Episode 4: Break Out Star ~ Part 1
Note: Nishiyama (later on in the chapter) is based off of and voiced by Japanese singer TM Revolution whose real name is Takanori Nishikawa (lol). Just thought I'd say something since my friends who've watched this episode were confused.
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"Sheesh, give me a break already," you heard Yashamaru mutter as you approached him. The person next to you asked, "Are you okay?"
Looking up, Yashamaru began to say something when his eyes drifted over to the person next to you. A few seconds later, Yashamaru made a noise that sounded very much like an ostrich being strangled.
~ ~ ~
"Why are you here?" was the first thing Yashamaru asked once he recovered from his shock. Honestly, it was hard to tell who he had directed that question to. You, who was supposed to be back at company headquarters helping Atsushi as his personal assistant for the day? Or the person next to you who claimed to have gone through many lengths to come here due to a busy schedule?
It didn't matter because Yashamaru simply waved it off. "It doesn't matter," he said, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"What's wrong...?" you asked quietly since he was obviously stressed out.
Taking his hands off his nose and giving you a worried look, Yashamaru whined, "Tsubasa and the boys are supposed to be here, but they're late and I can't contact them."
• • •
Tsubasa's phone started blinking, indicating someone was calling. If Tomohisa hadn't pointed it out, she would never have noticed. Picking up, she said into her phone, "Hello?"
As calmly and softly as you could muster, you asked, "Where are you and the boys?"
"Uh, sightseeing with them?" she replied as if she didn't know exactly what they were doing.
The boys turned behind them in surprise when you said, "Sightseeing? You guys should be at the festival venue!"
You had walked up behind them unnoticeably during the call. There they were, eating shaved ice and talking about food. Out on the beautiful lake was a pink swan boat containing Yuta and Ryuji. All this time they had been sitting back and relaxing, you had been struggling to reach them. Of course, it was only natural to be angry in this situation, but you held yourself back.
"You guys are supposed to be at the venue right now," you said softly. "It's way past time."
Tsubasa shot up. "What!? I thought it was at eleven!"
"That was rehearsal. If we don't get there soon...Nishiyama will be embarrassed..." You had murmured that last part quietly enough that the others hadn't heard you.
• • •
The van pulled up in the venue parking lot. Behind a metal railing to separate the walkway and parking lot was a large group of fan girls holding up signs, fans, and the such. You didn't have time to pay attention to the girls as you quickly got out of the van to lead everyone to their personal room.
"Let's hurry so you guys have time to practice," you began to say, but was interrupted by screams as the guys walked out after you. Over the screams, you heard "Please accept this gift" and "Oh, it's not Omens." Turning back around, you had saw that the faces of the fangirls had changed.
They looked quite disappointed and were murmuring amongst themselves. You caught a fan ask, "Who are they...?" Another girl replied, "Some idol group named Kitakore, I think..."
Some idol group...? Was this what non-fans thought of B-Pro?
You immediately walked over, and with a smile, said, "Today, they'll be appearing as a part of B-Project."
Also flashing a smile, Tomohisa added, "I hope you like today's show."
A majority of the fans blushed and the ones nearby mumbled in a trance-like way, "Oh, okay..."
All the fans had gone back to their smiling expressions and had their focus on Tomohisa. You didn't think you had to say anything more and turned to see Kazuna watching the two of you. Your eyes locked onto his unusually cold eyes and his yours for a moment before he turned away to continue on.
There was something in his eyes that you had never seen before. Could it have been...envy?
~ ~ ~
Yashamaru had called you to report back to him so you had to leave Tsubasa and the boys to find their room. You were a bit worried they'd get lost since none of them really knew their way around.
"Aish, those idiots!" Yashamaru yelled. "Sometimes, they're so carefree it amazes me!"
"W-Well, at least they're here now..." you said, urging him to let the boys go this once.
"I guess..." he mumbled before turning back to you. "Anyway, go find them and Tsubasa. I bet they still haven't gotten to their room."
~ ~ ~
Yashamaru was right, of course. Tsubasa had been leading the boys around while confused on where they actually were. You found them aimlessly wandering around.
"Why haven't you guys gotten to your room yet?" you asked, but didn't wait for a response. "I'll take you to your room, but you'll need to hurry and get ready. Yashamaru had a hard time pushing your rehearsal back."
The boys didn't waste time and quickly made their way to the stage. Tsubasa was about to follow them when you said, "Tsubasa, Yashamaru said he needs to see you."
"But what about them...?"
"Don't worry. I'll watch over them for you."
~ ~ ~
A little while had past since the boys started rehearsing. You had stayed on the sidelines to watch them and overheard quite a lot. Apparently, there wasn't enough space for MooNs since the staff would be leaving some equipment onstage during B-Project's performance. Tomohisa was about to ask something before Kazuna intervened and said they would be fine.
Now you were in their room with Tsubasa, waiting for them to finish up rehearsals. You didn't talk to her as you were wondering about so many other things, Kazuna and the rest of MooNs especially.
You perked up when the door opened and the boys filed inside their room.
Tsubasa began talking with Hikaru and Onzai before Tomohisa called out to Kazuna, grabbing everyone's attention.
"I was just thinking in the anteroom," Tomohisa began as he took out a folded piece of paper and handed it to Kazuna. "For the 'Kodou Ambitious' formation, I think MooNs should be--"
Kazuna interrupted him, "I said that's not necessary. We'll solve our own problems ourselves."
He immediately walked to the opposite side of the room without giving Tomohisa the chance to reply.
This wasn't supposed to happen. They were supposed to deal things together as an entire group...as B-Project.
"Kazuna," you began. "I know it's not my place to say this, but this is B-Pro's problem, not just MooNs'...so please. Accept Tomo's help to put on an unforgettable performance."
Sighing, Nome said, "It's not like anyone's paying much attention to B-Pro's performances in the first place."
"We were kicked out of the FMJ Song Festival too," Mikado added.
"Not to mention today. I mean, the lack of audio, the wrong text on the prompters, everything," Goshi said. "The staff here doesn't take us seriously."
"Then make them take you all seriously," you said, surprising everyone. "They think you're all inexperienced idols who just fool around, but I believe they'll grow to respect you if you show them your true potential!"
"_____....." Kazuna murmured as everyone stared at you. The room became silent after your outburst, no one knowing what to say. You felt your face get warmer after realizing just how embarrassing your small encouragement speech had been.
You were saved when Ryuji and Yuta came in with plates of food. "Guys, look!" Yuta said as he set his plates down. "Hamburgers and baumkuchen!"
Groaning, Kento shook his head and muttered, "Ugh, I don't even want to think of all the calories in those."
Ryuji ignored him. "They were at the catering area."
"Why don't you guys have some?" Yuta asked, taking account how worn out the others had been lately.
"Come to think of it," Hikaru said, "We missed our chance to eat Omi beef."
"Maybe I'll get something to eat too," Goshi added as the others headed to the door.
Tsubasa put a hand on your shoulder and gave a small smile. "You should go get something to eat too, _____," she said softly. "You've been running around all day."
• • •
You followed the guys to a large tent where they had been serving all kinds of food, seeing where Ryuji and Yuta had gotten their food. Just as you thought you and the guys would get in line, they, led by Goshi, headed over to a table where three other people, one of which was wearing some sort of mask, were sitting at. You didn't want to be left alone so you continued to follow them, catching up with Goshi. You weren't paying attention to what anyone was saying until Goshi spoke up.
"What about B-whatever?" he asked the one in the mask in a threatening but calm tone. You had spent enough time with him to know what would happen if he used that tone of his.
Placing a hand on his arm, you begged, "Goshi, not here... please..." As much as you wanted to stand up to this person, you couldn't. B-Project was just a recommendation and they could be pulled out of the concert at any given time.
The man in the mask turned around, and, in an annoyed tone, said, "Hey, it's the Whatevers (I'm just copying what's from the episode's translations, okay?)."
"If you've got something to say," Goshi continued. "We'll head you out."
For a second time, you pleaded, "Goshi, just don't, okay? We can't just start fights--"
Kento took you by the shoulders and pulled you away from Goshi, murmuring, "Not now, little lady...Kazuna, take her out."
He gave you over to Kazuna, who, despite surprised at his newly given command, grabbed your hand and led you away from the conflicting groups.
Just as you were about to look back, Kazuna pulled you out into the hallway and covered your eyes as he held you close.
"Don't," was all he said as you saw the flash of lightning even through his gentle hand.
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As of today, I'll be continuing my B-Pro fanfic so I apologize for making you guys wait for so long ^^;
I've been really tired for a while now so this chapter is a bit everywhere...
Oh well, more chapters to come!!
P.S. If any of my rpers see this, I have something to talk with you guys soon!
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