S1E8: Charmcaster, the sorceress
At the heroes base we see Y/n and Lady Black in a room with Unilord as she has a mission for the two of them as she shows them hologram images of places being robbed.
Unilord: We have gotten reports of museums, shops that sells mythical relics as well as anything mythical stolen and broken into. The police have tried to capture this thief but no luck what so ever. According to them the person is female wearing a mythical like clothing.
Y/n: Huh sounds like Charmcaster.
Lady Black : One of your villains?
Y/n: Yeah. Her real name is Hope. She's a former apprentice to another sorcerer name Hex. She goes around taking ancient mythical relics to learn now spells so she can be the most powerful Sorcerer.
Lady Black: Even though there is no such thing as magic?
Y/n: (smirk) Well you obviously never seen my rogues gallery. There are a lot of villains you have no idea that can do things that are impossible.
Unilord: In never or less this Charmcaster has to be stopped. I assigned you two to arrest her.
Lady Black: We all due respect Unilord but is it possible I can work with anyone else other then him? He acts so stupid.
Y/n: (smirk) Come on I'm not that stupid.
Lady Black: Not admitting your not stupid means you are stupid, stupid.
Y/n: (smirk) You really do like the word "stupid".
Unilord: The other heroes are not available right now but I have fully trust that you two can get this mission done.
Lady Black: Right.
Y/n: (smirk) You can count on us Yuincchi.
They soon leave the room as Unilord blushes a bit when he called her by her nickname and as the two walk down the hallway Lady Black ask Y/n.
Lady Black: So since you know Charmcaster so much, how do we catch her?
Y/n: Simple. We have a stake out on a store that she hasn't robbed and wait until she comes.
Lady Black: Well there's nothing much we can do. Sure I'll look up any mythical stores or museums that isn't robbed.
Y/n: (smile) Cool. Let's do this.
(Sometime later)
We find the two at London at night as we see the two looking at a small museum that hasn't been robbed yet as they are on the roof across of the museum as Lady Black says after hours of waiting.
Lady Black: I don't think she's not coming.
Y/n: Sure she will.
Lady Black: How can you be sure?
Y/n: Just a hunch.
Lady Black: Right.
The two sat there as Y/n pulls out a bag he got from a fast food restaurant which was a delicious sandwich and begins to eat it.
Y/n: Want one? I have another one in the bed.
Lady Black:......(sigh) Fine.
He pass the bag over and she take the sandwich and take a bite.
Y/n: So how long have your been in the super hero business?
Lady Black: For a while. I take my hero business very seriously. Especially this mysterious blonde kid we are dealing with.
Y/n: Right Stigma. Any updates about him?
Lady Black: Not really. We try everything we can to identify Stigma but no such luck. Without a possible face, there is no way to find out who or what he is. You got any ideas?
Y/n: Either he is a alien or from some dark dimension.
Lady Black: Those sound stupid.
Y/n: Trust me if you were in my shoes, you've seen a lot of crazy things going on in my life.
Lady Black: I see. Still it sounds ridiculous.
Y/n: (smirk) Ridiculous yes, but something possible....also yes.
Lady Black: You really are stupid.
Then they spotted someone on the roof of the museum and going through the skylight.
Lady Black: That's her! Let's go in!
Y/n: How's about we wait for her to come out and then we jump her. After all we don't want to cost any damages.
Lady Black: For once you have a point.
They make their way over and as soon they made it on the roof of the museum Charmcaster crawl out of the skylight with some relics in hand as she looks at them and immediately heard a familiar voice.
Y/n: (smirk) Long time no see Hope. How is it handing?
Charmcaster: (turn around) Oh if it isn't Y/n L/n.
She lifted up a small bag that look like a face and things gone silent and then she says to her bag.
Charmcaster: I know he looks different since the last time we met.
Charmcaster's bag:................
Charmcaster: True and he's more attractive then before.
Charmcaster's bag:................
Charmcaster: (mad) Shut up you!!
Lady Black: Um.....is she talking to her small bag?
Y/n: Yeah she does that. It's sorta weird but it is funny.
Charmcaster: Huh and who are you? Are you his girlfriend?
Lady Black: (blush) No I'm not stupid! We are not in a relationship, what kind of stupid question is that!?
Charmcaster's bag:...........
Charmcaster: Yeah i know so rude. Anyways nice meeting you but I think it's time for me to go.
Y/n: (smirk) Sorry but your not going anywhere. You'll be coming with us.
Lady Black: Yeah your under arrest.
Charmcaster: (giggle) I like it when you act like a hero. Let's do this just like the old times.
She reach into her bag and throws five face like stones in front of them which at first confused Lady Black.
Lady Black: Really? Did you honestly think stone's will-
Suddenly the stones gives off a purple glow and grew to becoming stone like creatures while Lady Black stood there with shock as Y/n tells her.
Y/n: (smirk) Whose stupid now?
The stone creatures roar at them and begin to charge towards them. Y/n pulls out his Omnitrix and once selected a alien and slammed his watch and transforms info Wildvine.
Wildvine summons vines out of his body and grabs a hold of some of the stone creatures and then slammed them onto the ground, breaking then while Lady Black dodges their attacks as she dodges their attacks and striking them which they break apart.
They take care of Charmcaster's stone monsters but they turn only to see that she escape.
Lady Black: Damn it! She got away!
Wildvine: Not on my watch.
He then transforms into Wildmutt and sniff up her scent and once she got her scent he runs off with Lady Black following him.
We then cut to Charmcaster running down the alleyway as she use the stone monsters distraction to escape. She keeps running and then gets onto the street as she looks around and begins to run but Wildmutt landed down in front of her which she try to turn but Lady Black also blocked her.
Lady Black: It's over. No point running.
Charmcaster: (smirk) Think again.
She then tossed stone like balls towards Lady Black which blows up and made her stumble back as Charmcaster runs across the world. Wildmutt chases after her but she quickly open a sewer led and tossed it at Wildmutt which he ducks down as she jumps inside the sewer.
Lady Black runs over just as Wildmutt transforms into Ripjaws and dives into the water. Lady Black leaps down and lands on the edge and sees Charmcaster tuning a corner.
Lady Black goes after her. She turn corner to corner as she is getting up to Charmcaster. Once close she leaps over and kicks her which she land hard on the ground while Lady Black land on her feet and turn to her.
Charmcaster: (gets up) I suppose your his sidekick?
Lady Black: I'm no one's sidekick.
Charmcaster: If you say so.
She then blasted beams at Lady Black which she dodges and she runs up and the two throw hands. Lady Black moves fast striking blows at Charmcaster but she use her spells to Black the attacks.
Then she grab her leg and hold her in place. Then Charmcaster kicks Lady Black back but there is something wrong. She was still holding her leg which she look over to see Lady Black only having one leg.
Charmcaster: What the-
Then Ripjaws came out of the water which Charmcaster leaps back as Ripjaws lands in front of her. He noticed she has Lady Black's leg and turn to see this so she ask Charmcaster's.
Ripjaws: What did you do?
Charmcaster: Don't look at me. I'm maybe a bad girl but not bad enough to take off someone's leg.
She tosses Lady Black's leg to Ripjaws which he catches but Charmcaster kicks him to the ground which this changes him back to his human form as Charmcaster stood over him with a smirk on her face.
Charmcaster: (smirk) I love to stay and catch but I have to go now. But hey maybe the next time we met, I treat you out something very special, okay?
She then came down and kissed him on the cheek and after that she gets up, give him a wink and ran off. He gets up only to see Charmcaster using her smoke spell to create a purple smoke and once the smoke clears up, she was gone.
Y/n: Aaww man.
(Short while later)
They got out of the sewer and find themselves near a park ad they sat on a bench as Lady Black reattached her leg as the two were silent after that and then Lady Black sighs and ask him.
Lady Black: I suppose your wondering why I have fake legs. Well.....its because many years ago I've gone into an accident. I lost both of my legs as the result of it.
Y/n: I'm so sorry.
Lady Black: Where I live there were mountains and people always told me to give up due to my lost. But I wanted to proof them wrong. I want to show them I can achieve something if my legs are gone.
Y/n: So that's why you became a hero?
Lady Black: Yeah.
Y/n: (smile).....That's really cool.
Lady Black: Cool?
Y/n: (smile) That shows even if heroes have sowen flaws like lost limbs they should never gave up. You have a strong determination to achieve things after the lost of your legs. If anything that shows how your inspiring others with lost of limbs that they too can achieve things if they can give it a try.
Lady Black: So you think.....I'm a great hero?
Y/n: (smile) A best one yet.
This made Lady Black surprised and also little blushed as she then felt her heart skip a beat after those words and then Y/n said.
Y/n: (smile) You know Lady Black.....your a very cool hero. Not to mention cute like Shy.
This made Lady Black blush even more as she gets up and goes off on Y/n.
Lady Black: (blush) How dare you call me cute?! Your such a stupid hero! I am nothing like shy stupid!
She keeps going on ranting while Y/n just simply smile as even if Lady Black is sometimes rude, he still see her as a cool hero.
We then see Charmcaster on the roof far from them as sue stare at Y/n with a small smirk on her face as she turn and makes her escape before they spotted her.
To be continued...............................................................
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