S1E10: The Ghost that freaks
It was another normal day in school where we see Y/n and Teru standing near a vending machine just talking when Iko came over and greets them.
Iko: (smile) Hi there you two! How are things?!
Teru: (smile) G-Good.
Y/n: (smile) We were talking about our recent battle with a bunch of villains.
Iko: (smile) Cool. So what do you two wanna do after school?
Y/n shrugs and takes a sip of his drink while Teru and Iko begin to talk. He drifted his eyes to somewhere until he spotted what looks like a kid standing under a tree with a boy on his hand.
He was just staring at him with creepy smile and eyes that he thought he never see again.
Iko: Hey Y/n? You okay? What are you looking at?
He turn to Iko and Teru for a moment and then he looks over to the tree only to see the kid gone. He figure it was nothing as he shake his head and just said.
Y/n: Oh nothing. Thought I saw something. Say last head in shall we?
The two were a bit confused but agree as they begin to go in all awhile we go back to the tree and see a ghostly like figure underneath a tree and watching Y/n leaving as he let's out a creepy laughter and then vanishes into the shadows.
(Sometimes later)
We see the trio in class with the teacher writing something on the board while Y/n sits there bored out of his mind. He yawns as his eyes begin to get heavy and soon he falls asleep.
He soon reopen his eyes and find himself in the halls of the school. He looks around seeing no one around him so he walks through the halls as he turn to the window to see darkness. Pitch blackness as he then suddenly got the chills and feels that someone is watching him.
"You thought you got rid of me do you?"
He froze for a moment as he heard that voice somewhere before so he looks around. He looks around to see where the voice is coming from and at first he thought he was in the clear but when he turns around he was faced with a ghost which he quickly jump back.
Y/n: You! I thought you were gone!?
???: You thought wrong Y/n. Now I have return and I will have that Omnitrix!
It begins to chase after him which he turns around and begins running. He keeps running and running feeling like the hallway goes on forever.
He turns around and sees it continues chasing him so he keeps running but suddenly a large hole opens up and he immediately stops but he soon fells through and falls as black and white tentacles is seen poking out as he gets consumed by the darkness while a sinister laughter is head as the monthly like skin closes.
Then Y/n suddenly woke up with a yell which startled everyone in the class as they all turn and look at him. He sees that he is wake and nervously laughs and said.
Y/n: ( nervously chuckles) Sorry about that.
Teru and Iko never see him act like that as they look at each other. Then after class they found him at the staircases looking at his Omnitrix and looking through all the aliens until he finds one that looks like a ghost as he let's out a sigh.
Y/n: (sigh of relief) Thank god.
Iko: What's that alien?
He looks over and noticed Teru and Iko looking at the alien and he tries to say as he puts it away.
Y/n: It's nothing. Just another alien I barely use.
Teru: Y/n.....is something wrong? Your acting strange?
Iko: Yeah. Is something troubling you?
Y/n knows they are concerns so he sighs and turns to them.
Y/n: Okay Okay I think you two should know something. The alien you say is Ghostfreak. It's a ectonurite alien that is.....well a ghost. It can possess people and other horror stuff. I rarely use it.
Iko: Because that's not what heroes do?
Y/n: Not exactly. It's because it reminds me of a time when a DNA sample from Ghostfreak.....broke free from the Omnitrix.
Teru: (surprised) How?
Iko: (surprised) I thought that won't be possible.
Y/n: I thought so as well until one day it did. When I was young I use Ghostfreak to so many ways. It was cool and fun however one day.....something went wrong. It started to do things that i couldn't control it and soon....it managed to escape. This DNA who soon calls himself Zs'Skayr was a scary villain I've ever encounter. He haunted me and my family for sometime until we found out hid weakness which was sun light. So in our final battle we shoot him with sun light and he burned away. We thought that was it but I guess......he's alive somehow.
Iko: And now he came back to get revenge?
Y/n: Looks like it.
Iko: (smirk) Well I say let's beat this sucker up!
Teru: Y-Yeah. We can beat him together.
Y/n: No. I'm sorry but he's too dangerous for you two to fight with. Besides Zs'Skayr only wants me. Its best i dral with him alone.
Iko: No way! You said it will posses anyone right? What if he possess you? He'll have the Omnitrix.
Y/n: True but he'll use either one of you to get what he wants. I can't afford that.
Teru: Y/n.
Y/n: It's my choice. You two go home while the sun is still up. I need to confront him myself.
He then noticed a dark figure at the bottom of the steps and then it quickly vanishes through the walls. He sees that Zs'Skayr wants to follow him so he tells the girls.
Y/n: Wish me luck.
He runs down the steps while the two girls watch him go and are really concerned for him now. We then cut to Y/n running down the halls of the school as he follows the ghostly figure until he burst open the twin doors as he enters the gym.
The gym is empty with sports equipment around him as he looked around while walking towards the middle. Soon he stops in the middle of the gym as he takes a deep breath and calls out.
Y/n: I'm right here! Show yourself right now Zs'Skayr!
Zs'Skayr: Right behind you.
He slowly turns around and was face to face with Zs'Skayr as he stare back at him like a psychopathic alien seeking for vengeance.
Zs'Skayr: We have meet again but hopefully for the last time.
Y/n: Nice look. Suits you.
Zs'Skayr: Mock me all you want but that's not gonna save you. The last time we met I nearly took over your body until you nearly killed me with the sun.
Y/n: (smirk) Hey you needed a little sun light.
Zs'Skayr: Either way I have return and this time you are all alone. Just you and me. Once I took over your body, the Omnitrix is mine.
Y/n: I beat you once Zs'Skayr, I can beat you again.
He immediately transforms into Frankstrike and shoots him with lighting but the lighting goes through Zs'Skayr. Then Zs'Skayr charges towards him and tries to land a strike at his claws but Frankstrike dodges his strikes and then he begins to charge up his two fists and he grabs a hold od Zs'Skayr and begins to blast him with electricity.
Zs'Skayr is blasted with electricity as he let's out a ghostly yell. Then a dumbbell is lifted behind him by a invisible force and hits Frankstike in the back of the head.
This cost him to let go of Zs'Skayr as he sinks into the ground and came out behind him as he begins to float other sport equipment and launch it towards Frankstrike.
He quickly changes to Snare-Oh and catches the sports equipment with his bandages. He tosses them away as Zs'Skayr opens his chest and begins to blast him which Zs'Skayr dodges quickly. He moves around avoiding Zs'Skayr beams until he gets hit and sent flying as he crashed into a wall.
Snare-Oh slowly gets up while Zs'Skayr floats towards him.
Zs'Skayr: There is no use Y/n. I have become stronger and now I am stronger enough to defeat you.
Snare-Oh transforms into Blitzwolfer blasted Zs'Skayr with a sonic howl that made Zs'Skayr go backwards. He tries throwing more sport equipment at him but he cuts them down and he rushes towards him and goes to land a slash but Zs'Skayr sinks into the floor and Blitzwolfer lands on the ground and looks around.
Zs'Skayr: I've noticed you have some new friends. They are really interesting people you have. Maybe once I possess your body I- I mean "we" will pay them a nice visit.
Blitzwolfer: Leave them out of this Zs'Skayr!
Zs'Skayr: Never.
Suddenly Zs'Skayr's hand shoots out of the floor below Blitzwolfer as he grab his neck and slammed him onto the ground and tossed him across the room.
He slammed against the wall as Blitzwolfer was about to get up but tentacles wrapped around hik as Zs'Skayr pulled him over and he stare at him.
Zs'Skayr: I was trapped into of that Omnitrix for years. Now....it is time for you to see how it feels when I took over your body.
Blitzwolfer can feel Zs'Skayr about to possess him and thinks he was about to take over his body when suddenly Shy leaps over and goes to punch Zs'Skayr but it goes through him.
She lands hard onto the ground as Zs'Skayr turns to her.
Blitzwolfer: Shy! No!
Zs'Skayr: What do we have here? A hero trying to save another? How pathetic. I suppose I have to deal with you first.
He throws Blitzwolfer away and he charges towards Shy. Blitzwolfer sees this and hits his Omnitrix and transforms into Ghostfreak.
He flies over and tackles Ghostfreak away as the two have a ghost on Ghost fight.
Ghostfreak: I won't let you harm her! This is between you and me!
Zs'Skayr: So you be willing to defend her? How cute.
Zs'Skayr strikes at Ghostfreak but he returns it with a chest blast. The two of them continue to battle each other until Zs'Skayr gets the upper hand and throws Ghostfreak next to Shy as she rushes over to him.
She then turns to Zs'Skayr while he floats down towards her.
Zs'Skayr: I've heard about you before. Your this Shy hero from Japan. If that is true then you are easily scared. Tell me.....are you afraid of a ghost?
Shy:....No. I'm not.
Zs'Skayr: Oh really? Why is that?
Shy: Because I havemy friends. But let me ask you something. You afraid a little sun light? Iko now!
Suddenly Iko opens the curtains above them as sunlight hits Zs'Skayr and he begins to scream as he begins to burn. He tries to attack Shy but Ghostfreak phase through her and strike a punch at Zs'Skayr and sent him crashing through the door where he is even more exposed to the sun.
He begins to scream as the trio watched as Zs'Skayr burst into flames and then suddenly vanishes from sight. They all breath heavily as Ghostfreak transforms back to Y/n as he fell off his knees while the girls help him up.
Y/n: I told you two to leave this to me.
Iko: Yeah we know but we're a team and a team never leaves another alone.
Shy: Th-That's right.
Y/n can't help but be impress as he let's out a small chuckle with a smirk. They turn to the door as Iko ask him.
Iko: You think he's dead?
Y/n: If I know everything about Ghost is that Ghost will never die. If Zs'Skayr will return......Well be ready.
The two then carries him away as they leave the school through the gym and leaves the school. However we see a janitor of the school cleaning when he looks over and he has two purple glowing eyes as a voice of Zs'Skayr is heard.
Zs'Skayr: I couldn't agree more Y/n. (Evil laughter)
To be continued................................................................
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