S1E3: Family visit

We see Teru and Iko within Y/n's car with Y/n driving as the trio drive through Tokyo. The two girls sat at the back as Iko looks around Y/n's car and then she lend forward and tells Y/n.

Iko: (surprised) You have such awesome ride.

Y/n: (smirk) Thanks. She's pretty beautiful and tough.

Iko: (smile) I'll say. Say can i ask you something?

Y/n: Sure. Answer away.

Iko: It's about the Omnitrix. Is it possible you can turn into all aliens or some?

Y/n: Some as far as I can tell. Although I do find some aliens that are new to me but pretty cool. Trust me most of these alien forms wished you were one of them.

Iko: (smile) Man I still can't believe both and Teru are super heroes! It's cool to hang out with super heroes.

Y/n: (smirk) Yep. I would be in your shoes if I'm in the car or same room with my favourite hero's.

Iko: (smile) Yeah!

Y/n noticed Teru is it bit quiet so he ask her.

Y/n: You okay Teru?

Teru: Huh? O-Oh y-y-yeah. Sorry.

Y/n: (smirk) No need to apologise, we're almost there.

Iko: Yeah you said you parents work as a plumber business?

Y/n: Business?

Iko: Yeah like you parents fixes pipes, toilets and other stuff around people's homes.

There was a moment of silence and suddenly Y/n's begins to laugh which confused the two girls including Shrimpy under Teru's hat as Y/n catches his breath and tells them.

Y/n: Sorry I'm sorry it was my bad. I ment Plumbers as a organisation.

Teru and Iko: Huh?

They drive through a forest and soon arrived at a dead end. However Y/n open his window and shows a badge which suddenly a beam shot out and scans the vehicle and badge.

Once scanned there was a massive shake and the massive stoned wall suddenly open up and revealing a long passage way which Y/n drives on through and soon they exit out and arrived at the garage where they see people wearing alien like suits along side with aliens who also wear the same suits and uniforms as they are.

Teru and Iko are amazed as Y/n park his car and they exit out and look around as the two girls are amazed while Y/n tells them.

Y/n: Follow me ladies! Allow Y/n be your guide.

Iko let's out a giggle as the two follow as they go through security and walk down a hallway as Y/n explains.

Y/n: Plumbers is a human and alien organisation that just one job, protecting planets from threats and arrest anyone who try to challenge them. Think of them as space police.

Iko: (surprised) Oh my gosh! Look how many aliens is there!

Teru: (surprised) So many.

Then Teru accidentally bumped into a large alien as the alien turns to her and growls while Teru apologises while panicking as the large plumber alien walks off.

They keep on walking as Y/n goes on to say.

Y/n: There are multiple bases all across the world and other planets with humans and aliens working together as one. Plumbers share the technology from other alien race and use their combining technology to protect innocent aliens. Its a secret organisation so no one knows about them.

Teru: A-And this is where your parents are working at?

Y/n: (smile) Yep. My parents are high ranking Plumbers with my dad being the commander and station here at Japan. My mum is his second in command and she's someone you do not want to get into her bad side.

???: Is that so son?

They stop and turn to see a Y/n's mom standing there and then she approaches him.

???: I knew you'll come by just to visit us. How was your around the world adventure like?

Y/n: (smirk) Pretty cool as always. Stop evil villains and all else. Oh mum, these are my friends, Teru and Iko.

Teru: H-Hi.

Iko: (smile) Yo!

Alice: (smile) Nice to meet you. My name is Alice L/n, Y/n's mother. Say Teru, your this super hero name Shy correct?

Teru: Y-Y-Yes.

Shrimpy: (pock his head out) It's a pleasure to meet you Alice. I'm Shy's assistant and helper name Shrim-

Alice: (shocked) Oh my goodness you are so cute!!!!

She then takes Shrimpy and hugs him while Shrimpy amd the two other girls were stunned on how her tone suddenly changed to which Y/n explains.

Y/n: She may act all tough and serious but when it comes to cute animals she can't help but let her cute side come out.

Iko: That's cute.

Y/n: Say is dad here?

Alice: Huh? Oh yeah come, I'll bring you all to him.

They follow Alice and soon they arrived at the command room where we see a man talking to an alien plumber and after he left he turn and smirk to see his son.

???: (smirk) Well if ain't the alien hero himself which I'd my son. Glad to have you here!

Y/n: (smirk) Same. Bored?

???: (smirk) Always son, always.

Iko: Huh both Y/n and his dad have similar possibilities. No wonder where Y/n got all of that cheerful and care free possibility.

Alice: He's sometimes an idiot but he find ways to make me love him.

Shrimpy: Um can you let me go now?

Alice: (cute voice) Nope~!

Riku: (turn to the girls) Aaahh you two must be his friends. Sorry for not introducing myself, my name is Riku L/n. I'm the commander of this base. Say your that Japanese hero name Shy?

Teru: (nervous) Th-That's right! Nice....to meet you!

Riku: Huh. You really are shy. (Smirk) No wonder my son befriended you.

Iko: Her name is Teru and I'm Iko, nice to meet you. I have to say your family are awesome!

Y/n: (smile) Thanks. Oh hey did there is a reason we came here and its something to do with this.

He gives Riku the same ring that Iko had which surprised Riku as he ask him.

Riku: How did you manage to take it off?

Y/n: (smirk) Through the power of friendship. Kinda cliche but hey, I worked.

Teru: Do you recognise that ring?

Riku:........Please follow me.

Moments later they arrived at a massive containment cell where they see a long line of alien prisoners as they get onto a gravity lift and they descended down as the girls ans Shrimpy sees many dangerous aliens that have been locked up by the Plumbers.

One alien jump scared Teru which cost her to fall back but Y/n catches which she blushed as Riku ask one of them them.

Riku: Tell me, who had this ring?

Iko: I did.

Riku: Well your lucky you didn't ended up with the rest.

Iko: The rest?

Soon they arrived at a floor and the four are shocked to see people that were turn inro crystal like creatures just like Iko. They either cry, groan or stood there in silence as Riku explains.

Riku: These people were also turned into those......things. This has been a problem to us and we have no idea what is going on. According to reports they saw a short hair blonde child approached the victim and put on this ring into their finger which turn them into monsters. According to what Unilord told us-

Y/n: Wait? Unilord? You met Unilord?

Riku: Not in person through communication but she told us these ring connect to people's darkness within their heart. According to her this child has no identification or we have no clue who are his parents but we call him Stigma. He's our number one threat because if these rings can turn people into these monster, imagine the chaos in this scale will look like.

Iko: (scared) That's a scary thought.

Teru nodes while being terrified while Y/n ask his dad.

Y/n: Any way we can cure them?

Riku: No but if what you are saying is true then maybe. We just need to bring them back to their humanity in hopes to save them. Still we have no idea about Stigma or his true goal but whatever plans he may have it cannot be go-

Plumber command: (coms) Commander.

Riku: Yes what is it?

Plumbers command: (coms) Sorry to interrupt but we got a report of mysterious aliens at the power plant and costing powers to go out of control.

Riku: (mutter) Must be the megawatt. (Normal voice) Right sent in Plumber forces on the scene. Commander Riku out.

Y/n: My guess being there is trouble?

Riku: Yes. Megawatt are at the power plant costing some trouble.

Alice: I thought we lock them all up?

Riku: Maybe some escape.

Y/n: (smirk) Let us handle this! I know one alien that can do the job.

Riku: (smirk) I'll be a fool to not send you out to help, sure thing.

Y/n: (smirk) Awesome! Okay girls time to get to work!

Iko: (excited) This is going to be awesome!

Teru: Y-Yeah. L-Let's go.


Y/n's team and Plumber forces arrived on the scene. The plumber disguise themselves as swat teams and block off the power plant as Y/n, Shy, Shrimpy and Iko walk up to the gate and they see small battery like aliens draining the electricity and laughing as they zap away.

Iko: What are those things?

Y/n: Those are Megawatt. They drain electricity and makes them faster and more troublesome.

Iko: Huh so which alien that can deal with them?

Y/n: (smirk) My best one.

He pulled out his Omnitrix and selected his aliens and find his best one. Once that he slammed his hand onto is Omand he transforms into a black and white alien with plugs on his fingers, tail and his long ears.

Iko: (surprised) Awesome!

Shy: Wh-What alien is that?

Feedback: (smirk) I call him Feedback.

The Megawatts noticed this as they laugh and then they begin to circle around and around forming a large ring with electricity as Feedback says.

Feedback: (smirk) See what Feedback can do.

He then fires blue electricity at the Megawatts and he starts draining their electricity which they started to slow down and soon they feel tired as they fall asleep.

They fell but Shy and Iko rushes over catches all of them before they can hit thr ground. A while later the job was done. Plumbers take over and capture the Megawatts as Shy and Iko came back to Feedback.

Iko: (surprised) Wow that was quick. Feedback is pretty useful when it comes to electricity situation.

Feedback: (smirk) No kidding. No only I can drain electricity but other cool things.

The Plumbers take the Megawatts away and after that Feedback changes back to his human form.

Iko: (smile) So guess this makes us a team.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah I think so. We'll be the best team yet.

Shy: Yeah but.........would you allow me to join? I might just get in the way.

Y/n: (smile) Nonsense Shy, I like you to be apart of my team. Plus I can train you to be a great hero and make everyone and other heroes proud. Just you wait, your going to be the greatest hero on earth.

He pulls out his as Shy stares at his hand and then she place it over him. She then smiled back and Iko and Shrimpy join in as all four look at each other and knowing that on this day they are now a team and they will protect the people and earth from evil threats and nothing will not stop them.


We see Riku talking to Unilord through the video call in the command room as Riku shows her the ring and explain to her on how Y/n managed to get it.

Riku: This could be one step ahead of finding out the secrets of Stigma's power and put an end to him for good.

Unilord: (video call) I see. This is very important commander. Delivery that ring to me at my space station at once and tell Y/n and his team to meet us up here in five days. Its time we discuss the situation all together.

Riku: Understood Unilord.

To be continued.....................................................

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