S1E1: It's hero time

(Several years ago)

We see nothing but stars as a mysterious pod suddenly flies through space. It was a small pod travelling through space as the pod passes by asteroid field, shooting stars or other nearby planets until it arrives on a small yet far away planet called Earth.

The pod passes by the moon and enters Earth's atmosphere as the pod started to heat up while we cut to a veiw point of the forest. It was the dead of night however we see the pod breaking through the planet and we see it heading towards a city.

But then it went pass the city and crashes into a forest near a neighbourhood. We see the crash sight of the pod as the pod lays there undisturbed until someone approaches the pod.

The person stood over the pod, wondering what it could be when it suddenly open revealing at first darkness then something green glows inside. The person decided to reach out his hand towards the pod only for something to launch out of the pod and everything becomes black.

(Present day)

We see a city of Tokyo in Japan as we see the citizens of Japan going out their normal and peaceful lives with ghe news talks about super hero activity going on in different parts of the country.

We then cut to a video store where we see a young teen name Y/n L/n drinking his smoothie while staring at the store. After he was done he tosses it into the bin which gone through and make his way over to the store.

Inside the store we see him looking through the films on the shelves as he scan through them and then pick out a film and says to himself.

Y/n: (smile) Hm never seen this film before. Heard that this film seems good.

He turns only to accidentally bump into someone as the person drops the bag which in the panic gets up and says in a female voice.

???: (panic) I-I-I so-sorry!

Y/n looks at the girl to seeing a young teenage girl with glasses and looking extremely nervous and shy as he simply smiles and says.

Y/n: (smile) No problem. You okay?

???: Y-Yes.

She then walks by him as he watch her walk up to the counter. After she pay the employee and left, he too pay his stuff and goes after her.

Y/n: Hey you!

She froze a bit and slowly turn to him as he approaches her.

Y/n: (smile) Your my neighbour right? Saw you a few times through the window while I was walking by. You don't go out much do you?

???: N-N-No. I'm not a-a active person.

Y/n: That blows. Anyways what's your name?

Teru: T-T-Teru.

Y/n: (smile) Nice to meet you. Names Y/n, just moved here yesterday and ready to make some friends. So.....wanna get to know each other.

She simply node which Y/n take that as a yes and so they find a bench to sit on and they begin chatting.

Teru: S-So your part American and part Japanese?

Y/n: Yeah my father is Japanese while my mum is American. They are pretty cool parents

Teru: I-If you d-don't mind me asking but.....where do they work work?

Y/n: They work as a plumber. It's a important job.

Teru: I see.

Y/n noticed the two wrist devices on her wrist and then ask her.

Y/n: Sorry to ask but you happen to be a super hero right?

She panic a bit as her cheeks blushed while Y/n tells her.

Y/n: It's alright I won't tell anyone. I just know becomes od those things on your wrist. Seen other heroes wearing that and I was just wondering if your one of them.

Teru: Yes but.....I couldn't transform.

Y/n: Why?

Teru: I......I fail as a hero for Japan. There was a-a incident and....I got someone hurt.

Y/n: Come on I'm sure it was an accident.

Teru: N-Not to everyone. Since then people dislike me because of it....maybe they are right. I can't be a hero.

Y/n: Come on you really gonna listen to those people? So someone gotten hurt so what? It happens to other people when something bad happen while a hero is trying to save them but they never stop being a hero right? If someone is injured in battle then rather then just give up they should get better and train harder so nothing like that will never happen again.

Teru: I-I don't know if I can.

Y/n: Yes you do. You just need to train hard and get back to the hero business. (Smirk) Besides I believe you can be hero for sure, you just need to stand up and be a hero.

Teru looks down for a moment and then fire trucks came racing by as Y/n gets up and watch them drive off.

Y/n: Come on, let's go and see where those trucks are going.

For no reason she agree and soon the two arrive at a sight where a hotel is on fire with fire fighters trying to take out the fire but no luck. The two watch this in the alleyway with Teru's hood up as she tap on her braces but they didn't turn on.

Teru: I can't do this. I'm just gonna get people hurt.

Y/n: I know you cam do this Teru. Someone needs a hero for Japan and that person is you.

Teru stared at him when they hear a young boy arguing to the fire fighter that he wants to help out but the fire fighter doesn't let him through.

He does so however and suddenly a large ruble falls as the boy looks up only for Y/n to race over and saves the boy. The boy is surprised as Y/n looks up at the flames while Teru came up behind him.

Y/n: I'll take care of the flames. You head inside and rescue anyone inside.

Teru: Wait.....what is your power?

???: Are you a super hero as well?

Y/n: (smirk) Yep. Say what's your name kid?

Daigo: Daigo.

Y/n: (smirk) Well Daigo, allow me to introduce myself.

He opens his sleeve, revealing a mysterious watch that turns on as he shows it to the two.

Y/n: (smirk) The names Y/n L/n also known as Alien hero.

He selected something and once that he slams his hand onto the watch and there was a flash of green light which Teru and Daigo cover their eyes and when they look over they are shocked to see Y/n turned into a fire like alien as he turns to them.

Teru: (shocked) A-A-Amazing.

Daigo: (surprised) So cool! What is that alien?!

Heatblast: Heatblast. So Teru....you ready?

Teru was not sure as she didn't want to make any more mistakes but after looking at Daigo she turns to Heatblast and tells him.

Teru: Y-Yeah. Let's go.

Her wrist devices turns on and she suddenly transforms into her super hero suit which surprised Daigo.

Heatblast: Oh yeah you didn't tell me your super hero name?

Shy: It's Shy.

Heatblast: Huh? Not what I suspected but okay then. I'll take care od the fire, you'll go in and save anyone that is trapped inside.

Shy: R-Right.

Heatblast lifted a huge bit of the road as like a flying hover board as he flies up and then uses fire like abilities to suck the fire away from the building and into his body. While that is going on we see Shy running up the building and entering inside.

Inside were nothing but flames as she called out to anyone inside. She listened closely and hear a baby crying so she race over and once there she open the door only to be horrified to see a baby flying on the floor with his mother and not nothing.

Fears crawls up to her as she thinks she is too late to save someone and didn't want this to happen again. But Y/n's words stuck onto her so she picks up both the mother and baby and carry them out of the room.

The fire seem to die down thanks to Heatblast but suddenly there was a explosion that created a blast that send the baby flying out of the window as she watches this and then she boosted out of the window and catches the baby.

Shy: (thought) No. I won't fail again.

She try to slow her fall but her boosters was not working and begins to fall but then a insect like alien catches them and slowly sets the three of them down as Shy turns to the alien and ask.

Shy: Y/n? (Pitched her nose) S-Sorry but your kinda...smell.

Stinkfly: Sorry. Stinkfly gives off a bad smell.

Suddenly there was another explosion and a large part of the building came off and everyone scramble to escape when Stinkfly transform into a red muscle alien with four arms as he leaps up and punches it that broke into many pieces.

Four arms: (smirk) And this is called Four arms.

He then changed back to Heatblast and continues sucking out the flames and after a while he was done. The ambulance and fire fighters have the civilian under control ad Heatblast lands next to Shy as there was a beeping sound follow by the device on his chest flashing red and then he changes back to his human form.

Y/n: (smile) What do you think?

Shy: (surprised) Amazing. Wh-what is that?

Y/n: It's called the Omnitrix. It's a watch I've found a long time ago that allows me to change into different aliens within this watch.

Shy: Wh-Where did it come from?

Y/n: (smile) Not sure but it's really cool. Allows me to change into different aliens and use their powers to be a hero and protect innocent lives.

He noticed Shy is a bit silent and she look over to a mother in one of the ambulance truck. He sees her worry so he walk over to one of the doctors and soon he came back and he tells her.

Y/n: The mother is going to be fine. They managed to save her.

Shy then begins to tear up a bit with relief that the mother is saved.

Shy: (tears) Thank goodness.

Y/n: (smile) You know Shy.

She look up to see Y/n's smile as he tells her.

Y/n: Your a pretty cool hero. I don't care what others say about you but to me, your a pretty cool hero. Not to mention pretty cute.

This made Shy's face turn red while her heart race like fast while Y/n smiles and then ask Shy.

Y/n: (smile) Hey wanna hang out at my place for a bit? Let me introduce my crib?

Shy: U-Um sure.

Y/n: (smile) Cool.

Daigo: You were cool!

He turn to see Daigo as he lifted a notepad and ask the two.

Daigo: (smile) Can I get an autograph.

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing kiddo.

He signs it and then Shy also sighs it as she remember Daigo from many from the incident and after that Y/n pets Daigo on the head and tells him.

Y/n: (smile) No matter what Daigo always believe in the hero's.

Daigo: (smile) I will.

Daigo heads off while Shy changes back to her civilian form  as Teru turns to Y/n seeing that je is still smiling and wishes she can be that confident just like him. She also find him very nice and very cool which made her heart skip a beat just thinking about it.

Then the two head off as they leave the area and head home. Although there are heroes all across the world that are powerful, nothing is powerful than Y/n L/n, the wielder of the Omnitrix, the most powerful human in all of earth and hero to the whole world and maybe the universe itself ad this was just the beginning of Y/n's adventures.

To be continued...........................................

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