S1E12: The ice queen of the North Pole

We see a plumber dropship flying through the North Pole and inside the dropship was Y/n, Shy and Spirit on board. Shy was a bit cold which Y/n hand her a coat to keep her warm which she blushes and accepts it.

Spirit smiled and then Y/n pulled out another coat and toss it to Spirit.

Y/n: Here. Figured you might be cold.

Spirit: (smile) Your so kind but I'm alright. I've gotten use to the cold.

Y/n: (smile) If you say so.

Plumber pilot: (radio) Attention. I have Commander Riku and Unilord on the line.

Y/n: (smile) Understood. Let's hear what they have to say.

Then a hologram of the two show up in the middle of the room as Riku begins by asking.

Riku: (hologram) Are you three at the North pole?

Spirit: (smile) Yes sir. So what is the mission today?

Riku: (hologram) We got reports from a group of scientists that their camps were suddenly attacked. It appears sharp ice spikes came out of the ground and torn apart or freeze the whole camp. Some survived while others didn't make it.

Y/n: Could it be alien activity?

Riku: (hologram) Don't think so. According to their reports they spotted what seem to be a child standing in a snow storm. When they try to bring her into their camp she disappeared. 

Y/n: So they saw a ghost?

Riku: (hologram) Possible but we can't be sure unless we figure that out. You'll be arriving at Plumber base: Blizzard. Those Plumbers are trained to deal with harsh cold weathers  and survive low temperatures.

Unilord: (hologram) I've also sent in a hero to aid you as well. Be safe and take care Y/n.

Y/n: (smirk) We'll be fine. We'll have this mission done with no problem.

Riku: (hologram) Well try not to get a cold otherwise your mother will kill me. Good luck and be safe.

The transmission ends just as the dropship arrives at the Plumber base: Blizzard. The ship lands onto the landing pad and they exit out and make their way to the entrance.

They spotted a very large Plumber as he turn and Spirit and Shy is surprised to see that it is a Yeti but the Yeti smiled and let's out a chuckle and called out.

???: So yo three are the heroes? I've about them through human television.

Shy: (surprised) Y-Yeah.

Y/n: (smile) You must be the base's commander? Names Y/n, this is Spirit, hero fo Russia and Shy, hero of Japan.

Spirit: (smile) Hi there.

Shy: H-Hi.

Yeti: Well you can just call me Yeti. A lot of people call me that when I first came here so you can just call me that.

They node and the two make their way to the entrance but then they stop and sees what seems like a a young boy sleeping in front of the door which Spirit called out.

Spirit: (smile) Ming? What are you laying there?

Yeti: Wait? You know this one?

Spirit: (smile) Yeah. He's the he from China and he has a habit of fallen asleep at odd places and times.

Yeti: Huh......that would explain a lot.

Soon he wake up and stood up as he rub his eye.

Ming: Sorry about that. I was tired so I took a nap.

Y/n and Shy: (thought) Outside in the cold weather?

Yeti: Well with that I guess we should head inside and I'll explain more.

They enter inside and we cut to them at the meeting room as Yeti shows them photos of research camps being attacked and the only thing that is left where spiked ice as Yeti further explains.

Yeti: It seems those attacks happen in this area of the North pole. That's where the most coldest part of the Artctic is at. I've sent in a few plumbers to investigate but they never came back.

Y/n: Any ideas who is behind of these attacks?

Yeti: We're not too sure but whoever is responsible for these attacks, it's clear this person is using ice powers as you can see.

Spirit: Makes sense. Y/n you know anyone with ice powers?

Y/n: Not really. I never fought someone who has ice powers or has ice technology.

Shy: So what should we do?

Y/n: (smirk) We'll go there and see what we can find. There have to be some clues right? Maybe we can find that out.

Yeti: Right. I'll have a few plumbers aiding you on this mission.

Spirit: Sorry but it's probably best that we'll deal with this alone. We don't want anyone else get lost.

Yeti: I understand. Be safe.

They agree and they leave the meeting room and after they left the room Shy ask Y/n.

Shy: So does that mean Bigfoot is an alien as well?

Y/n: Oh yeah. Actually there is a lot but somehow they get easily spotted by citizens so they try to hide as best they can. You'll be surprised how many is there.

Shy is a bit surprised by this while they make their way to the landing pad for their pick up.


We see them on the dropship heading to the area. We see Ming sitting when Y/n came over and sat next to him.

Y/n: Sup man. So what kind of cool powers you have?

Ming: Oh....I do Hand-to-Hand combatant.

Y/n: Huh that's cool. I bet your like a badass fighting right?

Ming: Not really. In fact....I don't like fighting.

Y/n: So your pacifist?

Ming: No it's not that I'm a pacifist. It's just I'm not confident about myself because I'm not "manly" enough. Even Stardust things I'm weak as a hero. But I wanted to help others but it's hard because of what I am.

Y/n: Oh come on man don't let others tell you what you are! Be yourself! Letting those thoughts get to you will make you feel weaker and lose confidence. Whenever there is someone out there and needed someone to help, don't follow your manly instinct, follow you and only you. Those people are just jerks especially Stardust.

Ming: So....I just be what I am?

Y/n: (smirk) Of course! You don't have to be a man to be a hero. You just be yourself to be a hero. You may not be a powerful fighter or you not manly but what you do have is bravery inside of you. Never let others pull you down.

Ming is amazed by his words while Spirit and Shy sees this as Spirit smiled.

Spirit: (smile) Looks like Y/n is getting along with Ming very well.

Shy: Y-Yeah.

Spirit: (smile) So Teru? Ever kissed him?

Shy: (blush) Huh?! Wh-Wh-Why would you ask me that?!

Spirit: (smile) Come on~! Don't tell me you haven't kissed him. He is super cute and super attractive. He's also very nice to others and care free. I like a man who is care free, it's cute.

Shy: (blush) W-W-Well um....um...I....I don't know.

Spirit: (smile) Well if you don't kiss him then I will.

Shy: (blush) Huh?!

Spirit giggled and then the pilot informs them that they have arrive at the area. The doors open and they walk over and look down to see ice spikes shooting out of the ground as they fly over them.

Y/n: If this was a tourist attraction, this would make someone who owns it thousands of money.

Spirit: Looks like we need to get down. Pilot get us-

Suddenly Y/n sees something and immediately slammed onto his Omnitrix. Seconds later ice spikes came shooting out and stabbed through the drop ship and suddenly the ship blows up.

Then cannonball fell out of the smoke and crash onto the ground. He was in a ball so when he unrolled him Shy, Ming, Spirit and the pilot came out and they were unharmed.

Shy: Th-That was close.

Cannonball: Everyone okay?

Spirit: Yeah we're okay. Nice timing. But looks like we're not out of the woods yet, look.

They turn to see a young girl wearing all black with a black cold approaching them.

Cannonball: Ming, Shy keep the pilot safe. We'll handle this.

The two agree and Spirit and Cannonball step forward and stood a fair decisions as the young girl stopped walking.

Cannonball: I'm gonna take a guess that your the one that is responsible of camp bases destroyed right?


Cannonball: I'll take that as a yes.

Spirit: What is your plan?

Cannonball: Two against one. How hard can she be? I'll start.

Cannonball rolled up to a ball and then charges towards her. He was about to strike on her but she lifted her hand and immediately cannonball was frozen into ice.

Spirit: Y/n!

Shy: No!

Things were quiet at first when suddenly the ice started to break and then it shattered follow by a green glow when suddenly the girl was blasted with fire. She was sent flying as Heatblast step forward and said.

Heatblast: Bet that heat you up huh?

???: No....it didn't. No matter how much flames you have....it will never melt me away.

Suddenly ice spikes came out of the ground and Heatblast blasted himself back. Spirit fire at her with her gas cannons but ice walls block her cannons and then a storm begins to surround her.

Spirit sees this when Heatblast blast the storm away. He turn to her only to be hit by a massive ice strike and he land hard onto the snow.

He quickly gets up and looks up to see ice spikes being made above him and they begin to fall towards him. Heatblast forms a massive fire wall which melted the ice spikes and once that he blasted her with as enough fire he has.

He continues shooting his fire at her and soon he stop and looks at the smoke as it slowly clears up and they are shocked to see her not even scratched as she look up at Heatblast and smiled.

Spirit: Y/n look out!

Then Spirit pushes Heatblast back as a ice spikes came out and stab Spirit through the wasit. This shock Heatblast, Shy and Ming as Heatblast sees her fall onto thr ground. Seeing this he turn to the ice girl and charges up his flames.

Heatblast: Your gonna pay for that! He then Combine both his hands and fire once again a fire blast which she forms a ice wall to block it.

He keeps shooting flames at her and sees the wall is about to melt and he was almost through and suddenly he was struck by a some ice and he catch on his feet and looks back up at her.

Before he could continue his Omnitrix begins to flash Red.

Heatblast: Oh not now!

He then changes back to his human form which surprised the girl and spoke.

???: How interesting. You can turn into a alien with that device on your wrist.

Y/n: Well that's what ever singal villain would say. Say you never introduced yourself?

Tzveta: You can call me Tzveta.

Y/n: Well niceties meet you Tzveta. Say how's about you surrender and come with us.

Tzveta: You ask me to surrender after I defeated you?

Y/n: I mean not really defeated. I am still standing.

Tzveta: Your right. I suppose I have to end this then.

She then form sharp ice claws on her arms and dashes towards him which he immediately try to transform but his Omnitrix is still on time out mode.

Y/n: Oh come on!

Tzveta was about to finish him when Ming came and punched her in the face. Then Shy leap over and kicked her which she leap backwards and land on her feet as Shy and Ming get in front of Y/n as Y/n smirked and said.

Y/n: (smirk) I also have these two. Now will you surrender?


Then an ice wall shoots out between the two and she make hee escape. They couldn't do much to chase after her but then hear Spirit groan so they rushed over and check on her.

Y/n: You okay?

Spirit: Doing fine. Although....I could go for a drink.

They were relieved that she is okay so they help Spirit up and soon another Plumber dropship arrived along with Plumber forces as they get inside and they return to base to treat any wounds they have gotten and report their findings to Unilord and Riku.

To be continued.................................................................

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