I can't be!
A/N. Another quirk accident yayyyyyy. But this one is way more ummmmmmmmmmm sad? ENJOY!! And don't forget to give me suggestions and I'll do my best to fulfil them!
Eimi's POV
I opened my eyes to see nothing but black. Pitch black darkness was all that I could see. I brought my hands up to my eyes and rubbed them before trying to open them again.
"Who turned out the lights?" I called out to no one in particular. I felt my eyebrows furrow and I spoke out again.
"Why can't I hear myself anymore?"
I blinked my eyelids as fast as I could to see if that would make my eyes work but alas, it was useless. Nothing seemed to be working. It was then that I realized, I couldn't feel anything around me.
"What is going on?!" I yelled, but once again, didn't hear my voice.
Okay, this is weird. When I speak out loud, it sounds like it does when I speak in my head. Can I only speak in my head now or something? Also, what's with the darkness everywhere.
Then out of nowhere, there was a bright dot I could see in the corner of my eyes.
"So my eyes do still work!" I exclaimed in relief and turned towards the mysterious dot. I tried to walk towards it but for some reason, my legs weren't working as I wanted them to. I then tried moving my arms in a swimming motion and it seemed to work. I used both my arms and legs to swim to this bright dot and when I got there my eyes widened.
There I was, lying in a hospital bed, covered in bandages from head to toe. A sudden gust of wind blew against my back and pushed me through the hole I was looking in and I landed face-first into the floor. I sat back up and groaned before getting a better look at my surroundings.
Yep, a hospital room. White walls, fluorescent lights, and the strong smell of cleaner. All that good stuff proved that I was indeed in a hospital room.
Though for some reason out of my body.
The doors then opened before a group of three ran in. I recognized them immediately as my boyfriend and his parents. Their faces were in shock and I could see the glistening tears in Auntie's eyes. Katsuki was the first to make it to the bed my body was lying on and the look on his face brought tears to my eyes.
He looked so distraught and in pain. I've never seen him like that before and it only hurt me more to see it was me who was making him look like that. I got up from my place on the floor and moved over to him. I tried to put my hand on his, only for it to go straight through it. It was then brought to my attention that I was kinda see-through, translucent if you will.
I heard a gasp followed by a short sob and turned to see Auntie holding her hands over her mouth. She made her way over to the bed and wrapped her arms around Katsuki, whose head was now lying on the bed while his hands were grasping tightly onto mine. He was on his knees reaching over the bed and Auntie joined him on the floor. I then heard slight sniffles in a mixture of sobs which caused my eyes to widen even more if that were possible.
"Katsuki..." My voice trailed out shakily. Uncle then came closer to the distraught blonds and put his arms around both of them. I looked at his face to see he was doing his best to be strong in this situation, but his eyes held so much concern I didn't know it was humanly possible for someone to do so.
I then felt a sight squeeze to my hand and looked at it. No one was grabbing my hand, I doubt that they could even see me right now. It then occurred to me that maybe I could see what my body was feeling. I then looked over to my right hand on the bed to see Katsuki squeezing my hand with his. I felt warm inside and wished I could give him a hug.
I don't care what happens to me, all I want is for Katsuki to be happy. He shouldn't ever have that look on his face. He shouldn't crumble to the floor in a pile of sadness. It's not like him.
"Bakugos? May I speak to you?" A male voice called out. A doctor then walked over which caused Uncle to stand up and take a deep breath.
"Yes." He said calmly but I could hear the slight tone of melancholy in his voice. Auntie then stood up as well, although shakier than her husband, and nodded her head. She held up her finger to the doctor before turning around and leaning down towards Katsuki.
She whispered something to him before giving him a light kiss to the head and standing up again. Uncle then wrapped his arm around her shoulders while the doctors led them out into the hall. The doors soon closed and my attention was brought solely on Katsuki. His head was still on the bed and his hands were still holding mine, although now shakier.
"I'm sorry." I heard his voice crack.
"I wasn't there to protect you."
"It's not your fault." I tried to say but as I knew, it wasn't going to make any sound.
I don't even know what happened that made me like this. Why was I in a hospital? Why was I covered in bandages? And most importantly, how was I out of my body. Am I a spirit? Could it be that I'm actually dead? All these thoughts ran through my head and I sunk to the floor.
All I wanted was to be hugged. To be in Katsuki's arms. In his nice warm hugs. The ones where he would rest his head on the top of mine and have a tight hold on me. The ones where he would rock me slightly and maybe play with my hair. The ones where he would hum a small tune that would make me smile. The ones where he would kiss my nose in a playful manner. The ones that were the best hugs in the world. Katsuki's hugs.
I found myself leaning on him and I could somehow feel his warmth. My eyes then snapped open and I quickly fell back. I reached out and touched his arm while tears pooled in my eyes. I can touch him! My hand doesn't go through. It didn't look like he could feel my touch, but that didn't matter.
I wasted no time as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and buried my head in his hair. I took a deep breath before my breathing hitched as a sob made its way up my throat. I held as tightly as I could on Katsuki's shoulders as we both slightly cried. Well, he did anyway, if I were normal you could hear me but since I wasn't, it was only I that was able to hear me.
I heard footsteps and then a hand went through me. I quickly jumped back and patted my body.
"Okay, so it doesn't hurt when someone goes through me. But I can choose whether or not I can touch them?" I asked myself as I heard Auntie talk to Katsuki.
Katsuki then stood up before wiping his eyes and looking down. Auntie wrapped her arms around him and gave him a tight squeeze before letting him go. She lightly pushed him towards his father and the two walked out. Auntie then turned to me, or well, my body, and lightly grabbed my hand. I wiped my eyes as I waited to hear what she was going to say.
"We'll wait as long as we need to, so please, hurry up and get better. I don't know how much Katsuki can take. He really cares for you, you know? I've never seen him like this and I know you wouldn't like it either. So, please. Don't keep us waiting too long."
And with that, she left.
I sat on the floor of the hospital room and put my head to my knees. What am I supposed to do? I don't know how to get better when I don't even know what's happening to me. Am I ever going to get better if I don't somehow make it back into my body?
I don't know how long I was sitting there but I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard the doors opening again. Tears came to my eyes as I saw my siblings frantically run in. Fuyu-nee collapsed at the side of my bed and Natsu-nii stood beside her while panting lightly. Shoto then stood further behind with an unseen look on his face. His bangs were covering his eyes and I could only see shadows on his face.
I watched as his hands formed into fists and shook lightly. I felt a warm touch on my forehead and looked over to see Fuyu-nee brushing my bangs out of my face. She leaned down before bringing her lips to my forehead and leaving a kiss on it. I found my hands making their way up to my forehead and lightly touching the spot where she kissed. My tears streamed down my face again as I watched Natsu-nii leaned down and lightly hug me. My body felt all warm before he let go and turned to give Fuyu-nee a hug.
The two stepped back as Shoto made his way over to my bed. He looked down at me before reaching his hand out to pick up some of my hair. When he did I got a closer look at it and found it to be burned, ragged, and choppy. I quickly pulled my hair to look at it and found it to be the same as it was on my body. Just what happened to me?
Fuyu-nee and Natsu-nii were called out by the doctor while Shoto stayed at my side. He leaned down and placed his forehead on mine.
"I promise I will find the person who did this to you."
His voice was deep and quiet but there were anger and melancholy laced through as well. He stood up before brushing my bangs back to their normal spot and stepping back. A single tear fell from his eye as he walked away and out the door.
I decided to see how far this spirit body could go by doing some experiments. Maybe this will get my mind off of their sad faces. I first tried to pull my blanket further up my body and noted that I could before I turned around. I recalled how I moved when I was in the black abyss and moved my arms like I was swimming. My body lifted off the ground and I figured out I could fly, or more like float. Kinda like a real ghost in movies. I'm Casper! ...but I can't be seen or felt...
I continued to practice moving around without doing a swimming motion and nodded when I had it down. A nurse then walked into the room and grabbed the clipboard at the end of my bed. She looked back and forth from the clipboard to me before nodding and writing some things down. She looked at the monitors in the room before writing some last things down and placing the clipboard back where it was.
If I could choose when I wanted to touch something, could I go through walls and floors? I thought as I flew towards the wall that led to the in-room bathroom. I pushed my hand through before I fell through it completely.
"That answers that question." I mumbled before flying back through the wall. I looked at my body one last time before flying out the side of the building. I flew into a tree and caused the leaves to shake. I shook my head and looked around at my surroundings.
I figured out that I wasn't that far from the train station. Though now that I'm a ghost or spirit, is it still faster to take the train or to fly to my destination? I decided on the latter and flew off in the direction of UA. As I thought, it took a shorter amount of time than it would have if I had taken the train. I flew through the door and saw a few people sitting in the common room.
Momo was helping some people with the homework while Ojiro and Toru were watching something on the TV. I flew past them and towards the boy's dorms. My true destination was the fourth floor, Katsuki's room to be exact. I flew directly up and through the ceiling only to find myself in someone's room. It didn't take me long to figure out who's room I was in as there was All Might everywhere. I was about to keep going but I heard a voice from where Izuku's bed was.
I looked over to see Izuku holding onto Shoto as he hid his face in his shoulder. Of course Shoto would come here to seek comfort after leaving the hospital. Izuku was currently sitting in his lap while rubbing his back. I couldn't see how Shoto was comfortable considering his back was all hunched over from his position but there wasn't much I could do. Izuku rubbed small circles on Shoto's back with one hand while the other was running through Shoto's hair.
"She's going to be fine. She'll wake up in no time." Izuku said reassuringly as Shoto shook his head in his neck.
"That's not what I'm really concerned about though." Shoto's voice called out, though it was muffled due to being in Izuku's neck.
"Then what is it that you're concerned about?"
"Whether we can find the person who did it." Shoto said and I tilted my head slightly.
"Wait, are you telling me it was a hit and run?" Izuku said with shock in his voice.
Shoto nodded and they were both quiet. I decided to let them have their own time and continued on my way. I flew up and found myself in Denki's room. No one was in here so I quickly left and flew up again. This time I was in Kiri's room, though this time, the owner of the room was actually in it.
He was sitting at his desk in thought. I floated over to him to see what he was doing and found he was staring at his phone. His messages were opened to his conversation with Katsuki and I read the last few texts. I know, not very 'manly', but get off my back will yah?
From what I read, I could tell that Katsuki wasn't telling him anything, he just replied with short sentences which told Kiri to leave him alone.
"Man," Kiri sighed while leaning back in his chair. "I was only wanting to figure out why he was so quiet when coming back from being with his parents. He did leave super suddenly when they called him..."
I only frowned at Katsuki's behavior before I looked over to Kiri sadly. I know Katsuki won't admit it, but Kiri is his best friend. It's only right for him to be concerned. I gave Kiri a quick hug before I flew through his wall and into Katsuki's room. Only to find the lights off and no one in the room. I looked around before I flew up and found myself in Shoto's room. I then flew out his door and through the wall that separated the girls from the boys and straight into my room.
I found my LED acrylic cat lamp on and my boyfriend on my bed. The colour he had it on was purple and he was holding the pillow I made for him. He was sitting on the side of the bed he claimed when we were cuddling and was looking down. I flew over to him and quickly sat beside him. He squeezed the pillow before bringing it up to his face, effectively hiding it from view.
I leaned my head on his shoulder as we sat in silence.
My eyes were starting to get tired but for some reason, I couldn't fall asleep. I sighed and looked to the side to see that Katsuki was sleeping, though his mouth was formed in a frown. I looked down at him and frowned myself. I pushed him down so that he was lying properly and pulled the blanket over him. I then laid down beside him and only stared at his face. I brushed the hair around his face a sighed as he relaxed a bit. Maybe he could feel me.
No matter how much I wanted to fall asleep, I couldn't, so I just stayed up and made sure Katsuki had a good sleep.
~Time Skip~
I followed Katsuki into class and the rest filled in. I watched as Ura kept her eyes on the door, waiting for when I would walk through but I knew it wasn't going to happen. The door soon opened and her eyes brightened, only to dull when it was Dadzawa who walked in the room. He made his way to the podium before he faced the class with a boring look.
Since I technically wasn't here, I took this opportunity to sit wherever I wanted. So rightfully so I sat on Katsuki's desk, and since his desk is by the window, I got to lean against it. Perfect sitting spot.
"Okay, I know I'm actually here on time today but there is something important I need to say to you all."
Everyone looked forward and gave him their full attention.
"Eimi won't be coming to class for a while due to an accident she was in."
Straight and to the point as always, Dadzawa.
"Is she alright?" Ura called out before he could continue and all he did was stare menacingly at her. She shrunk in her seat before he cleared his throat and continued.
"She was recently involved in a hit and run situation and is currently in a coma."
"Whaaaaaaaat!" The class basically yelled out but those who didn't were Katsuki, Izuku, and Shoto. Izuku was looking back between Shoto and Katsuki with a sad look.
"I know you are all concerned for her well-being, but she will be fine and you know that. She's strong and will wake up soon. Also, don't try to get anything out of Todoroki or Bakugo either, you can all guess why." Dadzawa said to the class. They slowly nodded before Dadzawa explained what they were doing today. Of course we had to continue on with school, we couldn't just skip out cause one person was missing.
I also didn't want any of them to slack off in their training just because of me either, Dadzawa pointed that out to them which they all realized and nodded. Everyone soon got up and out of their seats before starting their way to the training gym where they would be practicing one on one fights.
The pairs were said and they all separated. Katsuki was against Momo and Ura was against Shoto. I wanted to watch their fights the most so I sat close to them in order to see both pretty well. Everything was going well until Katsuki blasted the sword out of Momo's hands and caused it to go flying out of their area. I watched as the sword flew towards Ura and Momo called out to her in fright.
"Uraraka, look out!"
Before the blade was about to hit her I flew over at record speed and caught it by the handle. Everyone stopped their battles and looked at the floating blade in front of Ura. Izuku ran over and looked at the blade, then back at Ura.
"Wow, Uraraka! Can you make things float without touching them now? That's so cool!" He called out with excitement only for Ura to shake her head.
"N-no. It just stopped in front of me."
I saw some people tilt their heads before Dadzawa walked over. He looked around until his eyes landed on the gloves of Toru.
"That's not my doing." She called out from the other side of the room before making her way over to the floating sword. Dadzawa activated his quirk and I felt sleepy all of a sudden. I felt my body sway back and forth before my grip fell off the sword causing it to fall to the ground. My body soon fell beside it and I struggled to keep my eyes open.
Izuku leaned down to pick up the sword only for his eyes to widen before the world went dark.
I suddenly sat up and looked around the room before blinking rapidly. My eyes focused properly and I saw a nurse drop the clipboard she was holding. She quickly ran over to me and held her hand to my head.
"How is this possible? We figured out that you were under the effects of a quirk and we were waiting until we found the person who left you on the streets." She stated as I held my hands up to grab her arm. I brought it down and held it in my arms before smiling lightly.
"My teacher. I caught a sword from hitting my friend and he used his quirk on the sword to see if it was somebody's quirk and I guess it canceled it out which made me fall asleep and then wake up here." I said softly.
The nurse paged the doctor and soon he arrived. His eyes widened as he saw me happily eating some jello. He looked to the nurse and mouthed 'how' and the nurse only smiled. She was about to explain when I jumped out of my bed.
"Do you think I'll be able to go back to school today? After all, I was only hit with the quirk, right?" I asked with hopeful eyes. The doctor looked at me questionably before semi-nodding.
"We'll have to check your injuries since you also got hit by something else which caused scrapping and burns all over your body, but if it goes well I don't see why not." He said while fixing his glasses. I smiled and shoved the rest of the jello in my mouth before running to the doors.
"Come on then, let's hurry this up! I want to surprise Suki and Nii-chan!" I yelled before running out of the room.
"Wait! Your hair also needs to be fixed!" The nurse yelled out before the two of them ran after me and brought me to the check-up.
Shoto's POV
Training was canceled early to figure out what happened with that sword and Izuku was keeping quiet the whole walk back to the change rooms. I nudged him which brought him out of his thoughts.
"Oh, sorry. Did you need something Shoto?" He asked sweetly and I only blinked at him, not being able to bring myself to smile.
"You've been quiet since you picked up that sword, I wanted to know why."
Izuku looked down before he looked back up.
"Oh, well. It's going to sound weird, but I swear I saw Eimi fall to the ground before she disappeared."
My eyes widened and I was about to ask what he meant when I bumped into something. I looked forward and saw that I ran into Bakugo. He turned around and snarled at me before storming off to the change room. I could tell he wasn't his normal self. He's doing his best to keep up his regular attitude but you can just tell he doesn't really have it in him.
Izuku pulled me along and I thought back to what he said. How did he see Eimi if she's in the hospital? Was he just thinking too much about her which caused him to see her unconsciously or is there something else going on?
All the boys started to change and we were soon making our way to the classroom to get our bags and wallets when we found Mr. Aizawa standing in front of the open door speaking to someone.
"What are you doing Mr. Aizawa. It's rude to stand in the doorway to the classroom when others need to get through." Iida called out while swinging his hand forward. Mr. Aizawa looked back at him with a slight smile before stepping out of the way.
"Thank you!" Iida called out and went to go inside the classroom only to freeze in his spot. Izuku tilted his head and was about to ask him why but Bakugo pushed past him.
"Get outta my way, I need lunch." He yelled before he too stopped in his tracks. This time I was going to ask why but was stopped when a blur of red and white crashed into him.
"Suki! I'm back!" The voice of my twin sister called out and I looked in disbelief at her and her boyfriend.
"Wha-" Bakugo was cut off by a bone-crushing hug from Eimi. She latched on to him like a koala before looking over at me. She smiled widely at me before breaking out in laughter as Bakugo squeezed her back. He mumbled something into her chest before she kissed the top of his head.
Eimi then patted his shoulder and Bakugo reluctantly let her down. It was then I realized that her hair was cut. Instead of being down to her waist, it was resting at her shoulders. A very drastic length difference. She came towards me and slowly wrapped her arms around my torso.
"I'm sorry I made you worry." She mumbled into my stomach before I quickly returned the hug. Bakugo stood to the side and leaned against the wall, putting his lunch on hold. Eimi lifted her head up before doing the same with her arms. Her hands grabbed my face and pulled it down to rest her forehead against mine.
"They found him."
Eimi let go and stood back with a smile.
"I was always there when I was in the coma. Just in spirit." She said which caused some questions to arise. Her body then turned to face Izuku and she smiled before pulling him into a hug.
"Thanks for comforting Shoto when I couldn't."
He hugged her back while nodding.
"O-Of course!" He stuttered before Eimi pulled back and searched the crowd. Her finger pointed out and beckoned someone over. Kirishima then walked up to her before getting hugged.
"And thank you for trying to check on Katsuki even though he kept denying you."
"What? I don't know what you— wait a second... How??" He trailed off when Eimi pushed her pointer finger up to his lips.
"Like I said, I was always there. As a ghost, if you will."
He nodded as Eimi turned around again, this time facing Bakugo who was just staring at her. It was a matter of seconds before Eimi was in his arms and crying. Bakugo just held onto her while squinting his eyes at everyone else in the hall.
Katsuki's POV
My eyes trailed over the others in the hallway before some voices were heard.
"Why is everyone crowding in front of the classroom?" Round face's voice asked out before she pushed to the front. Her eyes locked with mine before they trailed down to the figure in my arms.
"Eimi!" She yelled in surprise as the girl in question slightly turned her head to look at her friend. Her eyes closed in a closed-eyed smile before she went back to crying into my chest. I didn't want to be watched anymore so I picked my girlfriend up in a princess hold before walking down the hall. She held onto my neck as I walked to the roof of the school.
Once we were there, I sat down against the wall and hugged her tightly. I began to rock her back and forth which caused her cries to turn into sobs. My eyebrows furrowed and I squeezed her more, hoping it would make her feel better.
"Th-this is all I wa-anted." Her voice cracked out and I rubbed her head in response.
"What do you mean?" I asked. I know talking about it will make her feel better.
She rested her head against my shoulder while resting her hands in her lap.
"At-at the hospital, you were so-so sad. All I wanted to do was h-hug you and y-you hug me." She stammered and my eyes widened. My mind flashed back to how I was in the hospital and it brought tears to my eyes. I buried my face in her hair as I felt my tears wet it.
Eimi's hands softly grabbed the sides of my face before bringing it to hers. Her lips touched mine lightly then she rested her forehead against mine.
"Thank you." She said. "For crying for me."
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