from that day I decided I will not let anything happen to Avneet, before leaving for island I left clue for ma'am
The packet avantika received was from Nisha about the place they went and told everything about Mayank
Avneet : ma'am wanted to get confession from you both that's why she asked us to create whole drama
Mayank : game is not over yet I could not kill you but the one who cheated me I definitely can (stabs Nisha) you were right I was planning to get you out of the way before you could act foolish like your sister but then I thought I am here because of your father (stabs more deep) you chose this way
He takes out knife throwing her on floor while she keeps holding her stomach
Avneet : Nisha (rushes to her) I told you this is risky just leave from here why didn't you listen to me
Nisha : this is my punishment (holds her hands) I hated my sister whole life but now I realized she loved me very much and you made me realize what is sister's love
Avneet : don't lose hope please nothing will happen to you
Nisha : just promise me this two gets punished this time their hands are drawn with many innocent people's blood Promise me
Avneet : I promise
Vaishnavi is about to attack her when sid stops her and throws knife
Sid : Mayank I consider you as brother but you turned to be devil in disguise, you killed my own brother and now snatching my love
Mayank (grabs Nisha): you know what if I cannot her but I won't let anybody take my thing
Sid : you are still calling it love when it's only your obsession you won't be able to get away this time from here
Mayank : nobody could stop me before not even today
Sid and Mayank indulges in fight messing up the whole spot.
Avantika : hands up (asks cops to take vaishnavi away) take her away, mayank leave her now
Mayank : Officer you could be smart but I am the mastermind of this game
Avantika : you still didn't understand law is the biggest game player and nobody can defeat law drop your gun
Mayank : if you come behind me then (takes Avneet) she will lose life with me also
Avantika : you could not kill her before nor today Mayank stop fooling yourself surrender yourself
Mayank (puts knife on her neck) where I hurt her so much little more won't take difference back of everybody
Avantika sighs all to put down gun. He is able to take Avneet and leaves in car
Avneet : Mayank leave me I said you cannot take me neither get my love
Mayank : I know but I will take you with me even I die (fires bullet on sid's car who was following him)
Sid still manages to follow him in heavy rain. On midway a car comes in front making Mayank hitting car on bridge.
Mayank and Sid gets into fight on the road badly.
Sid : Mayank you crossed all limits today why did you kill my brother
Mayank : because he cheated my sister when she loved him so much he deserved to die
Sid punches him on face and stomach when avantika stops them
Avantika : no sid don't spoil your hands like he did I will make sure he gets punished severely for his deeds
Mayank is about to shoot sid but his legs slips when bridge collapse due to rain and gets killed in the process. Avneet faints seeing the horrific incidence
Sid : Avneet what happen (pats her face)
Scene shifts to Avneet opening her eyes only to find her parents in front of her
Ballu : dear you are okay
Avneet : papa you here
Ballu : dear sid called us few days ago, that our daughter miss us so we came here getting visa
Avneet : mom (hugs her tearfully)
Jasmeet : dear come let's go home
Avneet : but mom
Ballu : you have 4 years my dear you gonna come back right sid
Sid : of course uncle
Ballu : we are waiting outside come (takes his wife out)
Avneet : I am really sorry (in tears) I hid it from you and lost your brother
Sid : don't think about past (cups her face) that dark storm has passed from our lives just go happily now
Avantika : I came to thank you both Avneet you are really strong just don't lose yourself be like this and have a safe journey
Outside body of Mayank and Nisha are taken in ambulance. Nisha's parents grieve for losing both of their daughters.
Story ends with Sid and Avneet hugging each other in hospital after facing dark storm.
PS: so guys here is end of thriller mystery story. This was my first journey of Sidneet story. Hope everybody enjoyed it and please leave your precious feedback. I will post epilogue later to give some background for Sidneet.
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