S1E6: The circus happiness and fear
We see Iko, Teru and Y/n at Y/n's back yard as Iko is playing ball with Ship. She tosses the ball while Ship chases after the ball and catches it. Ship came over to Iko and gives the ball to her as she kneel down and pet Ship.
Iko: (smile) Aaaww your he most adorable thing I have ever seen.
Ship: Bark! Bark!
Iko: (Turn to Y/n) Hey any tricks he can do?
Y/n: Actually there is one that is cool. Ship armor mode.
Then Ship attaches onto Iko and changes into a large suit and once complete Teru and Iko are amazed as Iko looks at herself.
Iko: (surprised) Wow! This is awesome! You have the most cutest and most coolest pet that has ever lived!
The two separated as Ship barks happily and came over to Teru and rub his head onto her leg.
Teru: S-Ship is a friendly alien.
Y/n: (smile) Ship loves to meet new friends that I made.
Teru: Say I always wonder, how do you keep Ship secret from everyone?
Y/n: (smile) Simple, he can bound to any technology for a while until we find a nice place where no one is around and let him out.
Iko: That's actually really smart.
Y/n: (smile) Yep and Ship is a good boy, are you Ship?
Ship barks and leaps onto Y/n's arms and tickle him which made him laugh which the girls find it cute. Then Riku came out of the back and then called out.
Riku: Hey son. Can you do me a favour today? I have a mission for you.
Y/n: Sure. Can Iko and Teru come along?
Riku: (smile) Sure. Let me explain the situation.
They head inside and once inside Ship is see him sleeping in his bed in the kitchen while the rest are at the living room as Riku shows them images of missing children on the TV screen.
Riku: These are the missing children. They have disappeared in some parts of Japan. We believe this could be involve with Herbert J. Zomboni.
Teru: Whose he?
Riku: He's a clown who owns a circus that has been reported being spotted in some parts of the county and now we believe he is here. We pin pointed the last known coordinates of the last kid. Think you got this?
Y/n: (smirk) No problem Dad, we can take care of that guy.
Riku: (smile) Right. Call me or your mother if there is any trouble.
Y/n: (smirk) Roger that.
(Sometime later)
We see the trio driving through the long road and while waiting for their destination Iko ask Y/n.
Iko: So who is this Zomboni guy?
Y/n: Well according to Plumbers records, he's this clown like zombie who really hates children because how they tormented him many years ago. At some point he got bitten by a zombie but he didn't die but instead he was Brough back to life and he needed to the feed the emotions of fear and happiness in order to prevent himself from weaking.
Iko: So he's like a zombie, a clown and a vampire?
Y/n: Yeah like that.
Teru: (scared) He must be terrified.
Y/n: (smirk) Don't worry about him. Once we get this job done the sooner we go home.
Iko: (smile) Yeah and we have your back no matter what.
Teru: R-Right.
Y/n: We're approaching the location.
Y/n pulled up to what looks like a play park and once there they look around for any clues but there is no sign. They split off and look around until Iko found something near the swings that looks like a ripped shirt and she shows it to the rest.
Iko: Looks like this is the only clue we found.
Y/n: Hold on a minute. He use his Omnitrix to transform into Wildmutt and sniff on the clothes and got the kids scent.
Then he head off with the two girls following him as Teru changes into Shy as they follow Wildmutt through the forest. After a while Wildmutt stopped so the two girls stopped and ahead of them was a large circus tent in the middle of the forest.
Iko: Creepy. Who has a circus tent in the middle of the forest.
Wildmutt agrees and then they head over and head inside. Wildmutt sniffs around and at first everything was dark but suddenly the lights came on and hanging above them where cages that contains the children that look either scared or crazy happy.
Shy: (shocked) Those kids!
Iko: (shocked) He must be nuts.
???: Nuts you say!? Well of course I am!
They all turn as the lights shine on a zombie like clown on a platform as he looks up and gives them a creepy look which gives the two girls chills.
Zombozo: (smile) Welcome and welcome all to my circus! My name is Herbert J. Zombozo but my friends call me Zombozo! I'm here to give you terror and joy to the world! Ooohhh I just love terrifying children, it makes me soo happy.
Iko: You really are sick.
Shy: P-Please let those children go.
Zombozo: (crazy laughter) Now why would I do that? We're all having fun here ain't that right kids?
They all begin to cheer by force and soon Zombozo spotted Wildmutt and says.
Zombozo: What's this? Oh if it isn't the buzz killer himself Y/n L/n. You always hated my shows but this time you will not.
He snap his fingers and three freak like trio came down from above and crashes onto the ground in front of the trio.
Zombozo: Acid Spit, Frightwig, Thumpskull. Take care of them.
Frightwig: (smirk) With pleasure.
She then use her hair to grab Shy and tosses her across the room and slammed her onto the ground. Wildmutt leaps towards her but Thunpskull grabs Wildmutt and was about to slam him but Wildmutt buts Thumpskulld hand which let go.
The two fight while Iko turn to Acid Spit and she looks around and then picked up wooden chair and points it at him.
Iko: Stay back freak! I'm not afraid to fight you.
Acid Spit laughs and then spits out Acid at the chair as the chair slowly melts in front of Iko as she looks up at him and let's out a nervous chuckle.
Iko: (nervous chuckle) Did I call you freak? I'll take it back.
It was too late as we then see Acid Spit chasing Iko around while spitting out Acid which Shy sees this.
Shy: Iko I'm coming!
She boosted her way towards her but she gets grabbed by Frightwigs hair and she slammed her onto the ground.
Frightwig: (smirk) This is going to be easy. I'm going to enjoy showing you true fear.
Shy struggled to get lose while Frighgwig walks towards her. Shy begins to be afraid as she shut her eyes but she knows she has to do this. She takes a deep breath and out and calms herself.
She then kicked Frightwig in the stomach, making her stumble backwards as she breaks free and gets up and turns to her.
Shy: I'll never kneel to the likes of you.
Frightwig: Fine then brat!
She swings her wig at her which Shy dodges her attack. Shy keeps dodging her attacks until she leaps over towards her, pulls back her first and before she could land a punch, his fist suddenly burst into flames and lands a powerful punch at Frightwig.
She was sent flying and lands hard onto thr ground. Shy is surprised as she looks at her fist until she looks over see Iko in trouble by Acid Spit so she rushes over and gete his attention.
Shy: Leave her alone!
Acid Spit turns to her and makes his way towards her. Iko looks around and then finds something to use. Acid Spit was about to spit at her when he felt a tap on her shoulder and he turn to Iko.
Iko: (smile) You hungry? Here!
He then slammed a pie on Acid Spits face and then tosses Shy chains as the two begins to tie Acid Spit up. Once done the plat of pie slides off of his face leaving cream on his face as he sees himself tied and was about to free himself when both girls punches Acid Spit in the face and he falls backwards onto the ground and falls unconscious.
Iko: (smile) Now that's how teamwork does it!
Both Iko and Shy high fived with smiles with their success. Then Thumpskull slides backwards with a blast of electricity as Y/n changes from Wildmutt to frankenstrike.
Frankenstrike: Let's have a brawl dummie.
Thumpskull charges towards him and the two begin to fight. Frankenstrike strike blows at Thumpskull and then Thumpskull goes for a punch but Frankenstrike catches his fist and he gives Thumpskull a shock of electricity as he is zapped.
Then Frankenstrike kicks Thumpskull back and then he leaps up into the air and lands a powerful electricity blow at Thumpskull. Once the dust goes away Thumpskull is seen defeated as Zombozo sees this and slowly make his escape but Thumpskull sees this and quickly changes to Diamondhead and fire a shot at a empty cage above Zombozo as it fall and slammed onto Zombozo.
Zombozo is trapped as Diamondhead changes back to Y/n as he walks up to Zombozo and says with a smirk.
Y/n: (smirk) Sorry but this circus is cancelled.
Zombozo: Aww man, shows over.
(Sometime later)
The Plumbers arrive to take the freak trio and Zombozo to custody as Shy, Y/n and Iko watched them loaded up into the Plumber transport vehicle.
Shy: What's going to happen the kids?
Y/n: I spoke to one of the Plumbers agents and they told me they will erase their memories of them being in the hands of Zombozo so they can live out a peaceful and happy childhood.
Iko: Boy that was crazy but we done it.
Y/n: Yeah sorry about that. Didn't think it would get too dangerous.
Iko: (smile) Nah it's nothing I like helping out. Besides we're a team right?
Y/n: (smile) That is true.
Shy stares at them and then looks at her hand as she wonders if that was power when Y/n grabs her by the shoulder and ask her.
Y/n: You okay?
Shy: Y-Yeah. I'm okay.
Y/n: (smile) Cool. Nice work.
Shy: (blush) Th-Th-Thank you.
Y/n: (smile) Say I'm hungry, wanna get something to eat?
Iko: (smile) Heck yeah let's go!
The trio head off and while leaving Shy turns to see a crowd od children being taking inside so they will have their memories of being in Zombozos hands gone snd be sent home. However among the children she spotted a blonde one who turned to her and smiled.
She looked stunned and blink her eyes a few times but when she look again he was not there. She stop and look around but he wasn't found. She had a strange feeling as she catches up with Iko and Y/n all awhile we see the same blonde children but this time he is inside the tent.
He slowly steps backwards and into the darkness of the circus all awhile he smiles in a sinister way.
To be continued.....................................................
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