Episode 1: Boys Meet Girls
Before we start, here's the main groups and the members just in case:
It was the first day of work. It hadn't been a full 24-hours since you were hired before you were called in for the first time. Just a few hours ago, you had been stuck in an old music shop with your best friend. Don't get me wrong, it was nice, but after working there for awhile, it wasn't the best place. Anyway, now you were there, standing at the front steps of an entertainment company building.
When you walked in, it wasn't as you had thought it'd be like. Though brightly lit, it had a gloomy sort of feel in the air. Not only that, but there were little to no people around. Hopefully, this wasn't some building stationed for demolition...
After a pleasing elevator ride, you looked for the room you were called to. It wasn't hard to find since it was the only room that had voices and music streaming out into the hallway. As you stepped in, you were met with a cheerful melody.
You directed your eyes to a group of boys in similar outfits dancing with smiles on their faces. They looked like they truly enjoyed doing this...
The song soon came to an end, and as soon as it did, all the lights were turned on. The film crew started running around, saying "Excuse me" or "Out of the way" as they swerved past you. As staff pushed past, you caught a glimpse of a familiar looking face before being knocked to the ground.
You were about to regain yourself when a shadow loomed over, offering a hand. Looking up, you saw a smile accented with bright candy blue hair. You took it willingly as he helped you up. The man asked, "What's a sweet girl like you doing in a room full of men?"
Nothing but gibberish seemed to come out of your mouth as you felt your face get warm. You were easily embarrassed and flattered. Luckily, you were saved.
"Ken-Ken's at it again," you heard a cheerful voice say. A boy came up from behind the man with the blue hair along with some other guys and among them was a...
Without thinking, you said, "Tsubasa..?" A girl emerged from behind the group with the same stunned expression you had.
"_____?" she asked back. You suddenly threw yourself at her, hugging her, and cried, "I thought I was going to be alone! Thank goodness you're here, Tsubasa!!"
Tsubasa seemed quite surprised, but hugged you back. You pulled away shortly as someone new approached. He looked quite classy: his wavy dark blue hair, a triangular earring, long lashes...
You brought yourself back to reality and caught a bit of what he said. "...thing you know someone you're working with," he said with a smile. He stuck out his hand and said, "I'm Yashamaru, a company director. You must be the new songwriter, _____ _____?"
Nodding, you simply said, "I am," as you took his hand and shook it briefly.
His phone rang and he looked at you sheepishly. "I'll be a second. Boys, why don't you introduce yourselves?" he asked, walking off before giving the guys a chance to protest.
Immediately, a few of them stepped forward and introduced themselves. It all came at once. It was like a hot mess. A few were loud, and every now and then, one of them would introduce another group member. Once they were done, one of them with brown hair and glasses said, "We don't expect you to remember all our names in one day so feel free to ask us again."
You waved your hand, saying, "No, no. It's fine. I actually did remember your names..." A few seemed surprised, but the others? Not so much. The same guy with the glasses asked, "What's my name then?
"You're Mikado. Sorry, I've only memorized your given names so far."
Another boy with bubblegum pink hair grinned and asked what his name was. You simply answered with Yuta. Now all of them were impressed. Well, looked like it at least. The whole conversation was interrupted by Yashumaru who didn't have the same sheepish smile he left with. Instead, he looked quite down and upset. The hand that held his phone was against his chest.
Yashumaru said, "Your appearance on the FMJ Song Festival you just rehearsed for was cancelled...sorry!"
• • •
You were leaning against the wall outside the room where the boys were meeting with someone important.
'Those guys must have worked hard to get to that point only to have it stepped on...' you thought. 'What's going to happen?'
All of the guys streamed out of the room with a new man in their midst as you finished your thought. They all nodded a greeting to you and walked off. Yashamaru was the last to come out with a pained smile. You stood up straight as he walked up to you.
"_____, I'm sorry all of this had to happen on your first day," he apologized.
Waving your hands, you replied, "No, I understand. You must've worked hard to get them this far and that's all that matters."
There was a short silence before he broke it. Yashamaru said, "For today, I'll have you go with Kitakore for a recording so you can take in their "vibe." It's important as a songwriter to match the music with the singer."
• • •
There was an awkward silence in the car. Everyone seemed to be in their own little worlds. Tsubasa was looking out the window with a sort of frantic expression. She was thrown into this without being given a thorough explanation on what to do after all.
Tomohisa on your left was just looking at the back of the seat in front of him, thinking who-knows-what. Ryuji on the other side looked outside the window as well with a rather bored look. They both looked like the opposite of each other. One like a prince, the other pretty like a girl.
The man driving, who you had been introduced to you as Daikoku Atsushi, president of the company in charge of Kitakore and MooNs, asked Tsubasa to play Kitakore's new song. As the song played, she said, "Your performance for the FMJ Song Festival was just cancelled. After such a major incident, will you be able to record a song?"
"What do you mean?" Ryuji said, turning her direction.
"The lyrics you'll be singing are delicate. Singing today might be difficult--"
Ryuji cut in, "What? I wish you wouldn't make fun of us. No matter what happens, we have to sing."
"He's right, Tsubasa," you chimed in. "We still don't know their true and full potential so we shouldn't underestimate them just yet."
At that, Ryuji looked out the window again. You thought you saw his cheeks turn pink.
Tomohisa grinned, "Hey, Ryuji. You don't have to put it that way. Tsubasa's just trying to be considerate of us."
Ryuji tried to escape Tomohisa who was poking his cheek playfully. "Then you two remember this," he said. "We're professionals. We're not that weak."
Before anyone said anything else, you asked, "You haven't had any staff that has worried about your mental state before a recording before...have you?"
Both Tomohisa and Ryuji turned to you in surprise. Even the president was in awe, but stayed silent.
Suddenly, you heard something. It didn't seem like it was noticeable to the others. It wasn't loud or anything just...off. Tsubasa made a face and the president asked what it was. As she said it was nothing, she glanced at you from the front seat.
• • •
The four of you made your way into the recording studio with Tomohisa and Ryuji walking in front. You walked in and, with Tsubasa, briefly introduced yourselves to the producers.
One of them said, "You're both lucky to have Kitakore for your first recording. They never fight. Even starting at this hour, we probably go past the witching hour."
"Witching hour?" the two of you asked at the same time.
"Do you two have haps after this?"
Tsubasa put her hands on her rump as you heard Tomohisa snicker. "No. Let's take this slow," he said.
"Witching hour...? Haps...?" she said to herself.
Ryuji sat down on a couch in the back of the room. "Why don't you sit down, _____?" he asked. It was hard to tell if he was purposely trying to be polite.
You sat next to him anyway and asked, "You're not going in with him?"
He opened a sucker and said, "No. Tomo records first, then I layer my voice on top of his."
"Can you sing the same way when you record separately?" Tsubasa asked, still standing.
Ryuji was about to retaliate when you said in a teasing tone, "Of course, they can. They're 'professionals' after all."
Placing his sucked in his mouth, Ryuji murmured, "I can't tell if you're teasing us or not..."
The actual recording started. Tomohisa would pause for Ryuji's line and continue shortly. It was absolutely amazing. The way you could hear his feelings, the way the singing made you feel...everything.
You looked at Tsubasa, who was totally enticed with Tomohisa's voice. She was even blushing. You then turned to Tomohisa.
He looked at Tsubasa's direction and gave a smile. You clutched your chest and continued to watch silently. In your mind, you knew idols weren't supposed to fall in love, not even feelings in extreme cases.
However, you didn't know Ryuji was staring at you from the corner of his eye...
Tomohisa came out of the recording room and gave Ryuji a high five as he went in.
As Ryuji sang his lines, you couldn't help but feel conscious of the song. The producers knew something was off and had the two of them redo their parts. After awhile, Tomohisa and Ryuji decided to sing together at the same time.
Even that didn't solve the problem. You stood next to Tsubasa after a while and said, "The song...there's something wrong with it..."
She nodded in agreement. Suddenly, the part of the song that you felt was off came up and Tsubasa suddenly walked up to the microphone. As she spoke to the two idols about how their voices were "stuck in a cage," you scanned through the music sheets of their new song. You spotted where the music interfered with their voices and quickly showed Tsubasa and the producers.
"You two really are amazing," one of them said, examining the error. "I can see why the president of Gandara Music himself hired you two."
Tomohisa grinned and said, "I agree. Exceptionally sharp hearing and incredible memory."
"What are you two?" Ryuji asked, crossing his arms. "Sherlock and John Watson?"
After that, the producers let the four of you relax and refresh yourselves while they finished up. You all had been there for a whole day without any sleep or rest.
You went to the roof to get some fresh air alone and to look at the setting sun. Shortly after you got there, you heard the door to the roof open.
"I thought you'd like some hot chocolate to warm you up since it's quite windy up here," Tsubasa said smiling as she came over and handed you a warm cup. Thanking her, you took it and leaned over the railing.
A short period of silence was broken when Tsubasa spoke. "When are you leaving...?" she asked softly. You grinned bitterly and replied, "Soon. Maybe less than three months."
She was about to say something when Tomohisa and Ryuji came out. Handing you an MP3 player with earphones, Tomohisa said, "I had them copy the song over."
Smiling, Tsubasa said, "It's right out of the oven." You placed it against your chest and murmured, "Tsubasa and I truly were afraid of B-Pro and its idols. Now, thinking back, it's seems quite silly we thought so."
"We didn't understand why you shone so brightly," Tsubasa added. "But now we understand that the way you shine is absolutely necessary. The music born from Kitakore's brilliance is like..."
"Magic," you finished. After realizing what you said, you blushed. "Anyway, t-thanks for your hard work today!" you said quickly bowing with Tsubasa following.
Ryuji put his hand on his hip and said, "I'm relieved the two of you seem more useful than I thought."
"I'm sorry for making you worry about us," you said smiling.
"I-I didn't actually think that," he quickly added, turning a light pink. You thought it was just the setting sun's effect.
Tomohisa chuckled, "I've never seen you like this, Ryuji. Blushing so easily."
"Tomo!" Ryuji said as you and Tsubasa laughed.
• • •
"Are you ready yet, _____?"
"Yes, Dad. Once everything is settled, I'll take a plane there as soon as possible...just as I promised."
"Excellent. Your mother and I are looking forward to your return from Japan."
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