"Claxton follows the coming-of-age story of Tracey Freeburg, a young merfairy who is a being known as a claxton. He's lived all his life isolated on an island far out in the Atlantic Ocean as Merlin the Great's apprentice, but the time comes that Tracey's adult powers start to develop, which put him at risk of being tracked down by the evil Octopus Man.
Merlin the Great decides that Tracey is too dangerous to stay in the Magic World and sends him to live with two humans, Emilee and Jesse, in the Human World--as an attempt to stop the Octopus Man from coming after him.
Since Tracey's lived isolated all his life, with no human and magic contact, Emilee and Jesse enroll him in the College of Charleston, with hope he will find his place in society and live like a normal eighteen-year-old boy.
But how can a claxton, who pops a merman tail every time he gets wet and knows nothing about peer pressure, drugs, and alcohol, succeed with such a journey? Tracey needs to learn that himself--hopefully before he becomes Charleston K.T. Magic Murderer."
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