Episode 1: Classroom disaster
A twin teleports and heads over to the Zoldyck estate, holding 13 letters in its hand, it heads over to the and knocks on it."Is anyone home?"
Knocks one door again, "Hello?"
*Finally it opens*
The elder butler of the estate, she looks at the twin with a disgusted look on her face, "What is it? They are currently busy at the moment so you better make it quick."
"I'm from Scavenger High *best name I can come up with* I'm here to bring these to who I believe is Zeno Zoldyck." She said with a blank look on her face.
She was skeptical at first, not knowing why she was here for and what she wanted to give to the family, but she willingly let her in, "Fine, right this way please." She said as she walked through the hall.
The twin followed her as the door closed.
*in the house*
Is the second oldest son, and is really a chubby otaku, "Mama! Killua is being a little twerp again!"he wined.
The mother of the family, and is like the head boss "In a moment dear! Kalluto needs help with something!" She said holding Kalluto's fan.
(Illumi is near the entrance, hearing the commotion coming from the hall)
The oldest son of the family, and is on elf the most powerful nen users if I recall "Mother, Tsubone is bringing someone in." He said.
"Oh really, well then get both your father and grandfather, if it isn't important I'll let you kill them this time." She said.
"I thought you said I was going to kill them!" He continued.
The third oldest son, one of the protagonists in HxH, "Well better safe then sorry, you won't even be able to catch up to them anyways." He said with a smug look on his face.
*Milluki wined even more from the stress*
*Both Zeno and Silva come in along with Illumi*
The grandfather of the family, grandkid of Maha Zoldyck and the father of Silva, "You called Kikyo?"
She nodded as she gave the fan back to Kalluto, "Indeed, it seems like someone's here to give us something."
The father of the family, son of Zeno and Kikyo's husband, "This better be important, the last person didn't have anything important at all. Nothing good." He said.
"Everyone gather together, sorry Kalluto I'll help you later." She said.
The youngest of the family, is a male but dressed as a girl, "Yes mother." She said.
*Tsubone and ??? Come in*
"Mrs. Zoldyck, someone's here to give us a message." She said showing ???
"Indeed, I'm from Scavenger High and is here to give letters to all of the Zoldyck family members and butlers." She said holding 13 letters in her hand. "All of these go to Zeno, Silva, Kikyo, Illumi, Milluki, Killua, Alluka, Kalluto-"
She jumps in surprise "Alluka?! How come?" She asked infuriated.
"Ever member is aloud, Alluka seeming to be the most dangerous is still welcome to come, there's a classroom for people who have powers they may not be able to control, something like a special ed class." She explained, handing the letters to her. "Also the other letters go to Tsubone, Canary, Amane, and....Maha...." she said.
*everybody in the room stood in shock*
"Maha Zoldyck?"
"Indeed, Maha Zoldyck, it would be a shame to not have him included, also there's another letter that goes to the grandmother of this family if I'm correct."
"Wait, grandmother? Grandpa... you had a wife?" He said looking at Zeno.
"...yes... but those were the bad times.... and my grandfather... it's another story..." He said in deviation, he wasn't really the one to talk about his wife.
"Indeed, but what's it for us?" She asked, a bit interested in this school then she was before.
Well we're in need of some teachers, if you want you can take the job, we'll also let your teach your own kids with them being in the same class." She continued.
*Kikyo started to hesitate, Alluka coming, Maha reviving a letter, Zeno's wife, becoming a teacher, etc*
"Sorry but I think-"
"Of course! This means spending more time with our children right? We'll take the offer!" She said happily.
"Alright, the meaning will start at 6:00 pm, make sure you pack your things and be prepared. We will be back to pick you up." She said smiling softly.
"Oh my! It's already 5:32 pm! Kids pack your thing immediately!" She exclaimed.
"Kikyo are you sure about this-"
"No time! Chop chop!" She said clapping her hands.
*everybody started heading to their rooms packing quickly, except Killua and Zeno*
"I'll take the two letters, Tsubone will take the others and report it to the other butlers." He said, a bit disappointed as he grabbed the two letters and walked away.
"Understood, and thank you for the offer Mrs." She said grabbing the remaining letters, heading to the butler's office.
"Um hey lady?.." he said tapping on her shoulder.
"Um... my friends Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio are coming too right?" He asked shyly.
"Oh of course we have the letters right here," she said holding them out, "And by the time we meet again, call me Rhy." She said as she walked away.
"I-I will! Thank you!" He said happily, running towards the hall.
"Killua! No running!" She shouted, hearing his footsteps.
"Not sorry mom!" He continued.
*In Alluka's room*
He opens the door to Alluka's room spin excitement "Alluka I got some good news!" He exclaimed, holding her letter.
The second youngest in the family, is also a boy dressed as a girl but likes being called a 'she', she also posses a side called 'Nanika' "What is it big brother? What's in your hand?" She asked.
"There's this lady who came here to give us letters for this school, and your able to come with us!" He said with joy, handing her the letter.
She takes the letter and reads the cover "For Alluka and... Nanika.... Really?! Yay!!" She shouted happily, "Wait can you tell Nanika for me?" She asked.
"Of course!" He said.
She closes her eyes as she turns into Nanika, dark aura surrounding her in the process.
"Killua?..." she said a bit confused, but happy to see him.
"Hi Nanika, do you want to come with us? There's this school that offered us to go there, and they said you and Alluka can come!" He told Nanika.
"Really?!" She said, a smile on her face.
"Hmph! Now come on, we need to pack up quickly! I'll help you out!" He said quickly, checking the time on his phone.
*With Zeno*
He's on the phone with who appears to be... Maha... "Hello.... it's been a while sense we last spoke to each other huh?"
The oldest member of the family, was once known as the strongest person in the world and is still living "...."
"I know I know but.... look.... here's the thing.... there's this letter sent to us from a school called Scavenger High... you and my wife had got one as well..."
"Yeah... but this can be your chance to see your great grand children again... they've gotten bigger... a-and I know the last time you were with us was because of the 10 dons but now you can stay with us a bit more. We may not have been with you as much but maybe now you can for longer."
"Really? Your willing to come? Ok then.. I'll sent the letter to you.. be here whenever you can.."
"....Love you Zeno...."
"...Love you too grandad..." he said as he hangs up. "Right.. now the hard part..." he said dialing a number.
Zeno's wife, everything about her is unknown and has made a rare appearance once "...."
"Hi dear... do you think we can talk for a minute or two?...." he asked, holding her letter.
*Later that same day*
The twin of Rhy, a bit lazier than her but he still works hard, he can also be a jerk sometimes "Uh... hello?" He walked quietly "I-I have a letter for Hisoka Morrow... so if you'll be nice enough to step out for a second maybe we can talk?" He asked.
One of the antagonist on the show, he is a clown magician and is one 'interesting' character "My~ didn't expect any visitors~" He said stepping out, a card in his hand.
He trembled, "Uhhhh, I'm from the Scavenger High! I-I'm here to.... g-g-g-give you a letter." He said holding it out to him.
"And why would I be given a letter, I'm a bit to old for school you know?~" He said chuckling, taking the letter with ease.
"It's like a training thing, for fun and powering up! There would be lots of people they and you might see friends you know! You'll have to be ready before 6:00 pm, until then you'll have to pack up...." He continued.
"Mmmm alright~ what's your name by the way?~" He asked.
"I-I-It's Cip.... with a C... I-I got to go! Bye!" He said running off, as he did he met up with Rhy.
"Did you give the remaining letters?" She asked.
"Y-yeah... let's just go, this wasn't so easy you know and I need a break right now!" He yelled.
"Alright but you might have a short break, we need to prepare for the speech." She said grabbing his hand.
"Worth it enough! Hurry up would ya?" He said a bit worked up.
6:00 pm
*The Zoldyck family waited outside with their bags*
"Where's the driver? I'm tired!" He mumbled. He had at least two bags with him, and weirdly enough a body pillow with him.
"It'll be here, and why bring that pillow of yours I thought I raised you better than this!" She said, looking at the pillow.
*A long black car came diving by, as it parked a head poked out of the front window*
"You must be the Zoldyck family correct? Come on or'll we be late." It said as the door swung open.
"A-Alright then, come on everybody, get in." She said as she got in the car.
"Wait what about Maha and... grandma?.." he asked, holding Alluka's hand.
He didn't look at Killus but sighed, "I'm sure.... they'll come..." he said as he got in the car.
"Come on you two, their waiting..." he said walking away from them.
"Big brother.... what's wrong with grandpa?" She asked, a bit worried for him.
"It's family stuff, I'm not sure the both of us would understand it but only time will tell..." he said, he held Alluka's hand tight as he stepped in the car and closed the door behind him.
*as they drove they've looked outside the window a few times, it would look different every time they looked outside. There were also bumps on the road but it wasn't that much of a problem for them*
*At the school*
"We are here, I suggest to go get your room keys and put all of your stuff in your assigned rooms before heading to the gym." It explained before opening the car door.
*everybody head out, thanking T for the ride. They then headed over to the front door, seeing a whole lot of people, luckily the lines weren't as long as they thought it would be*
"Oh my! And I thought it could be much worse!" She said a bit surprised.
A pink girl that has a quirk called acid "Tsuuuu how long is this gonna take?..." she wined, bored from waiting.
A frog like girl with a frog quirk, says rabbit from time to time "It's fine Mina besides we're next," she said, finally the people in front of them left "See? I told you."
"Well finally! Come on let's get our rooms quickly, I want to meet up with Ochaco by the garden!" She said grabbing her arm and walk up to the front desk.
"My... girls these days are usually hyper aren't they?" She said, she find them quite weird looking, but hey, she seen weird looking before.
'Woah! These girls looking really beautiful! Oh man I hope I'll see at least one cute girl near our classroom!' He thought to himself, blushing.
*finally the people in front of them went off and they were next*
"Hello there, we would like rooms please." She said with a smile on her face.
Front desk person:
"Well it looks like your the ones who agreed to be teachers from the description I got from the twins. Anyways here are your room keys, each key shows your room number and classroom number so there won't be confusion. Enjoy your stay here." She said handing Kikyo the keys.
"Great! Now how about we check the garden first? It seems interesting enough and quite nice actually." She said grabbing the keys.
"B-but Kikyo maybe we can our stuff away first?" He suggested not wanting to hold his the hole time.
"Well then I suggest that you go to the rooms then, anyone who wants to go with him and do the same!"
"I'll go with you son, I need to rest anyways." He said patting Silva on the back.
"I'll join too, I want to see what this place has to offer."
"Hmph! Fine then me and the rest can go to the garden our selfs!" She puffed.
"Works with us, Tsubone, Amane, Canary, you mind helping us?" He asked them three
Tsubone, Amane, and Canary:
"Yes sir!" They said following them while caring some of their bags.
*In the garden*
*The garden was pretty big, had lots of hedges and flowers, even a fountain itself*
"Woah, it's so pretty!" She exclaimed, holding up her arms in joy.
"It sure is peaceful isn't it?" He said smiling at her.
"My maybe we should go here more often- wait a minute...." She paused looking at two girls.
A girl with brown hair and a quirk called gravity "Here you go Eri, I think this rose would go along with the cape Togata gave you!" She said, putting the rose on her head.
A young girl with incredible power "Thank you! It's so beautiful!" She said happily with joy.
*Kikyo wasn't interested in the girls, but she did notice that Uraraka's classroom number is the same as her children's. The two started walking towards them*
"Come on, let's find the other-" she looked at Kikyo.
'This woman, she looks very young and seems to be near hothead age as my children, she BETTER not have anything against my children!!' She thought to herself glaring at her, "I-I'm sorry Mrs. we're you just passing by?" She asked calmly, moving aside with her arms behind her back. One of her hands was holding a paper rolled up.
"Uh... no! No no no, we'll just go this way, thanks for asking though!" She said, quickly grabbing Eri's hand and walked away.
She wasn't having it, she started to follow her until she blocked their path, "No I insist! And it appears you have the same class number as my kids don't you sweetie?" She asked.
She looked at her key and then back at Kikyo, "Oh we do? Well I'm sure w-we'll meet again sooner or later!" She said walking passed her, Eri got confused.
Kikyo's children:
"Uh oh..."
She wasn't having it, she snapped, "ALRIGHT BRAT, YOU BETTER NOT HAVE ANY ATTENTION COMING CLOSE TO MY CHILDREN!" She yelled, holding the paper in her hand.
She got scared and started running blushing "AHHHH!!! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" She yelled, Eri in her arms.
"MOM STOP IT YOUR SCARING HER!" He yelled running after them, the others followed along.
*soon enough they weren't able to catch up no more and Uraraka hid*
"U-Uraraka what's going on?" She asked a bit scared.
Painted as she tried to take a deep breath, "I-I don't know... let's just go to the gym, maybe the others are there.." she said, walking into the school.
"Oh god what do I do?"
"P-Please big brother, I'll be fine!"
She stopped as she heard a boy sounding a bit worried about something, "Is something wrong?" She asked as she looked at the boy and a girl next to her.
"Yeah... me and my sister are in different classes and I'm not sure if she can handle being there without me, w-what if she gets hurt?..." he said looking at her.
"If you want I can take your sister to class, it actually seems like we both have the same class." She said, holding up her key.
"Wow thanks! I'm Tanjiro by the way and this is my sister Nezuko." He continued.
"Hello, it's nice to meet you!" She said with a smile.
"Nice to meet you too, I'm Uraraka by the way!" She said.
*A few mins later in the gym*
"There's a lot of people here then I thought there would be..." he said a bit stunned, he then saw a familiar face, it was Gon! "Hi Gon! I'm over here!" He said waving his hand.
Also a protagonist, he has dark green hair and has quite the power "Hi Killua!" He said waving back.
He glared at Killua, since she was sitting next to him "Killua..."
"Geez calm down I was just saying hi..." he mumbled.
*during this moment you would see other anime characters appearing*
*taps on microphone* "Good afternoon everyone!"
*they all started looking*
*Rhy and Cip come in and do a little performance jump thing*
Both Rhy and Cip:
"Welcome to Scavenger High-"
"Woah, so cool!"
"It didn't know she had a sibling.."
Both Rhy and Cip:
"-allow us to introduce you to the headmaster, Mr. Mako"
Mr. Mako:
"Thank you two, now everyone you might be wondering why your here, some look familiar to you and some don't, well the reason was because we thought it would be a great way to get stronger together as one. We'll give you what you need in this building so you can train hard and work hard, and luckily some people here are willing to become teachers or instructors if you want." He explained, everyone was a bit hesitant, but we're reluctant and felt ok with this. "It seems like everyone is in agreement, again we are happy to have you all here and we hope you enjoy your stay!" He said, finishing the speech.
"You May now all head to your assigned classrooms to get familiar, you can also walk around the building and give yourself a little tour if you want, you may all be dismissed." She said, everyone clapped and headed off.
She headed over to Tamjiro, "Alright so how can I help?" She asked.
"Well I'm not sure if I'm able to get her to her class nor do I know where it is, so I was wondering if you would be able to take her since your both in the same class." He explained.
"Oh ok, I'll take her, see you around then!" She says before grabbing Nezuko's hand.
"Bye Brother!" She says, following Uraraka.
He waved at Nezuko before heading off to his class.
She gently taps on Uraraka's shoulder.
"Huh? What is it?"
"Do you know where the class is?"
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I heard it was on the second floor." As she headed to the floor her class was in she accidentally bumped into someone.
"Eh?" She looked at Uraraka as she fell to her knees.
"S-sorry Mrs.. I didn't mean to, i was just heading to... room 6AB" she said as she's crashed the back of her head.
"Oi, I guess we're in the same class then, I'm Machi by the way, and from what I hear your Uraraka and the other one next to you is Nezuko." She said, looking at Nezuko.
"E-Eh? How did you know?" She asked, a bit surprised.
"There were these two girls who were talking about you, it seemed like they were trying to find you, I hear the other girl's name because some guy kept saying it while I was getting my key." She answered.
"O-Oh.. well then... wanna walk together? If you want at least.." She asked politely.
She shrugged "Sure, it should be this way." She said pointing to the left hall. She then started walking with Uraraka following her, as they made it to the door, Machi slide it open.
"Hey give me back my hat!" He yelled, trying to reach his hat after a girl took it from him, teasing him.
"Sorry Pirate boy, but this is mine now!" She teased, holding his hat high up.
She giggled as she sat on the table "Hehehe he can't even reach it!" She teased.
"Lu-Chan give his hat back! It's not nice!" She puffed.
"Lucy come on..." a blue cat said, flying above them.
Is laying beside the wall a bit tired, "Can you guys stop for a second?..." he asked, a bit stressed.
He got fed up and stretched his arm to reach for his hat, "Stop teasing me!" He shouted.
He giggles from across the room, leaning on a cabinet, "Now now don't cause a fight, this isn't how you start the day~" he said smiling.
"Yeah come on now ladies, you don't want to make a bad impression-" Levy kicks him in the face before he could finish.
"Shut up ya perv!" She yelled.
"Levy no!!"
"Guys calm down!" He said, confused on what's going on.
*they all looked at Machi and Uraraka, Uraraka was mostly glad that Kikyo wasn't here yet*
"O-Ochaco?!" He shouted, seeing her standing near the doorway.
"No not Mineta!! Why has this day gone worse?.." she said as she stepped into the room.
He smirked as he saw Machi standing near Uraraka, "Hi Machi, I didn't realize you would be here."
"Yeah well I was invited, to bad for you though, Chrollo isn't here cause he was busy to come or even be here." She said looking away from him.
She sighed as she looked at them "So you must be in 6AB too right?" She asked.
"Yeah, but it seems that we're missing a few students and the teachers." He answered.
She stood next to Uraraka, a bit speechless.
*Both Kikyo and the others come in*
"...." She looks at Uraraka "YOU AGAIN!?" She yelled holding the paper out.
"GAHH!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!" She said, running around the room.
"GET BACK HERE!!!" She yelled chasing her.
Zoldyck family:
"ILL STOP UNTIL SHE SWEARS NOT TO GO NEAR MY BABIES!!" She yelled swinging the paper at her.
She blushed madly as she used her quirk to float away "NO YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!"
* sounds of thuds, things breaking, and a lot more can be hear within the room*
End of episode 1
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