S1E16: Beware who you make friends with

Gunfire rang out at the neighbourhood within a town as there is a gang war between both bangs as they shoot guns at each other. Officers arrive to end it but get overwhelmed by all the shots and a few were killed. Only one remains as he is down and has no idea what do to.

He can hear all the gunfire when suddenly it all stop. The officer peak his head out and is stunned to see all the gang members beaten up and tied up but all of their guns are piled up in the middle with a note on it.

The officer walks over and took the note and the note simply said "Your welcome!" With a thumps up. The officer looks around but there was no sign of the person.

We then shift towards the ocean where we see XLR8 running through the ocean and soon he made it back to Japan then dashes through the city and arrive at school.

He appear at the back of the school as he tranforms back to his human form with uniform on him as he make his way around the cornor and meets up with Iko.

Iko: (smile) Hi Y/n. Where have you been?

Y/n: (smile) Just across the country beaten up some bad guys. Guess Teru is up late again isn't she?

Iko: Actually she's some sick. That last mission got her a cold so she is staying home to get some rest.

Y/n: Oh well hope she'll get better. Might come by and visit her.

Iko: Probably not. Don't want you to get sick.

Y/n: True you have a point. It can also infecte my aliens.

Iko: Wait if your sick then your aliens get sick? How is that possible?

Y/n: Science and DNA stuff which may not get into. I suppose I'll sent her a text to check up on her.

Iko: (smile) Good idea.

???: Hey you!

They look over to see a young girl rush over and 9jce she catch up she ask Y/n.

???: Are you Y/n L/n?

Y/n: (smile) Yep that's me. You must be?

Sophia: Sophia. And you must be Iko right?

Iko: (smile) Yep that's me. Say I never see you around school.

Sophia: I mostly keep things to myself. Guess you can say I'm just a background character of a show.

Y/n: (chuckle) Guess so. How's about we head in before our teacher find us standing around talking.

The two girls agree and they walk inside to start the day.

(Hours later)

The school bell rang and everyone at the halls enjoying their break then we see Y/n, Sophia and Iko chatting to each other near the stairs.

Iko: So did you text Teru?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah but she just reply to me with a thumps up.

Iko: (smile) That's Teru alright.

Sophia: I suppose your friend is a bit shy right?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah but she's nice if you get to know her.

Iko: (smile) Yeah she is. So Sophia what do you do for fun?

Sophia: Hunting.

Y/n and Iko:.........

Sophia: What? I like to go on hunting with my brother.

Iko: Oh no its nothing wrong with that, just that you don't look like a type to go hunting.

Sophia: (smirk) Come on, I'm not some weak, defenceless girl who gets kidnapped a lot. I know how to fight my own battles.

Y/n: (smile) That sounds like a spirit. So who is your brother?

Sophia: He's sorta silent but someone I care for. He's kinds the only one that is family to me.

Iko: I know that feeling. Years ago me and my younger brother lost our parents during a house fire.

Sophia: I'm sorry for your lost.

Iko: (smile) It's all good. I wasn't fine till Y/n and Teru help me. That's how we became friends.

Sophia: (smile) Good to have someone have your back.

Y/n: (smile) It's good to have friends around.

Sophia: True.

Iko: Hey I'm just going to the bathroom, I'll be right back.

She then walk away and once gone Sophia glance over to Y/n then ask him.

Sophia: Wanna go on the roof?

Y/n: Sure.

They climb up the steps and soon they made it to the roof. The two then stood on the roof and look at the veiw.

Sophia: Feels nice on the roof and away from crowded students.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Say who is your favourite hero?

Sophia: Don't have one.

Y/n: (smile) Come on everyone has their favourite hero. Just pick one.

Sophia: (smirk) Well........

She then turn and walk a couple of steps away from Y/n then goes on to tell him.

Sophia: (smirk) I like this one hero who can tranform into different aliens using an alien watch. He's interesting to me since imagine all the aliens that you can tranform into ans using their abilities.

Y/n: (smirk) Huh, "he" does sound like some cool hero alright.

Sophia: (smirk) Indeed. Not to mention the one that got my brother locked up in Plumber HQ.

Y/n: (smirk) You don't say.........so........how are we doing this?

There was awkward silence between the two when she quickly turn while pulling out a blaster and tries to stuff him. Immediately Y/n slam his hand onto the omnitrix and turn into Diamondhead and block the shots with his arm.

Then Sophia also tranform to reveal a Bounty hunter who is related to Ninenine.

Diamondhead: So that was your human disguise. Must say I is cool.

EightEight: Call me EightEight and you'll be coning with me.

Diamondhead: If it is about your brother-

EightEight: Not a type who seeks revenge. After all in Bounty missions, one of us gets capture while the other gets the job done.

She then fire more shots at Diamondhead but he blocks every shot then slammed his hand which EightEight flies up to avoid the diamonds popping out from the ground.

EightEight kept shooting at Diamondhead but he blocks the shots then fires back. EightEight avoids the shots when one hits her jetpack ans she fell and hits the ground.

Quickly she gets up and draws out her twin pistols and open fire at Diamondhead which he charge forward while the shots doesn't phase then he cuts the weapons into hard and she collapse onto the ground.

She was about to get up when Diamonds appear from the ground and she is soon trapped in Diamonds. Iko burst through the roof and sees Diamondhead already took out EightEight.

Iko: Whose she?

Diamondhead: Related to NineNine. Seems like she came here to complete the job.

Iko: Guess the job has fail for them. We should take her to Plumbers right?

Diamondhead: Hold on.

He changes back to Y/n and he walks over and ask EightEight.

Y/n: Who hired you two to capture me?

EightEight: Sorry, can't reveal my client. Breach of their pricey.

Y/n: Okay what about this. If you tell us who sent you then we will let both of you go.

EightEight: Really?

Y/n: The two of yous ain't super villains just Bounty hunters completing jobs so there is no reason to keep you two locked up forever. Besides I know you won't refuse a chance to free your brother.

EightEight:.......Fine. I don't know his name but I do know what alien species is from. Galvan Prime.

Y/n: Galvan prime huh? Sounds like a transformers name.

EightEight: It's a real planet that is homed to intelligent race. They are called Galvan. They are small grey with large eyes  with a humanoid like body.

Y/n: Huh one of my aliens name Grey Matter matches your description.

Iko: But why is this one Galvan want Y/n?

EightEight: It's not him he wants. It's the Omnitrix he has. He's the creator of the Omnitrix and he wants it back.

Y/n: Why?

EightEight: Don't ask me. We didn't bother to ask him why. We just accept the job and do it. That's it, that's all I know. Now your end of the deal.

Y/n:......Okay then?


The trio are seen at the Plumber cell where one Plumber opens the cell to NineNine and he step out. EightEight came over and hug NineNine which hugs back. Then they spoke in their alien language then NineNine looks over at Y/n.

The two stare at each other for a moment then NineNine turn and walk away with EightEight following behind as the two peaceful leave the base.

Iko: So he just decided to let you go?

Y/n: Looks like it.

Iko: So what happens now?

Y/n: If what EightEight is saying is true then it means the creator is still alive and wants this Omnitrix back.

Iko: Are we gonna comply to his or her request?

Y/n: No. After all we might be looking at a possible mad scientist who wants the Omnitrix to take over the universe. Instead I think we should go there and meet this creator ourselves and get some answers.

Iko: You think it is a good idea?

Y/n: If we don't do nothing then more Bounty hunters will show up and that will get really annoying. Best to go there and get some answers.

Iko: (smirk) Have a feeling it is going to be a space adventure isn't it?

Y/n: (smirk) Yep. What do you say? Wanna join?

Iko: (smile) To go to another planet?! Uh, yes please! I'm in! But we should wait till Teru is all better and might need to bring some back up so it will not be the three of us.

Y/n: Good idea. Once we are all settled it is off to Galvan Prime!


A door open to a large laboratory as an alien creature walks through the laboratory and make it's way to a control console where he sees both NineNine and EightEight have failed their jobs.

Disappointed but remain calm and then spoke.

???: What a shame. If all option fails then I have no choice but to get it mysterious.

He then opens a screen that shows the Omnitrix as he stares at it and goes on to say.

???: That Omnitrix.....will be mine.

To be continued................................................

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